But it makes sense. Want to kill Bernie without fighting him?
Do Warren. She is the female him. Independents trust her. She was the face of all this before Bernie showed up. I have a gut feeling that she will make the medicine so much easier to swallow for Sander diehards (yes even some of the hardcore supporters) to vote for Clinton.
"I don't trust Hillary, but I like Warren so I'll vote for her.. grump grump..".
If Sanders won't conceit, this is what I would do. Bernie Sanders has nothing but his position. If you add Warren as your VP, you're essentially removing the differences between the parties.
And while you might say the VP doesn't decide, well, isn't there times when the president takes another pass when his administration advice him to do something? If you are uncomfortable with Hillary, and have doubts about being able to trust her, I'd feel a lot better knowing she was there, because I'd follow Warren the nice lady with the soothing voice into war.
Thirdly, I'd respect Clinton for embracing girl power. I'd annoy me if a dude had to be VP to balance out the diversity quotas. Give it to Warren. Even if she hasn't served long enough in the Senate to be worth it.
And if she gets it, Sanders can go home knowing he pushed a near identical idealogical version of himself into heighest office. He can pat hmself on the back knowing he pushed the party left, and go back to yelling at clouds in Vermont.
How is that not the best win/win? I think it is! I don't care who wins california. It makes no difference how I feel or how righteous anyone is. I just don't want there to be physical escalation. A chair was almost thrown at the Nevada convention. If there is actual fighting at the convention or mass violence, then everything falls apart and that'd be a shame, but not unexpected. Just another day for a political activist group to be represented by the few bad apples that recede in the mists.