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PoliGAF 2016 |OT6| Delete your accounts

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So, random thoughts.

Watching Obama's endorsement definitely got to me today. Oddly, even more so than seeing Hillary clinch, or thinking about the magnitude of scattering the ceiling.

I think, because seeing the baton get passed like that, just created the perfect moment to think about the last eight years and where we are going from here. I am SO PROUD of these candidates, and this party. I am so happy to have backed Obama eight years ago and it's just kind of amazing to think about how far we've come since then. Every inch of the way, from the stimulus to the TPP, and everything in between.

But there's also kind of this amazing power in the alliance between Hills and Bams. No one ever gave either of them so much of a fight as they gave each other. And despite that, Hillary's team lined up and stood by the rest of the way in 2008. And I am so excited to repay that now. I am excited that the Obama coalition is holding and sees how these two people are both fighting the same fight for them. I love that the most diverse coalition we've ever seen in this country has back to back broken incredible milestones, for candidates who complete deserve to be the ones to break them. I am proud that the practical, technocratic wing of the party beat back the strident, purity test wing of the party.

The contrast couldn't be any more perfect. While the Republicans continue to run from themselves and tear one another apart, Dems know what they're going for and that they're in this together. While Trump keeps finding new ways to be even more racist and extreme, the Democratic keeps breaking new barriers, and Obama coalition proves more and more unshakable. While Republicans seem to lack anything that even remotely resembles an elder statesman, the president, VP, liberal icon of the party, and popular former president are all lined up and ready to party.

Of all the ways Trump is unprepared - not knowing what a battleground state is, not understanding GOTV, not having any competent surrogates, not understanding that Americans don't like explicit racism - here's another he's not quite ready for. Not one of the idiots he clowned in this party's stupid tire fire of a primary are in the same weight class as the people lined up against him now.

This is going to be SO. MUCH. FUN.


FGC Waterboy
Hillary gets indicted, I think Joe gets brought in.

Would tend to agree. The odds are pretty low (not as miniscule as everyone wants to believe, but still pretty damn low), but bringing in Biden later in the game gets him past the part that he was struggling with, which is running a campaign for a year+ and all the hard work / energy that goes into it.


No Scrubs
According to OT, WSJ just said indictment isn't likely. Don't know what it says specifically due to paywall.

This day is like the best day ever for Hillary.

No shit it's unlikely. Everyone knew it wasn't coming since the FBI announced they were wrapping everything up with the various interviews.

Would tend to agree. The odds are pretty low (not as miniscule as everyone wants to believe, but still pretty damn low), but bringing in Biden later in the game gets him past the part that he was struggling with, which is running a campaign for a year+ and all the hard work / energy that goes into it.

Like the Clintons, I think he'd be better served in a general election setting than a primary.
No shit it's unlikely. Everyone knew it wasn't coming since the FBI announced they were wrapping everything up with the various interviews.

Well, it's nice to have confirmation from a proper source that the indictment isn't likely.

WSJ is banned on r/politics though, so I can't see if I can get people to comment and upvote it based purely on the title without reading the article and how it talks about how unlikely it is she'll be indicted.


The "Left" isn't organized in the same why that the tea party was, and many of these people don't think about congressional elections. I wouldn't worry about a left tea party. Although, you will see some form of resentment on the internet a lot for awhile.

hillaryis44 still exists... no one gives a shit about inconsequential children

Rebel Leader


This does not surprise me


remember me
Well, it's nice to have confirmation from a proper source that the indictment isn't likely.

WSJ is banned on r/politics though, so I can't see if I can get people to comment and upvote it based purely on the title without reading the article and how it talks about how unlikely it is she'll be indicted.

WSJ is banned (their news section is fine, just the op-eds that are garbage) but they allow Breitbart and Russia Today? Ok.


No Scrubs
Well, it's nice to have confirmation from a proper source that the indictment isn't likely.

WSJ is banned on r/politics though, so I can't see if I can get people to comment and upvote it based purely on the title without reading the article and how it talks about how unlikely it is she'll be indicted.

If I remember right CNN said something to that effect a couple weeks ago as well.

Why's it banned?

It's banned due to the paywall

Oh, yea I hate paywalls. They suck hardcore. At least give some articles for free.

Hell to the yes

Seriously, he could kill a man in the middle of Boston on TV and they'd still elect him. Because he's a Kennedy.


B) I think Sanders' idea was genuinely to spark a revolution that would actually (theoretically) also come out and vote during the mid-terms (we can all stop laughing now). Considering the rather personal hatred the GOP has for Clinton, I kinda think Clinton may get hosed even harder by the GOP than Obama

IMO, at some point people are going to realize that the GOP's intransigence has little to do with racism and sexism, and much more to do with the high political effectiveness it carries in House and Senate races. I think people forget this strategy was started during the Bill Clinton years, not the Obama years. The GOP does it because they did it and got the House and the Senate right after. Until voters punish the GOP for doing it, they're gonna keep doing it. And you bet your ass the Dems will to when put in the same position.

I don't see a meaningful difference between being racist and sexist and using racism and sexism to get votes. The GOP is the party that let the birtherism movement fester in their party when they could have shut that shit down. Just look at those YouGov poll results just posted on this page. It's all the same thing. "If the Dems were in the same position...." - they were and then the parties realigned after the Civil Rights Act. If they were different they would act different doesn't seem like a meaningful point :p


FGC Waterboy
According to OT, WSJ just said indictment isn't likely. Don't know what it says specifically due to paywall.

This day is like the best day ever for Hillary.

From the WSJ article

Several law-enforcement officials said they don’t expect any criminal charges to be filed as a result of the investigation, although a final review of the evidence will be made only after an expected FBI interview with Mrs. Clinton this summer.

One reason is that government workers at several agencies, including the departments of Defense, Justice and State, have occasionally resorted to the low-side system to give each other notice about sensitive but fast-moving events, according to one law-enforcement official.

What I suspect is the FBI and the NSA are going to yell the fuck at everyone who was being lazy as shit about using secure messaging systems and probably start monitoring the various departments for non secure email usage. NSA and NSGS will probably start being hilarious dicks about it to the other agencies as well.

Inner Circle?

There are a few of us. :D

Though, I suspect I would be very beloved in this thread if I take the offer sent from Clinton's camp (and started telling you all stuff, probably getting me fired). Though the people they have now are probably like people who actually know what the hell they're doing and have been doing it for a while unlike me. :p Pretty sure the missus doesn't want to move to DC / where ever the hell they would put me though.
Thoughts from phone banking for Doug Owens tonight: Even hardcore Utah liberals have no idea who Doug Owens is, but they are sure ready to vote against Mia Love in November.

Also, a woman told me her daughter was in the hospital with heart failure and that Mia Love was a traitor to her race. The woman was white.

So, uhh.


From the WSJ article

What I suspect is the FBI and the NSA are going to yell the fuck at everyone who was being lazy as shit about using secure messaging systems and probably start monitoring the various departments for non secure email usage. NSA and NSGS will probably start being hilarious dicks about it to the other agencies as well.

There are a few of us. :D

Though, I suspect I would be very beloved in this thread if I take the offer sent from Clinton's camp (and started telling you all stuff, probably getting me fired). Though the people they have now are probably like people who actually know what the hell they're doing and have been doing it for a while unlike me. :p Pretty sure the missus doesn't want to move to DC / where ever the hell they would put me though.

what was the offer?


The thing about all those ballots still being counted is that nobody in S4P has even bothered in actually checking the trend. Since election night Hillary has won ~58% of the outstanding ballots which is why her total went 0.1pts up to 55.9 (from 55.8) since election night.
So, random thoughts.

Watching Obama's endorsement definitely got to me today. Oddly, even more so than seeing Hillary clinch, or thinking about the magnitude of scattering the ceiling.

I think, because seeing the baton get passed like that, just created the perfect moment to think about the last eight years and where we are going from here. I am SO PROUD of these candidates, and this party. I am so happy to have backed Obama eight years ago and it's just kind of amazing to think about how far we've come since then. Every inch of the way, from the stimulus to the TPP, and everything in between.

But there's also kind of this amazing power in the alliance between Hills and Bams. No one ever gave either of them so much of a fight as they gave each other. And despite that, Hillary's team lined up and stood by the rest of the way in 2008. And I am so excited to repay that now. I am excited that the Obama coalition is holding and sees how these two people are both fighting the same fight for them. I love that the most diverse coalition we've ever seen in this country has back to back broken incredible milestones, for candidates who complete deserve to be the ones to break them. I am proud that the practical, technocratic wing of the party beat back the strident, purity test wing of the party.

The contrast couldn't be any more perfect. While the Republicans continue to run from themselves and tear one another apart, Dems know what they're going for and that they're in this together. While Trump keeps finding new ways to be even more racist and extreme, the Democratic keeps breaking new barriers, and Obama coalition proves more and more unshakable. While Republicans seem to lack anything that even remotely resembles an elder statesman, the president, VP, liberal icon of the party, and popular former president are all lined up and ready to party.

Of all the ways Trump is unprepared - not knowing what a battleground state is, not understanding GOTV, not having any competent surrogates, not understanding that Americans don't like explicit racism - here's another he's not quite ready for. Not one of the idiots he clowned in this party's stupid tire fire of a primary are in the same weight class as the people lined up against him now.

This is going to be SO. MUCH. FUN.

So good. Great thoughts.


If you think they are in joyous kumbaya, you've been fooled just like everyone else. The Obamas and Clintons are not friendly.

If true, this is one of those allegory-of-the-cave things where so long as the perception is credibly maintained, it doesn't matter what the underlying reality is, lol..
very surprising that there are no threads on r/s4p about warren's or biden's endorsement
I actually posted the first Warren one and it got downvoted. I presume other attempts failed as well.

Btw, thanks High Lord Moderators for changing the thread title when we're a day away from a new thread and the current title was perfect for the new one. :/
It's so perfect that Boehner is out of the picture and Ryan is the top establishment republican

Boehner if he was still speaker probably wouldn't have gave two shits and campaigned for Trump.

Ryan wants to have a political future and is literally cannot win in any decision he makes. Trump will have to take on the ENTIRE dem army basically by himself.

And maybe Paul O'neil or something
Hell to the yes

Yeah, the younger Kennedy's may have their foibles, but everything I've ever read is that Teddy is still basically God in Massachusetts. I mean, remember when he endorsed Obama in '08?

It's starting to become more and more obvious what being a Republican means in this day and age. Sad.

The thing is, this is why the GOP can't change. The Democrat's could change because their base wasn't actually hippy activists in drum circles, it was at the time African American's, blue collar workers and the like who were socially liberal, but believed in responsibility and law and order.

OTOH, the GOP base is just racist assholes.


I couldn't take my laggy MSNBC stream. I need to get me some of that Warren attack speech, Biden attack speech, and Warren on Maddow shindig. I really, really, really, need to see McTurtle though. That's like #1 x infinity right now. I melt into a puddle of bliss at McConnell take downs.
Hillary probably won't be indicted.

But if she were:

Warren is the VP candidate. They continue to campaign on the promise that if Hillary is found guilty, she resigns and Warren becomes President.

No one else would step in as effectively as she would.
I wish I could understand this weird notion.
But I just have no idea where it comes from.


FGC Waterboy
I don't see a meaningful difference between being racist and sexist and using racism and sexism to get votes. The GOP is the party that let the birtherism movement fester in their party when they could have shut that shit down. Just look at those YouGov poll results just posted on this page. It's all the same thing. "If the Dems were in the same position...." - they were and then the parties realigned after the Civil Rights Act. If they were different they would act different doesn't seem like a meaningful point :p

Eh, maybe I'm old and bitter, but I sort of do? The former worries me more because they're liable to actually push and enact policies, while the latter might just use them to get votes and then not actually push for harmful policies. I actually used to be in your camp, but during the '04 campaign, actually had a discussion about gay marriage w/r/t Obama's views. I found it messed up that he was against gay marriage publicly when I don't particularly personally believe he really cared too much. (Aside: my amazingly logical reason for being for it was that I didn't trust legislators to come up with a way that made civil unions have all the legal benefits of marriage without fucking something up...go dumb young me. Also, I was of the opinion that once you involved tax benefits and government shit in marriage, you have no choice but to open it up to everyone.)

But the person's response was that even if they weren't 100% sure about whether they were on board with it as a matter of faith, he knew that Obama wasn't going to do anything to hurt the LGBT community, and would push for protections and pro-LGBT policies and legislation once in the Senate. So if Obama stays honest about his feelings about gay marriage (which aligned with the vast majority of the country at the time), and that helps him get elected, and then he can use his position to actively help the LGBT community...isn't that better than stepping out on a limb on a position you're not completely sure you agree with, not getting elected, and then someone who is actively going to harm the LGBT community taking that spot?

One of the things that I have long admired about Obama is that (to me), he's always found the perfect balance between pragmatism and principle. Clinton's too pragmatic (and too ends justify the means) for me, and Sanders is too principled for me. Every time I would hear about XYZ compromise (I was fucking furious after the health care bill, for instance), I would always read into the details and realize what good he had gotten actually done and enshrined in for folks. It's easy to be super principled and demand the moon and refuse to budge (universal cheap health care for all, national laws forcing XYZ policy on all states), but it's hard to sit down and realize the reality of the situation (shifting to single-payer would have taken more than 4 years...which means that an Obama loss stops the whole process, states can give federal laws no teeth and fight back on constitutional grounds).

That's what I like about Obama. He realizes that principles are important, but they can't completely stop you from helping people in the here and now. Gotta find a balance. The perfect is the enemy of the good.


FGC Waterboy
what was the offer?

Preeeeeeeeeetty sure that I can't go into details. Sorry. :(

Plouffe consulted Clinton at her Washington mansion in late 2014, advising her to hire members of the president’s highly-regarded data and voter outreach team – and to avoid the toxic infighting that hobbled her campaign eight years ago.
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