Black Mamba
Local news here tonight just killing trump. Wow.
Media actually going at him. Hope this continues.
Media actually going at him. Hope this continues.
Where are you?Local news here tonight just killing trump. Wow.
Media actually going at him. Hope this continues.
Donald Trump Once Considered the Idea of a Black vs. White Edition of 'The Apprentice'
I have to be honest. I'm not clued into drag culture. Like at all. But I googled "Purse first" and got this video.
"This purse is my I.D. Motha Fucka!"
I'm Dead. and this is glorious.
Donald Trump Once Considered the Idea of a Black vs. White Edition of 'The Apprentice'
I feel like there is currently an unseen magical chest full of oppo sitting in Queens headquarters and she will trickle out one or more thing per week. If she dropped it all at once, you would be shell shocked. Look at Trump and just the things he's said in the last three days. Now think about the fact that he has been a public figure for more than 20 years, mostly flying under the radar. Homersimpsondrool.gif indeed.
Never thought I would be listening to an artist named Alaska Thunderfuck, but here we are. Not too bad, actually.
These videos won't make me gay, will they? Like I fucked and was fucked by several guys in the past, but I don't even really consider myself anything but straight because I've never really had an interest in dating or being in a relationship with another man.
People are kidding themselves if they think the press won't be calling a candidate a presumptive nominee early. That shit's gonna be a juicy ass ratings boost from all angles.
But Bernie asked them not to....
(Also, Bo Burnham's new special on Netflix is deep as fuck...seriously. Watch it.It's basically an hour long avant-garde exploration of how entertainment is fleeting.)
Oh, shit. I didn't even know he had anything new coming out. This song from his last special was dank as fuck, IMO.
I...I still don't know what dank means
I'm picturing us having a conversation irl and you not knowing any of my slang words and me not getting any of your drag word stuff
I...I still don't know what dank means. But, yes, his stuff is great. This is incredibly funny, but incredibly dark too.
You're too old! Aren't you like, thirty? How are you still aliveSo, basically like any conversation I have with anyone under the age of 25? Ya'll bitches are too young. Fuck.Kidding. I <3 you all.
I need to meet you some day so I can pinch your cheek because you're just adorable. Like your mother must have infinite patience. I like Bo, his wordcraft is pretty gewd, but then again, I'm a straight white mail and can appreciate this:
which ironically has Bo Burnham in the video. Saw Watsky live, can argue he's sexist etc.
You're too old! Aren't you like, thirty? How are you still alive
Al Gore still hasn't endorsed Clinton, damn lol. Must have really butt heads in the White House.
He didn't endorse in 2008 until Clinton dropped out, either.Al Gore still hasn't endorsed Clinton, damn lol. Must have really butt heads in the White House.
I just bought a 3DO and Road Rash on Ebay because the copy of Road Rash 2 for Genesis I got earlier isn't good enough. This is what jobs in policy lead to. I have bought a Genesis and clear OG Gameboy in the last week and just got a 3DO (never had or wanted one). First world money problems, etc.
I thought he was playing the elder party statesman role? But, ya, no, I don't think they like each other that much.
Oh, both of you raise a good point. I don't know why I didn't consider that.Maybe he feels his position as a former VP means he should stay out of the primaries until they're fully shaken out? I saw he endorsed Dean in 03 though so whatever.
Not if you're Barney Frank!I'm 29. 30 is gay death, though...
Jelly. I spent like $200 on PSN/Xbox One games for no reason at all. I have to be careful. I kinda quit one of my jobs, but it was for the best. Kinda gutting my income a bit to try and do my own thing for a while. Still...scary as hell. (Plus, I've decided I'm going for my I had to cut one job somewhere...)
Calling for Trump's assassination is actually far more defensible as a political idea than calling for assaulting Trump's supporters randomly if you believe Trump is the next Hitler. One would actually help stop Trump from winning the nomination.
Would Dumb-As-Shit-Socialist-Twitter be mad if an employee was suspended for encouraging people to kill Trump?
I saw you mention earlier that you might go back for a Masters, eventually? What field? I got insanely lucky to be where I am now by starting with HP when they were doing enterprise contract work with the state in 2009. I got into state employment in 2011 and managed to get a SNAP program and policy analyst job in November of last year because of the work I had done with other people internally on our able bodied adult population. I now work with 3 ladies that have a masters (MPA), one lawyer, and two bachelor degrees in human services programs (our team is six women and me). I have no college degree and make around the same as them.
I work with SNAP policy and I love it. SNAP in 2015 issued over $1 billion in benefit dollars. There are a ton of things we are working on and the improving economy has definitely impacted our population.
No. Neither is more or less defensible. They're both totally unacceptable on any level.
No. Neither is more or less defensible. They're both totally unacceptable on any level.
English. I was going to get my MFA in Creative Writing, but I decided to just get my Masters in English. That way, I can teach at the community college level if I want to. I'm like 99% sure I want to teach anyway, even if it's at just the secondary level. My mom was a teacher, and I love the schedule. Plus, I'm loving teaching this writing class this summer. The kids are great, and I have a ton of fun doing it. I know it's hard, it doesn't pay well...but....I think I'd be happy doing it. I'm sick of doing things that don't make a damn bit of difference. Seriously. The shit I do is pointless to the 9th degree.
I had also toyed with a MSW, but...uh. Idk. English is easy, and I do have a passion for it. So, why not? Plus, I can get a ton of loan forgiveness if I teach...and I have quite a bit of loan debt. Not insane, but definitely enough that I'm worried about it.
I think that anyone here that works in city, county, state, or federal government can agree:
There is nothing better than shitting on the taxpayer dollar. I am a state employee, but since the administrative dollars for the program for which I am a program and policy analyst are 50% federally funded, the entire country pays my salary. When I shit, all of you are paying me to shit.
I just wanted to let PoliGAF know that. I put in some goddamn hard work on my shits an am extremely proud of them. I hope you can all be proud of them, as well.
This sounds great. I would simply caution about blowing a ton of money that has no real benefit. I have no idea if that is true, so feel free to ignore, but if you think the skills you may learn or the salary bonus you might obtain is not worth the dollars you might spend, maybe don't bother? I do the same work as people who went to school for 6+ years and we are on equal footing (I have no college degree). This isn't basic work, either. I lead projects of more than a dozen people, work with contractors, deal with millions in state funding, answer policy questions for people more educated than me, and make decisions that impact several hundred thousand people on a daily basis. If you can learn the skills on your own, do it that way.
Not to go completely off topic....
I could probably teach with just my Bachelors, but I really want a Masters for *me* more than anything else. Plus, if I do want to teach at a higher level, I could.
Trump is like an internet argument that became sentient and decided to run for president.
This sounds like me. I fucked around a lot in my early 20's I know I'm smart. I wouldn't have my job if I wasn't. I really want the same degree as three of my coworkers (including my supervisor). A Masters in Public Administration would be amazing and could teach me sooooo much. Sadly, I would need to attend school for six years, full time, to get that degree. I negotiated my salary and make the almost the same as my coworkers. I also am content where I am and adore and love my job. Why would I want to kill myself for the next six years with no benefit (state employment doesn't give raises in Wisconsin, you need to go to a new job or the private sector). What really is the benefit of going around a hundred thousand in debt for no increased money?
I found the next 2008 PoliGAF thread, in case anyone was interested (it was in the Forum Archive, a section I forgot about).
PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)