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So, I've been reading different stories and Twitter reports about the reduction in the number of polling locations in Puerto Rico. Obviously, a lot of this is anecdotal, but I think I have a possible idea as to what happened.

They were supposed to have 1500 locations, but Bernie couldn't get enough volunteers to be poll watchers at them all. So, I guess that would have left them with a) Letting Hillary people act as the only observers (or maybe the PR Democratic Party selecting people) or b) only allowing the number of counting rooms that Bernie's team could fill. Bernie's people went with the 2nd option.

Again, this is some speculation on my part, but it seems to fit. Because, deep down, I don't think Bernie would willingly disenfranchise people. It's quite possible this was all done on the ground, and his national campaign is so incompetent they had no idea what was actually going on. However, I feel that if you can't get enough volunteers to watch your voters, too bad.



So, I've been reading different stories and Twitter reports about the reduction in the number of polling locations in Puerto Rico. Obviously, a lot of this is anecdotal, but I think I have a possible idea as to what happened.

They were supposed to have 1500 locations, but Bernie couldn't get enough volunteers to be poll watchers at them all. So, I guess that would have left them with a) Letting Hillary people act as the only observers (or maybe the PR Democratic Party selecting people) or b) only allowing the number of counting rooms that Bernie's team could fill. Bernie's people went with the 2nd option.

Again, this is some speculation on my part, but it seems to fit. Because, deep down, I don't think Bernie would willingly disenfranchise people. It's quite possible this was all done on the ground, and his national campaign is so incompetent they had no idea what was actually going on. However, I feel that if you can't get enough volunteers to watch your voters, too bad.

If his ground game in PR sucked that's on him. Period.


Oh it's a movement alright.

NO, it hasn't. And his antics over the last month have proven that. Bernie's 'Movement" began and ends with him wagging his finger at anyone hat doesn't meet his standers of leftest purity. Apparently that includes entire democratic party, Planned parenthood, large swaths of black southern democrats and ACTUAL progressive icons like Barney Frank. Bernie's movement was and is a sham. And not a very convincing one at that.


Good points but he said he'd gain no traction as an independent how many months ago? Was it over a year ago? He's established quite the following now. He could go against his word. He'd come up with any bullshit excuse he deems appropriate. You know he has a huge bag of them. FRAUD
He's virtually out of time to run as a third party and get on many ballots. Most states have sore loser laws preventing the type of bitter attempt Sanders might make. There may be a party with ballot access willing to give him the ticket but even that seems unlikely. We know the libertarian party just had their convention. The green party's convention is in early August but delegates are already being selected.

He's said he won't do it, I believe him. But even if he did it wouldn't result in a Trump win. I'm sure delusional Sanders fans will tell themselves Clinton only won the presidency because Sanders didn't run as a third party...but everyone in this thread should be smart enough to know that's not true.


The day that Hillary should officially win the nomination is tomorrow, assuming no superdelegate dash in the interim. YAAAS. FUCK. WERK. QUEEN. etc.

It's like time stopped in 2008, and while it kept going, that moment remained frozen until now. I'm going to vote for and help elect an incredibly qualified individual to be president of the United States. It just so happens that she's also a woman.
Obama entering the fray also will revive the birther story. I'd expect Obama to light heartedly bring it up, prompting a reporter to ask Trump if he still believes Obama is not American. And considering that Trump has a clear inability to admit he's wrong or back down, he will double down. It'll look even worse in light of his attacks on the "Mexican" judge.

I'm not sure when Trump will have a week in which he stays on message, discusses policy, and attacks Hillary's policies.
The birther stuff made black people hate Trump more than any other demographic. He entered the race with awful unfavorables with them.


This is true. I'm not excusing it, since it probably cost Hillary a few delegates, but I don't think it was malfeasance. It was just incompetence.
It's incompetence more than anything else but he uses his campaign's dysfunction and failures as excuses to cry foul and poop on the party that has been far too accommodating for his whiny ass.

Sanders needs to be punished hard after this. If Dems get the Senate back, Sanders shouldn't get shit. And there should be an active and ongoing effort to primary him in 2018. I mean it. There's no excuse for this behavior and he needs to pay a steep price for it.

I hate Bernie almost as much as I hate Trump at this point.
Might have been. The Sanders' campaign statement afterwards, however, is pretty shit.

Oh, definitely. Plus, it's pretty easy to show receipts and see who was right/wrong if anyone wants to investigate it. I'm sure no one cares because he's already lost. Let it alone, you know? But, again, it's par for the course from Bernie's campaign. Yell, scream, drag your feet. Whatever it takes because everything is someone else's fault.

The day that Hillary should officially win the nomination is tomorrow, assuming no superdelegate dash in the interim. YAAAS. FUCK. WERK. QUEEN. etc.

It's like time stopped in 2008, and while it kept going, that moment remained frozen until now. I'm going to vote for and help elect an incredibly qualified individual to be president of the United States. It just so happens that she's also a woman.

So, having been a Hillary supporter in 2008 and obviously being insane with anticipation going into this season...you'd think I'd be, like, emotionally ready for this?

But, it really, really hit me this evening that we are going to nominate a woman to be our nominee. It feels so fucking big to me all of a sudden. It's right there in front of me, and it's actually going to happen. And, she's not just winning because she's a woman, but because she's insanely qualified. I feel...I don't know. It feels melodramatic to say I feel emotional, but I do, in a way. In 2008, I was extremely happy that we had nominated the first minority to head our party, but I was still coming off of the Hillary loss. It didn't take me long to get psyched as all hell, but the enormity of what had happened didn't hit me the day Obama clinched.

This time, though, holy hell this time. I've wanted this for eight long years....and it's right freaking there in front of me. And...ugh. I'm a mess. And I'm not even drunk!


God I love the Democratic Party. We nominate a woman right after nominating a black man. Back-to-back history making nominations!
The day that Hillary should officially win the nomination is tomorrow, assuming no superdelegate dash in the interim. YAAAS. FUCK. WERK. QUEEN. etc.

It's like time stopped in 2008, and while it kept going, that moment remained frozen until now. I'm going to vote for and help elect an incredibly qualified individual to be president of the United States. It just so happens that she's also a woman.
Even as someone who didn't vote for her in the caucus, I'm still very proud that America is on the verge of nominating its first woman as a major party candidate for president, and simply the first female president in a few months.

I think even if you vehemently disagree with their policies or politics you can at least recognize the significance of having an African-American president or a female president and what impact that has on children growing up in this world. You can be any gender and any race and become the President of the United States. That is powerful in and of itself.

Obviously it doesn't mean all gender/racial discrimination or inequality issues are solved. Obviously. And you shouldn't vote for someone specifically for that reason. But it still sends an enormously positive message.

Btw Adam I also had a moment the other day where I was like "oh shit we gonna nominate a woman". Man.

The talk earlier about Obama being an asset to future presidential candidates and playing a major role in campaigns for years to come. Man I can just imagine 10-20 years from now watching a DNC with my kids and saying "That was President Obama, our first black president and one of the best presidents we ever had. And I was there when he won." Sheeit.

Anyone listen to Hamilton? "Look around, look around how lucky we are to be alive right now, history is happenin' in Manhattan and we just happen to be in the greatest city in the world" is a lyric that has a lot of power to me right now.
Even wunderkind Tyler is predicting a Hilldawg win in Cali.


Can Bernie take this dude with him when he beats feet? I'm sick of the both of 'em. Here's a model I made based on facebook likes. Please donate money to me. Blarghablargh.
Can Bernie take this dude with him when he beats feet? I'm sick of the both of 'em. Here's a model I made based on facebook likes. Please donate money to me. Blarghablargh.

Maybe people that aren't Sanders fans should stop giving him attention. Just because you make predictions doesn't mean anyone should listen to you.


Even as someone who didn't vote for her in the caucus, I'm still very proud that America is on the verge of nominating its first woman as a major party candidate for president, and simply the first female president in a few months.

I think even if you vehemently disagree with their policies or politics you can at least recognize the significance of having an African-American president or a female president and what impact that has on children growing up in this world. You can be any gender and any race and become the President of the United States. That is powerful in and of itself.

Obviously it doesn't mean all gender/racial discrimination or inequality issues are solved. Obviously. And you shouldn't vote for someone specifically for that reason. But it still sends an enormously positive message.

Btw Adam I also had a moment the other day where I was like "oh shit we gonna nominate a woman". Man.

The talk earlier about Obama being an asset to future presidential candidates and playing a major role in campaigns for years to come. Man I can just imagine 10-20 years from now watching a DNC with my kids and saying "That was President Obama, our first black president and one of the best presidents we ever had. And I was there when he won." Sheeit.

Anyone listen to Hamilton? "Look around, look around how lucky we are to be alive right now, history is happenin' in Manhattan and we just happen to be in the greatest city in the world" is a lyric that has a lot of power to me right now.

If in 2008, Allen West had been the Republican nominee, or hell, for some reason, Mia Love, I would have admired the position they were in. I sure as shit wouldn't have voted for either, though.


He's virtually out of time to run as a third party and get on many ballots. Most states have sore loser laws preventing the type of bitter attempt Sanders might make. There may be a party with ballot access willing to give him the ticket but even that seems unlikely. We know the libertarian party just had their convention. The green party's convention is in early August but delegates are already being selected.

He's said he won't do it, I believe him. But even if he did it wouldn't result in a Trump win. I'm sure delusional Sanders fans will tell themselves Clinton only won the presidency because Sanders didn't run as a third party...but everyone in this thread should be smart enough to know that's not true.
Ehh... that would depend on how many blue states and swing states he would be able to get on as an Independent. Not worth the risk. Plus lots of people in stats where he would not, for example, be able to run as an Independent might turn off Sanders supporters and just make them stay home.
Can Bernie take this dude with him when he beats feet? I'm sick of the both of 'em. Here's a model I made based on facebook likes. Please donate money to me. Blarghablargh.

I gave him $20 a few months ago. IDK. He seemed so happy with what he was doing? Plus, life shits on your dreams enough....He's still a mess.

I think there'll be another milestone again next time (black woman, Asian, or Latino).

I'm holding out for my gay people to get some representation at some point.

You know, I post funny shit my mom says all the time, but there is legitimate dislike of Bernie from her. Not in the "Oh fuck him, bless his heart" type way, but in the she legitimately loathes him kind of way. Which if you knew my mom would maybe be a little surprising. She gives no fucks, but she rarely has genuine hatred for people. (Christie excluded, trust.)

So, I asked her why did she dislike Bernie so much, and we had a really interesting conversation about it. She's around Hillary's age, and she legitimately never thought we'd have a woman President in her life time. This means a lot to her, personally, and she is terrified that Bernie is going to try and take it away from "her." (And I'm not sure if the her is Hillary or my mom TBH). Like, this is the only time in her adult life she ever donated money to a candidate, let alone phone bank for one. She's been a reliable voter, but she's never been invested like this. It's super fascinating to me to watch this through her eyes. Cause all the procedural bull shit and stalling tactics Bernie is using to appear relevant I'm like 'Bitch please." My mom gets just paranoid and angry that he's going to deny her what Hillary has worked her ass off to get.

Like she said, she's used to doing the grunt/shit work, and then the man comes in and takes the credit. She dealt with that her whole professional life, and she sees Hillary putting up with the same shit.

For millions of women and girls, this is a huge fucking deal. And I'll be damned if Bernie Sanders is going to rain on this parade. We'll WERK FUCK QUEEN all night if we have to.


So I'm correct in saying that the final delegate count not including supers on tuesday unless Bernie gets really lucky in California and destroys Hilary in that state which is almost impossible will be 2100+ for Hilary and 1800+ for bernie.
You know, I post funny shit my mom says all the time, but there is legitimate dislike of Bernie from her. Not in the "Oh fuck him, bless his heart" type way, but in the she legitimately loathes him kind of way. Which if you knew my mom would maybe be a little surprising. She gives no fucks, but she rarely has genuine hatred for people. (Christie excluded, trust.)

So, I asked her why did she dislike Bernie so much, and we had a really interesting conversation about it. She's around Hillary's age, and she legitimately never thought we'd have a woman President in her life time. This means a lot to her, personally, and she is terrified that Bernie is going to try and take it away from "her." (And I'm not sure if the her is Hillary or my mom TBH). Like, this is the only time in her adult life she ever donated money to a candidate, let alone phone bank for one. She's been a reliable voter, but she's never been invested like this. It's super fascinating to me to watch this through her eyes. Cause all the procedural bull shit and stalling tactics Bernie is using to appear relevant I'm like 'Bitch please." My mom gets just paranoid and angry that he's going to deny her what Hillary has worked her ass off to get.

Like she said, she's used to doing the grunt/shit work, and then the man comes in and takes the credit. She dealt with that her whole professional life, and she sees Hillary putting up with the same shit.

For millions of women and girls, this is a huge fucking deal. And I'll be damned if Bernie Sanders is going to rain on this parade. We'll WERK FUCK QUEEN all night if we have to.

This is beautiful!


I wonder when republicans will nominate their first minority. I'd assume 2020 but who know what Trump voters will do after he loses.

If they can get the firmware updated Rubio would be a viable candidate. In reality, if the demographics and the GOP platform continue like they are now we will see the democratic primary become the de facto POTUS election.
If they can get the firmware updated Rubio would be a viable candidate. In reality, if the demographics and the GOP platform continue like they are now we will see the democratic primary become the de facto POTUS election.

Rubio is damaged forever and doesn't have a future in politics.

He's not running for re-election and isn't going to win or be able to do anything else


Can you rock a feather boa!?

I'm not rightly sure.

I did vote for Tammy Baldwin as my House Representative five times, beginning with the first election in which I was eligible to vote
. I then voted for her to be my Senator in 2012.

Also, I once wore a bright red headed, pig tailed wig at the bars for several hours. My sister-in-law posted a picture on facebook with my unkempt beard and mustache and my reply was "Better put a ring on it." I think that's pretty fabulous.


It's incompetence more than anything else but he uses his campaign's dysfunction and failures as excuses to cry foul and poop on the party that has been far too accommodating for his whiny ass.

Sanders needs to be punished hard after this. If Dems get the Senate back, Sanders shouldn't get shit. And there should be an active and ongoing effort to primary him in 2018. I mean it. There's no excuse for this behavior and he needs to pay a steep price for it.

I hate Bernie almost as much as I hate Trump at this point.

Assuming Sanders doesn't actually try to "burn down the convention" or do something similarly insane the fact that he's popular in Vermont and votes Democrat in the Senate means means trying to primary him would be a waste of time.

If they can get the firmware updated Rubio would be a viable candidate. In reality, if the demographics and the GOP platform continue like they are now we will see the democratic primary become the de facto POTUS election.

Got STOMPED by Trump + endorsed Trump + basically only has good looks going for him = me not particularly worried. A "firmware" upgrade would have to actually turn him into a successful politician who has attractive policies and a resume of some noteworthy legislative successes. Will he run for his Senate seat again? Will he win? Will he actually do anything worth a damn in the Senate? That's a lot of hoops he has to jump through.

Paul Ryan would be a threat but already being branded a loser from his VP run + popularity poison that is Speaker of the House position + he has now endorsed Trump means I think the presidency is closed to him. I'd worry more about folks like Susanna Martinez, Nikki Haley or the governor of Nevada whose name escapes my mind. Minority Republicans that stayed clear of the Trump Train and have a national reputation of being moderates (regardless of if they are or aren't) seem like the biggest threats (assuming they also have respectable legislative resumes). That's assuming the Republican primary voters will allow a non-straight white male to ever get the nomination :p


Clinton meets with community leaders while Sanders crashes someone else's festival and asks/demands? a stage and a microphone.

Granted he did some salt of the earth shit on the Santa Monica Pier, so hey kudos.

How the fuck did Sanders convince people that he's a man of the people?

Hey, you zip up that negativity. Sanders has been racing up and down California and has drawn more than 211,000 people to his rallies. Much more than Clinton has drawn. What is this meeting with people who can get shit done stuff? Bernie doesn't have time for that. He needs to get 10,000 people to cheer for the speech he has given dozens of times.
So I'm correct in saying that the final delegate count not including supers on tuesday unless Bernie gets really lucky in California and destroys Hilary in that state which is almost impossible will be 2100+ for Hilary and 1800+ for bernie.

Correct. I can't really come up with a scenario in which she doesn't have at least 2100 delegates.

Just like when I go out to brunch with my friends and we all sit on the same side of the table!

OMG, I cannot stand this. When a couple goes to eat and they sit on the same side of the table!? NO. You're making everyone uncomfortable. Sit across from each other for the love of all that is holy. FUCK.


I still love, and hate, how Bernie supports are saying the TV networks are lying when they declare Hillary the nominee next week. The whole "superdelegates don't count" is the new Dick Morris Romney map and Unskewed Polls guy.
Rubio is damaged forever and doesn't have a future in politics.

He's not running for re-election and isn't going to win or be able to do anything else
After Romney's run for President in 08, I thought the same thing. However, Rubio was more out in the spotlight. Trump has essentially been salting the earth after burning down republican establishment candidates. Trump has killed a lot of republican politicians careers.
I wonder when republicans will nominate their first minority. I'd assume 2020 but who know what Trump voters will do after he loses.

Minority candidates actually do quite well, so long as they frame minority issues in a way that makes white dudes guilt free. I mean a big portion of Ben Carson's appeal was that he was arguing black people were just lazy rather than victims of systemic racism.

Similarly, Latino candidates can say they are big Legal Immigration success stories, female candidates can say they succeeded without affirmative action etc
After Romney's run for President in 08, I thought the same thing. However, Rubio was more out in the spotlight. Trump has essentially been salting the earth after burning down republican establishment candidates. Trump has killed a lot of republican politicians careers.

He might have been able to make a recovery like Romney but

The penis comment has sunk him forever.


Susan Saradon is on a short list of celebrities I've actually met and spoken with (on more than one occasion!) but I had no clue about her politics. A shame her and Robbins seems to live off "anti-establishment*/3rd Party Kool-Aid.

Minority candidates actually do quite well, so long as they frame minority issues in a way that makes white dudes guilt free. I mean a big portion of Ben Carson's appeal was that he was arguing black people were just lazy rather than victims of systemic racism.

Similarly, Latino candidates can say they are big Legal Immigration success stories, female candidates can say they succeeded without affirmative action etc

It's one thing to the popular because you are "that one minority friend", its another thing to get them to vote for you and make you the nominee. It's also another thing to make minorities outside the Republican bubble vote for you. I feel confident that in a hypothetical Carson vs Clinton match-up, the Black vote won't be going for Carson (and the same for Latinos and Rubio or Cruz, especially Cruz).

Rosario Dawson is basically mass retweeting anything having to do with Jill Stein, she's lost it

Realizing Sanders is toast is the first step. Realizing Stein is garbage is the next. It might take her a few weeks though.
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