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r/sandersforpresident has gone full accelerationism.
Meltdown and labelling Warren as turncoat, won't vote Hillary even if Bernie endorses, etc, etc.
Wait till Bernie endorses Clinton and the conspiracy nuts on that subreddit start saying he was forced to do so, or else join Vince Foster!


r/sandersforpresident has gone full accelerationism.
Meltdown and labelling Warren as turncoat, won't vote Hillary even if Bernie endorses, etc, etc.
I really don't understand how you can claim someone as your personal political hero and then do the exact opposite of what he wishes (imagine if this kind of ideological purity really did take off on the ground level. Sanders doesn't even fit that criteria anymore? Eek).The attacks on Warren and Obama have been absolutely shameful. Wait until some of them fully turn on Bernie too.


FGC Waterboy
I've been arguing against the left wing Tea Party for a long time. Ever since that GAF faction used to be lead by Devolution. Glad to hear we're acknowledging their views are problematic. At least we can thank Bernie for that!

Heh, for me it's been a subset of both the Clinton and Sanders voters that made me go "this is really bad".
It is interesting to note tho the diffrences between each candidate's reddit pages. Sanders crowd is more activism based, an extension of the campaign. Trumps is more of a ideas (at least in their on way) discussion. Johnson's is all about "wow we got news coverage!!!!" And to be honest, I haven't been to Hillary's.

Can someone explain this to me? A Bernie Bro shared this...thing.



Donald Trump and the Republicans will surely lead America toward a glorious progressive future!

From Breitbart - more feigned ignorance of the Southern Strategy and the parties switching sides.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
LOL at that Kansas poll. Not believing that for a second.


Can someone explain this to me? A Bernie Bro shared this...thing.

Something about feminists being hypocrites I imagine. I know that Emma Watson was named in the panama papers, so that would probably be the argument there. No idea on the others. As for the arguments over Hillary...we've heard it all, I'm sure I don't need to go over that.

It's a pretty vile attempt to paint an entire movement with a broad brush based on unrelated wrongdoing on the part of some and outright lies about others.
I want to believe that Kansas poll.

I want to believe that we may one day fall on the right side of history.

But after living here for 32 years... I really doubt it.
So reddit is moving over to /r/Political_Revolution, but it's confusing to me. Here's the mission statement:
/r/Political_Revolution is the Reddit branch of The Political Revolution a digital organization designed to raise support and awareness for progressive candidates and issues that align with the political revolution as envisioned by Senator Bernie Sanders.
What IS the 'vision of Bernie Sanders,' though? The planks of his stump speech? Almost zero of that is particularly "revolutionary."

The following ideas are not in any way revolutionary, and in fact largely have majority public support, and, as far as I know, are also things Hillary Clinton has on her platform:
  • Overturn Citizens United/"get the money out of politics"/corporate power in politics.
  • Increase minimum wage to "livable wage."
  • Attempted _something_ about wealth inequality, including raising taxes on the wealthy.
  • Student debt reform.
  • Some form of universal health care, more specifically reaching 100% health care coverage, including possible "public option."
  • Uphold basics like abortion rights, voting rights and civil rights via SCOTUS.
  • Increase infrastructure spending.
  • No cuts in (or even expand) entitlement programs.
  • At least pretend to do something about climate change.
The following are arguably more "revolutionary," but even then mostly just farther left and far from mind-blowing, though they aren't in Hillary's platform:
  • 90% top marginal tax rate.
  • Single-payer health care.
  • Free college.
  • Ban fracking / Carbon tax.
What am I missing? Which are actual government-overturning ideas? The isolationism? That's just foreign policy. It already is expected to change each administration and isn't "revolutionary." All open primaries? Okay whatever. Excuse student debt? Because that's hilarious. And of course this is all before the "how do you do it?" problem. Things like the straight Libertarian or Green party platforms are the ones that border on proper revolution. Ones that change the core of how the country works and/or are the types of things you could need new Constitutional amendments for. None of this does.
A lot of those sub-reddits seem like they're gearing up to eat their own as the whole thing burns down around them in impotent rage. It's like the end of a Poe story. Fall of the House of Sanders.

A big problem with movements like this is that there's no structure; there's just the ideologue (who frequently isn't real, but the members projecting what themselves onto the leader), and so when things happen that might prompt a change of direction, there's nothing at all set up to facilitate that change.

It's a group of hundreds of blindfolded people under one of those paper dragons trying to walk with it; things are great when they knew what direction to walk in the beginning, but as the need to swerve or adapt arises, no one was named as a leader or director of the group. Then it turns into blind people shouting directions at each other, none of them listening to any voice but their own, and eventually the paper dragon (the only thing tying them together at all in the first place) is torn to shreds.
Mia Love is such a sad person.

She was basically designed to be the "hey, see, we don't hate women or black people!" candidate who was suppose to shit on all minority and women issues while having cover. She feels the need to compare government regulations to slavery because that's what her party wants and it's horrible to watch. But her gender is probably the reason why she has struggled so badly in an R+14 district despite being a hardcore conservative.

It's just sad all around.
Mia Love is such a sad person.

She was basically designed to be the "hey, see, we don't hate women or black people!" candidate who was suppose to shit on all minority and women issues while having cover. She feels the need to compare government regulations to slavery because that's what her party wants and it's horrible to watch. But her gender is probably the reason why she has struggled so badly in an R+14 district despite being a hardcore conservative.

It's just sad all around.
Unfortunately there is a lot of deep-rooted misogyny and racism in the Mormon religion that gets shielded behind a lot of the "We're just some good ol' fashioned Mormon folk, gosh golly gee!" Stepford wife bullshit. Not all of them, obviously, but I imagine that's a huge factor in dragging down her appeal in the state.


Unfortunately there is a lot of deep-rooted misogyny and racism in the Mormon religion that gets shielded behind a lot of the "We're just some good ol' fashioned Mormon folk, gosh golly gee!" Stepford wife bullshit. Not all of them, obviously, but I imagine that's a huge factor in dragging down her appeal in the state.

Scott in SC is doing fine.
Mia Love is such a sad person.

She was basically designed to be the "hey, see, we don't hate women or black people!" candidate who was suppose to shit on all minority and women issues while having cover. She feels the need to compare government regulations to slavery because that's what her party wants and it's horrible to watch. But her gender is probably the reason why she has struggled so badly in an R+14 district despite being a hardcore conservative.

It's just sad all around.

Cons are more inclined to believe their male representatives are fighting as hard as possible for their shitty views, while they still think that female conservatives just aren't fighting as hard as possible. Certainly as hard as their frail womenly bodies can, but that's just not enough for the bastards.
Unfortunately there is a lot of deep-rooted misogyny and racism in the Mormon religion that gets shielded behind a lot of the "We're just some good ol' fashioned Mormon folk, gosh golly gee!" Stepford wife bullshit. Not all of them, obviously, but I imagine that's a huge factor in dragging down her appeal in the state.

The Mormon Church itself has been absurdly racist, but I don't know if Utahans are that racist. Utah usually scores pretty well on racism indicators.

There is extreme misogyny here in Utah though which is what I think is Love's downfall, not her race actually.
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