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PoliGAF 2016 |OT6| Delete your accounts

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Bernie just gave a reaction to the San Jose violence:



Credit where credit is due, this is a great answer
You missed the part where Bernie blamed violence on the establishment.

"Let me say this. Violence did not exist until the Establishment came into existence. And so while I condone these actions of violence, let us understand that to remove the violence we must go against the Establishment and take them down once and for all by any means necessary."


You missed the part where Bernie blamed violence on the establishment.

"Let me say this. Violence did not exist until the Establishment came into existence. And so while I condone these actions of violence, let us understand that to remove the violence we must go against the Establishment and take them down once and for all by any means necessary."

That's not a real quote is it?
I wish I was popular enough to start a Twitter campaign near the end of Obama's term called #ThanksObama where we all tweet why we're thankful for him having been President.


The best part about the speech was how Trump decried it as all lies and then Hillary's camp posts an article with all the receipts. lmao

Sorta like the CNN chryon fact check earlier in the week

I died when I saw that on TV.

Trump: "I didn't say XYZ" (HE DID)

So goddamn good

There are no problems with my skin, folks. Okay? This I can tell you. It's beautiful skin, okay? Big, good skin. And it's high energy skin too. And, folks, we're going to need thick, luxurious skin. Like what I have. There are no problems. None at all.

Crooked Hillary Clinton has that thin, female skin. It bleeds out of...you know, wherever. No energy at all. Have you seen her skin? So weak. Not effective. Not Presidential. Bad skin.


Some NeoGAF reactions to Hillary's concession speech/endorsement of Obama (each line is a new post from a different user):

The question is, will Sanders give an inspiring speech encouraging his followers to give their full support to Clinton? I'm skeptical.
I would hope so.
And while we're on the subject, people tend to forget, but late stage primaries in '08 weren't all that friendly.
Like, remember when Clinton said she's staying because Obama might be assassinated?
Funny how similar in rational it is to the whole "Bernie got to stay because Hillary will get indicted" argument.

Her speech in the convention was absolutely fantastic. Bernie and his supporters should watch it, if you want a platform for your ideas, if you want to move the party leftward, if you want to affect positive change, this is 100% the best course of action.


Being the Secretary of Labor, Perez obviously already is the most qualified to meet one of YAAAS FUCK QUEENS criteria. He is literally the King of WERK in America.
Being the Secretary of Labor, Perez obviously already is the most qualified to meet one of YAAAS FUCK QUEENS criteria. He is literally the King of WERK in America.

Before I get fully on board, though, I need to know his policy on tucking. Also, where does he stand on lace fronts? In addition, is he on the record as being pro or anti painting a brow.

And, does he walk into a room purse first?


Psh, Perez doesn't need or require validation from y'all bitches. Only one woman sets his destiny and that is Queen. In the interim, he will continue to WERK and help others to WERK.


Also, fuck USDA. Stupid corrective actions. :/

How you going to drop results on us on a Friday? That's coward news cycle work.


The sad thing about Real Time is that the format is pretty dang solid, getting those folks from different venues to sit at a table and trying to cut the bullshit, without breaks or talking heads. Sadly, as time went on, Maher's diva side started showing up quite a bit more.

Worse still, tonight's episode was fucking full of that. It was an hour where he was, quite honestly, pissy at nearly everybody in the room. He even got into a little tirade with the audience.

It was actually disturbing to see him and Neil get into a kind of social kerfuffle, because it's quite a contrast from Neil's time on Sam Harris' podcast, which was a beacon of intelligence the whole way through. It was sad seeing Neil have to listen to "sweeping gets rid of the bad luck" woowoo shit, too. I felt bad for him. :(

The one beacon of the episode was Nick Hanauer at the start. The man is consistently on point about minimum wage, conservative propaganda, what really drives the economy, and how the game needs to be changed or we are prone for violence via unrest. I wish more knew of him and what he speaks of, because he's one of the rich who seems to side with the average person, which is far different than the usual culture and its dualities.



Rachel Maddow don't talk this sexy talk to me.

What are the chances that AP calls the nomination for HIllary before the 7th?


Even if the press calls it, the campaign will wait until at least NJ is over to prevent the perception of something undemocratic happening.


She'd have to win 85% of the delegates in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands to clinch before the 7th. That does not seem likely, even with good performances

60% + 20% of remaining super delegates.

I don't see why those supers would endorse her before California, though.


The point Rachel made on her show tonight was that AP was able to call unbound delegates and simply asked who they would be voting for when they went to the convention.

If Hillary gets close enough after this weekend, what's to stop the AP from calling every Democrat superdelegate that hasn't already declared to do the same thing?

If Hillary gets within 20 delegates of the majority at the end of this weekend, I see AP getting enough undeclared supers to state a preference that they'll call it for Hillary just like they did Trump. LOL if that happens.


I found the segment on Trump's response to Clinton's speech more interesting. Her analysis that the Trump campaign did not provide their substantive response is probably wrong. She didn't realize that Trump vomiting "Lying , crooked Hilary" for a minute is the current substance of the Trump campaign.
That was the highlight of the speech for me. That he was shooting out tweets right at the moment when she predicted he would be made him seem like a damn cartoon character.

I like to think that the Twitter line was an audible. You would just need someone to signal Clinton from the crowd that he had tweeted. No signal and you just skip the line.


Even if the press calls it, the campaign will wait until at least NJ is over to prevent the perception of something undemocratic happening.

I agree with this. The campaign will let the press call it, but Hillary won't come out and speak until the NJ polls close and she wins (and just speaks over the California results regardless of their outcome)
The far left wing of the party. She easily gets a huge chunk of Bernie supporters onto her team without having to do a lot of leg work. It's an easy path to unifying the party.

100% this.

She's also the most vocal attack dog on Trump. We need a bully.

Who else in the democratic party seems not just capable, but even interested in doing this? Like what are Tim Kaine's thoughts on Trump? Wouldn't know.

We're going to need someone who can fight with Trump while he's calling HIllary a rape enabler or whatever other type of scorched earth comments he will absolutely be willing to throw out there. I've seen nothing from this guy or really anyone other than Warren whose apparently willing to get into tough fights with this guy, or call Trump out on his nonsense.

People really tend to not like it when Hillary goes hard on the attack. So we need someone who can do the dirty work and get under Trump's skin without Hillary having to venture too far outside of the type of rhetoric she put on display the other night


I agree with this. The campaign will let the press call it, but Hillary won't come out and speak until the NJ polls close and she wins (and just speaks over the California results regardless of their outcome)

Out of curiosity, what was your previous posting name? It seems like you changed both avatar and username?

Something I haven't seen under discussion much here:

People talk about Obama as a Hillary surrogate, but what the fuck about Biden. I've hardly seen him mentioned in these threads except as a prison alternative or "Oh, I wish he had run, HODOR." How amazing is Biden going to be out there on the trail for Queen? FUCK. YES.
Abuela should walk into the inaguration purse first. Time to get that hash tag going.



OMG, she should have a drag ball for one of the balls. Nothing but gay men and drag queens. Yasssss. WERK. And we can all walk in purse first. WERK.

I have to be honest. I'm not clued into drag culture. Like at all. But I googled "Purse first" and got this video.

"This purse is my I.D. Motha Fucka!"

I'm Dead. and this is glorious.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Same username. You must have me confused with someone else. I'm relatively new to PoliGAF.

Don't worry about it, in the last week about everybody changed their avatar for some reason. In some cases like Huelen, hourly.


Don't worry about it, in the last week about everybody changed their avatar for some reason. In some cases like Huelen, hourly.
I'm convinced by the end of the election all of PoliGAF is gonna have variations on that same Clinton glamour shot that Kev, Shinra and NeoXChaos have. Some zoomed in, some upside down, some in black and white.
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