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PoliGAF 2016 |OT6| Delete your accounts

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In Cali, Sanders meets with a group of AIDS activists. He talks about adopting his one stance on AIDS, they part. Sanders campaign releases press thing saying they wee endorsed by the AIDS activists. The activists release their own thing saying, no, we did not endorse. Sanders campaign accuses the activist of being big pharma toadies.
This was the one item in that wrap up that wasn't reported anywhere really except for Mediaite and that millennial site Mic.


Devine is also pretty old. He's not in the Clinton's orbit at the moment, so that makes his presidential level ambitions pretty low until at least 2024. I doubt his name will have any weight after this cycle. He just probably wants the cash.

Also, Weaver was saying that Bernie is going to use his prime time speech to argue for the nomination? If that's the case, then he either doesn't get to speak at all, or he gets to speak on Wednesday evening....after the roll call.

At this point the DNC can't risk him going rogue in primetime and not sticking to an agreed to speech, the DNC would be immensely stupid to let him speak either at all or before roll call.


Hillary's lead in California is evaporating, based on the latest polls.... Might not be as much of a slam dunk as originally thought.


Did she really not spend money there?

I know it doesn't matter if she wins it at this point but a loss for her would completely reignite the Sanders campaign instead of completely shutting them down. I'm a little concerned.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Hillary's lead in California is evaporating, based on the latest polls.... Might not be as much of a slam dunk as originally thought.
Gotta hope for early voting to help her out!

It will be very embarrassing if she loses. Fukkin Debbie.
I think I'll have to leave the internet for a few days if she loses California. I'm still expecting a 6-8 point win. I do hope that the reverse of what Bernie is complaining about doesn't happen and because Clinton has shifted to GE mode her supporters think that there is no point in wasting time to vote.


Hillary's lead in California is evaporating, based on the latest polls.... Might not be as much of a slam dunk as originally thought.
Honestly the thought of her losing is terrifying only because it will bolster up the Bernie people that much more regardless of what it actually means delegate wise.


One fun thing about California: if it's really really close (I'm doubtful), we might not know on Tuesday night.

But the networks will have her clinching the nomination to chew on for that evening.
so Dave Wasserman and Nate Cohn dragged the shit out of Benchmark on Twitter tonight

basically called them out on knowing absolute fuck all about the geographic nuances of the data they're looking at (citing IN, KY, and the VA general "benchmark" in particular)

jesus christ (Wasserman's following that account and I wouldn't be surprised if he has a hand in it)

Compare @benchmarkpol predictions to actual results in Oregon democratic primary: B- for effort & F for accuracy.
is it me or has S4P has become a relative ghost town?


it's dead Jim

And just like that, the revolution died not with a bang, but with FRAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUD
Gotta hope for early voting to help her out!

It will be very embarrassing if she loses. Fukkin Debbie.

Why is it very embarrassing? If she loses, it's by a few percentage points and she gets the nomination earlier in the day. The media narrative will last a few days, after that the entire Democratic party (Obama included) will smash Bernie to get into line and support Clinton. If he doesn't and drags this rhetoric to the convention, he'll be a pretty miserable senator for as long as he stays in the Senate.

Seriously, she won almost all the big and swing states, has more pledged and super delegates and more votes. Her campaign needs to hammer these home until everyone is sicked and tired of hearing it.

Please need to chill a little. 2008 was arguably a more difficult situation that could've broken the party (namely two strong insider figures) and it ended up fine.


Why is California close? that state is way too diverse for Hillary to lose it. She won it by 8 last time.

A lot of Hillary's support in the state comes from older Latinos and Asian populations, traditionally hard to poll in the state for some reason. Polls showed the race a lot closer than it was in 08 too.

I'm not concerned. That Oregon was so close with unfavorable demographics and NO campaigning fun Hillary, plus all the early voting and polls showing her leading big in L.A. and the Bay Area. Bernie would need literally every other part of the state if her margins are big in those two regions.
  • Obama banned Y2Kev from the White House.
  • Trump University was a scam.
  • Trump implied Hillary killed Vince Foster.
  • Trump didn't raise 6 million for veterans, kept most of the money until reporters starting asking questions.
  • Bernie doesn't like Barney Frank.
  • Bernie will fight to the convention.
  • Elizabeth Warren gave a great speech about Trump.
  • Obama gave a great speech about Trump.
  • State department released a report on Clintons emails. She's probably
    going to jail.
  • Clinton has 45 million cash in hand.
  • Tim Canova is kinda scary and Debbie Wassermann Schultz will crush him during the primary.
  • Libertarian party picked a more pragmatic and qualified ticket then the Republicans.
  • Bill Kristols #NeverTrump candidate is flop.

what, obama gave a speech about trump? hmmmm

Why would trump keep money though, yeah I saw that hillary thing too.

Thanks to you and the guy above or the list though. I was really hoping trump would have the debate but he is right in the end that he shouldn't debate a guy losing.


A lot of Hillary's support in the state comes from older Latinos and Asian populations, traditionally hard to poll in the state for some reason. Polls showed the race a lot closer than it was in 08 too.

I'm not concerned. That Oregon was so close with unfavorable demographics and NO campaigning fun Hillary, plus all the early voting and polls showing her leading big in L.A. and the Bay Area. Bernie would need literally every other part of the state if her margins are big in those two regions.

Latinos are hard to poll because they are historically much less responsive to phone calls that don't offer a Spanish option very early in the call. I suspect a similar issue is in play for Asians.

People should stop worrying about California. You can't win the Bay and LA and lose California. Like, I'm pretty sure it's mathematically impossible.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Well Rugby football and Association football both came over here from England in the 19th century.. Rugby Football became really popular amongst colleges over here (which overtime grew into modern american football), where as association football became really popular overseas.

They dropped the association and we dropped the rugby. Cause football is just a better word than Rugby. And the english even created the term soccer to abbreviate association, but dropped it like a rock once we started using it as the main term to describe it

That's super interesting. I knew none of that. Cheers. :)

Also, just to add to this: There are actually sources that imply the term "football" did not originate as referring to actually using your foot to hit a ball, but that the game was played on foot. IE, as opposed to on horseback. Modern Rugby, American Football, and Association Football all share a common ancestor in that older form of "football", which was really just any sport/game people played while running around on a field and moving a ball to the other end.


Cali isn't THAT big of a deal because it really won't matter either way but it would be nice if Sanders ends up losing. I care more about party unity. Sanders is going down like the sorest loser of all time and dragging this out to the bitter end is just going to polarize the Clinton and Sanders camps while Trump continues to do better than I ever expected.

I'm absolutely terrified by how much ground Trump has gained, not only in his own party but against Clinton. It's increasingly clear that none of the conventional rules apply to this man.

I'm also quite pissed about the FBI and the e-mail investigation. Even if nothing happens to Hillary, we need to know what their final say on the matter is. When it's stuck in limbo it's going to make people anxious about Hillary because a lot of people think she could still go to jail etc.
Latinos are hard to poll because they are historically much less responsive to phone calls that don't offer a Spanish option very early in the call. I suspect a similar issue is in play for Asians.

People should stop worrying about California. You can't win the Bay and LA and lose California. Like, I'm pretty sure it's mathematically impossible.

I don't want to get to unskew territory, but I def trust PoliGAF for a dose of sanity.

Really hope Clinton crushes Cali on Tues.

But NJ and the nomination clinch should hopefully be the first and bigger news of the night


Latinos are hard to poll because they are historically much less responsive to phone calls that don't offer a Spanish option very early in the call. I suspect a similar issue is in play for Asians.

People should stop worrying about California. You can't win the Bay and LA and lose California. Like, I'm pretty sure it's mathematically impossible.

Hey bro, Bernie will win it with is his massive margins in Bakersfield. REVOLUTION BROTHER, REVOLUTION!
Bernie is already saying he will keep campaigning till the convention.

Fuck that asshole. Don't give him budget committee chair, hell I hope Dems win enough Senate seats to tell him to fuck off completely from the Senate.
So two polls showibg Hills +2 over Bernie in Cali. I am disappointed.

Realistically how much of an early vote is already in by now? 1/4th?


  • Bill Kristols #NeverTrump candidate is flop.

It can't be stressed enough how much of a nothingburger this turned out to be. What's remarkable is that Kristol, despite already having a well-earned reputation for being wrong about absolutely everything, still somehow managed to further damage his credibility. No small feat.


Bernie is already saying he will keep campaigning till the convention.

Fuck that asshole. Don't give him budget committee chair, hell I hope Dems win enough Senate seats to tell him to fuck off completely from the Senate.

He says he has the money to campaign until the convention, but hasn't yet released fundraising numbers and cash-on-hand for May. Rallies are expensive. Might it not be a huge bluff?


Bernie is already saying he will keep campaigning till the convention.

Fuck that asshole. Don't give him budget committee chair, hell I hope Dems win enough Senate seats to tell him to fuck off completely from the Senate.

Hilary said the same until Obama officially clenched. There's a (small) chance Bernie does the same.
So, with regards to this commonly stated belief of "the sittinv president never endorses before his own party's primary is over. It's not kosher. Obama will wait for Sanders to drop." I didn't really buy it, so I looked it up. First of all, in the past 30 years, there's only been three opportunities for it to happen anyway, so not enough to really claim a strong trend. But more importantly, the president has endorsed before the process was over in all three cases. Hell, Clinton endorsed Gore in December, before any votes had been cast. If Obama actually waited for Sanders to drop, it would be the exception, not the norm.

In addition, Reagan endorsed H.W. while Robertson was still in, and Dubya endorsed McCain while Romney, Huckabee, and Paul were still in.

Point being, I expect Obama to endorse Clinton after next Tuesday, but it wouldn't have been weird if he had done it before.


Rick Wilson on Trump...

Donald Trump’s Money Is A Myth – Will He Bankrupt the RNC Too?


Amazing. I don't see the Kochs bailing them out either, they'll probably be focusing purely downticket.

the whole email thing has really hurt her over the last week or so.

It's a lot of negative press, but I think it's mostly just reinforcing currently held opinions. I'm not sure many people are changing their mind based on it

Point being, I expect Obama to endorse Clinton after next Tuesday, but it wouldn't have been weird if he had done it before.

Obama said in March that he would not be endorsing a candidate though. Yeah I mean once she reaches the magic number that might change, but I wouldn't be surprised if he waits until the DNC


I honestly don't know, and after his actions over the past few months, I don't trust him one bit.

I hope that the party closes ranks quickly and forcefully, so that Bernie and his bitter clingers are isolated and end-up looking petty/foolish.


So two polls showibg Hills +2 over Bernie in Cali. I am disappointed.

Realistically how much of an early vote is already in by now? 1/4th?

Enough to show how undemocratic early voting is

I honestly don't know, and after his actions over the past few months, I don't trust him one bit.

I hope that the party closes ranks quickly and forcefully, so that Bernie and his bitter clingers are isolated and end-up looking petty/foolish.
Too late
today in water quality news:

this country is shit. literal shit.

At least 33 cities across 17 US states have used water testing “cheats” that potentially conceal dangerous levels of lead, a Guardian investigation launched in the wake of the toxic water crisis in Flint, Michigan, has found.

Of these cities, 21 used the same water testing methods that prompted criminal charges against three government employees in Flint over their role in one of the worst public health disasters in US history.

The crisis that gripped Flint is an extreme case where a cost-cutting decision to divert the city’s water supply to a polluted river was compounded by a poor testing regime and delays by environmental officials to respond to the health emergency.

The Guardian’s investigation demonstrates that similar testing regimes were in place in cities including Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia, Detroit and Milwaukee
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