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PoliGAF 2016 |OT6| Delete your accounts

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Elizabeth Forma sent her "delete your account" tweet to Trump during her meeting with Hillary.

Hillary: "So regarding Dodd-Frank, I thought maybe... Liz are you listening to me?"

Forma: "What? Oh sorry, I was just tweeting Trump to delete his account."

(Curtains open up in the room, and behind them appears Obama who gives a slow golf clap)

Obama: "Congratulations, Elizabeth. That was the test."

Clinton-Warren 2016


FGC Waterboy

He's in for a rude awakening

Eh I generally agree, but not on prejudice. We shouldn't allow a left wing Tea Party to fester in our ranks. Prejudice (even the diet kind) just isn't welcome.

In that specific case, since the country was very heavily on the side of anti-gay marriage at the time, I understood it. I think in situations like Trump, where the country is very heavily against what he is saying, that is too far. But incremental progress isn't always a terrible thing when trying to push the country forward.

I think a left wing Tea Party has already festered, it's just waiting for the chance to strike and bigger funding. (OWS was similar to a left wing tea party, arguably)


I don't believe it for one blinkin' second.

But.. if I were writing a really freaky ending to this really freaky campaign season, it would be one where the map ends like this:
The Atlantic really looooooooves publishing articles on how black women in college are destroying freedom of speech despite the fact that the GOP just nominated a man that wants to end the First Amendment.

Geez, oh man, I don't know.
What kind of idiot made this graphics, lol? The Republican primary had 1.5 million votes counted on election night. And who takes the total number of votes, divides it by the number of precincts, and says that's how many votes per precinct there were? You can't do that.

Daniel B, if you're not gonna help yourself, don't post.

Nice try chief!

The number of people who voted in MA's dem primary, which was also semi-closed, was recorded as 1.2M, and is around 1/3 of registered voters (4.1M). So, with CA being a state that's 5.75 times more populous, the vote count should be around 7 million, except it's currently only half that, or 1/5 of registered voters (17.7M).


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
I don't believe it for one blinkin' second.

But.. if I were writing a really freaky ending to this really freaky campaign season, it would be one where the map ends like this:

I love the idea of FL and CO going red and VA going blue. That's some real bizarro shit.
I've been arguing against the left wing Tea Party for a long time. Ever since that GAF faction used to be lead by Devolution. Glad to hear we're acknowledging their views are problematic. At least we can thank Bernie for that!


Daniel B·;206351296 said:
Nice try chief!

The number of people who voted in MA's dem primary, which was also semi-closed, was recorded as 1.2M, and is around 1/3 of registered voters (4.1M). So, with CA being a state that's 5.75 times more populous, the vote count should be around 7 million, except it's currently only half that, or 1/5 of registered voters (17.7M).
Again, the total number of voters who participated in the primary isn't 3.5 million. On election night, it exceeded 5 million voters. There's still over a million more ballots to count. Just because you don't understand California politics and why it's such an obvious Hillary state doesn't mean something looks fishy... Get a grip.


Would anyone recommend a solid biography on either Hilary Clinton and one on Jimmy Carter? I'd like to know more about the both of them, and there is so much bias for the two people, especially the first one, I want to read something that is limited in bias.

Also any recommend nonfiction to learn more about the American education system, along with Common Core? Education is an important policy to me, and I feel embarrassed about my limited knowledge in that spectrum.


Guyyyyys, my candidate didn't win a state I really wanted him to win and also the total vote count looks low because they haven't finally counting them all yet. Fraud!?
I share a birthday with Donald Trump and the American flag next Tuesday! If you all need me, I will be comatose and wanted for grand theft moscato.


Daniel B·;206351296 said:
Nice try chief!

The number of people who voted in MA's dem primary, which was also semi-closed, was recorded as 1.2M, and is around 1/3 of registered voters (4.1M). So, with CA being a state that's 5.75 times more populous, the vote count should be around 7 million, except it's currently only half that, or 1/5 of registered voters (17.7M).

It's almost like people are more likely to turn out when the primary seems competitive and the state is close than when the primary is a fait accompli and the state is destined to be a blowout.


So police just shot up a guy because he had a rock?

Looks like suicide-by-cop. He apparently was smashing a car with a big rock then came at the cop who intervened. Hopefully that's all there is to it. IF that's all there is, it's completely reasonable to me to use deadly force in that situation. One crack to the skull and it's over for the cop.

On the other hand, the cop is going to have to explain why it took nine rounds to stop the guy.


Looks like suicide-by-cop. He apparently was smashing a car with a big rock then came at the cop who intervened. Hopefully that's all there is to it. IF that's all there is, it's completely reasonable to me to use deadly force in that situation. One crack to the skull and it's over for the cop.

On the other hand, the cop is going to have to explain why it took nine rounds to stop the guy.

Standard police training is to empty the clip if you have to fire the gun in self-defense.


Please do not let me serve on a jury. I am actually a crazy person.
r/sandersforpresident has gone full accelerationism.
Meltdown and labelling Warren as turncoat, won't vote Hillary even if Bernie endorses, etc, etc.


r/sandersforpresident has gone full accelerationism.
Meltdown and labelling Warren as turncoat, won't vote Hillary even if Bernie endorses, etc, etc.

A lot of those sub-reddits seem like they're gearing up to eat their own as the whole thing burns down around them in impotent rage. It's like the end of a Poe story. Fall of the House of Sanders.
As a Sanders supporter, I realized a few moths ago he isn't going to president. I wish they would realize their best hope is to have more of the Dem establishment adopt some of their ideals, and by being like they are, they aren't helping their case. I fully support Sanders going to the convention and pushing for his ideals and hope some of them are agreed to, but they should do all this anarchy shit until after the convention.
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