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I know it's preaching to the choir, but Sanders' camp is absolutely insane if they actually think they can get it at the convention.

The Republican party bowed to their people that overwhelmingly said that the person that has the most delegates should be the nominee. I repeat, the Republicans bowed to Trump. Ted "glowing sand" Cruz bowed down to the will of the people. Think about that.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Oh God, I hope so. The party is already in its death throes, but this would be like twisting the knife.

The party is not dying. Most are lining up to support Trump. They'll support anyone with an R next to their name.


Junior Member
Crazy to think that after 2012 Republicans were going to really push to get the Hispanic vote.

4 years later, and Republicans have probably alienated Hispanics for decades to come.


Rubio is damaged forever and doesn't have a future in politics.

He's not running for re-election and isn't going to win or be able to do anything else

I think he wants to run again, that's why that spineless child is endorsing Trump

So it looks like Rosario Dawson is getting ready to move on from Sanders

I had to quote this entire convo, it's beautiful

That reply at the top... fucking ether.


I think Sanders' inner circle is going to get smaller and smaller after California, especially if he loses. And I'll bet that some of his campaign insiders resign and speak out if he carries it too far.
Even while trashing him, Mika Brzezinski is making excuses for Trump. "He's exhausted and that's making him say crazy things that I don't think he believes". Hey Mika, if running for President is making him exhausted and delirious, does that sound like somebody who should be anywhere near the actual Presidency?

Trump has been up late watching TV lately and has been out of his favorite coffee so he's been a bit grumpier in the morning. Hopefully people will take that into account and be more understanding of his bigoted and bizarre behavior during this difficult time.


Mika, if he's tired on June 6th, what kind of bullshit is he going to say when he's exhausted in October after the political onslaught to come?

At this point, I think by October he'll be in full fascist mode out of frustration. I've thought Trump has been kind of fascist-lite so far, but once he's lost 2 debates and he's polling in the mid-to-low 30's against the Obama/Clinton machine, I could see him go nuts.


Politico is saying if he wins California this is dragging on so it's important queen wins.

I think any voice inside his campaign that thinks he can "Pry" the nomination from Clinton might be unbalanced. Run to influence the platform or direct the message but steal the nomination? Are you insane?

Or is that just weaver?
Bernie Sanders, The Zodiac Age coming 2017.

Anyway yes I agree. The more I thought about it the more I realize that Cali is a must win for queenie. I really hope she can do it. It might serve as the check to Sanders' ego that is long overdue.

Those "voices" inside the campaign are no doubt delusional by now. Not sure what their true end game is if they go to the DNC to cause chaos. It just doesn't make sense. They're running with their own fabricated narrative and using that as justification to plea with supers? lolwut. You lost now get over it before this orange haired Neanderthal becomes president.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Crazy to think that after 2012 Republicans were going to really push to get the Hispanic vote.

4 years later, and Republicans have probably alienated Hispanics for decades to come.

They were never actually going to push for it. I'm sure they had fun saying it for a bit, but it was pretty obvious they weren't going to actually do anything about it.
Okay, I keep hearing this from liberals, but he still has a lot of credibility on conservative forums. If Rubio plays his cards right he could easily be a player again. His record on immigration remains his biggest hurdle, not the fuckery that ensued after Christie took him apart.

I think so too. If Trump gets blown out of the water in November I think the GOP is going to retcon the entire primary season and pretend nothing in it ever happened.


NYT's Cohn reporting on something I'd mentioned earlier: we might not know the outcome for California tomorrow night, which means that the headline on Wednesday morning is going to be "Clinton Clinches Nomination."

Why a Long Count in California Would Hurt Bernie Sanders (Even if He Wins)

Clinton’s lead in the early absentee vote poses another problem for Mr. Sanders: the vote count.

Whether he ultimately wins or not, she is probably going to have a lead in the early count. That’s because the ballots that were received ahead of the election will be counted first, and those votes will be disproportionately composed of older registered Democrats.

Mr. Sanders could then steadily erode Mrs. Clinton’s margin — first with the votes cast on Election Day, then with the late mail ballots. These late ballots tend to be from younger voters, and should be stronger for Mr. Sanders.

A similar phenomenon happened in 2008: Mrs. Clinton opened with more than a 20-point lead in California; she ultimately won by just eight points (though in 2008, some of the early vote was for John Edwards). In Oregon, where elections are entirely by mail, Mr. Sanders opened with a six-point lead and ultimately won by 13 points.

This process will not happen fast. In general, only about 70 percent of the California vote is tabulated by noon the next day. That’s in part because ballots don’t have to arrive on Election Day.

The article also looks at polling and the process for Independent voters in California, suggesting that Bernie's chances aren't as good as one might think. It's a good overview.


I've become so annoyed with the "contested convention" narrative. I don't understand why this isn't getting stomped out in the media.

It was mentioned in a WaPo story yesterday (Costa?) that what Sanders is calling a contested convention really isn't, so the media is picking up on it slowly.
Just in case anyone is interested in Kasich's opinion.

John Kasich ‏@JohnKasich 12m12 minutes ago
.@RealDonaldTrump should apologize to Judge Curiel & try to unite this country. #TwoPaths (2of2)

John Kasich ‏@JohnKasich 12m12 minutes ago
Attacking judges based on their race &/or religion is another tactic that divides our country. More importantly, it is flat out wrong.(1of2)


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I hope he doesn't apologize and this drags out for weeks with him commenting on potential female, black, and gay judges.

Edit: top of page, get it trump


Carl Paladino just got rocked on CNN trying to defend Trump on the judge. He used the typical racist defenses ("I'm not racist and Trump's not racist, Trump's the one who's being persecuted"). Please keep this an issue Trump. Alienate every minority for a generation.


They were never actually going to push for it. I'm sure they had fun saying it for a bit, but it was pretty obvious they weren't going to actually do anything about it.
They had a chance during the Bush years. Pissed it away as soon as their main goal in Congress became obstruction.


How dare conservatives talk about " a new level" with this judge stuff when Trump said illegal immigrants were rapists and murderers and a few, he assumed, were good people and the guy sent top men to Hawaii to investigate our illegitimate president. And the clown media wants to pat them on the back and let them cry on their shoulder and talk about how they'll still support Trump and hope he changes a little. I hope Trump doesn't change.


NYT's Cohn reporting on something I'd mentioned earlier: we might not know the outcome for California tomorrow night, which means that the headline on Wednesday morning is going to be "Clinton Clinches Nomination."

Why a Long Count in California Would Hurt Bernie Sanders (Even if He Wins)

The article also looks at polling and the process for Independent voters in California, suggesting that Bernie's chances aren't as good as one might think. It's a good overview.

This bothers me because it potentially gives Sanders supporters more ammo. If Clinton doesn't beat him tomorrow and let's say it's 51-49 Sanders and then she beats him Wednesday morning with absentee ballots, imagine even more FRAUD claims. Ugh
The party is not dying. Most are lining up to support Trump. They'll support anyone with an R next to their name.

I don't know if, "Yes, I confirm that I'll vote for the Republican nominee" followed by press releases about how wrong the latest dumb and divisive thing is that the Republican nominee said is exactly support. On a surface level, sure, but not in the way that we typically understand the concept of "support."

Man, I can't wait for the GOP convention.


Why won't he drop this judge stuff.

It's just weird.

This may help answer your question.


Veteran operatives are shocked by the campaign’s failure to fill key roles. There is no communications team to deal with the hundreds of media outlets covering the race, no rapid response director to quickly rebut attacks and launch new ones, and a limited cast of surrogates who lack a cohesive message.

The absence of a response to the Trump U story left the candidate to fill the vacuum with a torrent of demagoguery against the federal judge overseeing the case, Gonzalo Curiel, who Trump said was biased by his “Mexican heritage” despite his Indiana birthplace.

Trump’s comments against the judge horrified many supporters, but the real estate mogul rebuffed efforts by campaign staff, donors and party officials to back off the incendiary claim this weekend, per sources, telling them he was unwilling to look like he had caved to pressure.


President Obama, after months of sitting on the sidelines of the rancorous contest to succeed him, is now ready to aggressively campaign for Hillary Clinton, starting with a formal endorsement of her candidacy as early as this week.

Mr. Obama is particularly enthusiastic, aides said, about taking on Mr. Trump. The Republican candidate has personally offended the president with his conduct on the campaign trail — Mr. Trump referred to a black supporter on Friday in one of his crowds as “my African-American” — and as the most visible champion of the “birther” conspiracy theories that falsely hold that Mr. Obama was born in Kenya rather than Hawaii.

Should Mrs. Clinton do well enough in the primaries on Tuesday to give her sufficient delegates to claim the Democratic nomination, Mr. Obama is likely to move swiftly to make a case for her.

“He has indicated he wants to spend a lot of time on the campaign trail, so when it’s time to do that, we’ll go out guns ablazing,” Jennifer Psaki, Mr. Obama’s communications director, said in an interview. “We are actively thinking through how to use the president on the campaign trail — what works for the nominee, what works for him, and how to utilize his strengths and his appeal.”

It's weird, but I'm kinda worried that Trump's self-immolation is starting so early that by September, it will seem sort of blasé.

At what point does the next oppo dump on Trump or shitty comment that Trump makes just spark boredom?
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