Seems like the Dems were waiting for the primary to end and now they are unloading
Swing and a miss Amtrak
Swing and a miss Amtrak
Probably screens for tweets like that automatically and they didn't see the context. Silly, but no big deal.Swing and a miss Amtrak
And quietly working below the surface on Clintons behalf was the most respected Obama operative of all, David Plouffe. Obamas former 2008 campaign manager, now an executive at Uber, seemed to be on a quiet one-man mission to elect the woman whose defeat he so cold-bloodedly engineered eight years earlier.
Plouffe consulted Clinton at her Washington mansion in late 2014, advising her to hire members of the presidents highly-regarded data and voter outreach team and to avoid the toxic infighting that hobbled her campaign eight years ago. Plouffe, several Clinton staffers said, has been a constant and unpaid adviser on logistics and strategy, and has acted as mentor to Clintons campaign adviser Robbie Mook keeping in touch with the young operative several times a day during the nail-biting Iowa caucuses.
Seems like the Dems were waiting for the primary to end and now they are unloading
I haven't seen Biden speak for a long time, but he kinda seems like he has had one too many drinks here...
I haven't seen Biden speak for a long time, but he kinda seems like he has had one too many drinks here...
What's your favorite Uncle Joe moment? When he told the guy in a wheelchair to stand up so everyone could applaud him, or when he said he'd advise his family not to fly during the avian bird flu scare? I always go back and forth. I say this with love.Nah, Joe sounds like Joe. He always sounds this way.
It's the literal road to Fascism.
Scary. All those Mussolini/Hitler comparisons are apt. Hopefully we will be able to dodge this goddamn nuke in Trump this fall. But with the unity we are seeing, we should be alright.That's a look at it I haven't seen brought up before and he's right.
Works fine with me honestly!Biden taking the exact opposite tactic (super duper calm) but just as effective.
Obama was, at times, caustically candid about the political shortcomings, people close to him said repeatedly over the last year, and he was personally stung by her mid-campaign opposition to the Trans Pacific Partnership, eventually shrugging it off as an opportunistic but necessary tack to take against Sanders.
Showing some of the discipline he employed to defeat Clinton in 2008, Obama seldom expressed his preference in overt ways, even behind closed doors. Instead, he reached out to Clinton four or five times during the campaign typically after a low ebb, like her blowout loss in New Hampshire, calling without notice to offer his emotional support and buck up her spirits in the words of one West Winger.
He also expressed a tinge of regret for his bare-knuckles 08 campaign against her and acknowledged that she had a tougher task as a candidate because of her gender.
The difference between the two parties. They actually want to endorse.
GOP is trying to figure out how to say one word while mouthing 'help me' at the same time
Is Trump going to have an aneurysm trying to reply to Hillary/Warren/Biden's attacks tonight? Woo, this dogpile. The Democratic Party is getting in formation.
Dems RN:
Wow. Smh.Saw some S4P say they need to get a refund on their donations if Sanders endorses Hillary lolololololol. These kids have no idea what giving money to a campaign really is.
What's your favorite Uncle Joe moment? When he told the guy in a wheelchair to stand up so everyone could applaud him, or when he said he'd advise his family not to fly during the avian bird flu scare? I always go back and forth. I say this with love.
Saw some S4P say they need to get a refund on their donations if Sanders endorses Hillary lolololololol. These kids have no idea what giving money to a campaign really is.
He told them. All along. I'm not going to just laugh at Sanders people over that one though. Some of you guys were diablosing over the notion that he wouldn't help Clinton campaign.Saw some S4P say they need to get a refund on their donations if Sanders endorses Hillary lolololololol. These kids have no idea what giving money to a campaign really is.
Saw some S4P say they need to get a refund on their donations if Sanders endorses Hillary lolololololol. These kids have no idea what giving money to a campaign really is.
All because Trump is an idiot and didn't realize why politicians used dog whistles for decades.Oh my god.
Trump is going to get bodied from now until November. And he has no one who is going to go out there and stump for him. If you're an independent (an actual one, FYI) and you hear 5 months of people on the national stage slamming him. is Tr
This Trump surrogate on MSNBC brought up the racism thing ON HER OWN WITHOUT PROMPTING, and then said Trump did nothing to cause this problem.
My god. How do I get a job spewing bullshit?
Trumps advisers believe Hillary has three major vulnerabilities, a Trump insider said Wednesday, referring to alleged epic corruption of the Clinton Foundation and exorbitant speaking fees, which the source dismissed as payoffs and bribes; Clintons tenure at the State Department and lingering questions about the 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya; her use of a private email server; the nexus between the State Department and the foundation; and Clintons efforts to discredit and intimidate women who might have been involved with her husband.
HW was the best GOP president in my lifetime. I'm not sure who the last half decent one before him was. I was born in 1980 and HW was much better than Reagan.Wow. The years when the GOP wasn't full of total assholes.
So they can't count beyond three. That's fucking hilarious.A preview of Trump's speech on Monday:
Definitely agree HW is far better than Reagan based on what I've read. Way better than his son too, of course.HW was the best GOP president in my lifetime. I'm not sure who the last half decent one before him was. I was born in 1980 and HW was much better than Reagan.
Really sad how long it's been since there's been a legitimately great Republican president. Eisenhower's farewell address will always be one of my favorite political speeches.last good Republican President was probably Eisenhower. Before him probably Teddy. Nixon was know and Ford didnt get to do much.
A preview of Trump's speech on Monday:
A preview of Trump's speech on Monday:
I intiially thought McCain could have been solid before he moved far to the right during the primaries and picked Palin as VP. I was pulling for Obama all along though.HW is the last GOP pres I would vote for, depending on who was running against him.
It's a shame we only had one term of Carter and HW, the wrong president got two terms.
I intiially thought McCain could have been solid before he moved far to the right during the primaries and picked Palin as VP. I was pulling for Obama all along though.
I intiially thought McCain could have been solid before he moved far to the right during the primaries and picked Palin as VP. I was pulling for Obama all along though.
Herbert could buy stock at half price from jp morgan.They don't say too much about Coolidge and Hoover in school except for Hoover with the depression.