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PoliGAF 2016 |OT6| Delete your accounts

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Dude's not going to spend $150 million+ of his own cash in the GE. His election campaign may hurt his future business deals and businesses but he won't go bacnkrupt just yet because of his election campaign.

The election may well destroy his brand. God willing.
I've been in Springfield IL all day chaperoning a field trip to the Lincoln Library, Tomb, and the Statehouse. I missed all the excitement, but it's a good day.


Eh, it's not the fault of identity politics, it's the over-reliance on it (via demographics) politically instead of policy.

Short version: Appealing to identity of the plurality works in the short-term, but can be disastrous long-term in a two party system, since the assumptions made about a demographic's priority can change and throw things for a loop, as well as potentially cause hard rifts between groups in the same party. A long-winded way of saying "the enemy of good isn't just bad, it is also perfect". I don't really care if I have diet racists in the party if I'm still getting universal health care, cutting down on carbon emissions, blunting predatory college loans and payday companies, etc etc.

Long version:

Think of the Southern Strategy + the 2000 GOP coalition - it was two groups that were not natural bedfellows - conservative christians + business (small and big). They had massive differences on social values, but they were kept together, and during the early 2000s, it looked like there was no way they were going to be beaten for a long time. After all, a "Christian" party in this country would be nigh unstoppable in 2000 (especially considering Latinos are pretty religious).

But, there was a long-term consequence to that unholy alliance. Eventually, the social conservatives realized they did not have the same priorities as most of the big business folks (since being discriminatory in business just generally means less money); and boom, you have your GOP schism. (Also, Bush did jack squat for the social conservatives as far as they are concerned) The two groups, even when they did generally have the same values, had much different priorities, and that is the part that is analogous to the current Democratic coalition.

The over-focus on identity politics (IMO) is going to drive a wedge between two groups that do have a lot in common, but have different priorities. The GOP overfocused on the "Conservative Christian / white / Southern identity" and over time, it caused a rift between their allied groups. Heck, even if white liberals are all "diet racist" - frankly, if the Dem coalition starts bitching at each other about racism vs economic issues vs etc etc (say the Clinton coalition vs the Bernie coalition) - then the GOP will eat the Dems for lunch, and the dumbasses who scream "white liberals are diet racists" and "minorities are dumb for not prioritizing economics" will have only themselves to blame.

In a two party system that is functionally hard-coded into the US (via the Constitution + laws) - I believe you have to constantly keep relationships between multiple large constituencies together; and not try to campaign on a platform that is divisive within your own party. It's the main reason I believe Obama always shied away from using the race card during the primary - sure there are a lot of diet racist / ignorant white upper-middle class technocratic-y progressives / Democrats, but we need them in order to have that majority to implement the 60% of changes that everyone in the party agrees on.

TL;DR - appealing to identity of the plurality works in the short-term, but can be disastrous long-term in a two party system, since the assumptions made about a demographic's priority can change and throw things for a loop

I'm not exactly sure how they've over-relied on demographics. The Democratic party, for all its warts, is the only party that is actively trying via its messaging and its policy to appeal to and understand the needs of people of color, the LGBT community, women, etc. If nobody speaks for these groups they will be trampled. Clinton won because she was able to get those groups on board as well as plenty of the "white liberal" vote. Her coalition in this primary was stronger and more expansive.

I don't necessarily disagree that pushing a positive economic message harder would be a good thing in case the GOP ever figures out how to not actively shit on people of color (and also just for the good of the country) but that's never going to change the fact that many (most?) people of color don't recognize economics as their primary barrier in life or at least know from history and life experience that any "economics-first" message and policy agenda isn't good enough for them. Sanders and Clinton clearly already agree on a lot. The areas of disagreement aside from messaging that I see, and most of the electorate that rejected him see, are in spots where his ideas are either too far left, lack nuance and/or have no actual chance of passing. I don't see how that's a bad thing. I don't think a Democratic candidate/president/agenda should antagonize "white liberals" or disrespect them or openly shit on them but I will hold their feet to the fire if I ever feel they are ignoring the needs or life experiences of people like me. Furthermore, too many "liberals" or "progressives" have shown their asses to me for me to not want and need to call that out. Again, Obama might be hand-tied from saying enough as president but that doesn't mean others should stay silent.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Wait, why does Mark Cuban know how much money Trump has and is willing to just say the number on TV?
Let's be honest. Mark Cuban doesn't know shit, but he's more than willing to make claims if it means he gets on TV. Dude's an attention whore. Media needs to stop pretending he has anything of value to add about anything.
Dude's not going to spend $150 million+ of his own cash in the GE. His election campaign may hurt his future business deals and businesses but he won't go bacnkrupt just yet because of his election campaign.

I am hoping his competitiveness and vanity will get the best of him.
Let's be honest. Mark Cuban doesn't know shit, but he's more than willing to make claims if it means he gets on TV. Dude's an attention whore. Media needs to stop pretending he has anything of value to add about anything.

Cuban says the number is from Trump's FEC filing


Obama, Bill, Biden, Warren etc. Are going to slam Trump over the coming months it's not even funny. I mean Obama on the campaign trail is a sight to behold this will be fun.

Clinton should focus on her platform and talk about uniting the country etc. Everything else will take care of itself.
Thanks abuela.
There's a lady on the news that can't leave her house because a deer keeps trying to attack her.

These are the voters I have to win over.

Pray for me.


There's a lady on the news that can't leave her house because a deer keeps trying to attack her.

These are the voters I have to win over.

Pray for me.

Have you considered putting the deer in the trunk of your car?
It might be cold. I hear this is an effective means of getting rid of wildlife.
Wah! Too much fun political news in one day! And that's even before this great vine of Sanders being informed that The Islamic Shock endorsed Hillary. Generally I hate vines, but the limited time format is perfect in this case.

Also forgetting that the Trump fundraising meeting was apparently a disaster? That by itself would be enough to sustain us on an average day. There's that pile of lawsuits, too! Like literally no one in any of the other campaigns must have actually googled Trump during the primaries. Rubio started the Trump U thing but that's when the literal dick measuring happened and it got drowned out. It's clear that the Clinton people are on top of this stuff, and were even bold enough to slap Trump on twitter. There will be no more easy days for Trump.
Holy crap, r/sanderfourpresident is exploding. They're turning on each other, arguing constantly with each other, accusing anyone and everyone as trolls, and panicking like I've never seen. Anyone who doesn't truly believe Bernie will be the candidate is a paid shill. That's a new level.

This has to be the worst day ever for them. They're confused, upset and some seem genuinely scared. They're so far down the hole, they can't get out and this leaves them in a really bad place.

I know it must feel terrible to work really hard for something for a year, put in time and money and dedicate so much of your life, only to not have it work out in the end. And to have it all collapse on one day, while everyone else around you celebrates, must just be an extra bit of sting.

It's gross to see the green party taking advantage of them in their time of grief.
Wah! Too much fun political news in one day! And that's even before this great vine of Sanders being informed that The Islamic Shock endorsed Hillary. Generally I hate vines, but the limited time format is perfect in this case.

Also forgetting that the Trump fundraising meeting was apparently a disaster? That by itself would be enough to sustain us on an average day. There's that pile of lawsuits, too! Like literally no one in any of the other campaigns must have actually googled Trump during the primaries. Rubio started the Trump U thing but that's when the literal dick measuring happened and it got drowned out. It's clear that the Clinton people are on top of this stuff, and were even bold enough to slap Trump on twitter. There will be no more easy days for Trump.

Someone brought this up on Twitter: The GOP had 16 competitors against Trump and none of them (or any of their staffers) even googled "Trump Libya" in the last year.
Holy crap, r/sanderfourpresident is exploding. They're turning on each other, arguing constantly with each other, accusing anyone and everyone as trolls, and panicking like I've never seen. Anyone who doesn't truly believe Bernie will be the candidate is a paid shill. That's a new level.

This has to be the worst day ever for them. They're confused, upset and some seem genuinely scared. They're so far down the hole, they can't get out and this leaves them in a really bad place.

I know it must feel terrible to work really hard for something for a year, put in time and money and dedicate so much of your life, only to not have it work out in the end. And to have it all collapse on one day, while everyone else around you celebrates, must just be an extra bit of sting.

It's gross to see the green party taking advantage of them in their time of grief.

Trust no one, not even yourself, of not being a shill.
Wah! Too much fun political news in one day! And that's even before this great vine of Sanders being informed that The Islamic Shock endorsed Hillary. Generally I hate vines, but the limited time format is perfect in this case.

Also forgetting that the Trump fundraising meeting was apparently a disaster? That by itself would be enough to sustain us on an average day. There's that pile of lawsuits, too! Like literally no one in any of the other campaigns must have actually googled Trump during the primaries. Rubio started the Trump U thing but that's when the literal dick measuring happened and it got drowned out. It's clear that the Clinton people are on top of this stuff, and were even bold enough to slap Trump on twitter. There will be no more easy days for Trump.

That is such a dumb vine, he knew that he was endorsing Clinton and the only reason he didn't respond is because he and Reid weren't taking questions.
My 93 year old neighbor just knocked on my door to ask if I had any Hillary bumper stickers for her great grandson. I do, because I ordered one of those mega supporter pack things.

She's now outside yelling at him because he doesn't want to put it on his car. She threatened him with a wooden spoon. He's 30 years old.
In response to "Delete your account" Anthony Weiner just tweeted

"Too late for some of us."


I came back to life so I could die again.

Sec. Clinton's gonna be up between 8-12 points nationally pretty much from here on out, is my guess, except for typical post-convention bumps and barring an indictment or some crazy shit to hurt her. That Trump struggled to beat her in random Rasmussen nat'l polls for like a month when she was still having to run against Sanders and he had theoretically consolidated his base was the most telling thing about the polling.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
My 93 year old neighbor just knocked on my door to ask if I had any Hillary bumper stickers for her great grandson. I do, because I ordered one of those mega supporter pack things.

She's now outside yelling at him because he doesn't want to put it on his car. She threatened him with a wooden spoon. He's 30 years old.

You have such interesting interactions, lol.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions

Bwhahah, FBI Voting on Indictments.
I can't believe that Salon paid for some of his columns.

Maybe i'll program a userscript that replaces phrases in textboxes. I want to remind people for a while that Salon actually DID that.
Going to have to wait on more details on the Clinton-Obama event. It's technically within my bounds of "will travel 3 hours for a day thing" I originally created to justify quick visits to Chicago, but too many unknowns yet.
Someone brought this up on Twitter: The GOP had 16 competitors against Trump and none of them (or any of their staffers) even googled "Trump Libya" in the last year.
After Democrats used the internet so heavily to their advantage in 2008 and 12 (for grassroots, fundraising, opponent research, and demographic analytics for GOTV stuff) it's beyond me that they learned nothing from any of that. It was a gigantic advantage for Democrats on the national level. And already Trump has talked about how he doesn't believe in that stuff. Their internet presence (beyond Trump's active Twitter account) is maaaaybe on par with Democrats from 2004, as the first variants of social media were starting to form. 12 damn years ago.
He asked money to compete in California and New Jersey.
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