ENOUGH on endlessly regurgiting this diarrhea on supposed "violence" perpetrated by Bernie delegates at the Nevada convention! As the NPR's ombudsman
stated (also, Snopes
fact checking),
there is no evidence of violence, and, for example, the original source (Jon Ralston), later admitted he hadn't actually witnessed any chair throwing:
Counterpunch is even more forthright in their
With the mountains of bullsht proganda being disseminated by Hillary, her surrogates, including the establishment media (CNN, MSNBC, WP, etc, etc), I think it's safe to say, at this late stage in the primary race, they didn't and don't feel they could beat Bernie
without thoroughly immersing themselves in gutter politics...
And yet, based on the tightening polls in California, and with several days of campaigning still remaining, Bernie is poised to win the most populous state in our nation