Seems I am not welcome here![]()
I'm not Gay, and I'm not drunk
Seems I am not welcome here![]()
So someone found that Sanders' billing of his Vatican trip to his campaign was questionable, to the tune of $613,000. How legal is this (or not)? This looks like a partisan and biased as hell website, though. They post this image--
To make sure this isn't bullshit, looking at the FEC site, I can verify that there's a payment of $613k on 4/11 for air travel to his common chartering agent and lodging spent in Italy on 4/18 for ~$15k. The data is here, search for Bernie, hit the tab for expenditures. I apologize if this was already news somewhere, but I tend to follow the PoliGAF threads a good deal and never saw anything on it. A search for relevant terms in OTs 3-6 didn't get me anything.
(ii) The Commission will determine, on a case by case basis, whether other uses of funds in a campaign account fulfill a commitment, obligation or expense that would exist irrespective of the candidates campaign or duties as a Federal officeholder, and therefore are personal use. Examples of such other uses include:
(A) Legal expenses;
(B) Meal expenses;
(C) Travel expenses, including subsistence expenses incurred during travel. If a committee uses campaign funds to pay expenses associated with travel that involves both personal activities and campaign or officeholder related activities, the incremental expenses that result from the personal activities are personal use, unless the person(s) benefiting from this use reimburse(s) the campaign account within thirty days for the amount of the incremental expenses;
Sanders people want to still feel superior to Democrats so they latch onto the easiest thing without really worrying about the platform so long as it lets them feel superior to rational voting.A bit of a random question but why do people consistently link to or bring up Jill Stein in political discussions here on gaf? I never heard of her until people started posting her tweets in these threads and now that I've looked a bit more into her I don't understand her popularity or relevance. Can someone explain?
A bit of a random question but why do people consistently link to or bring up Jill Stein in political discussions here on gaf? I never heard of her until people started posting her tweets in these threads and now that I've looked a bit more into her I don't understand her popularity or relevance. Can someone explain?
Fox is calling it a sweep: like there's some disagreement between the Green Papers and the AP over whether the delegate split is 6-1 or 7-0. The chairman of the VI Democratic party has also said it's 7-0. Might be a while before we have the definitive delegation split.
It's really frustrating because the Green Party and Stein's platforms/ideas are insane. I wish people would actually research her instead of getting their ideas from meme posts on reddit.Sanders people want to still feel superior to Democrats so they latch onto the easiest thing without really worrying about the platform so long as it lets them feel superior to rational voting.
Anybody drink Tequilas here?
And this is different from every other day because......PoliGAF was a mess today.yesterday, now
PoliGAF was a mess today.yesterday, now
I'm curious what happens if a third party or Hilary is able to get the support of enough whites in the GE to prevent trump from winning the majority of them.Would trump's electoral vote and vote share drop by a noticeable amount since he is mostly relying on that group to help him win the general. I just noticed that the last time a clinton ran the share of the white vote was ridiculously close between both bill clinton and the two republican candidates in 1992 and 1996.That is why I am asking this question.
Can I just vent a little about reddit here?
Goddamn the place has ridiculous tunnel vision. It's not even a discussion site for theae primaries anymore it's all just the same talking points about how Hillary is evil and will rot in prison. Nothing positive or hell even concrete about anybody's platform, why they deserve your vote. The place isn't talking about her winning the islands at all, nothing reflective about their candidate in r/S4P just a bunch of hyperbole about voter fraud.
How did it come to this? I know a lotta people had issues with HC before primary season even began, but at some point the dogs were really let loose. I dunno, maybe they're the correct ones here, but the posts I'm reading on GAF seem far more well reasoned than what I see there, even with tonnes of sourcing.
I'm just worried about how many people could just look at r/politics and assume, because it's a content aggregator, that there's no bias. Then again it's quite possibly the most biased thing I've ever seen so you'd hope people could think critically about it...
All major news outlets are saying 7-0 but I think they are getting their info from the AP. I dunno.
Can I just vent a little about reddit here?
Goddamn the place has ridiculous tunnel vision. It's not even a discussion site for theae primaries anymore it's all just the same talking points about how Hillary is evil and will rot in prison. Nothing positive or hell even concrete about anybody's platform, why they deserve your vote. The place isn't talking about her winning the islands at all, nothing reflective about their candidate in r/S4P just a bunch of hyperbole about voter fraud.
How did it come to this? I know a lotta people had issues with HC before primary season even began, but at some point the dogs were really let loose. I dunno, maybe they're the correct ones here, but the posts I'm reading on GAF seem far more well reasoned than what I see there, even with tonnes of sourcing.
I'm just worried about how many people could just look at r/politics and assume, because it's a content aggregator, that there's no bias. Then again it's quite possibly the most biased thing I've ever seen so you'd hope people could think critically about it...
r/politics and r/worldnews are cesspits of Internet commentary. Worldness is worse because of total european nationalism, anti-muslim bigotry and xenophobia.Can I just vent a little about reddit here?
Goddamn the place has ridiculous tunnel vision. It's not even a discussion site for theae primaries anymore it's all just the same talking points about how Hillary is evil and will rot in prison. Nothing positive or hell even concrete about anybody's platform, why they deserve your vote. The place isn't talking about her winning the islands at all, nothing reflective about their candidate in r/S4P just a bunch of hyperbole about voter fraud.
How did it come to this? I know a lotta people had issues with HC before primary season even began, but at some point the dogs were really let loose. I dunno, maybe they're the correct ones here, but the posts I'm reading on GAF seem far more well reasoned than what I see there, even with tonnes of sourcing.
I'm just worried about how many people could just look at r/politics and assume, because it's a content aggregator, that there's no bias. Then again it's quite possibly the most biased thing I've ever seen so you'd hope people could think critically about it...
Though I'm 100% convinced that he traveled for 100% personal reasons (and hate that), at the same time I cannot deny that some campaign-related happenings resulted from that. So, yeah, toss-up. Even if it was he that created the political aspect of it in the first place it was still there. A crummy loophole, but it is what it is.So I guess it's at the discretion of the FEC to decide whether the Vatican trip qualifies as a campaign expense.
This is the more adorably polite way of phrasing it that I'm going to have to steal it i the future.Well there was a reason /r/politics got removed from the front page a few years ago and it only got worse from there. Simplest answer is that Reddit tends to be popular with a certain, young demographic which skews discussions.
r/politics and r/worldnews are cesspits of Internet commentary. Worldness is worse because of total european nationalism, anti-muslim bigotry and xenophobia.
is PR have a winner take all allocation?
Real and serious talk. I have argued with people who want dreamers to be deported and it really is frustrating. As much as we love the US and consider it our home, it wasn't our choice to have come here. That doesn't mean we're going back either just because you hate us for being here, to a place we know little to nothing about. It can mean certain death in many cases, like for me. Life is very grey and complex, like with our cases. Immigration remains the most important issue for me this campaign followed by lgbt (and civil rights in general, police brutality, etc) rights then the economy.
Until Trump loses I shall remain vigilant. Just needed to vent a bit. Again. I have built up too much here to lose it all to some loser racists.
So someone found that Sanders' billing of his Vatican trip to his campaign was questionable, to the tune of $613,000. How legal is this (or not)? This looks like a partisan and biased as hell website, though. They post this image--
To make sure this isn't bullshit, looking at the FEC site, I can verify that there's a payment of $613k on 4/11 for air travel to his common chartering agent and lodging spent in Italy on 4/18 for ~$15k. The data is here, search for Bernie, hit the tab for expenditures. I apologize if this was already news somewhere, but I tend to follow the PoliGAF threads a good deal and never saw anything on it. A search for relevant terms in OTs 3-6 didn't get me anything.
How long until PR results come in HNggngnng
In my day Zima* was the go to name drop to clown other people's taste in drinks. Simpler times.They are not highly regarding in drinking circles and are generally the easy go-to reference when someone make LOL BAD ALCOHOL TASTE joke.
But you do you adam, you do you.
I personally think that if you like that type of taste and function (i.e. low alcohol fruity and easy to down), there are other option that I think at least worth exploring.
But for real, fuck alcohol snobbism, drink what you want and shank the world in the neck with your broken bottle of smirnoff ice if it makes fun of you.
You guys have moved on, but this is literally the only time in 4 years where I'll be relevant:
Local media reporting that Hillary won all 7 delegates:
You're worth more than several of us combinedI'd also like to point out that my vote worked out to 1/246 of a delegate. And about 1/125 for denying Sanders a delegate. Since I only voted because you guys encouraged me to stop being lazy and drive over there, that is probably the biggest impact poligaf has directly had on this primary, both in boosting Hillary's delegates count, but also in denying Sanders a delegate.
His family went with him. Maybe they stayed behind for a few extra days. To campaign.There's actually an additional charge from Air Charter a few days later too lolCode:AIR CHARTER TEAM AIR TRAVEL KANSAS CITY MO 64116 04/11/2016 $613,451 AIR CHARTER TEAM AIR TRAVEL KANSAS CITY MO 64116 04/18/2016 $108,215
Ooh, so close! Your vote is almost the most efficient of the entire presidential primary cycle! You almost beat the hilarious 215 people per delegate in one NY district. Congrats, regardless! Caucuses are still stupid!I'd also like to point out that my vote worked out to 1/246 of a delegate. And about 1/125 for denying Sanders a delegate. Since I only voted because you guys encouraged me to stop being lazy and drive over there, that is probably the biggest impact poligaf has directly had on this primary, both in boosting Hillary's delegates count, but also in denying Sanders a delegate.
Yeah, there's absolutely no way you could claim that part would be campaign-related.His family went with him. Maybe they stayed behind for a few extra days. To campaign.
Caucuses are still stupid!
...Yes? He could have just flown coach by himself without the press corp and stayed at some cheap air b&b studio for a night. He chose to make a gigantic fuss out of it. Sure as hell didn't need to charter a 757.How is someone supposed to spend money for a trip to Vatican during campaigning? I'm asking cuz I dont know. From his own pockets?
Caucuses vary a ton by place. You got the easy type. It's places like IA and WA that have the clusterfuck format.Part of the reason I didn't want to go was because I read the word "caucus" and was worried I would have to be there a while. Honestly this was a closed primary. I just walked in, gave them my id, got a paper ballot, filled it in, then stuffed it in a transparent box. In and out in less than 15 minutes.
I know you're joking, but I think the 4/11 charge was upfront booking a flight, 4/18 was additional expenses incurred while flying (maybe). The day they went was 4/14-15 (maybe 16 too?), they just didn't pay the extra + lodging charges until 4/18?His family went with him. Maybe they stayed behind for a few extra days. To campaign.
BOSCOLO EXEDRA ROMA, 47 LODGING ROMA 185 ITALY ZZ 0 4/18/2016 $13,758.00 M5 2016
Why the hell are people protesting Hillary fucking Clinton lol.
Wow. I didn't know it was possible to hate Fareed. I practically worship the man.Fareed Zakaria? Or whoever he plagiarised from today?
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) criticized Sunday presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump's attack on the judge presiding on the federal case against Trump University, but refused to call it racist.
NBC News' "Meet the Press" host Chuck Todd noted to McConnell that Trump has said U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel's "Mexican heritage" is a conflict of interest in the case.
"Is that not a racist statement?" Todd asked McConnell.
"I couldn't disagree more with a statement like that," McConnell said.
Todd again asked if the statement was racist.
"I couldn't disagree more with what he had to say," McConnell said.
"OK, but you think it's a racist statement to say?" Todd asked.
"I don't agree with what he had to say," McConnell replied, adding that nearly all Americans have ancestors who have immigrated.