I gave him $20 a few months ago. IDK. He seemed so happy with what he was doing? Plus, life shits on your dreams enough....He's still a mess.
I'm holding out for my gay people to get some representation at some point.
You know, I post funny shit my mom says all the time, but there is legitimate dislike of Bernie from her. Not in the "Oh fuck him, bless his heart" type way, but in the she legitimately loathes him kind of way. Which if you knew my mom would maybe be a little surprising. She gives no fucks, but she rarely has genuine hatred for people. (Christie excluded, trust.)
So, I asked her why did she dislike Bernie so much, and we had a really interesting conversation about it. She's around Hillary's age, and she legitimately never thought we'd have a woman President in her life time. This means a lot to her, personally, and she is terrified that Bernie is going to try and take it away from "her." (And I'm not sure if the her is Hillary or my mom TBH). Like, this is the only time in her adult life she ever donated money to a candidate, let alone phone bank for one. She's been a reliable voter, but she's never been invested like this. It's super fascinating to me to watch this through her eyes. Cause all the procedural bull shit and stalling tactics Bernie is using to appear relevant I'm like 'Bitch please." My mom gets just paranoid and angry that he's going to deny her what Hillary has worked her ass off to get.
Like she said, she's used to doing the grunt/shit work, and then the man comes in and takes the credit. She dealt with that her whole professional life, and she sees Hillary putting up with the same shit.
For millions of women and girls, this is a huge fucking deal. And I'll be damned if Bernie Sanders is going to rain on this parade. We'll WERK FUCK QUEEN all night if we have to.