oh my gosh he looked fine this morning!
lolo. Recycled stump speech.
oh my gosh he looked fine this morning!
I'm not going to watch Bernold's rally. I've barely been able to watch the speeches on election night. He's not going to make it official tonight, but I'll be interested to read if he continues to sound more and more like he's about to.
What does the white space represent?
This is the exact problem with what I'm seeing with sanders supporters
Do they actually believe this?
Taibbi talks about congressional aides only talking amongst themselves. Well maybe liberals should start talking to people who aren't liberals.
And how is that a "true populist platform" as it excludes other populist goals, reduction in "wasteful spending" and "reduce immigration".
Which is why hillary one and the majority of sanders supporters are happy with hillary.
Stop thinking reddit and the people you interview at bernie rallys are the only people that exist in this country
And Idk how your surprised you disagree.
I don't think the bolded and especially the underlined is correct at all.I have three problems with Taiibi's argument.
1. As I've explained numerous times, the data does not comply with the idea that Sanders suport is the "liberal Democratic base." That base turned out for Hillary. It's the independents and rural whites that turned out for Sanders (of whom are not young who voted Sanders because he's not old news). Ideologically, the Dems have to move to the right to get Sanders supporters, overall.
2. That the Dems can be populist and win over current GOPers. Nope. This ignores how much racial resentment and not economic resentment is the driving force behind GOP politics. This also completely contradicts his argument about being more progressive!
3. That this election season was anti-establishment. Wrong. Establishment candidates have been winning across the board with the exception of one race, Trump. Putting the entire election season on the Presidency is silly. That's not to say there's an exhaustion going on with the establishment to an extent, because that is happening, but it's so overstated.
Presidential Politics is actually very very very different from all other electoral politics because it's the only one most people care about to some degree.
I don't think the bolded and especially the underlined is correct at all.
Absolutely not. As a former union organizer you have no idea what management pulls with elections. They do sooo much illegal shit.
The fear of intimidation over signing the card is like forbidding picket lines. Sorry your fellow employees know you stand with management over them.
I've done card check elections and organized through NLRB. Everybody (Unions, NLRB, Employees) but employers like card check better
So much echoing you'd think the bubble would burst.
1 tweet = 1 vote
Not thrilled about Obama's endorsement - However, I'm not sure it's exactly what it looks like. Let's suppose Obama knows indictments are coming...soon. By endorsing HRC now, he's outwardly backing her but knows it doesn't matter in the bigger scheme of things. When indicts hit, he risks no backlash from HRC supporters for not endorsing her. They can't say "Obama you let this happen - the FBI wouldn't be doing this if you had endorsed her." And Obama can say "I tried. I stayed out of the investigation and let them do what they needed to do. This is the course the FBI decided to take. It wasn't my choice - heck, last week I endorsed her." Many HRC supporters view her potential presidency as a continuation of Obama's - it is Obama, more than HRC, they are supporting. By "endorsing" Clinton now (instead of last week, say, when several primaries remained) he knows his endorsement has relatively little weight vote-wise but WILL provide a smoother transition of HRC supporters to Bernie when Bernie is ultimately the nominee. It wouldn't surprise me a bit if Obama said to Bernie today "Look, I hate doing this, and I want to tell you before it's made public. I'm endorsing Hillary, but here's why and how I hope it plays out."
Guys Obama endorsing Hillary actually means Bernie is winning:
Guys Obama endorsing Hillary actually means Bernie is winning:
S4p of course.is this a s4p post or apostgodslay
Guys Obama endorsing Hillary actually means Bernie is winning:
PLEASEFuck everything and all possible issues.
She's the VP.
That laugh she did as McConnell.. ha!She's making fun of Turtle right now. Oh my lawd Jesus needs to sop me up right now Jesus.
"Trump isn't a different kind of candidate. He's a Mitch McConnell kind of candidate."
Is this Warren speech on tv?
Warren is on MSNBC now?? Thought she was gonna endorse on Maddow.
Warren is on MSNBC now?? Thought she was gonna endorse on Maddow.
I really do wonder if that choice was already made. If she's not the VP pick she's certainly going to get a cabinet position. She's tearing Trump apart. They need to keep Trump's racism alive all through the election.
She is. That was probably recorded earlier or something. She's giving a speech attacking Trump and the entire GOP right now.
There is no way she's doing this just because she wants to do this. This has to be a trial balloon or something.
Real talk:
This Elizabeth Warren vs Queen in a primary? I'd have been having to think DAMN hard.
Joe???!!? Oh shit! This should be fun.