Spotify wants me to listen to a playlist that will help me get "turnt"
Do I want to get turnt?
Spotify wants me to listen to a playlist that will help me get "turnt"
Do I want to get turnt?
So, HillGaf is pro-turnt?
Okay. So, I'm going to get turnt. I guess.
She was not Shrillary today.
You couldn't pull a wet noodle out of your ass could you?This is sexist as all hell and gross.
You get that right?
Is this live?
MSNBC is showing a literal horde of Bernie supporters chasing a Trump supporter into a parking garage merely for a Trump jersey. This group is violently attacking any Trump supporter they come across.
Bernie, take responsibility for your fucking supporters. This shit looks terrible.
I'm fine throwing shade at Sanders for the Nevada shitshow because A) his "the system is rigged" rhetoric encouraged B) those people were acting explicitly in his name as delegates or would-be delegates and C) his response was TERRIBLE but I'm not sure how this event tonight is on him. It's a terrible look either way though I understand their frustrations. Attacking people is always a no-no.
plans to host events in Washington next week and to lobby superdelegates to withdraw their support from Hillary Clinton and back him instead.
"Bernie Sanders Says He Has the Money to Campaign Beyond California Primary"
"Bernie Sanders Says He Has the Money to Campaign Beyond California Primary"
"Bernie Sanders Says He Has the Money to Campaign Beyond California Primary"
Don't have to worry about us Hillary supporters getting in fights. Not every venue has easy access for walkers and oxygen tanks. Sometimes, there are stairs, and...fuck, after three or four we're just winded as all hell. Plus, it costs extra for us to throw punches and Hillary's people haven't offered that much money yet.
Is this live?
MSNBC is showing a literal horde of Bernie supporters chasing a Trump supporter into a parking garage merely for a Trump jersey. This group is violently attacking any Trump supporter they come across.
Bernie, take responsibility for your fucking supporters. This shit looks terrible.
I'm fine throwing shade at Sanders for the Nevada shitshow because A) his "the system is rigged" rhetoric encouraged B) those people were acting explicitly in his name as delegates or would-be delegates and C) his response was TERRIBLE but I'm not sure how this event tonight is on him. It's a terrible look either way though I understand their frustrations. Attacking people is always a no-no.
What happens in Vegas doesn't stay in Vegas.
That's been his rhetoric all primary. He's been gassing them up with this revolution bullshit since day one. And what has his revolution come to? Dozens of his supporters surrounding and throwing blows at isolated Trump supporters.
Trump's not innocent either, but this shit is gross. On both sides. And it's spurred on by how these two candidates engage and spur on their supporters.
Let's not do that thing again where we talk about something on PoliGAF without checking the internet to make sure it's real.
"Bernie Sanders Says He Has the Money to Campaign Beyond California Primary"
I can't fight. If I throw a punch too hard, my humeral head pops out of socket.
That, and I like to be in bed in time for Perry Mason, followed by The Twilight Zone, and then The Rockford Files. (I'm usually asleep before Kojak)
Let's not do that thing again where we talk about something on PoliGAF without checking the internet to make sure it's real.
I'm watching it on TV right now.
John Podesta
Violence against supporters of any candidate has no place in this election.
On what network?
On what network?
The reporter on the ground has said several times that most people in the crowd who have been asked have said they are Sanders supporters. And year hear shouts of "Bernie! Bernie!" in the background.
What's unsubstantiated about this shade? What's so surprising about supporters of a candidate that's been shouting "Revolution! Corruption!" for the last 6 months are now engaging in violent protests. When did we suddenly forget what we all learned in fucking grade school: Words mean things.
No, I just thought it wasn't happening at all. Because this happened back in March and I thought royalan was watching a old recording. Can't believe it's happening again. I almost went to that rally as a fake Trump supporter! I've got a wig and everything!Yeah. I don't like blaming this all on sanders. Its not what he's preached at all. And its not like these aren't going to be hillary supporters in a few weeks.
Just condemn shitty behavior, no need for unsubstantiated shade
Wow.The Chair of Hillary's campaign has responded to the violence:
Video of the protesters here:
I feel like California is Bernie's Indiana.
Like Ted, if he loses it, I think he drops out.
It's why I hope Hillary is investing in winning the state. Sanders and his base doesn't care about the delegate count. But if she wins Cali I think he drops out before the convention
Are we seriously pretending this is Sanders?
"Bernie Sanders Says He Has the Money to Campaign Beyond California Primary"
That's crazy but also who's that reporter? He's cute.The Chair of Hillary's campaign has responded to the violence:
Video of the protesters here:
Right, but sanders is different. If he "Wins" he's going to use it to fund raise and go to the convention to .. I dunno. Do something. While saying " we won California! We're ahead in the general polls! Give us the nomination!"But... there are no other states left, just DC.
In Ted's case he needed Indiana to have a chance at winning based on polling and demographics in the upcoming many contests.
I don't know how to use twitter
Right, what were those fundraising totals last month Bernie?
I mean...no, it's not like he's ordering this. But, at the same time, we can't pretend that the rhetoric he's surrounded his campaign with hasn't played a part in some of this behavior. His supporters are the ones calling Super Delegates with death threats. They're the ones who started going ape shit at the Nevada convention. His campaign is the one who barely acknowledges the heated behavior his supporters are engaging in. So, yes, he owns some of this.
That's crazy but also who's that reporter? He's cute.
Holmes, you're married
@cher 58s58 seconds ago