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Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Also, we've kind of been anticipating a hillary run/win ever since al gore "lost." It's been brewing a long time.

I don't think anyone in 2005 or 2006 would have predicted that the next president would be black.
Let's talk about something that's been perplexing me for a bit.

We've sort of had a collective shrug that Hillary is the first woman to ever be on a major party's ballot as the presidential candidate. This could be for a few reasons -- she came so close in 2008, she was considered sort of a shoe-in this time, Clinton fatigue.

But I started wondering -- what if this were Elizabeth Warren? Amy Klobuchar? Jeanne Shaheen? Would there be this huge excitement about a first female nominee? And I don't think there would've been, and I'm trying to figure out exactly what that is. Is it because this has been a long time coming we've assumed it to be a "well, duh" moment? Is it because it didn't seem improbable? I don't know. I can't quite figure out why I feel like no one would be seen as a uniquely historic candidate outside of the fact that, "oh yeah, they are I guess". A collective shrug.
I think her getting so close in 2008 is part of it. I also think she's Hillary Clinton. While the fact that she's a woman is integral to her world view, I feel she's not always seen as a female politician. That's why her breakdown in New Hampshire in 2008 was a big deal. I also think the way it happened tonight is part of it. We knew it was coming, but she hasn't quote unquote accepted it yet. I think it becomes more real when she accepts today that she is the nominee.

As to other candidates, I blame Obama and Hillary. It's their fault. They have each broken down barriers that I feel as though we've internalized so much in eight short years. Hillary was the first woman to win a primary. Obama was the first non white candidate to lead the ticket. We have all matured in this new political landscape. We talk about a Latino Veep, but argue not about pandering, but about qualification. I'm not saying we live in a post racial, post gender world. But the idea of what is possible in politics has changed, in no small part to Obama and Hillary.

I also think most of us are liberals. The idea that a woman can be just as qualified as a man isn't shocking to us. It simply is true, and we all know that.

I mentioned it hit me the other night when talking to my mom. I think we're so far in the bubble we've lost some of the wonder about it.


Looking forward to the indictment! Just one more way in which Hillary can make history by being the first serving felon to become President.
A thread about how much Hillary's jacket cost is on the front page of /r/politics

ironically the people in the comments of it are denouncing it, but stil

Yeah I don't understand AP's rationale for calling it the day before big primaries.

Those superdelegates were always in the bag, why didn't they count them before?

Must be frustrating for the campaign, to play the democratic and respectful game only to be accused of "rigged" one day before actually being able to clinch the nomination.


Can't wait to spam this tomorrow night

Do we have an official VICTORY gif?

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
I'd be pretty annoyed at those superdelegates if I was Clinton. She was going to beat Sanders off the back of democratic contests and take California with high probability; but now the Sanders campaign has room to claim spoiler effect/Clinton distorting the results by prematurely claiming victory. Was it really so difficult for them to wait a few more days? It'll be extra awkward now in the unlikely situation where Sanders wins California. I think it's pretty sensible for Clinton to hold off on the victory speech, I'd do the exact same thing.

also superdelegates sux fire DWS etc etc
I'd be pretty annoyed at those superdelegates if I was Clinton. She was going to beat Sanders off the back of democratic contests and take California with high probability; but now the Sanders campaign has room to claim spoiler effect/Clinton distorting the results by prematurely claiming victory. Was it really so difficult for them to wait a few more days? It'll be extra awkward now in the unlikely situation where Sanders wins California. I think it's pretty sensible for Clinton to hold off on the victory speech, I'd do the exact same thing.

also superdelegates sux fire DWS etc etc

I wish they hadn't announced it either...but, at the same time, isn't the purpose of the news/journalism to...you know...report news? I'm not sure it's more morally justifiable for them to sit on the information either. It's actually an interesting issue, especially since I assume we all want a free press. I also don't think it makes it more or less awkward if Bernie wins California, especially since we probably won't know who won it until sometime tomorrow. She was going to claim the nomination come hell or high water today.

But, there was no way she was going to claim victory Monday. That shit is scripted. Hard.

I'm also pretty certain Bernie is going to drop by the weekend. The campaign has to be running on fumes. There's no question this thing is over. Obama's not going to hold out too much longer.
s4p has gone off the deep end.

They've decided that if 17% of Hillary voters stay home today, Bernie will get the pledged delegate lead. Um.
If 17 percent of Hillary supporters stays home and all Bernie Supporters go vote, that will mean a delegate surplus for Bernie (according to numbers from Tyler and Julian)
CA: Projected:53:, New projection 68 %, Delegate surplus: +171
MT: Projected:73:, New projection 88 %, Delegate surplus: +21 (Clinton non viable)
NJ: Projected:44:, New projection 58 %, Delegate surplus: +20
NM: Projected:56:, New projection 71 %, Delegate surplus: +14
SD: Projected:68:, New projection 83 %, Delegate surplus: +17
ND:projected:74:, New projection 89 %, Delegate surplus: +18 (Clinton non viable)

Bernie's now getting 71% of the vote in New Fucking Mexico.


And it's all based on Tyler, so you know it's accurate. I want my $20 back, Tyler.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Going to vote in 10 minutes!!!!! Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Queen: she is trampling on the constitution with fraud and she is mean, doo doo doo

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
I wish they hadn't announced it either...but, at the same time, isn't the purpose of the news/journalism to...you know...report news? I'm not sure it's more morally justifiable for them to sit on the information either. It's actually an interesting issue, especially since I assume we all want a free press. I also don't think it makes it more or less awkward if Bernie wins California, especially since we probably won't know who won it until sometime tomorrow. She was going to claim the nomination come hell or high water today.

But, there was no way she was going to claim victory Monday. That shit is scripted. Hard.

I'm also pretty certain Bernie is going to drop by the weekend. The campaign has to be running on fumes. There's no question this thing is over. Obama's not going to hold out too much longer.

I'm not blaming the news - that is their purpose, I agree. I'm blaming Clinton's superdelegates for prematurely pushing her over the line when she was going to do it democratically very shortly anyway. The Sanders camp *hates* superdelegates enough as it is for making the process undemocratic, as far as Clinton is concerned the most useful thing superdelegates can do for her right now isn't an endorsement, it's shutting the fuck up, letting her win, and *then* endorsing. Relations between the Sanders and Clinton factions is pretty terse, there's no reason to stir the pot more. You don't get to be a superdelegate without having spent some time in politics, have some common sense, you know?

Thankfully Clinton seems to be aware of this, tactical political astuteness is one of her virtues.


From HaHA's twitter:


Yes, motherfucker, yes! If a bunch of people are included in a thread about something confidential and you "reply to all" you're not breaching anything.


Definitely one of the best parts of clinching is (hopefully) seeing/hearing/reading the last of Cenk/TYT/HA and the rest of these cultish Bernie stans. They'll whine, keep praying for that indictment and further reveal themselves as the idiotic jokes that they are.


I slept on it and I'm Team Xavier Bacerra now. Let's do this! How do I get in touch with her campaign to make that happen?

Today is the day? Today is the day!! 1st Female Major Presidential Nominee!


do you think ha Goodman is even registered to vote?

Wasn't he a Ron Paul supporter in previous elections? One thing I always enjoy in his articles is the amazing amount of self promotion he manages to slip in - it's Trump like in its consistency and shamelessness. The fact that no editor has scrubbed that bit out from his articles is just depressing.
Yep, it's called Churchill, Hitler and the Unnecessary War.
I gave up the 1940 example there because I think that's the most egregious. It should be noted that he does make some arguments in that book that I agree with, like that Britain had no business getting involved in WWI (though I think he mischaracterize the reasons why they did).

Man, that whole book is a giant cognitive dissonance from me - on the one hand, I fucking Hate Churchill and I always love to see someone shit on him, but on the other hand, some of his arguments... ugh.

I mean, Imperial Germany violated the FUCK out of Belgium's sovereignty. I don't really know how the hell Britain could have avoided getting involved in the war at that point.


Honestly how can one expect to be taken seriously when going by HA Goodman?? Hahaha Goodman!

Hoping for big wins in Cali and NJ for Queenie tonight! Obama can we please get some hopium thx


I mean, Imperial Germany violated the FUCK out of Belgium's sovereignty. I don't really know how the hell Britain could have avoided getting involved in the war at that point.
Same way it avoided getting involved in the Franco Prussian war?
World War I wasn't this good vs evil conflict, it was yet another bullshit continental war the European countries used to get to on the regular because, fuck, who knows, something something the great game of statecraft.

You can kinda make the case that a country has a moral obligation to get involved if it can reduce suffering in a dramatic fashion, but I'm not sure Britain getting into the war achieved that.


Hillary did a good job of attacking Trump's comments on judges and their heritage on Rachel Maddow:


I mean, it's not a stretch at all to believe Trump could attack anyone's credibility if he's willing to use one's heritage as a way of invalidating your judgment. But sometimes people just need to hear it.

Looking forward to their debates.
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