Those comments...
Jamelle Bouie is the real MVP. Been delivering cold hard truth all primary.
"Blah blah get rid of closed primaries";
"Blah blah superdelegates are bad"
I think there is room for improvement but I'm really tired on hearing Sanders rail about them and I'm tired of hearing pundits recently saying Clinton/DNC should just give into to these demands as if these aspects of the Democratic nomination process don't have positives
As an aside, why is Zuckerbeg meeting with conservative leaders about the Trending Topic thing? Why does he care?
OH SHIT. Trump leads Clinton in FOX's new poll.
Trump - 45
Clinton - 42
Also, Clinton's negatives surpassed Trump's negatives.
OH SHIT. Trump leads Clinton in FOX's new poll.
Trump - 45
Clinton - 42
Also, Clinton's negatives surpassed Trump's negatives.
I can think of something!What do people who like Obama hate about Hillary? It's so strange, lol.
OH SHIT. Trump leads Clinton in FOX's new poll.
Trump - 45
Clinton - 42
Also, Clinton's negatives surpassed Trump's negatives.
I can think of something!
OH SHIT. Trump leads Clinton in FOX's new poll.
Trump - 45
Clinton - 42
Also, Clinton's negatives surpassed Trump's negatives.
People really fucking hate her.
She's such a bad candidate for this cycle wow, the only thing that lets me sleep is how good she is at what she does. Feel like its gonna be game over once she doesn't have to deal w/ Bernie.
The poll shows Bernie Sanders has a 46-42 percent advantage over Trump in a hypothetical matchup. Sanders was up by 53-39 percent in April.
A drop for Democrats across the board.
OH SHIT. Trump leads Clinton in FOX's new poll.
Trump - 45
Clinton - 42
Also, Clinton's negatives surpassed Trump's negatives.
someone take my bet on the first page
Barney Frank on Bernie: "The way hes been acting now is a demonstration of why hes had no support from his colleagues."
People really fucking hate her.
She's such a bad candidate for this cycle wow, the only thing that lets me sleep is how good she is at what she does. Feel like its gonna be game over once she doesn't have to deal w/ Bernie.
Harry EntenVerified account
Per , the average result since Trump clinched nomination: Clinton 45%, Trump 42%. He def has closed, tho she leads.
If you lose that bet we all lose
But the average result since Trump clinched has a bunch of Morning/Consult polls with a Gravis poll mixed in. There's on from CNN, one from PPP, and now Fox but that's about it as far as big name pollsters.
Wow. No way. The main progressive goal should be to create a society that provides decent opportunities and guarantees the best, minimum standard of living, for all people within the society. Reduction of systematic racism is an important but ultimately small part of that. If you really think racism, the abstract kind that most of us live with, is even close to the significance of increased educational attainment, higher wages, health care, infrastructure spending, or labor laws, then you must really be privileged to be able to say that the worst thing you encounter on a day to day is racism.The main progressive goal should be to try to reduce racism in America so we should really fund more studies on how to reduce racism. There seems to be not that many studies in that regard and they suffer from psychology's lack of regulations (which should be addressed also).
There was an Ipsos/Reuters one
Hillary's that bad?
Christ that Douche and Turd episode from South Park is awful and intellectually lazy.
What do people who like Obama hate about Hillary? It's so strange, lol. They're the same except Hillary is more hawkish... and Obama not being hawkish enough is probably the main criticism Americans have of him.
I'm sure Devine or Weaver are showing this poll to Sanders right now telling him he's the only one that can stop Trump if that dastardly Clinton would just get out of the way. Much like all Trump's GOP opponents thought they would beat him if the others would just drop out, thus leading to where we are now.
If you were waiting for Bernie Sanders to release a statement on the clusterfuck that was the Nevada state Democratic convention, hooray! He has done so! If you were waiting for Bernie Sanders to release a statement telling his supporters hey maybe dont drown out and scream at Barbara Boxer that shes a fucking bitch for having a different preference in the Democratic primary than you do, you are going to have to wait a little bit longer.
No, Bernie Sanders is going down swinging, and doubling down, and other metaphors from baseball and/or gambling (or both if you are Pete Rose or Shoeless Joe Jackson). See, his supporters wouldnt have had to fling chimpanzee shit all over Las Vegass Paris hotel if they hadnt been robbed, by which we mean they lost.
Wonkette has been officially neutral in the Democratic primary, until now. (We know, angry commenters; Wonkette says it has been neutral but has been a reliable source of bought-and-paid-for neoliberal corporate piece of shit one-percenter shilling for a mass murderer who will be arrested for emails any day now. Fair enough!)
But if your revolution includes disinformation, aimed to rile up your supporters, that would make Pravda and Ronald Reagan blush, you can make like your healthcare, and keep it!
(Also, if you consider Barbara Boxer, Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, Dolores Huerta, Planned Parenthood, Emilys List, Barney Frank, Harry Reid and John Lewis to be Enemies of your State, you probably need to sit down with a mug of Ovaltine and give your animal farm and Four Legs Bad Two Legs Better a super double plus good unthink.)
But the Democratic party has always opened its doors to people who are prepared to fight for economic and social change I mean, at least since we traded Strom Thurmond to the Republicans for some black guys to be named later. They just have to check a little box on their voter reg form that says I am a Democrat. Its not even as hard as it is for those poor nuns; they not only have to check a box saying they dont want to provide slut pills to their employees, they have to write down who their insurance carrier is too.
According to the Nevada Democrats, after the Dems attempted to contact the missing delegates to resolve the problems with their registrations (which were either not Democrat or were missing addresses, etc., to make sure they were actually Nevada residents) those 58 people literally never showed up to the convention. Why would I believe the Nevada Democrats over Bernie Sanders? Because I have seen the rest of the disinformation in Bernie Sanderss statement, and he has now lost his reputation with me of being an honest broker.
Which is a fucking pity.
Those amendments would have needed a two-thirds vote, because they would change the rules. To allow people to have noisemakers and megaphones, inside a hotel ballroom where they were actually trying to conduct convention business, like voting on a platform and confirming the delegate slates approved by both campaigns. This was their big demand, and they did not get it, and so the next 16 hours were spent voting down their own planks in the platform. Hey, at least its an ethos.
I misread the preceding; a commenter notes that Sen. Sanders here is discussing credentials chair Christine Kramar at the county conventions, not the state. Thats the same Christine Kramar who, it was alleged, sent emails to Hillary Clinton delegates telling them they didnt need to show up to be counted. When the Clinton camp complained she might be slightly biased, she staged a sit-in and demanded to be arrested. So thats who was threatened with arrest. We never wrote about that either because we didnt want Bernie people to sound nuts.
I am fucking sorry to endorse Hillary Clinton, and I mean it. The Democratic primary was a good, hard, fair race in which both candidates showed the nutballs at the Trump rallies how to run a clean campaign. I was proud of all of us. While some including the president were calling for supporters to unite behind Hillary, and for Bernie to drop out, I thought such calls were misguided. Hell, when does the 10 percent of the country that lives in California ever get to vote! More democracy is more gooderer!
But the Sanders campaign is now relying on Alex Jones-style conspiracies if a Republican county clerk in Arizona shuts down a whole bunch of primary precincts because Hillary Clinton told her to, then Hillary Clinton is probably really good at getting shit done! and flat out fucking lies to get its way. It hasnt had any kind of intellectual consistency for months now as first it excoriated superdelegates as undemocratic even as they mirrored the popular vote, and then called for superdelegates to overthrow the will of the people by going for the candidate who has received fewer votes. (As one example, and they are legion.)
Enough of those intellectual flip-flops and now victim-blaming the Nevada Democrats for dressing like that!
Well take our check now, thanks, Mr. Brock.
(Also, if you consider Barbara Boxer, Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, Dolores Huerta, Planned Parenthood, Emilys List, Barney Frank, Harry Reid and John Lewis to be Enemies of your State, you probably need to sit down with a mug of Ovaltine and give your animal farm and Four Legs Bad Two Legs Better a super double plus good unthink.)
DWS really made the worst primary schedule of all time.
I'm sure Devine or Weaver are showing this poll to Sanders right now telling him he's the only one that can stop Trump if that dastardly Clinton would just get out of the way. Much like all Trump's GOP opponents thought they would beat him if the others would just drop out, thus leading to where we are now.
I wouldn't worry about national polling again. I believe Sam Wang showed these are the months when national polling gets worse, not better.
Trump is getting a nomination bump. Hillary will get one after June 7th and then it will solidify.
DWS really made the worst primary schedule of all time.
This is 100% going under the assumption Bernie is going to drop out.
I don't think for a second he is. He's been running a campaign he knows he can't actually win for months now. Whats going to stop him after California? He's going to take this all the way to the convention.