Full 20 minute exchange is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJ25U6kEyQk
Did that Trump guy get fired for gross incompetence?
Full 20 minute exchange is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJ25U6kEyQk
Did that Trump guy get fired for gross incompetence?
Who would have thought even Bernie and Cenk would be filthy establishment apologists?Daniel B·;206209448 said:You call this a "democracy"? I am fucking seething at the moment and sick to my stomach, and Cenk is acting like he doesn't have a care in the World:
A caller (who could have been me, if I lived in California) into Thom Hartmann's show (who's "fallen in line" (for the good of the party...), but he looks like he's being forced to down a bottle of castor oil in this video), who describes a similar "horrible" experience, plus he decided to witness practically the whole day's events at his polling station (twelve hours worth):
Purely considering the California primary, Hillary didn't win shit, with the LA Times reporting that as many as three million ballots were yet to be counted at the end of Tuesday night. The LA Times also reported on the chaos on Tuesday, plus Breitbart, my source for Brandon's Tweets.
I dismiss out of hand those of you that repeatedly said that Bernie has run a terrible campaign, as we all know this is pure propaganda, as he has in fact run an amazing campaign, uniting oh so many people, but I will say that, if Obama was in Bernie's shoes, at this moment in history, he would be all over these millions of provisional ballots, and he would make damn sure an overwhelming percentage were counted towards the final vote tally. I'm not at all convinced Bernie's campaign will take the necessary steps to ensure history records the "real" winner in California, at least...
Sanders has 2 new meetings today: Schumer and Biden.
Sanders has 2 new meetings today: Schumer and Biden.
"You want the Budget Chair?"
Daniel, what do you think a provisional ballot is? Please be as detailed as you are able to be given your user interface paradigm.
Aaron you are supposed to enjoy Daniel b posts not get worked up over them. Keep exposing the fraud dan!! We all love youWho would have thought even Bernie and Cenk would be filthy establishment apologists?
Daniel B·;206209448 said:Purely considering the California primary, Hillary didn't win shit, with the LA Times reporting that as many as three million ballots were yet to be counted at the end of Tuesday night. The LA Times also reported on the chaos on Tuesday, plus Breitbart, my source for Brandon's Tweets.
I dismiss out of hand those of you that repeatedly said that Bernie has run a terrible campaign, as we all know this is pure propaganda, as he has in fact run an amazing campaign, uniting oh so many people, but I will say that, if Obama was in Bernie's shoes, at this moment in history, he would be all over these millions of provisional ballots, and he would make damn sure an overwhelming percentage were counted towards the final vote tally. I'm not at all convinced Bernie's campaign will take the necessary steps to ensure history records the "real" winner in California, at least...
Ruh rohSanders has 2 new meetings today: Schumer and Biden.
Ruh roh
He'll drop by Wednesday imo. DC gives him an out, especially if the margin is as expected. Obama won't want to sit on the sidelines any longer anyway, from reports he's been ready to go for a month or two now.
Daniel, what do you think a provisional ballot is? Please be as detailed as you are able to be given your user interface paradigm.
Is there any evidence that Bernie Sanders "brought in millions of new people"?
How Bernie Sanders Exposed the Democrats Racial Rift
I thought this was a good article, especially this paragraph, which I think sums up a lot of what I have been feeling when people brush off Trump:
"Minority voters have been watching in horror as millions of Republican voters choose Trump either because of, or despite, his open bigotry. The Sanders supporters who toy with the idea of shunning Clinton in November and allowing Trump to become president to force a revolution that Sanders couldnt deliver are playing with fire. To minority voters, Trumps candidacy feels like an existential threat. Its one thing for Republicans to either ignore or embrace his racism; the party already seems unwilling or incapable of making the kinds of adjustments it must to attract more non-white voters. Its quite another for white Democrats to not appreciate how liberal minorities feel about the possibility of a Trump presidency and what that would say about the state of racial progress in America. It would be a slap in the face, the latest sign that a kind of white privilegethrowing a temper tantrum because they dont get their way despite how much it hurts people of coloris deeply rooted within liberal, Democratic ranks as well."
Is there any evidence that Bernie Sanders "brought in millions of new people"?
Is there any evidence Hillary is not lame? The studies haven't been done. It is observable that he got a lot of people fired up, and brought at least a decent amount of new people into the democratic fold.Is there any evidence that Bernie Sanders "brought in millions of new people"?
Hard to tell with Closed primaries.
Is that what it takes with Sanders? Stroke his ego and say "it was sooooooo close"? Then he'll demand all of his platform policies be adopted at the convention.Hearing that at one point Sanders said something along the lines of "this is a close race" and Obama said "actually it's not at fucking all, but you did as well as you could."
Sanders acknowledged that the end is near...but isn't here yet. As others have said he'll stay for DC and likely bow out shortly thereafter. I was wrong, I really thought he'd go to the convention to be a dick.
Hearing that at one point Sanders said something along the lines of "this is a close race" and Obama said "actually it's not at fucking all, but you did as well as you could."
Sanders acknowledged that the end is near...but isn't here yet. As others have said he'll stay for DC and likely bow out shortly thereafter. I was wrong, I really thought he'd go to the convention to be a dick.
Loretta Sanchez got more votes than the next three Republican combined. Harris + Sanchez were almost 60% of the total vote, and both of them got a majority combined in Orange county, along with the fact that Democrats outvoted Republicans in a Presidential primary in Orange county for the first time.
You will never be defined by what the defendant’s father callously termed “20 minutes of action.”
His son will be.
I join your global chorus of supporters, because we can never say enough to survivors: I believe you. It is not your fault.
What you endured is never, never, never, NEVER a woman’s fault.
And while the justice system has spoken in your particular case, the nation is not satisfied.
And that is why we will continue to speak out.
Venezuela's Supreme Court on Wednesday banned the media from publishing videos of lynchings, saying they create "anxiety and uncertainty" in a country ravaged by violent crime and an economic crisis.
The OPEC nation's society is in upheaval amid triple-digit inflation, a deep recession, and brutal shortages of food and medicine. Mob beatings and lynchings have increased in the country, which is already one of the world's most violent, as Venezuelans have grown increasingly angry at frequent thefts, hold-ups, and homicides.
Gory videos of mob justice or photos of bloody corpses sometimes make the rounds on social media. President Nicolás Maduro's socialist government says the footage is part of a larger plan to sully his administration and stoke unrest in an attempt to unseat him.
In its statement, the top court, which Venezuela's opposition accuses of being subservient to Maduro, singled out two digital outlets, but said the ban applies to all media.
"The Supreme Court has ordered a ban on digital outlets 'La Patilla' and 'Caraota Digital' from publishing videos of lynchings, via their internet sites, as well as their social media accounts," the top judicial body said in a statement, while noting the broader ban.
"Media have the right to journalistically express a news event...but these rights should not create anxiety and uncertainty in the population," the court said.
Is there any evidence Hillary is not lame? The studies haven't been done.
Honestly, I wouldn't put it past Reid and Schumer to do this in order to get his email list and data. That stuff is mostly exclusive to him until he shares it with the DNC, right?Is that what it takes with Sanders? Stroke his ego and say "it was sooooooo close"? Then he'll demand all of his platform policies be adopted at the convention.
This article's fantastic and threadworthy.How Bernie Sanders Exposed the Democrats Racial Rift
I thought this was a good article, especially this paragraph, which I think sums up a lot of what I have been feeling when people brush off Trump:
"Minority voters have been watching in horror as millions of Republican voters choose Trump either because of, or despite, his open bigotry. The Sanders supporters who toy with the idea of shunning Clinton in November and allowing Trump to become president to force a revolution that Sanders couldnt deliver are playing with fire. To minority voters, Trumps candidacy feels like an existential threat. Its one thing for Republicans to either ignore or embrace his racism; the party already seems unwilling or incapable of making the kinds of adjustments it must to attract more non-white voters. Its quite another for white Democrats to not appreciate how liberal minorities feel about the possibility of a Trump presidency and what that would say about the state of racial progress in America. It would be a slap in the face, the latest sign that a kind of white privilegethrowing a temper tantrum because they dont get their way despite how much it hurts people of coloris deeply rooted within liberal, Democratic ranks as well."
This...this is not true. Of course we can tell! New voters don't simply not exist because a primary is closed. All they literally have to do is register as Democrats and they're absolutely fine.
There are some states in which registration is up, particularly places like California. I think, though, that has more to do with Donald Trump than it does to do with Bernie Sanders.
Gonna be a matter of what happens at the general I guess. Bringing in "millions of new voters" in the primary and not being able to mobilize them for the general would be pretty awful. One could lay the blame on the DNC to not being able to attract these supposed millions, but at the same time if no attempt to build a bridge was made and you painted the DNC as a corrupt group from the ground up then what is gained?
This article's fantastic and threadworthy.
What the hell @ Politico actually putting out good journalism the moment the election's over.
Well if voter turnout for the Democratic primaries is down from 2008 and Sanders brought in new people, WTF happened to all those people from 2008?
How Bernie Sanders Exposed the Democrats’ Racial Rift
I thought this was a good article, especially this paragraph, which I think sums up a lot of what I have been feeling when people brush off Trump:
"Minority voters have been watching in horror as millions of Republican voters choose Trump either because of, or despite, his open bigotry. The Sanders supporters who toy with the idea of shunning Clinton in November and allowing Trump to become president to force a revolution that Sanders couldn’t deliver are playing with fire. To minority voters, Trump’s candidacy feels like an existential threat. It’s one thing for Republicans to either ignore or embrace his racism; the party already seems unwilling or incapable of making the kinds of adjustments it must to attract more non-white voters. It’s quite another for white Democrats to not appreciate how liberal minorities feel about the possibility of a Trump presidency and what that would say about the state of racial progress in America. It would be a slap in the face, the latest sign that a kind of white privilege—throwing a temper tantrum because they don’t get their way despite how much it hurts people of color—is deeply rooted within liberal, Democratic ranks as well."
politico said:...[M]any white Democratic voters missed the sentiment shared among black Obama voters in 2008 that, once again, the “first black” was being handed a seemingly impossible task—two ground wars, a collapsing economy, a record deficit—and if he wasn’t able to perform a miracle, it would not only be his failure, but that of black people in general. To downplay what he has been able to achieve despite the obstacles, which also included an unprecedented level of obstruction from the GOP, confirms a fear shared by many people of color—Democratic or otherwise—that no matter what they achieve, it will never be enough. Sanders and Susan Sarandon may sincerely believe things are so awful only a revolution can heal the country’s ills. But their overwrought rhetoric, and no more than lukewarm support of Obama’s accomplishments, taps into that deeply-held frustration among minorities.
That’s why, despite what looks like intractable problems to white Democrats, minority voters are more optimistic about the future than their white counterparts. That Obama was able to become president and get stuff done is an enormous source of not only pride, but hope. The Kaiser Family Foundation found that more than half of young black and Latinos believe their lives will be better than their parents, compared with less than a third of young white people. On many measures, black people have seen much worse days—the black unemployment rate neared 17 percent at the height of the Great Recession and is less than half that now—even as they continue fighting decades-long struggles. Things aren’t perfect, but the progress that has occurred during the Obama era isn’t something they want ignored or downplayed. Given that reality, why would they believe in the need for a revolution?