Aaron Strife
It's an olive branch to Sanders supporters.I'm not entirely sure what she brings to the ticket?
Really it covers her biggest weakness imo. It's not like Obama needing to pick someone who has experience.
It's an olive branch to Sanders supporters.I'm not entirely sure what she brings to the ticket?
I'm not entirely sure what she brings to the ticket?
I'm not entirely sure what she brings to the ticket?
Sanders supporters apparently but I'm not convinced the ones who wouldn't vote for her anyway will be persuaded by Warren. Would much rather she went with Perez...
I had a genuine belly laugh at this. Thanks!Souldriver with the receipts of him being non-problematic
Finally got my mug!
Surprisingly solid and sturdy, though I doubt these decals are going to last very long...
Six r/The_Donald links on Reddit's front page right now. Welp.
The mods at /r/ politics have gotten away with being complete f
The salt is going to be massive on Tuesday on Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, GAF, dailykos, etc.
Fun fact: Puerto Rico has more elected delegates than Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota combined.
But how much retroactive momentum do Montana and the Dakotas have?
I still think Kaine. Virginia wins the election plain and simple. Plus a Dem Gov to replace him.
Souldriver with the receipts of him being non-problematic
But, don't forget about how FRAUD! and CORRUPTION! and ESTABLISHMENT! will impact the race!!1one
Joe Biden welcoming people to the Cupa American. Yaaassss Biden. WERK.
But how much retroactive momentum do Montana and the Dakotas have?
I understand the WERK and the QUEEN but how does the FUCK fit in?
Went to see what you were talking about
Goodbye Hillary... Can't wait to vote for you and see you elected.
I have been stanning this queen for over 8 years and I get to slam the door shut on this horrible moth muppet Sanders on Tuesday. I am so excited.
She's very popular among Bernie supporters, so the Dems feel that they need to reign in that group she'd be a good pick.
She's also proven to get under Trump's skin easily, and having two women on the ticket is almost a guarantee that he'll go further down the sexism rabbit hole and alienate even more female voters.
The majority of Bernie supporters are going to vote for Hillary regardless. The holdouts are not worth pursuing, much less naming a VP for.
Anyone who attacks Trump consistently gets under his skin. Jeb Bush got under his skin, Marco Rubio got under his skin, etc; I don't want them as VP either.
In terms of the woman thing, I don't think a two female ticket is a good idea for this election. Hillary has the female vote locked and here mere presence at the top of the ticket ensures at least two republican officials will say something incredibly ignorant about women/commander in chief/etc before November. I'd rather the VP be someone who reinforces the ticket's argument that Trump is unqualified to be president; Warren and her limited experience doesn't do that. I want to draw a contrast where both Clinton and her VP have unquestioned credentials and experience. And while it may sound a bit crass, I like the idea of the democrat ticket having the only credible, competent, sane white man on either ticket. I may be off base but I think that would make Trump look even worse.
Tim Kaine meets all the criteria I'd want. Unfortunately the VA governor's FBI trouble could keep Kaine off the ticket.
does someone have the link to the thread on neogaf of Obama Clinching?
I'm not sure if a thread was made specifically for that (if there was, I couldn't find it, at least), but I did find the PoliGAF thread from when that happened:
Page 39 is when it gets to the day that Obama clinched the nomination - page 55 is when the networks actually call it (this is with 100 posts per page).
There's a lot of Hillary hate, though the frustration is understandable (some of it did cross the line into sexism, I think).
EDIT: Ah, beaten by ampere!
(06-03-2008, 10:41 AM)
I love Hillaryis44 putting a question mark after "Democratic" now :lol
god i can't wait until obama wins and this site shuts down
In terms of the woman thing, I don't think a two female ticket is a good idea for this election. Hillary has the female vote locked and here mere presence at the top of the ticket ensures at least two republican officials will say something incredibly ignorant about women/commander in chief/etc before November. I'd rather the VP be someone who reinforces the ticket's argument that Trump is unqualified to be president; Warren and her limited experience doesn't do that. I want to draw a contrast where both Clinton and her VP have unquestioned credentials and experience. And while it may sound a bit crass, I like the idea of the democrat ticket having the only credible, competent, sane white man on either ticket. I may be off base but I think that would make Trump look even worse.
I still say Tom Perez!
Tim Kaine is not an exciting pick. He's an older white man. It's a big nothing pick, in my opinion. He doesn't help with any demographic weakness she has. Warren does that. Perez does that, although I think they have to spend time defining him for the liberal side of the party.
I'm also not of the mindset that a Veep is uber useful in delivering a state to you. She'll win or lose based on demographics, not Veep selection.
I understand why Kaine is popular but boy does he come off as a boring choice. Warren or Perez would be much more enticing.He helps with Virginia. He's qualified. Joe Biden was also once an older white man pick as well.
I still say Tom Perez!
Thank you, Hillary.
Damn I never thought I would heard this :lol
This is about what I could have hoped for
You know, if she had given speeches like this all along, she'd be the nominee right now.
She is doing a great job with this speach. This is going to be great for the party.
oh god all over my face and tits, everytime she says the golden phrase i am bliss
She's doing a much better job than I expected. I mean, I knew the praises were coming but I did not know it would be this good.
SHE won't be riding on the coat-tails of YES HE CAN Obama.
Y2Kev: I think this is a pretty good speech actually. But, like, it's American Idol when the contestant gives their best performance after they've been voted off :lol
I'm not liking how this is basically, "I didn't lose because of a faulty campaign - I lost because of the glass ceiling."
I won't lie...this is kinda cool. Why did she have to be such a bitch for the campaign? Then maybe I wouldn't mind her as VP.
Frank is known for his quick wit and rapid-fire speaking style.[41] In one quip, he said he was unable to complete his review of the Starr Report detailing President Bill Clinton's relationship with Monica Lewinsky, complaining that it was "too much reading about heterosexual sex".[42] In 2004 and again in 2006, a survey of Capitol Hill staffers published in Washingtonian gave Frank the title of the "brainiest", "funniest", and "most eloquent" member of the House.[43] In 2008, the same survey named him "brainiest", and runner up for "workhorse", and "most eloquent";[44] in 2010, he was named "brainiest", "workhorse", and "funniest".[45] He is also widely considered to have been, during his tenure, one of the most powerful members of Congress.[46][47][48] Democratic speech writer Josh Gottheimer, in his book Ripples of Hope: Great American Civil Rights Speeches, describes Frank as "one of the brightest and most energetic defenders of civil rights issues."[49]
He helps with Virginia. He's qualified. Joe Biden was also once an older white man pick as well.
She doesn't even need to win Virginia
Some NeoGAF reactions to Hillary's concession speech/endorsement of Obama (each line is a new post from a different user):
The question is, will Sanders give an inspiring speech encouraging his followers to give their full support to Clinton? I'm skeptical.
lol Y2Kev: Either they have a secret deal already in place or she was stuck last night with a Nicey Nice Arrow.
Barney Frank as VP, still hoping, even if chances are very slim.
The part about his public image in his Wiki explains why:
Such a perfect fit for Hillary. Warren doesn't complement her at all. With Frank it would be a landslide. Plus he'd make this a fun campaign.
he said he was unable to complete his review of the Starr Report detailing President Bill Clinton's relationship with Monica Lewinsky, complaining that it was "too much reading about heterosexual sex"
I still say Tom Perez!
I'm would love all of the suggestions as VP but I think the campaign will go with a Biden 2.0. They need the "guy I could have a beer with" checkbox marked, which actually means white, straight men pandering.
Bernie just gave a reaction to the San Jose violence:
Bernie just gave a reaction to the San Jose violence:
I would argue that him being so conventional is more of a problem this year. He's a former DNC Chair. He's totally establishment. Someone slightly outside the DNC Establishment would, I think be a good play.
Bernie just gave a reaction to the San Jose violence:
Virginia is all that matters...