Well, your biggest problem is Vista. It's a notorious memory hog with never ending performance issues. I would downgrade your computer to either windows XP or install windows 7 if the requirements meet. But ditch Vista ASAP.Daniel B·;204130107 said:2 GB, yo, and Windows Vista Home Premium. For a while now Chrome's been saying they're dropping support for Vista
, although I can't imagine what Chrome needs in later versions of Windows that mandates this. I suppose it could be they just don't want to not have to test in Vista anymore...
It would actually be fine, except for the ridiculous amount of memory Chrome sometimes uses. Probably in an effort to negate this, fairly recently I noticed that Chrome was reloading tabs, on re-selecting them, and on research I found you can disable this via chrome://flags/#automatic-tab-discarding (copy and paste into address box). But, this can cause excessive use of Virtual Memory (disk thrashing), and even the odd blue screen...
It's from April 6, but it doesn't really matter.
It has updates.
Yup. Puerto Rico, California and New Jersey will expand her popular vote lead. New Mexico will cancel out anything Sanders gains from Montana and South Dakota.Generic disclaimer/reminder that caucuses are undemocratic as hell and county/state conventions where you can potentially delegates allocated by default are even more undemocratic, too. They're looking for primaries and strict proportionality for that "voice of the people" thing for actual thing to count. No matter how you try to spin it, Clinton has more raw votes. Period. That advantage is going to grow with NJ and CA coming.
(note: My math may be off. i'm quickly doing this at work)
Super Delegates are built into the 2,383 number. They make it roughly 50.003% of the total delegate count. Asking to reach that percentage without Supers is dumb.
So, if we take out the 712 Supers, we get 4,051 pledged delegates, which makes the same 50.003% number Hillary needs to hit roughly 2,102 instead of 2,383. This is the real number people should refer to instead of trying to hit a pledged delegate count that she's inherently handicapped against because you morally object to it.
When Cesare Borgia, Black Mamba or pigeon three of our most mature, level-headed and highly respected PoliGaffers start diablosing then we can worry. Until then cool it peeps.
I am not worried yet about the general assuming that Bernie drops out in a reasonable way.
I am slightly worried that Bernie is going to fuck up America. But I am currently hopeful because the more divisive he gets the more supporters he loses and the further he drops in the polls. There are a lot of people saying "man I voted for Bernie and I regret it" right now. Those people will vote for Hillary regardless of what Bernie does.
Even if Bernie is difficult I think that Hillary is favored because cmon, it's Donald Trump. We have never seen a presidential campaign season like the one we're going to see because political parties simply don't choose candidates as horribly vulnerable as Donald Trump.
Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson has chosen former Massachusetts Gov. William Weld as his running mate,
Greatest VP pick in history, The Party's sugar daddy is back home, 1% here we come!!!Billionaire businessman and philanthropist David Koch has pledged tens of millions of dollars to help bankroll the campaign of Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson, according to a source within Johnsons campaign.
But after publication, the spokesman told TheDC: Reports that David Koch has pledged his support to Gary Johnson or any candidate running for president for that matter are untrue.
Despite that denial, a source with a leadership position in the Libertarian Party told The Daily Caller Thursday afternoon that Johnsons on track to receive the billionaires support.
In the event that a Johnson/[Bill] Weld ticket emerges from the convention, a pathway is in place for significant funding from Koch, [Steve] Wynn and other large donors, the source said.
Daniel B·;204133044 said:Not me guvnor, honestly.
Seriously though, you're reading too much into my "Still holds up as a classic Danny B post." post, as I was essentially just saying that I was happy with my original post, highlighting Bernie's recent delegate gains (gap now down to 272), in my inimitable, hopefully entertaining fashion
will repost here for my homies:
Greatest VP pick in history, The Party's sugar daddy is back home, 1% here we come!!!
I believe himDaniel B·;204133044 said:Not me guvnor, honestly.
Seriously though, you're reading too much into my "Still holds up as a classic Danny B post." post, as I was essentially just saying that I was happy with my original post, highlighting Bernie's recent delegate gains (gap now down to 272), in my inimitable, hopefully entertaining fashion
I don't think I can handle watching a green party debate.
I don't think I can handle watching a green party debate.
I think the libertarian party will surprise this year with the turnout.
Green party is such a mess.Do they even have debates?
Hosted by Jesse Ventura's son:I don't think I can handle watching a green party debate.
:Hosted by Jesse Ventura's son
Hosted by Jesse Ventura's son:
Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tw6LeHRrEvk
Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3rJVdd_HO0
A Super PAC trying to help Rep. Joe Heck defeat the woman who would be the first Latina ever elected to the U.S. Senate is trying to peel off Hispanic voters with a new radio ad.
America's PAC, using tactics it has employed before, is running a Spanish-language radio ad (audio attached, transcript below) that essentially accuses Cortez Masto of supporting pro-choice policies that "abort our future." The ad's first line shows its intent: "Does Catherine Cortez Masto care that 3 out of 5 babies aborted in America are Black and Hispanic?"
Jeff Weaver says on NPR that Sanders needing to win 68 percent of remaining delegates is a "media narrative."
Well, your biggest problem is Vista. It's a notorious memory hog with never ending performance issues. I would downgrade your computer to either windows XP or install windows 7 if the requirements meet. But ditch Vista ASAP.
Substance? Millennials? HA, good man.I'm still amazed young people care so much about Bernie. Is it because it's the cool thing to do or are they not paying attention to his lack of substance behind what he says? It's been apparent for awhile he's an asshole that is a sore loser and had no friends in politics despite being in the business for over 30 years.
Like, "Bailey's in Prince Reibus's cereal" is a meme for a reason, people.
Why do you all keep responding to huelenical posters?
Girl, I don't even care what your game is but PLEASE quote your images next time when they take up like 4 full screens of scrolling
Five Sanders groups, out of nine total requests, have applied for city protest permits during the convention, scheduled for July 25 to 28, said Lauren Hitt, spokeswoman for the mayor's office.
Nate Cohn ‏@Nate_Cohn 8m8 minutes ago Washington, DC
Nate Cohn Retweeted Steve Kornacki
Flip side: Clinton '16 could have become presumptive nominee as early as 3/5 with the 2008 calendar
Debbie is a failure.
Hates pizza. Thinks Red Steel was the best game ever. Watches Green debate. *horn*Sufferable enough that you are watching it?
Sufferable enough that you are watching it?I'm watching that Green Party debate, and I find all of them insufferable.
Voters in the remaining 7 contests can all disagree. (They wont.)
Obama is still going to have >4 months to talk about how great Hillary is and Bernie supporters will still have >4 months to realize that Donald "To the victor belong the spoils" Trump literally believes climate change is a conspiracy created by the Chinese.
4 months is longer than the entire Canadian election season in 2015.
DC is in the South. Doesn't count.two more territories, california, the state of dakota, two states with "new" in the name, DC, and montana