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PoliGAF 2016 |OT6| Delete your accounts

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I actually wouldn't mind O'Malley for Veep.

Mostly because he won't move the needle one way or another. Though, he's got some skeletons in that closet, right?


Daniel B·;206228476 said:
Assuming that figure reported in the LA Times, of three million provisional ballots, is within the ball park, and lets imagine it takes on average just five minutes to fully process one of these handwritten ballots, it would take one person 28.54 years to process them all, or an army of one thousand 31 days, if they diligently worked eight hours a day.

Oh wait, they only have ten days to process them, and just five minutes a ballot is probably very conservative? I think you'll have to concede that there's no way they have the resources to count the provisional ballots within the permitted time, and sadly I appear to have just proven the greatest case of voter suppression in the history of the United States.

I can no longer believe your posts are serious.

Sorry man, you broke kayfabe.
Daniel B·;206228476 said:
Assuming that figure reported in the LA Times, of three million provisional ballots, is within the ball park, and lets imagine it takes on average just five minutes to fully process one of these handwritten ballots, it would take one person 28.54 years to process them all, or an army of one thousand 31 days, if they diligently worked eight hours a day.

Oh wait, they only have ten days to process them, and just five minutes a ballot is probably very conservative? I think you'll have to concede that there's no way they have the resources to count the provisional ballots within the permitted time, and sadly I appear to have just proven the greatest case of voter suppression in the history of the United States.

The shark, you just jumped it


They are actually comparing the likes on the tweets from Trump and Clinton on cable news.

This is where we are as a society in 2016

Can't decide if I should laugh for facepalm LOL


Talking to the walls here, but they managed to count 3.4M votes in less than a day just in the Dem primary. Then again, math is hard.


I think she is trying to trap trump into saying something along the lines of "She doesn't want to talk about issues! Just wants to shut me up! Mess!"

And once he goes along that line, she will jump on him about he doesn't talk about anything coherently. Doesn't actually talk about issues. ETC.

That mutli-dimensional reverse psychology in play: get Trump to angrily shout about "the issues", then trap him into actually being forced to debate in your best arena - actual policy.



Whoever tweeted that deserves a real raise.

Hopefully that forces real Trump to get super upset and just take over full control of his account himself, which only works to the Dems' benefit.
Delete your account is trending.


They should have put a hashtag in there, though.

"Delete your account" is averaging just under 2,000 RTs per minute and 33 RTs every second.

Donald Trump casts himself as a protector of workers and jobs, but a USA TODAY NETWORK investigation found hundreds of people – carpenters, dishwashers, painters, even his own lawyers – who say he didn’t pay them for their work.

During the Atlantic City casino boom in the 1980s, Philadelphia cabinet-builder Edward Friel Jr. landed a $400,000 contract to build the bases for slot machines, registration desks, bars and other cabinets at Harrah's at Trump Plaza.

The family cabinetry business, founded in the 1940s by Edward’s father, finished its work in 1984 and submitted its final bill to the general contractor for the Trump Organization, the resort’s builder.

Edward’s son, Paul, who was the firm’s accountant, still remembers the amount of that bill more than 30 years later: $83,600. The reason: the money never came. “That began the demise of the Edward J. Friel Company… which has been around since my grandfather,” he said.
How did no GOP opponent find this?


No Scrubs
That gif of her card not working. Lol


Every New Yorker knows that feeling. You hear the screeching of the brakes off in the distance and the stupid machine won't read your damn card and oh god you're going to miss it should you just jump the fucking turnstile but the cop is right there oh god oh god oh god work you piece of fucking shit work!
Reddit comment.
I tried explaining this to my son today and he said if I don't vote Trump or Clinton my vote doesn't count.

I tried my best to explain to a 9 year old the responsibility of every American to vote for who they think is the best candidate. He didn't get it so I'm going to have to find a new way to approach this. The last thing I want is my son to grow up thinking that we need to support the person we believe has the best chance of winning.


Honestly people make too much of a big deal over the VP.

Unless you plan to use the VP as a key adviser (which most don't) its a bucket of piss.
At least 60 lawsuits, along with hundreds of liens, judgments, and other government filings reviewed by the USA TODAY NETWORK, document people who have accused Trump and his businesses of failing to pay them for their work. Among them: a dishwasher in Florida. A glass company in New Jersey. A carpet company. A plumber. Painters. Forty-eight waiters. Dozens of bartenders and other hourly workers at his resorts and clubs, coast to coast. Real estate brokers who sold his properties. And, ironically, several law firms that once represented him in these suits and others.

Trump’s companies have also been cited for 24 violations of the Fair Labor Standards Act since 2005 for failing to pay overtime or minimum wage, according to U.S. Department of Labor data. That includes 21 citations against the defunct Trump Plaza in Atlantic City and three against the also out-of-business Trump Mortgage LLC in New York. Both cases were resolved by the companies agreeing to pay back wages.

In addition to the lawsuits, the review found more than 200 mechanic’s liens – filed by contractors and employees against Trump, his companies or his properties claiming they were owed money for their work – since the 1980s. The liens range from a $75,000 claim by a Plainview, N.Y., air conditioning and heating company to a $1 million claim from the president of a New York City real estate banking firm. On just one project, Trump’s Taj Mahal casino in Atlantic City, records released by the New Jersey Casino Control Commission in 1990 show that at least 253 subcontractors weren’t paid in full or on time, including workers who installed walls, chandeliers and plumbing.
60 damn lawsuits and nobody found this? Does the GOP even have Opp-research?

Seriously how does he talk about jobs with this stuff. Clinton can destroy him in the debates


No Scrubs


60 damn lawsuits and nobody found this? Does the GOP even have Opp-research?

Nobody took him seriously at all.

Sam Stein touched on it in February. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/donald-trump-research_us_56cf2c6de4b03260bf75b395

Multiple Republican campaign sources and operatives have confided that none of the remaining candidates for president have completed a major anti-Trump opposition research effort. There are several such efforts being run by outside conservative organizations. But those efforts are still gathering intel on the businessman after having started late in the primary season, these sources told The Huffington Post. And they worry that it may come too late.

“It is one of the many ways we underestimated him, I suppose,” conceded one top Republican campaign official whose candidate has since exited the race.

For those hoping to blunt Trump’s momentum, the late start on opposition research is no small problem. One operative compared it to not having ammunition at the precise moment when there is a collective realization that a Trump candidacy needs to be shot down. Shauna Daly, the former research director for the Democratic National Committee and the opposition research firm American Bridge, called it “malpractice.”

“Not taking Trump seriously as a candidate a year ago was a mistake we all made, so I don’t blame his Republican opponents for that. But the lack of evidence that they have been doing thorough research on Trump more recently is malpractice,” said Daly. “f a Republican had committed six recent college grads to power through a Nexis dump in November and December, by January they’d have been able to compile a powerful narrative amplified by names and quotes that they could have put in ads by now.”
I don't think they took him seriously enough early enough.

How hard is to search westlaw or PACER after he won a few?

“Not taking Trump seriously as a candidate a year ago was a mistake we all made, so I don’t blame his Republican opponents for that. But the lack of evidence that they have been doing thorough research on Trump more recently is malpractice,” said Daly. “f a Republican had committed six recent college grads to power through a Nexis dump in November and December, by January they’d have been able to compile a powerful narrative amplified by names and quotes that they could have put in ads by now.”

You could have still done this in January or February
How hard is to search westlaw or PACER after he won a few?

I think by that point the wheels and come off most of the campaigns. Jeb! was dead. Rubio was a robot. Lyin' Ted could have gone there, but he didn't. Kasich was busy eating fried cheese. They gave him too much time to define himself in that race. Hillary's people aren't going to let that happen.


Dammit Wolf - he showed some weak-ass Sean Spicer response to the "Delete your account" tweet. Spicer actually posted a whole series of what he thought were clever responses and only one of them barely got over 100 retweets.

Even tweets need to be portrayed as a dead heat for Wolf Blitzer.


FGC Waterboy
Better late than never.

Trump is going to be burned alive from now until November and I'll be laughing to the bank the whole way.

I think I said months ago that authentic Clinton is snarky asshole Clinton, and if she ever gave up trying to be 1990s Clinton and became herself, people would love her. I'm hoping the combination of Trump as an opponent + finally being convinced by upper level Dems = Snarky Clinton on the rampage.

I really want more of that conversation to get out. Would love to know just how badly the President called Sanders on his shit.

I think Obama promised that Sanders' priorities would be a part of the Democratic ticket moving forward, that Clinton + her folks wouldn't just screw him over once he dropped out, and that they could capitalize on Trump's mistakes now if Sanders would let him start now. Also wonder if Sanders and Obama already know whether Warren's been offered the VP position or not, and whether she'll take it.

I will say, though, I'm shocked Obama didn't give Bernie a LITTLE more of the news cycle. I mean, the door barely hit his ass on the way out before they released this.

I'm 100% sure Sanders is A-OK with this. I think Sanders feels like he wants DC to have the option of voting, and then he'll suspend his campaign and start campaigning for Clinton (after probably taking a bit of a break to recover from the primary).

Can someone PLEASE make a topic about that Politico article on the Dem Racial Rift. PLZ?!

How is the fact that a non-insignificant number of white liberals are "diet racist" the fault of "identity politics"?

Eh, it's not the fault of identity politics, it's the over-reliance on it (via demographics) politically instead of policy.

Short version: Appealing to identity of the plurality works in the short-term, but can be disastrous long-term in a two party system, since the assumptions made about a demographic's priority can change and throw things for a loop, as well as potentially cause hard rifts between groups in the same party. A long-winded way of saying "the enemy of good isn't just bad, it is also perfect". I don't really care if I have diet racists in the party if I'm still getting universal health care, cutting down on carbon emissions, blunting predatory college loans and payday companies, etc etc.

Long version:

Think of the Southern Strategy + the 2000 GOP coalition - it was two groups that were not natural bedfellows - conservative christians + business (small and big). They had massive differences on social values, but they were kept together, and during the early 2000s, it looked like there was no way they were going to be beaten for a long time. After all, a "Christian" party in this country would be nigh unstoppable in 2000 (especially considering Latinos are pretty religious).

But, there was a long-term consequence to that unholy alliance. Eventually, the social conservatives realized they did not have the same priorities as most of the big business folks (since being discriminatory in business just generally means less money); and boom, you have your GOP schism. (Also, Bush did jack squat for the social conservatives as far as they are concerned) The two groups, even when they did generally have the same values, had much different priorities, and that is the part that is analogous to the current Democratic coalition.

The over-focus on identity politics (IMO) is going to drive a wedge between two groups that do have a lot in common, but have different priorities. The GOP overfocused on the "Conservative Christian / white / Southern identity" and over time, it caused a rift between their allied groups. Heck, even if white liberals are all "diet racist" - frankly, if the Dem coalition starts bitching at each other about racism vs economic issues vs etc etc (say the Clinton coalition vs the Bernie coalition) - then the GOP will eat the Dems for lunch, and the dumbasses who scream "white liberals are diet racists" and "minorities are dumb for not prioritizing economics" will have only themselves to blame.

In a two party system that is functionally hard-coded into the US (via the Constitution + laws) - I believe you have to constantly keep relationships between multiple large constituencies together; and not try to campaign on a platform that is divisive within your own party. It's the main reason I believe Obama always shied away from using the race card during the primary - sure there are a lot of diet racist / ignorant white upper-middle class technocratic-y progressives / Democrats, but we need them in order to have that majority to implement the 60% of changes that everyone in the party agrees on.

TL;DR - appealing to identity of the plurality works in the short-term, but can be disastrous long-term in a two party system, since the assumptions made about a demographic's priority can change and throw things for a loop
Jeffrey Sachs (former adviser to Sanders) just said on MSNBC that Bernie should be able to pick members of Hillary's cabinet...WTF?!?! Get the fuck out of here
Every New Yorker knows that feeling. You hear the screeching of the brakes off in the distance and the stupid machine won't read your damn card and oh god you're going to miss it should you just jump the fucking turnstile but the cop is right there oh god oh god oh god work you piece of fucking shit work!

Only tourists try flipping the card around, though. #FRAUD
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