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Sen Bob Corker won't answer if Trump is fit to be President, says to ask him at a later date...LOL

Yeah, his Sunday show interview killed any chance if being VP on the spot. Not only did he not outright support and defend Trump, but he was like reverse Ali: he's so boring he can make paint sleep.


Anyone else hear the interview this morning on NPR with California Senator Joel Anderson where he basically melted down and started accusing Renee Montage of ambush journalism? That was something.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Watching msnbc interviewing Bernie supporters, wow lol

"Only reason Hilary is winning is because nobody knew about Bernie early on, if those primaries would be held now, Bernie would win"



Watching msnbc interviewing Bernie supporters, wow lol

"Only reason Hilary is winning is because nobody knew about Bernie early on, if those primaries would be held now, Bernie would win"


Ya know, maybe young people not being involved in politics isn't the worst thing.... Kidding! I think.


Watching msnbc interviewing Bernie supporters, wow lol

"Only reason Hilary is winning is because nobody knew about Bernie early on, if those primaries would be held now, Bernie would win"


And few knew about Obama early on except that he gave one stirring speech at the DNC. ANd he beat the exact same establishment candidate. These people are just low information voters incapable of internalizing any data that contradicts their narrative.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
And few knew about Obama early on except that he gave one stirring speech at the DNC. ANd he beat the exact same establishment candidate. These people are just low information voters incapable of internalizing any data that contradicts their narrative.

So true, but It also has to do with tribalism. Once you join a team you gotta stick with that team no matter what.

Best question I saw asked last night was how would a Bernie supporter feel if the roles were reversed. She quickly changed the subject. You can't say the system is rigged for months and then try to use the rigged system's rules to overturn the will of the people. I blame Bernie for letting hi supporters thinking he can still win.

Just take the loss and move on.


So true, but It also has to do with tribalism. Once you join a team you gotta stick with that team no matter what.

Best question I saw asked last night was how would a Bernie supporter feel if the roles were reversed. She quickly changed the subject. You can't say the system is rigged for months and then try to use the rigged system's rules to overturn the will of the people. I blame Bernie for letting hi supporters thinking he can still win.

Just take the loss and move on.

That's actually a good question for a Bernie Supporter. For months they talked about rigged elections, DNC taking shit away from them, DWS etc... but in the end she won the most pledged delegates, superdelegates, voters and states without anything being rigged. She just won, because she was the better candidate who ran the better campaign. The narrative falls apart because you can't really account for 3.5 million more votes or whatever it ends up being. The will of the voters has spoken.

I see y'all talked abotu Ralph Nader losing his mind

ohh what did Ralph Nader do?


I will post the victory speech thread when NJ closes at 8:00EST. I would like Y2Kev to include my poll

"Now that Hillary has won the Democratic Nomination. BernieGaf who will you vote for in November?

A. Hillary
B. Trump
C. 3rd Party
D. Write-in Bernie Sanders
E. Stay Home
Watching msnbc interviewing Bernie supporters, wow lol

"Only reason Hilary is winning is because nobody knew about Bernie early on, if those primaries would be held now, Bernie would win"

Friend of mine said the same thing last night, that if the primary was held again Bernie would win. Although he then amended it to "it would be closer"


~Good morning everyone!~

~Today is the day!~



I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Friend of mine said the same thing last night, that if the primary was held again Bernie would win. Although he then amended it to "it would be closer"

Has there been any evidence that any demographics have shifted since the start of the race? I'm sure one of the forecasters could figure this out quite easily.
I am conflicted about the possibility of Sherrod Brown as a VP choice. I love the dude
and would have voted for him for president
but I don't know if Ohio and the Senate Dems can afford to lose him in his current role.


The most interesting part of that Nader interview to me was this:

So you tried to make these points to him?
Oh, yeah. I haven’t had a return call in 15 years, and I’m not the only one. He’s been a lone ranger. And he’s gotten a long way without our advice. People even now can’t get through to his staff. These are people who are on his side, who write articles for Salon and so on. They just can’t get through. There comes a time when you do need to return calls. You may have gone as far as you can on your own.

Bernie really does think he can just do everything on his own doesn't he?


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions


The most interesting part of that Nader interview to me was this:

Bernie really does think he can just do everything on his own doesn't he?

dang if that's true Bernie is an even worse candidate then I thought. His general election campaign would have been disastrous


dang if that's true Bernie is an even worse candidate then I thought. His general election campaign would have been disastrous


It's just like what we're seeing from Trump's skeleton campaign. The GOP feared it would haunt them in the GE and they are increasingly being proven right.


The most interesting part of that Nader interview to me was this:

Bernie really does think he can just do everything on his own doesn't he?

This is why I find it hard to lay all the blame on Weaver. Weaver is the attack dog, the idiotic face of the campaign sure. But listen to one Bernie Sanders interview and it's pretty easy to believe that all the bullheadedness is coming right from the top.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
This is why I find it hard to lay all the blame on Weaver. Weaver is the attack dog, the idiotic face of the campaign sure. But listen to one Bernie Sanders interview and it's pretty easy to believe that all the bullheadedness is coming right from the top.

It's why I would not place a bet on Sanders dropping out in June.
Too much unknown.



It's just like what we're seeing from Trump's skeleton campaign. The GOP feared it would haunt them in the GE and they are increasingly being proven right.
I bet Ted Cruz still seethes at the shape of Trump's campaign today. To be beaten by him and then see Trump trip, fumble, and stumble through the daily GE portion of the campaign, with mistakes that are entirely avoidable.. it's gotta be eating him up.


Question has Bernie always been like this or has the stress of running turned him into what he is today?

According to Barney Frank, he's always been like this. I read a Mother Jones article where they wondered what happened to the "message candidate" -- the one that proclaimed "Who cares about Hillary's damned emails?" But then I also read he meant to say something else, that he was actually supposed to subtly attack her on that same issue.

Seems Barney was right.


I wish they hadn't announced it either...but, at the same time, isn't the purpose of the news/journalism to...you know...report news? I'm not sure it's more morally justifiable for them to sit on the information either. It's actually an interesting issue, especially since I assume we all want a free press. I also don't think it makes it more or less awkward if Bernie wins California, especially since we probably won't know who won it until sometime tomorrow. She was going to claim the nomination come hell or high water today.

But, there was no way she was going to claim victory Monday. That shit is scripted. Hard.

I'm also pretty certain Bernie is going to drop by the weekend. The campaign has to be running on fumes. There's no question this thing is over. Obama's not going to hold out too much longer.

But it wasn't news. We all knew about it and we're not even journalists, mostly. It was clearly an open secret -- one which had already been reported -- that Hillary had a bunch of super delegates in her pocket that hadn't endorsed her and that she was going to give a victory speech Tuesday. It was even already known that Obama was pressuring Bernie to drop out this week to let Hillary claim victory. And I mean, it certainly wasn't news that Hillary Clinton would be the Democratic nominee for President. The AP could have broken that story three months ago.

Only the AP went to the step of waiting until the day before the last few primaries to call a bunch of super delegates for a "survey" (which implies off the record conversations) and then use that to justify calling the race a day earlier than everybody had planned.

I honestly feel like this is the media trolling Hillary Clinton again. There's no new information in calling the race early. All it does is piss off literally everybody involved by screwing up the plan everybody knew was going to happen.


I will post the victory speech thread when NJ closes at 8:00EST. I would like Y2Kev to include my poll

"Now that Hillary has won the Democratic Nomination. BernieGaf who will you vote for in November?

A. Hillary
B. Trump
C. 3rd Party
D. Write-in Bernie Sanders
E. Stay Home

There's really no reason to start off intentionally antagonizing Sanders supporters in the victory thread...


Jeffrey Lord is doing exactly what Trump ordered, calling Paul Ryan racist for supporting identity politics by calling Trump's comments racist.
Man I should have gotten into PredictIt a while ago. You can make some super easy money there.I'm going to make a quick $15 tonight on Hillary beating Sanders in NJ by +10 points. There is no way that doesn't happen...
Let's talk about something that's been perplexing me for a bit.

We've sort of had a collective shrug that Hillary is the first woman to ever be on a major party's ballot as the presidential candidate. This could be for a few reasons -- she came so close in 2008, she was considered sort of a shoe-in this time, Clinton fatigue.

But I started wondering -- what if this were Elizabeth Warren? Amy Klobuchar? Jeanne Shaheen? Would there be this huge excitement about a first female nominee? And I don't think there would've been, and I'm trying to figure out exactly what that is. Is it because this has been a long time coming we've assumed it to be a "well, duh" moment? Is it because it didn't seem improbable? I don't know. I can't quite figure out why I feel like no one would be seen as a uniquely historic candidate outside of the fact that, "oh yeah, they are I guess". A collective shrug.

There's been a somewhat subtle shaming campaign that nobody should vote for somebody because they are a woman, and that it just doesn't matter. It happened a little in 2008 with Obama, but the sheer enormity if the feat I'd electing a black man overwhelmed that trend.


Kids will grow up from toddlers to voting age with a major political party being lead by someone other than a white man.

Let's nominate a Hispanic next then after that maybe it's time for us Jews to get a shot at it.


More than 3.1 million absentee votes so far in California, per @paulmitche11 data. 68% older than age 55. public.tableau.com/profile/paulmi…

This bodes quite well for tonight. That's an oooooold electorate.

(For reference, there were ~4.8 million votes cast for Obama and Clinton in 2008's contest)
Question has Bernie always been like this or has the stress of running turned him into what he is today?

He's someone used to getting his way, has always had a temper, and is a very poor manager. As the tea party has proven, you're not going to get far in Washington while demanding absolute purity. Also like the tea party he has never struck many as a policy wonk or someone particularly focused on policy details.

There was a point where his campaign went from positive and issue based to one of pure spite, anger and hypocrisy. I really dislike campaigns that outright lie to their supporters over the long term. Some lying is expected, but to this day he's telling his supporters he can still win, he's still taking donations, and he's still savaging the presumptive nominee. And given that he has no long term future in politics or the party, all this is unforgivable.

And he should be glad he got treated with kids gloves because things could have gotten real ugly.
Anyone that happens to live in Ohio's 8th Congressional District should know they are holding a special election today to fill Boehner's vacant seat. You've got the choice of a tea partier, a 25 year old, or a talk radio conspiracy theorist.

+2 votes for millennial thanks to my parents. He's probably gonna get his ass kicked knowing this district, but turnout for these things are usually really low so who knows.


Kids will grow up from toddlers to voting age with a major political party being lead by someone other than a white man.

Let's nominate a Hispanic next then after that maybe it's time for us Jews to get a shot at it.

Bernie can just run again in 8 years. Our first Jewish, atheist, socialist, octogenarian president.


He's someone used to getting his way, has always had a temper, and is a very poor manager. As the tea party has proven, you're not going to get far in Washington while demanding absolute purity. Also like the tea party he has never struck many as a policy wonk or someone particularly focused on policy details.

There was a point where his campaign went from positive and issue based to one of pure spite, anger and hypocrisy. I really dislike campaigns that outright lie to their supporters over the long term. Some lying is expected, but to this day he's telling his supporters he can still win, he's still taking donations, and he's still savaging the presumptive nominee. And given that he has no long term future in politics or the party, all this is unforgivable.

And he should be glad he got treated with kids gloves because things could have gotten real ugly.

Tell me Weaver is gone after today. He sucks. I can live with Devine.
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