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PoliGAF 2016 |OT6| Delete your accounts

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S4P is down to the hardest of the hardcore at this point. Bernie is going to drop and two weeks later they'll still be talking about how he's going to bern it all down.
At that point I suspect many people will accuse Bernie of selling out to the establishment and that they'll carry on his "movement" without him.


Holy shit hahahahahahaha


Seriously....why did he release this so quickly? i know Queens people would want this to come out ASAP, but I'm actually surprised Obama didn't give Bernie the cycle.

Like, he just took a huge shit on the meeting. I wonder if Obama was really fed up with the whole thing?

Also, 71k tweets.


Donald Trump checks his Twitter obsessively. The hardest thing for Trip won't be losing the election, it will be being destroyed on Twitter.


Seriously....why did he release this so quickly? i know Queens people would want this to come out ASAP, but I'm actually surprised Obama didn't give Bernie the cycle.

Like, he just took a huge shit on the meeting. I wonder if Obama was really fed up with the whole thing?

Also, 71k tweets.

there is no way this was released without Bernie's knowing about it and not shitting a brick. If they released this right after the meeting it was 100% because Bernie was ok with it.


Seriously....why did he release this so quickly? i know Queens people would want this to come out ASAP, but I'm actually surprised Obama didn't give Bernie the cycle.

Like, he just took a huge shit on the meeting. I wonder if Obama was really fed up with the whole thing?

Also, 71k tweets.

CNN said there would be a soft endorsement if the meeting went poorly, so we can assume it went well if this is the response.
there is no way this was released without Bernie's knowing about it and not shitting a brick. If they released this right after the meeting it was 100% because Bernie was ok with it.

CNN said there would be a soft endorsement if the meeting went poorly, so we can assume it went well if this is the response.

That makes sense.

I'm still surprised we didn't give him a day in the news. If he'd wanted that, I think he'd have earned at least that much. If he's okay with this, then that's fine. Just seems weird to me.


there is no way this was released without Bernie's knowing about it and not shitting a brick. If they released this right after the meeting it was 100% because Bernie was ok with it.

Ya. Obama was probably like "I stayed out of the primary out of respect, but she has the winning number now. I'm going to endorse. You don't have to drop out until after DC"
At that point I suspect many people will accuse Bernie of selling out to the establishment and that they'll carry on his "movement" without him.

During his concession speech, they will interpret bernie's blinking and finger waggin as morse code, a subtle whisper, to keep the revolushun goin'


This might sound stupid, but can someone explain that tweet? I don't think I get it.

It's like, "fuck you, you suck at twitter just delete your account"

It exists in other forms like in an online game "just uninstall, you're terrible"

It's a middle finger in tweet form

Clinton: Warren is 'qualified' to be my VP

Hillary Clinton on Thursday said she has no doubt that Sen. Elizabeth Warren would be qualified to serve as her vice president — but she refused to say the same of Bernie Sanders.

"I have the highest regard for Sen. Warren," she said in an interview with POLITICO. "I think she is an incredible public servant, eminently qualified for any role. I look forward to working with her on behalf of not only the campaign and her very effective critique of Trump, but also on the issues that she and I both care about."
I think she is trying to trap trump into saying something along the lines of "She doesn't want to talk about issues! Just wants to shut me up! Mess!"

And once he goes along that line, she will jump on him about he doesn't talk about anything coherently. Doesn't actually talk about issues. ETC.


Deep into his 30th decade
It's like, "fuck you, you suck at twitter just delete your account"

It exists in other forms like in an online game "just uninstall, you're terrible"

It's a middle finger in tweet form

Huh, I had no idea.

Hillary Clinton officially more hip then me.
Was the thread just a big shitshow or are the mods just rabid Bernie fans?

I mean, Obama endorsing Clinton seems like a pretty relevant thread for /r/politics

The responses were fine actually. Well about as "fine" as you would expect from Reddit.

It's the mods who are rabid fervent Bernie supporters who delete anything not pro sanders or anti clinton
CBS News' Julianna Goldman reports that the [endorsement] was actually taped on Tuesday, before that day's primary results even came in, and it was set for release after the president's meeting with Sanders on Thursday, according to a person familiar with the plan.
People that say provisional ballots are not counted are being disingenuous as fuck. There are various reasons an individual can be given a provisional ballot. In Wisconsin, if you don't have ID, you can cast a provisional ballot, and so long as you provide proof of ID by the end of the business day Friday to the clerk, your ballot is counted.

If provisional ballots weren't counted, why would they even give you a ballot to cast?

Source: I'm a goddamn chief inspector election official.

The media isn't going to fucking wait until the Friday following the Tuesday election to call the election. It doesn't matter anyhow since the pledged delegates are allotted based on the official, certified results. Even if 100 pledged delegates were to switch because of a million more votes for Bernie, it doesn't matter. Hillary won the vote. Hillary won the pledged delegates. Hillary won the pledged delegates/superdelegates combined. Hillary is the nominee.

I guaranfuckingtee that Hillary supporters were also given provisional ballots. Seeing the vote total, I would wager that with the final tally, Hillary will actually win by a wider margin. More of the outstanding ballots are most likely Hillary votes.

Assuming that figure reported in the LA Times, of three million provisional ballots, is within the ball park, and lets imagine it takes on average just five minutes to fully process one of these handwritten ballots, it would take one person 28.54 years to process them all, or an army of one thousand 31 days, if they diligently worked eight hours a day.

Oh wait, they only have ten days to process them, and just five minutes a ballot is probably very conservative? I think you'll have to concede that there's no way they have the resources to count the provisional ballots within the permitted time, and sadly I appear to have just proven the greatest case of voter suppression in the history of the United States.
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