And there's the uncomfortable truth about the primary people don't like to admit: there was never any doubt as to the outcome.
And there's the uncomfortable truth about the primary people don't like to admit: there was never any doubt as to the outcome.
GoldwateredIpsos/Reuters National
Clinton 46
Trump 35
Something I've heard more recently is that if you reran the primaries, Sanders would win. He just needed more time.And there's the uncomfortable truth about the primary people don't like to admit: there was never any doubt as to the outcome.
Yeah the only issue she really attacked him on was gun control and that was like the one major issue she could clearly stake out a position to his left on.kirblar said:To attack Bernie, she'd have to do it from the center. Politicians don't like doing that in a primary.
That might come from being one.
Got a surprise promotion today. I'm now firmly middle class, being average never felt so good!
Is that a lotso you're making over 200k? nice!
SandersforPresident and r/politics need to be shutdown. That place is 4chan lite
This would be me if an untested and unattacked Sanders was going up against Trump in the General:
I get why S4P on Reddit is full of insane wackos but R/Politics only posting endless Breitbart stories attacking Hillary is honestly sad. I used to check that subreddit often for a decent source of aggregated Political news.
This would be me if an untested and unattacked Sanders was going up against Trump in the General:
Yeah, I have never been convinced that Sanders would continue our demographic advantages like Clinton does. If turnout from minority groups continues to rise, we can continue to control the White House. Why pick the candidate who didn't impress those groups? I'd be Diablosing weekly.
after seeing Liz Warren have more substantial in depth speeches and better attack punch lines, I feel that Bernie Sanders would not even be on her level for a General Election scenario.
Sanders lacks depth when it comes to speaking and coming with witty counter punches.
after seeing Liz Warren have more substantial in depth speeches and better attack punch lines, I feel that Bernie Sanders would not even be on her level for a General Election scenario.
Sanders lacks depth when it comes to speaking and coming with witty counter punches.
Hillary Clinton ‏@HillaryClinton 55m55 minutes ago
Hillary Clinton Retweeted Huffington Post
Thanks, @VP Biden! Your support is a BIG deal. -H
The replies. Why did I look at the replies. Why. Why.
Wait! What?! Is this true! Have I entered another world? Cause if this is true I'll have to take back all the crappy things I thought about the people in this lousy, no good state. (I'm a Dem from Kansas, it sucks!)
I don't know if you guys have seen that silly thing about Google autocomplete not suggesting stuff critical of Clinton that other search engines suggest.
You've probably heard people talk about algorithms and stuff. What I did, was just try the exact same experiment with Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders...
and got the exact same symptoms. So I say to anyone freaking out about it, was that so fucking hard to do? You can literally repeat these same test on other candidates to see if there is any kind of special pro Clinton bias.
Eh. Just the same as I saw someone respond to the news about there still being a few million mail votes left to be counted saying 'That's very concerning.'
Why sir, no it isn't. I looked up the rules on Tuesday. In California you can mail in your vote as late as election day, and so long as it was post stamped no later than the 7th and it arrived no later than today, it will be counted.
That actually seems really reasonable, and took me all of a minute.
Bernie's inevitable endorsement on Tuesday (or whenever it happens) is going to pop so many political cherries.Hillary's the one doing all the rigging? She's even more powerful than I thought!
Guys have you taken a look at your autocorrect ON YOUR PHONES!!!?1? When you type in HILLARY CLINTON EMAIL SC- IT AUTOCOMPLETES TO SCAN OR SCAR OR SCAB
Guys have you taken a look at your autocorrect ON YOUR PHONES!!!?1? When you type in HILLARY CLINTON EMAIL SC- IT AUTOCOMPLETES TO SCAN OR SCAR OR SCAB
I get Hillary Clinton Email Scarborough
Bernie's inevitable endorsement on Tuesday (or whenever it happens) is going to pop so many political cherries.
Bernie's inevitable endorsement on Tuesday (or whenever it happens) is going to pop so many political cherries.
That might come from being one.
Well fuck.
Her lead in Cali is now up to 457k votes.
She's also above 2 million votes.
Haha, definitely. They've written stuff like this:
If Warren joins Clinton, Im Done Supporting Her.
Will they feel the same way about Sanders?
Lol, was about to point that out.
As for the primary, Clinton was never in any real danger once she built up the crazy leads on the (first) Super Tuesday. Had she lost Iowa by a couple of percentage points; and then similarly gotten destroyed from orbit in NH to start off - she probably would have been in far more trouble as the aura of inevitability would have been broken immediately. But unless Bernie had pivoted towards the rest of the Democratic base and brought social policies to the forefront sooner and effectively, she was still probably going to be OK.
Now, if Biden or Warren (instead of Sanders) had ran, I think she would have probably lost fairly decisively, but it didn't happen, so who knows.![]()
Her lead in Cali is now up to 457k votes.
She's also above 2 million votes.
The Hillary Rihanna gif is cracking me up
Hey, where are you tracking this anyways? Which site?