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PoliGAF 2016 |OT6| Delete your accounts

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I still love, and hate, how Bernie supports are saying the TV networks are lying when they declare Hillary the nominee next week. The whole "superdelegates don't count" is the new Dick Morris Romney map and Unskewed Polls guy.

Superdelegates don't count this year until the convention!! ....for the first time ever.

Hillary once again being asked to earn the nom/prove she won 10x more than anyone else has ever been expected to. Hm...
That Sanders swipe at the party in PR is extremely dickish. Here's how it's not technically lying-- They may well have argued for the 1500 polling places! Just then not have had the people to man them all, thus the number had to be cut. So by ignorance of omission they can claim the high ground at the same time as being at fault. It's not lies. It's just ridiculously misleading.
Anyone ever wonder why there seems to be so many similarities between the hardcore Bernie supporters and gamergaters?.
Because they are literally the same damn people.
Don't be so cruel to Sanders supporters! There's also a ton of overlap with Trump! Where they land typically depends on just how much they hate those pesky SJWs. Plenty of legitimately progressive-minded Sanders folk out there on social and cultural issues. In terms of how much noise they seem to be able to make on the internet and lack of empathy shown toward others? Yeah I guess they're almost the same. Also both cases where 1% of 1% of people are ruining things for fucking everyone.
"It's about ethics in superdelegate allocation."
This needs to be the title for OT7 or the DNC thread.


Obama entering the fray also will revive the birther story. I'd expect Obama to light heartedly bring it up, prompting a reporter to ask Trump if he still believes Obama is not American. And considering that Trump has a clear inability to admit he's wrong or back down, he will double down. It'll look even worse in light of his attacks on the "Mexican" judge.

I'm not sure when Trump will have a week in which he stays on message, discusses policy, and attacks Hillary's policies.

Ooh, this is a really good point. That will certainly make for a spectacle.
I gave him $20 a few months ago. IDK. He seemed so happy with what he was doing? Plus, life shits on your dreams enough....He's still a mess.

I'm holding out for my gay people to get some representation at some point.

You know, I post funny shit my mom says all the time, but there is legitimate dislike of Bernie from her. Not in the "Oh fuck him, bless his heart" type way, but in the she legitimately loathes him kind of way. Which if you knew my mom would maybe be a little surprising. She gives no fucks, but she rarely has genuine hatred for people. (Christie excluded, trust.)

So, I asked her why did she dislike Bernie so much, and we had a really interesting conversation about it. She's around Hillary's age, and she legitimately never thought we'd have a woman President in her life time. This means a lot to her, personally, and she is terrified that Bernie is going to try and take it away from "her." (And I'm not sure if the her is Hillary or my mom TBH). Like, this is the only time in her adult life she ever donated money to a candidate, let alone phone bank for one. She's been a reliable voter, but she's never been invested like this. It's super fascinating to me to watch this through her eyes. Cause all the procedural bull shit and stalling tactics Bernie is using to appear relevant I'm like 'Bitch please." My mom gets just paranoid and angry that he's going to deny her what Hillary has worked her ass off to get.

Like she said, she's used to doing the grunt/shit work, and then the man comes in and takes the credit. She dealt with that her whole professional life, and she sees Hillary putting up with the same shit.

For millions of women and girls, this is a huge fucking deal. And I'll be damned if Bernie Sanders is going to rain on this parade. We'll WERK FUCK QUEEN all night if we have to.
This post made up for your putting ketchup on steak and hating Mariah.

I'm thinking about buying a cast iron grill pan. Should I do it?
That feeling when you have evidence implicating an entire college of a university of covering up intimate partner violence and taking revenge on people that suffered intimate partner violence, but the victims have suffered too much to want to go public to get the Dean and the professors fired.

The feeling blows.
This post made up for your putting ketchup on steak and hating Mariah.

I'm thinking about buying a cast iron grill pan. Should I do it?

I have a cast iron skillet that was my great grandmothers. I still use it. If you buy one, make sure you season it well. Even if it says it's pre-seasoned? No. Do it yourself. Makes all the difference. Best skillet to fry chicken in. Then you throw it in the oven and keep it warm until you're ready.
Edit: Sorry for the double post, but I wanted to put this in it's own since it's pretty interesting

Early Vote "Exit" Poll in California

Statewide Result
Hillary Clinton 56
Bernie Sanders 44

This result is based on more than 13,000 respondents, weighted by geography, party registration, age, ethnicity and gender to match the voters who have already cast ballots as of June 4, according to Political Data Inc.


Here's some demographic breakdowns.

Not sure how accurate or whatever but it's pretty interesting.


Rubio is damaged forever and doesn't have a future in politics.

He's not running for re-election and isn't going to win or be able to do anything else

Okay, I keep hearing this from liberals, but he still has a lot of credibility on conservative forums. If Rubio plays his cards right he could easily be a player again. His record on immigration remains his biggest hurdle, not the fuckery that ensued after Christie took him apart.


I've become so annoyed with the "contested convention" narrative. I don't understand why this isn't getting stomped out in the media.
Yeah once Obama enters the campaign Trump can't help himself and will go with the birther issue.

Then a reporter will ask "so what were the unbelievable things your detectives found 5 years and you never released?"

Ha Morning Joe saying Trump is exhausted so that's why he's saying stupid shit. Uh no, he's crazy by nature.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I've become so annoyed with the "contested convention" narrative. I don't understand why this isn't getting stomped out in the media.

Why do you think? Lol.

Someone should ask him, "Is it a contested convention if you lose on the first ballot?" but then he might just walk away during the question.
LOL, Trump is surprised with Gingrich and thought his remarks were "inappropriate".

Oh man.

FFS, even Fox & Friends are going after Trump as to why he's insisting on his criticism of the judge.


Why do you think? Lol.

Someone should ask him, "Is it a contested convention if you lose on the first ballot?" but then he might just walk away during the question.

He's busy running for President, apparently he doesn't have time for unimportant matters like how the convention works.


It's just baffling with Trump regarding the judge. He should be making hay while the sun is shining and the Democrats are still split.

Instead he's making himself look like a bigoted buffoon and drawing all the more attention to the case itself. For somebody called so media savvy he seems unable to understand that he just needs to change the conversation and the media will drop it. But he keeps going on about it. Playing along with hypotheticals about other ethnic judges he would not trust is just bizarre.

And the judge doesn't seem to be doing anything particularly extreme. It feels like Trump holds him personally responsible there's even a case in the first place.
Even while trashing him, Mika Brzezinski is making excuses for Trump. "He's exhausted and that's making him say crazy things that I don't think he believes". Hey Mika, if running for President is making him exhausted and delirious, does that sound like somebody who should be anywhere near the actual Presidency?


It's just baffling with Trump regarding the judge. He should be making hay while the sun is shining and the Democrats are still split.

Instead he's making himself look like a bigoted buffoon and drawing all the more attention to the case itself. For somebody called so media savvy he seems unable to understand that he just needs to change the conversation and the media will drop it. But he keeps going on about it. Playing along with hypotheticals about other ethnic judges he would not trust is just bizarre.

And the judge doesn't seem to be doing anything particularly extreme. It feels like Trump holds him personally responsible there's even a case in the first place.
Good guy judge even had the decency to schedule the trial to after the election. They should reschedule to next week.


Good guy judge even had the decency to schedule the trial to after the election. They should reschedule to next week.

I mean, even if the dude did have bias against him, Trump's argument is a concession he cannot have interactions with huge portions of the country without issue. How that is not a self disqualifying argument for POTUS is beyond me.


It's just baffling with Trump regarding the judge. He should be making hay while the sun is shining and the Democrats are still split.

Instead he's making himself look like a bigoted buffoon and drawing all the more attention to the case itself. For somebody called so media savvy he seems unable to understand that he just needs to change the conversation and the media will drop it. But he keeps going on about it. Playing along with hypotheticals about other ethnic judges he would not trust is just bizarre.

And the judge doesn't seem to be doing anything particularly extreme. It feels like Trump holds him personally responsible there's even a case in the first place.

Well, yeah. BUT <insert 3D world 2D world master hypnotist Scott Addams gibberish>

Also, lol at Mika raking Ryan over the coals for supporting Trump while making excuses for Trump. Weirdo.


Junior Member
I've become so annoyed with the "contested convention" narrative. I don't understand why this isn't getting stomped out in the media.

*tin hat on*
Hillary is involved in fraud. The fraud is convincing everyone (media, voters) to take it easy on Sanders until he punches himself out. Don't restrain him, just put him in a rubber room and he'll get tired eventually. Old guys like to nap.

'Oh weally? They took away your supahdelegates? That's awful. Here's your bottle and binkie. Let's go to sleep.'/babytalk


Even while trashing him, Mika Brzezinski is making excuses for Trump. "He's exhausted and that's making him say crazy things that I don't think he believes". Hey Mika, if running for President is making him exhausted and delirious, does that sound like somebody who should be anywhere near the actual Presidency?
If he is exhausted after not doing one goddamn one thing how can he be president?
This judge thing has really damaged Trump in many ways and shows how dangerous he is as a candidate for republicans. Surely republican officials have to look at this and realize his promises to "get serious" are worthless because he shows no ability to recognize when he fucked up and adjust accordingly. A smart campaign would try to change the subject: have Trump give a "major" speech, roll out some endorsements, escalate a specific attack on Hillary, etc. None of which is guaranteed to work but at least the campaign would be doing its job. Right now the campaign is paralyzed as Trump digs deeper and deeper.

Furthermore this gives democrats more safe space to simply call Trump a bigot or racist. Trump's previous statements on Mexican rapists could be spun ("he didn't say all Mexicans are rapists") and there are a lot of pathetic people willing to buy spin on race. But at this point he's gone too far and regular people can see what he is: a classic racist. This is a man who believes blacks are lazy, Hispanics are criminals, the Chinese are thieves, Jews are greedy, etc. He probably says ugly stuff about Polish people too.
So I guess we get to enjoy a month of "Supers don't count because they haven't voted yet, Hillary isn't the candidate! Stop talking about Hillary!" while nobody cares anymore and Hillary moves on to full general election campaigning, with Obama and everyone else behind her.
It warms the cockles of the heart me seeing my Facebook friends that a pro-Bernie/anti-Hillary posting anti-Trump stuff... with phrases taken directly from Hillary's recent speech.
My second best guess is he's scared shitless of this fraud suit and is hoping to fuck up the process so much that the judge recuses himself or a mistrial or indefinite delays or whateverthefuck

My BEST guess is one or more personality disorders


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
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