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Bernie just gave a reaction to the San Jose violence:



Kudos Bernie for a legitimately good response.
I still think Warren's a good choice, but I'm also a fan of Perez, Becerra, or Klobuchar before Kaine. I have nothing against the guy, but I just think he's a relatively safe and boring pick.
Becerra or Perez would be the first non-Senator Vice Presidential picks for the Democratic Party since Geraldine Ferraro in 1984 (she was a representative). This was from pressure from the DNC to pick a woman for the pick, including voices like House Speaker Tip O'Neal. Before that, Sargent Shriver in 1972 (who achieved national recognition for implementing and orchestrating many of Lyndon Johnson's Great Society programs like the Peace Corps). And before that, you have to go all the way back to FDR's first vice president, John Nance Garner. His qualifications? He was Speaker of the House.

But that's just for getting the nomination. If you look at the tickets that were actually successful, it turns out that we have not had any Vice President in our history who has not served either as a Senator, house speaker, governor, or some otherwise very important national or international function since at least before the 20th Century (this is where I stopped looking; the only exception is James Sherman, who was merely a representative). And this is a good thing; as I noted earlier, the Vice Presidency is none of the authority of the presidency but almost all of the responsibility. If you cannot see the Vice President becoming the President, then that person is not a worthy Vice President.

So that's why Perez will never be the vice presidential pick. Because it would be historically unprecedented for a person who has never held nothing more than a minor politically appointed office, let alone having never held any kind of elected office at all, to be Vice President of the United States. And that's why I think Elizabeth Warren would be a poor pick, too: she doesn't have any synergy with Hillary Clinton, would disagree with her on the issues she's most likely going to have any leeway on the next four years when the vice president is the one supposed to be brokering these deals, and has no major accomplishments to her name besides making government bigger.

Actually, I did forget one guy who doesn't fit this description.

Let's not talk about him.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Bernie just gave a reaction to the San Jose violence:


It's a fine answer until he says anyone who is violent should be quiet about who they support.

Some NeoGAF reactions to Hillary's concession speech/endorsement of Obama (each line is a new post from a different user):

The question is, will Sanders give an inspiring speech encouraging his followers to give their full support to Clinton? I'm skeptical.
Did we have a dedicated thread for this?


To be clear, I'm not opposed to Kaine.

I just think he's a boring pick.

I'm just worried about getting a solid, qualified person who will help in a state that will ensure victory in that role. I'm not worried about sexy picks. Politics shouldn't be sexy.
I would argue that him being so conventional is more of a problem this year. He's a former DNC Chair. He's totally establishment. Someone slightly outside the DNC Establishment would, I think be a good play.

Sorta. We've repeatedly seen that the real anti-establishment fervor's been largely contained to the Republicans, and while Bernie's supporters are making a lot of noise now, I'm pretty sure the vast majority will fall in line by November, excepting the crazy diehards.

(That's discounting the possibility of a 3rd party run from him, which is still I think a pretty small chance).


I don't buy the whole Warren VP pick.
I just don't see it as necessary, the bridge to the far left will naturally build itself by November despite people moaning now.


I'm just worried about getting a solid, qualified person who will help in a state that will ensure victory in that role. I'm not worried about sexy picks. Politics shouldn't be sexy.
What southern or midwestern Democrat would she be able to pick? It's either going to be the northeast or the west coast. The dynamics are different this year.

What's going on with Gavin Newsom these days?
I'm just worried about getting a solid, qualified person who will help in a state that will ensure victory in that role. I'm not worried about sexy picks. Politics shouldn't be sexy.


Politics shouldn't be sexy? No wonder I'm so bad at it.



What southern or midwestern Democrat would she be able to pick? It's either going to be the northeast or the west coast. The dynamics are different this year.

What's going on with Gavin Newsom these days?
Newsome has Skeletons in his closet and also plans to run for governor in 2018.
Sanders tells followers to hide their support for him when they engage in violence.
I'm so cynical at this point that this is how I read it the first time. I hate myself. Fortunately I think better of him than that and for a chance he's being pretty firm about it. Good.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
I would love Barnie as vp, but I really don't think this country would vote for a woman and a gay vp. Then again I never thought we would have a black president in my lifetime lol.


I don't buy the whole Warren VP pick.
I just don't see it as necessary, the bridge to the far left will naturally build itself by November despite people moaning now.

It's a really bad pick because she's not a great speaker and Hillary should have someone who is. Warren brings nothing Clinton doesn't already have.
I would love Barnie as vp, but I really don't think this country would vote for a woman and a gay vp. Then again I never thought we would have a black president in my lifetime lol.

I don't believe this at all, this isn't "a gay VP", it's Barney fucking Frank! People would love him. He's the one people will want to have a beer with. People just need to get to know him and the campaign would be perfect for it.


New York Times: Hillary Clinton’s New Attack on Donald Trump Cheers Her Allies and Worries His

Hillary Clinton’s blistering new assault on Donald J. Trump has mollified many Democrats alarmed about the closer-than-expected presidential race — while inflaming Republican fears that Mr. Trump’s improvisational style and skeletal campaign will prove inadequate in repelling the type of attack Mrs. Clinton unleashed on Thursday.


For several weeks, Mrs. Clinton had tried out a version of the campaign President Obama ran against Mitt Romney in 2012, portraying Mr. Trump as a heartless corporate titan who profited off the housing crisis and avoided paying taxes. But she was receiving scant news media coverage, and Mrs. Clinton’s advisers worried that voters were not as moved by class-based attacks against someone who unapologetically boasts about his wealth.

After weeks in which Mr. Trump viciously attacked Mrs. Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, over Mr. Clinton’s indiscretions, moreover, it had become clear that she needed a circuit breaker in the form of a more robust counterassault — and one that she could deliver herself, rather than relying on surrogates to deal the most forceful blows to Mr. Trump on her behalf.

Her campaign’s decision was to seek to disqualify Mr. Trump on terrain that is Mrs. Clinton’s comfort zone: foreign policy. But billing her San Diego speech on Thursday as a foreign policy address was also something of a ruse: It turned out to be an acidly funny takedown of Mr. Trump and his temperament, giving him the same sort of belittling treatment he had used on his opponents to great effect.


Some Democrats said she could negatively define Mr. Trump this summer the same way that Mr. Clinton managed to define Bob Dole in their 1996 presidential race.

“What she did sets the parameters about what this election is about,” said Joe Lockhart, who was Mr. Clinton’s campaign press secretary that year. “It is very hard to change that in the day-to-day fight after Labor Day.”

That prospect, in turn, has Republicans deeply concerned about Mr. Trump.

Despite being the party’s presumptive nominee for a month, Mr. Trump has yet to adapt his campaign to the demands of a general election. His only “war room” so far is his Twitter feed. He is campaigning in California, insisting that he can win one of the country’s most liberal states. He has spent a week attacking a Hispanic federal judge who is handling a lawsuit against him in increasingly racial terms, only drawing more attention to the case. And he continues to divide his attention: He will travel to Scotland and Ireland this month for a business event.

Nor have Mr. Trump’s tactical choices inspired confidence. At a rally on Thursday night in San Jose, Calif., his main rejoinder to Mrs. Clinton’s speech was that she ought to be in jail over her use of a private email account as secretary of state. There was no broader counterattack from his campaign or his allies, a remarkable silence after Mrs. Clinton’s harshest critique yet.


Yeah Gavin fucking blew it. The danger of having everybody tell you you're the sexiest mayor alive.

He'll be a fine governor of California and maybe in ten or twenty years he can think about running for president.
Yeah Gavin fucking blew it. The danger of having everybody tell you you're the sexiest mayor alive.

He'll be a fine governor of California and maybe in ten or twenty years he can think about running for president.

But rules shouldn't apply to beautiful people.
I literally never watch it, but I'm popping some melatonin and trying to get to bed so I can pick up a new car tomorrow, so I got caught channel surfing and remembered why I stopped watching Real Time after I graduated high school.

I miss Politically Incorrect. He was so much less of an asshole then. I mean he still was but it wasn't as bad


What southern or midwestern Democrat would she be able to pick? It's either going to be the northeast or the west coast. The dynamics are different this year.

What's going on with Gavin Newsom these days?

He's a bit of an asshole who accused a trans firearm owner of being an NRA operative.
The sad thing about Real Time is that the format is pretty dang solid, getting those folks from different venues to sit at a table and trying to cut the bullshit, without breaks or talking heads. Sadly, as time went on, Maher's diva side started showing up quite a bit more.


The best thing about this speech is that it does what Obama was able to do to Romney in '12 and establishes a narrative that your opponent unwittingly plays into.

She defined him as an immature hothead. A big, screaming manchild. And all she had to do was highlight his own words.

His tweets and rants don't look tough anymore. He looks like a child throwing a fit.

Also, the pacing of the speech was perfect. She made sure to attack him first, and then, only later, did she admit that he would probably be bitching on Twitter. And he was! As soon as she said that, he stopped tweeting for the time being.


Also, the pacing of the speech was perfect. She made sure to attack him first, and then, only later, did she admit that he would probably be bitching on Twitter. And he was! As soon as she said that, he stopped tweeting for the time being.

That was the highlight of the speech for me. That he was shooting out tweets right at the moment when she predicted he would be made him seem like a damn cartoon character.


The best thing about this speech is that it does what Obama was able to do to Romney in '12 and establishes a narrative that your opponent unwittingly plays into.

She defined him as an immature hothead. A big, screaming manchild. And all she had to do was highlight his own words.

His tweets and rants don't look tough anymore. He looks like a child throwing a fit.

I watched his interview with Jake Tapper of all people (the one where he said "He's a Mexican" and "I think his race does have something to do with it")—and Trump really came across as defensive and whiny. I mean, his voice was whiny, the total opposite of how he is at his rallies.


That was the highlight of the speech for me. That he was shooting out tweets right at the moment when she predicted he would be made him seem like a damn cartoon character.
I've thought of the man as a cartoon CEO as well, since last year. Glad to see this!! Dude is toast.
Might I just say, I'm sorry Team USA is losing to Columbia...but some of these Columbian players....Ughn. So hot. <3

Edit: oops, wrong thread.
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