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PoliGAF 2016 |OT6| Delete your accounts

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Junior Member
Is it possible that we will be seeing something nearing a Reagan/Mondale map, assuming this trumpster fire continues? I understand that a significant percent of right leaning voters will line up behind Trump, but what are the chances we'll see an even higher electoral count for Clinton than we did for The Islamic Shock in 2008?

Its possible. If Trump and the GOP has to play Defense in places like Utah and FUCKING Kansas, they are in for a WORLD of hurt.

I just don't think the Dems can keep this sort of blistering attack on till November, there will be a lull. Then again The Donald gives them material everyday so who knows.


Is it possible that we will be seeing something nearing a Reagan/Mondale map, assuming this trumpster fire continues? I understand that a significant percent of right leaning voters will line up behind Trump, but what are the chances we'll see an even higher electoral count for Clinton than we did for The Islamic Shock in 2008?
It is very likely that she's going to beat Obama's count. The map moved in the Dem's favor and Trump is...Trump.


I want to believe that Kansas poll, but it goes against all my best judgement. Hopefully we get some additional polling from other sources.


Holy fuck, I can't with Trump. it's still broadly his same stump he's been giving all year but his stilted speech is just a series of phrases with nothing behind them. Insipid.
the contrast can't be more starker today; you got Clinton speaking at Planned Parenthood in one part of town then you have Trump speaking for Religious Evangelicos on the other
It's a Zogby poll. They don't have the best track record, right?

Poll is very light on details, so yes take it with a grain of salt for the time being, until other polls come out of Kansas.

But still, if Kansas is in play, Trump might as well end his campaign now.


Big ice cream is against DWS

Yo Mayday!

I’m Ben Cohen (of Ben & Jerry’s). Like all of you, I believe we must find a way to take our democracy back from big money.

Now we have a great chance to send a message to the status quo by taking on one of the most powerful members of Congress & protector of the establishment.

As Chair of the Democratic Party, Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL) used her power to help special interests at the expense of everyday Americans. All of you aren’t Democrats. I get that. But when one of the two major political powers is led by someone who enables corruption, we all have a problem.

That’s why I’ve work so hard for Bernie Sanders. That’s why I’ve helped spread the Stamp Out Big Money movement. That’s why I’ve marched with Larry Lessig. And that’s why I was one of the first supporters of MAYDAY.US.

Today, I’m writing to ask you to help MAYDAY.US build the resources it needs to win an incredibly important fight to defeat Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

Since her election to Congress, Schultz has consistently sided with big money interests against everyday voters. Here are a few more examples of Schultz looking out for donors instead of voters in her district.
She lifted a seven year ban on lobbyists donating to the DNC, making it easier for special interests to set the political agenda.
She opposed SEC and IRS efforts to require disclosure of corporate political contributions.
She opposed limits on Payday Lending after receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars from Wall Street.
We need to send a clear message about what we want this democracy to be. And there is no better way to send that message than to help us support her incredible challenger in the Democratic Primary, Tim Canova.

Tim has been looking out for people his whole career, and that’s why he was one of the few candidates Bernie Sanders recently endorsed to take on the establishment. Compare Tim’s website to Debbie’s and you’ll find his number one issue is fixing corruption; Debbie doesn’t even list it as an issue.

Those are just some of the reasons why 92.5% of you (really, that’s the number!) voted for MAYDAY.US to oppose Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

And so I am urging all of you to join me, and Bernie Sanders, and thousands from across this country to support Tim, and to help get us a democracy that represents us. Chip in $50 now to unseat Debbie Wasserman Schultz and replace her with a real champion of reform.

With your help, MAYDAY.US can take on one of corruption’s biggest enablers.

Thank you for all you’ve done, and everything that you will do.

Peace, Love, & Ice Cream,
Ben Cohen


Kansas had the 10th largest Republican favored margin and had the 15th most Republican votes in a state Republicans carried in 2012.

If it flips...
Someone refuses to quit calling and internet stalking my girlfriend and she can't block him since she's worried he'll kill her or her family if she does (and she has good reason to worry).

... I don't know what to do. He's in China so I doubt she could get a restraining order or something. I wish this guy would slit his wrists already and leave her fucking alone.


Neo Member
Speaking as someone in Kansas, I would adore seeing this state flip. Or even threaten to. I can hardly believe it. It's got a big margin of error, but even then...


If Kansas has a chance of flipping in this election cycle what does that mean for other really strong republican states?



I think Kansas is a special case as compared to other usual red states like Texas because of voter hate for Gov Brownback and his administration. He tanked their economy and above all, the one thing you don't fuck with is people's paper. It doesn't really surprise me that they'd possibly have it out for the GOP/Trump.

That being said, I don't trust a Zogby poll and I'd need to see 2/3 others with the same general result before I believe it.
Awesome as yesterday was, I definitely finally understood the pain some of you reported earlier in the primary about friends being idiots on Facebook.

A whole lot of "Obama stabbed Bernie in the back! Obama is a sell out now! Obama betrayed us!"

And then, my girl posts this article as her one and only contribution to political discourse this season.

At least I can always rely on at least one person in my life to keep their damn head no matter what. God, I love that woman...

Omg thank you for that medium piece


I think Kansas is a special case as compared to other usual red states like Texas because of voter hate for Gov Brownback and his administration. He tanked their economy and above all, the one thing you don't fuck with is people's paper. It doesn't really surprise me that they'd possibly have it out for the GOP/Trump.

That being said, I don't trust a Zogby poll and I'd need to see 2/3 others with the same general result before I believe it.

Kansas is kind of special. But there are a lot of red states that can be special for different reasons just because of how hard Trump tries to piss off so many different demographics. Georgia because of blacks, Arizona and (crossing fingers) Texas because of hispanics, Utah because of Mormons. Not that we'll win any of those states, but I wouldn't be that surprised to see any of them in play.

And I don't think Arizona/Texas would show up in polls unless pollsters adjust their targets to reflect the increased hispanic turnout that would be required to make this happen.
GOP senator prays for the president's death, then blames the media:

GOP Senator Prays For Obama: ‘Let His Days Be Few’

Sen. David Perdue (R-Ga.) joked at a conservative Christian event on Friday that he prays President Barack Obama’s “days will be short.”

The first-term senator began his opening statement at the Faith & Freedom Coalition’s Road to Majority conference by telling attendees to pray for Obama. With a smirk, Perdue said, “We should pray like Psalms 109:8 says. It says: ‘Let his days be few and let another have his office.’”

The large crowd laughed.

Perdue did not continue reciting the words, but Psalm 109 is a death wish for one of David’s enemies.

It goes on: “Let his children be fatherless; and his wife a widow. Let his children wander about and beg...
Caroline Vanvick, a spokeswoman for Perdue, issued the following response:

Senator Perdue said we are called to pray for our country, for our leaders, and for our president. He in no way wishes harm towards our president and everyone in the room understood that. However, we should add the media to our prayer list because they are pushing a narrative to create controversy and that is exactly what the American people are tired of.


Kansas is kind of special. But there are a lot of red states that can be special for different reasons just because of how hard Trump tries to piss off so many different demographics. Georgia because of blacks, Arizona and (crossing fingers) Texas because of hispanics, Utah because of Mormons. Not that we'll win any of those states, but I wouldn't be that surprised to see any of them in play.

And I don't think Arizona/Texas would show up in polls unless pollsters adjust their targets to reflect the increased hispanic turnout that would be required to make this happen.

Very true. Either way, the historical blowout potential is there if everything breaks right for HRC. I've said it before, but this may be a repeat of 88 with Trump as Dukakis.

Also, may be late to the party with this, but the latest keepin' it 1600 pod with David Plouffe is fantastic. https://soundcloud.com/keepinit1600/ep-13-david-plouffe-hillarys-win-and-trumps-bad-week


Very true. Either way, the historical blowout potential is there if everything breaks right for HRC. I've said it before, but this may be a repeat of 88 with Trump as Dukakis.

Also, may be late to the party with this, but the latest keepin' it 1600 pod with David Plouffe is fantastic. https://soundcloud.com/keepinit1600/ep-13-david-plouffe-hillarys-win-and-trumps-bad-week

I think trump's going to do as bad as Bob Dole, but this may change if he continues to piss people off.


The hell? No way that holds.
''Why did Kentucky Fried Chicken have to change their name?
This political correctness, okay, has go to stop! KFC? gimme a break.
When I become President, you like the sound of that, when I become President; it will be called Kentucky Friend Chicken once more.
Make America Great Again''
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