Everclear is a good band.
because the predictions are craaaaaaaaazy!
also I don't think it's a stretch to say the DNC would like to prevent as much complaining by Sanders as possible, and holding off the presumptive nominee shit from the media till California closes would at least be a step in that direction.
I'm speaking of the people outside who called her a whore
Naw. The media will have a little giggle about "hillary is a wounded candidate!!" untill the following sunday talk shows are done. Then it's all aboard the DNC train where they will find a spot even for the noisiest of the noisy Sanders crowd (preferably in the engine room). The media will call out Bernie and say he's being a sore loser. I am kinda confident about it.Well yes, I agree it matters overall if she wins. But if she loses CA, it doesn't matter when they declare her the nomineewhether before or afterward, the narrative will be the same: she can't close the deal. Remember when they said that over and over about Obama?
Also looking forward to a slew of endorsements starting Wednesday.
Politics polls ‏@politics_polls 11m11 minutes ago
New Jersey General Election:
Clinton 49% (+15)
Trump 34%
Trump thinks Muslims shouldn't be able to be judges in cases with him either.
(Because he's an insane racist)
In California? He's all over the place here. Going crazy, send help.I wonder what explains the tightening poll numbers though.
I wonder what explains the tightening poll numbers though.
Trump thinks Muslims shouldn't be able to be judges in cases with him either.
(Because he's an insane racist)
I wonder what explains the tightening poll numbers though.
Who let's students "build a wall first" as a prank at a school. Ffs NC.
"I made a lot of money with Gaddafi" these are things presidential candidates say, I guess?
The judge that gave the Stanford rapist only 6 months because "he's not a danger!" must be braindead.
"20 minutes of action" I am going to vomit.
That's still wrong. I do care, I just think that takes a backseat sometimes to other considerations. In the case of China, I see it as a mistake to position yourself against what will definitely be the de facto leader of Asia in a few decades, economically and militarily. Just like with the infrastructure bank, we're going to be cut out of lucrative deals and we will find ourselves irrelevant in the future.I mis-remembered your post then (which, as I went back to check, was "I disagree with US policy because I don't care about promoting human rights and democracy").
Right, that's mostly how I feel. I think rights are gifted and guaranteed by the state, not granted by ethereal powers. And using the word "rights" for everything becomes problematic because it conflates really different things. If a right is something that is owed to every human being, I consider healthcare a right. I consider a national pension a right. I consider clean water a right. I consider bankruptcy protection a right. I consider welfare for the poor a right. So in the context of those rights, it's weird to also put things like criticism of the government in that bucket.I understand where that sentiment comes from - the way that "human rights" is often just used as an excuse for neocolonialism and economic imperialism, white man's burden, etc. And to be honest I don't think there's much of a real philosophical basis for the existence of human rights since that's reliant on there being some sort of objective value to human life, which there isn't, and which stems ultimately from religious thinking.
Right, so do I. Usually. I think.But even though it may not be philosophically sound, I still support human rights due to the simple elegance of the golden rule, which is really all I can hold to in a world where we can't presume that other minds do exist (I know this is going off tangent into existentialism but it's the only way I can really explain my position).
The situation in the Philipinnes is complicated and as other posters noted, it is understandable (even though it is distasteful) that Duterte was elected. So when I say I'm pro-Duterte, I mean that, given the other options and given the majority of his platform, I prefer his. And I can sit here and make a bunch of caveats like, yeah, Mad Max death squads are probably a bad idea, his history with talking about rape is pretty bad, he doesn't really have the temperament to be president, whatever, but ultimately I think he's best for the Philippines.I'll be honest, I don't know a whole ton about the Philippines. But I do know a whole ton about socialism, and I know that people on my side who usually are fine with trampling over human rights in the name of progress often end up making everything worse. Not coincidentally, it seems like the communists in the Philippines support Duterte, so once again I find myself disappointed.
No way. That gives him an easy out.I want a reporter to simply ask Trump, "So if you believe a Mexican or a Muslim judge would be biased against a white person, do you believe a white judge would be biased against a black/Hispanic/Muslim in a court case?"
The only problem is, that photo is not of a family that supports Trump, its from a family reunion in Cincinnati, and the family in the picture told Buzzfeed they definitely dont support Trump:
I want a reporter to simply ask Trump, "So if you believe a Mexican or a Muslim judge would be biased against a white person, do you believe a white judge would be biased against a black/Hispanic/Muslim in a court case?"
the bernie or bust comments is nuts, im starting to think alot them wont come around compared to hillary voters in 08
The judge that gave the Stanford rapist only 6 months because "he's not a danger!" must be braindead.
"20 minutes of action" I am going to vomit.
What are the chances that Trump's campaign gets so bad that he's forced to suspend or take a temporary leave from the trail? Maybe the Republican leadership takes him to some type of retreat where they try something, lol.
The judge that gave the Stanford rapist only 6 months because "he's not a danger!" must be braindead.
"20 minutes of action" I am going to vomit.
lol Don't you know that Bernie is against charities? Back in 81 he was invited to speak at a United Way fundraiser, accepted and said this:Fucking lowlife Bernie just keeps using GOP talking points today. He hit her on the Clinton Foundation saying it was a conflict of interest and that both Clinton and Trump are too eager to go to war. Dude, it's over. Please try not to shit the bed on the way out.
lolol the Clinton Foundation has done more good than he could ever dream of.''I don't believe in charities,'' said Mayor Sanders, bringing a shocked silence to a packed hotel banquet room. The Mayor, who is a Socialist, went on to question the ''fundamental concepts on which charities are based'' and contended that government, rather than charity organizations, should take over responsibilit y for social programs.
“And Brexit? Your position?” Wolff asked the billionaire.
“Huh?” Trump responded.
“Brexit,” Wolff reiterated.
“Hmm,” the real estate tycoon said.
“The Brits leaving the EU,” Wolff replied.
“Oh yeah, I think they should leave,” Trump said.
Fucking lowlife Bernie just keeps using GOP talking points today. He hit her on the Clinton Foundation saying it was a conflict of interest and that both Clinton and Trump are too eager to go to war. Dude, it's over. Please try not to shit the bed on the way out.
Trump rambling about Obamacare when asked about giving Saudi Arabia nukes, lmao.
the bernie or bust comments is nuts, im starting to think alot them wont come around compared to hillary voters in 08
Guess he's off the shortlist:
Guess he's off the shortlist:[IMG]
Damn. Yea there's no way Trump would campaign with someone who tells him he's wrong
Is there a "Gingrich won't be the VP nom" category on PredictIt? lol
who the hell is actually going to say yes to a Trump VP?
The judge that gave the Stanford rapist only 6 months because "he's not a danger!" must be braindead.
"20 minutes of action" I am going to vomit.
Except, that is not from the judge. That's a submission from the perp's father.
who the hell is actually going to say yes to a Trump VP?
Holy shit. I'm going to see Hillary Clinton later today.
Cuomo, come the fuck on.
Blacklisting companies that are pro-BDS is dumb as fuck.
Trump daddy pls
Holy shit. I'm going to see Hillary Clinton later today.