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PoliGAF 2016 |OT6| Delete your accounts

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The AIG report was the biggest "she did wrong" thing to come out about the story in a long time.

Oh right, I didn't know if it was that or some new thing that came out. Reddit was going nuts about Hillary basically being confirmed to spend 10 years behind bars because she used a CIA agent's name in an email or something, so I was trying to figure out if it was related to that, or just the old news about the report.

No major news source is mentioning anything about her emails anymore. Not even Fox News
Oh right, I didn't know if it was that or some new thing that came out. Reddit was going nuts about Hillary basically being confirmed to spend 10 years behind bars because she used a CIA agent's name in an email or something, so I was trying to figure out if it was related to that, or just the old news about the report.

No major news source is mentioning anything about her emails anymore. Not even Fox News
Guy on my timeline is convinced that it's a media conspiracy and that the only sites with the balls to report it are the far-right sites like Breitbart and the such.

From r/enoughsandersspam

Although its not much different than the other dishonest dumb memes.


Some Republicans: "These Trump comments recently are totally out of left field!"

*Trump started campaign calling Mexicans rapists*


Also, I think I can literally see Chris Hayes' brains leak out of his brain during this interview with a Texan Congressman. I feel so sorry for him. Republicans (at least some) straight up just can't condemn Trump on these judge comments without "buts" :(

The type of thing that describes things in term of a rigid black/white, oppressed/oppressor class with a very rigid hierarchy- you can see the lineage from the proletariat/bourgeoisie concepts where everything flows only one way. Academia being a left-leaning bubble, these ideas stuck around a lot longer there than they did everywhere else, and it seems like it's been slower to adapt to the data onslaught of the past 30 years than other areas.

Ok I can see your point. Seems fair.


I can't wait to see him, Seth, and Shaun King explode on June 7th

You forgot about Frank Huguenard who is similar to those guys and wrote Bernie will win the nomination blog posts on HuffingtonPost and who is also the guy that wrote that deleted HuffingtonPost article which got his account banned from the site.You also forgot about H.A. Goodman.
I hope she makes him unviable and wins all the delegates.
I tried to find out what the viability threshold is in Puerto Rico and this came up

If we can get the narrative moving on the ground that Bernie understands and cares about the Puerto Rican crisis, I do believe we can make Hillary non-viable in their primary.

I know, we'll just make Hillary non-viable everywhere! That'll work
At current trends Hillary will be non-viable by Tuesday if we phonebank hard enough!
Preview of June 8th

"We can make Hillary nonviable in the D.C. primary by showing she doesn't care about black people! Then Bernie's delegate deficit will only be 400! That'll convince all of the superdelegates!"
We switched over when they changed to a religious book series


Are Brother Bear and Sister Bear sleeping in the same room?

There's a part of me that's relieved it wasn't worse than "African American." This is how low the bar has been set. Fuck.

"Look at my African American over here!"

IMHO, there is an unsaid "N-word" in there, in the "I'm trying to be 'down' with the 'homies' and be 'dope' and 'fly'. 'Word'." sort of way. If you know what I'm sayin, G.
Preview of June 8th

"We can make Hillary nonviable in the D.C. primary by showing she doesn't care about black people! Then Bernie's delegate deficit will only be 400! That'll convince all of the superdelegates!"

We just have to Facebank more! MOAR FACEBANKING.

Are Brother Bear and Sister Bear sleeping in the same room?

"Look at my African American over here!"

IMHO, there is an unsaid "N-word" in there, in the "I'm trying to be 'down' with the 'homies' and be 'dope' and 'fly'. 'Word'." sort of way. If you know what I'm sayin, G.

Oh, there was definitely an unsaid racial thing in there. I'm just...relieved it was left unsaid. It's small victories, you know?
It's actually really funny to have all of this focus on Trump/Clinton while Sanders is still running and basically has become completely ignored.

Motherfuckers act like they forgot about Bern


does someone have the link to the thread on neogaf of Obama Clinching?

I'm not sure if a thread was made specifically for that (if there was, I couldn't find it, at least), but I did find the PoliGAF thread from when that happened:


Page 39 is when it gets to the day that Obama clinched the nomination - page 55 is when the networks actually call it (this is with 100 posts per page).

There's a lot of Hillary hate, though the frustration is understandable (some of it did cross the line into sexism, I think).

EDIT: Ah, beaten by ampere!


Oh, there was definitely an unsaid racial thing in there. I'm just...relieved it was left unsaid. It's small victories, you know?

Yes, but... I sorta want him to go all the way off the deep end. It might open some eyes who don't realize he's horribly racist? Or maybe it won't do much idk



This thread is a great read. Just replace Obama with Hillary and Hillary with Bernie and it fits really well.

Hillary is so pathetic. I will laugh so hard if she keeps campaigning after Obama locks up the nomination. It'll be like if a baseball team remained on the field after the game is over, insisting that they should be the victors.

It's scary to think that she either:
1. Thinks that she can actually convince superdelegates to overturn the delegate decision.
2. Doesn't care how much it hurts the party, will continue to campaign and gain radical supporters in the hopes of forcing Obama to pick her as his VP.

2016 version

Bernie is so pathetic. I will laugh so hard if he keeps campaigning after Hillary locks up the nomination. It'll be like if a baseball team remained on the field after the game is over, insisting that they should be the victors.

It's scary to think that he either:
1. Thinks that he can actually convince superdelegates to overturn the delegate decision.
2. Doesn't care how much it hurts the party, will continue to campaign and gain radical supporters in the hopes of forcing Hillary to pick him as her VP.
I'm not sure if a thread was made specifically for that (if there was, I couldn't find it, at least), but I did find the PoliGAF thread from when that happened:


Page 39 is when it gets to the day that Obama clinched the nomination - page 55 is when the networks actually call it (this is with 100 posts per page).

There's a lot of Hillary hate, though the frustration is understandable (some of it did cross the line into sexism, I think).

EDIT: Ah, beaten by ampere!
Souldriver said:
Aaaw for Clinton. :(
Yaay for Obama. :)

Now lets win the general please, thats the only thing that actually matters...
Well, at least I don't have to facepalm over my posts 8 years ago. Obama and Hillary were both great candidates.


This thread is a great read. Just replace Obama with Hillary and Hillary with Bernie and it fits really well.

2016 version

Yeah, it's interesting reading it now. She gave a speech after Obama clinched on June 3rd and she didn't concede immediately (she endorsed Obama later, on the 7th), so there was a lot of worry about her splitting the party (and also unfortunate comments calling her a bitch, etc).
Apparently Michelle Obama attacked Trump (without using his name) during a commencement speech today, saying "in America we don't build walls to keep people out." Might as well start a timer because Trump is going to say something ugly about her any minute/hour.


remember me
Apparently Michelle Obama attacked Trump (without using his name) during a commencement speech today, saying "in America we don't build walls to keep people out." Might as well start a timer because Trump is going to say something ugly about her any minute/hour.

Yeah I saw that and thought that exact same thing. I'd like to thank the Heidi Cruz incident taught him a lesson, but it's not likely.
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