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Yeah, I mean, if even a decent chunk of Bernie supporters go over to Hillary over the next few months, it won't be very close come August. And, like, the economy doesn't crash.


Like 20% of people picking Johnson know who he is.

"Gary Johnson wants to eliminate all income taxes with a 23% sales tax." There we go, no Bernie supporters for Johnson anymore.

Someone on Facebook posted this gem this morning.
Nate Cohn made an interesting point about how Warren can help. The fact that she didn't used to be a Democrat could be a help. She can, literally, come out and say "This is not the Republican party of my youth." It might make it more palatable to some (particularly women) to engage in some introspection. You pair that with "Does Trump really speak for you?" and you may either flip some people or convince some to at least not vote for Trump.
Gary Johnson is betting on Americans wanting to pay for the biggest tax cut for the rich in human history by eliminating the military and most of Medicare and Social Security and from instituting a 23% sales tax.

It's a bold strategy, Cotton.
From Sanders. These are the Ron Paul castoffs. They were never going to vote Hillary.

Most likely, they won't vote.

If Hillary is seriously up around 4-5 points before the Sanders supporters who aren't insane (just bitter) come into the fold, this is a really good thing going forward.

I think once August comes around, the polling will start to really matter and we'll see Hillary with a safe lead.

I actually disagreed with most of Taibbi's article today, which is a first for me. Weird.

Also, feel like Nate Cohn misinterpreted some of his data as well.

This is the exact problem with what I'm seeing with sanders supporters

The maddening thing about the Democrats is that they refuse to see how easy they could have it. If the party threw its weight behind a truly populist platform, if it stood behind unions and prosecuted Wall Street criminals and stopped taking giant gobs of cash from every crooked transnational bank and job-exporting manufacturer in the world, they would win every election season in a landslide.
Do they actually believe this?

Taibbi talks about congressional aides only talking amongst themselves. Well maybe liberals should start talking to people who aren't liberals.

And how is that a "true populist platform" as it excludes other populist goals, reduction in "wasteful spending" and "reduce immigration".

As Thacker puts it, the theme of this election year was widespread anger toward both parties, and both the Trump craziness and the near-miss with Sanders should have served as a warning. "The Democrats should be worried they're next," he says.

Which is why hillary one and the majority of sanders supporters are happy with hillary.

Stop thinking reddit and the people you interview at bernie rallys are the only people that exist in this country

And Idk how your surprised you disagree.


Like 20% of people picking Johnson know who he is.

"Gary Johnson wants to eliminate all income taxes with a 23% sales tax." There we go, no Bernie supporters for Johnson anymore.
Johnson was on Samantha Bee this week, but I'm pretty sure he was just stoned out of his mind for the whole thing. They might like that I guess.

Libertarians are nuts. I used to kinda consider myself one, then I met an actual one and was like "WTF?".


No Scrubs
This is the exact problem with what I'm seeing with sanders supporters

Do they actually believe this?

It's easy to misread the mood of the country if you aren't careful. There was a lot of anger during and after the financial crisis, all of it directed a certain way, but it's also easy to see that not everyone wanted the same policies to fix it.

Johnson was on Samantha Bee this week, but I'm pretty sure he was just stoned out of his mind for the whole thing. They might like that I guess.

Libertarians are nuts. I used to kinda consider myself one, then I met an actual one and was like "WTF?".

If you think that was bad, wait until you see the convention.


This is the exact problem with what I'm seeing with sanders supporters

Do they actually believe this?

I love how they make it seem like the key problem is a lack of Democratic willpower to act on these issues and not, say, an insane opposition utilitizing every means of possible obstruction.
High income voters obviously have reason to vote for an economically right-wing party.

Religious voters care about religious stuff than money (to a point).

And then there's another huge chunk of voters that care more about white nationalism than money (to a point obviously).

The GOP's rank and file isn't really voting against their interests or could be swayed by more economic liberalism.
I love how they make it seem like the key problem is a lack of Democratic willpower to act on these issues and not, say, an insane opposition utilitizing every means of possible obstruction.

I mean he mentions unions. The card check bill passed the House in 2007! 241 to 185

And it failed cloture 51 to 48. it got a majority of the senate for vote for

Democrats passed one of the best bills for unions and it failed because the REPUBLICANS

But in Taibbis minds the democrats don't care about unions. Its infuriating
i need labels like you wouldn't believe

The Kenyan, Marxist, Socialist Muslin on the left is hugging the Neoliberal, Corporate shill, oligarch, she-devil on the right. They're touching each other because they're sucking each other's life force to create an infinite loop of FRAUD! to suppress the revolution!

And I assume their faces are covered in blood or something.
I mean he mentions unions. The card check bill passed the House in 2008! 241 to 185

And it failed cloture 51 to 48.

Democrats passed one of the best bills for unions and it failed because the REPUBLICANS
Shit, i didn't know it came so close. Why did it die in Obama's first 2 years?

Hope this wasn't a "Let's pass this knowing it has no chance of being made law" type of deal.
Shit, i didn't know it came so close. Why did it die in Obama's first 2 years?

Hope this wasn't a "Let's pass this knowing it has no chance of being made law" type of deal.

Those were the bush years, got the year wrong.

It was 07 I think. Support did start failing in 09 but part of that was the midterms and people freaking out

On March 1, 2007, the House of Representatives passed the bill, 241 to 185. On March 30, 2007, Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA), Chairman of the Senate Committee on Health, Employment, Labor, and Pensions, introduced the Senate version of the Employee Free Choice Act.[15]

On June 26, 2007, the Senate voted 51 to 48 on a motion to invoke cloture on the motion to proceed to consider the bill, 9 votes short of the 60 needed to invoke cloture and prevent an anticipated Republican filibuster.[16] As a result, the bill failed to pass during the 110th United States Congress. In the 111th United States Congress, as of July 9, 2009, the Senate version of the EFCA, S.560, had 40 cosponsors in addition to its sponsor (Edward M. Kennedy, D, MA).[17][18]
I'm glad the card check law failed. I think it should always be secret ballot. card check has the same issues caucuses do.

Absolutely not. As a former union organizer you have no idea what management pulls with elections. They do sooo much illegal shit.

The fear of intimidation over signing the card is like forbidding picket lines. Sorry your fellow employees know you stand with management over them.

I've done card check elections and organized through NLRB. Everybody (Unions, NLRB, Employees) but employers like card check better
I'm not going to watch Bernold's rally. I've barely been able to watch the speeches on election night. He's not going to make it official tonight, but I'll be interested to read if he continues to sound more and more like he's about to.
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