Didn't one of Sander's SD's flip to Hillary like last week?
Your wardrobe critique of the other two candidates is problematic.The debate just looks silly. Jill Stein was the only one that even dressed seriously.
Daniel B·;204141111 said:Holy shit!
Weaver has got to be a GOP plant, lol
My vote will be for Hillary but ffs, I'm coming to terms that Donald "Because I don't want to, Greta" Trump will win. I fear that Sanders shitting on the DNC has caused too much damage to be rectified come the election.
Hates pizza. Thinks Red Steel was the best game ever. Watches Green debate. *horn*
Sufferable enough that you are watching it?
Suddenly I don't seem so crazy...
Also, fam, drink suggestions for tonight? (Today is my Friday...)
My girl recently discovered and highly recommends the Negroni. Decribed it as "a good combo of sweet and tart". I haven't had one myself yet, but based on googling, I definitely want to get one asap. And, I mean, she has excellent taste.
Edit: Oh, sorry Adam. She does have excellent taste. So you'll probably hate it. <3
That actually sounds pretty good...I'd have to go to the liquor store though.
I may have to go with Smirnoff, melon vodka, Sunny-D and ginger ale or tequila and regret. I'll let ya'll know![]()
Didn't you know numbers can be anything.. You can even make 2+2 = Fish!!
I may have to go with Smirnoff, melon vodka, Sunny-D and ginger ale or tequila and regret. I'll let ya'll know![]()
That actually sounds pretty good...I'd have to go to the liquor store though.
I may have to go with Smirnoff, melon vodka, Sunny-D and ginger ale or tequila and regret. I'll let ya'll know![]()
Try left hand stout if you haven't. Like delicious alcoholic chocolate milk.
Normally I don't do stouts outside of Winter, but it seemed right today.
Now that's a ringing recommendation if I ever heard one.
Daniel B·;204141111 said:
Seriously, it's great. A craft bar I go to has it on rotation. I wish they had it standard but the whole lineup changes every few weeks.
You see how there are so many fewer dots on the Sanders graph? That's because most polling organizations consider his chance of getting the nomination to be so insignificant that it's not worth 10 seconds of labor from their phone operators to ask the question. Think about that for a moment.Daniel B·;204141111 said:Holy shit!
What the heck am I reading here
We need to pray for you Adam, somethin fierce.
Try left hand stout if you haven't. Like delicious alcoholic chocolate milk.
Notice how Weaver explicitly mentioned the delegate gap and momentum.
IMO, he's signaling that if Bernie wins Cali and the majority of Jun 7th delegates, they will make their case.
But if they lose Cali and the majority, then they'll tone down.
As I showed this thread yesterday, the polls in May and June are LESS reliable that the ones in March in terms of GE polling.
This is good news for Hillary and bad news for Bernie.
I personally vouch for this bad boy:
Probably the best Scotch Ale I've ever had. Drinking them makes me happy from beginning to end...and might temporarily give me psychic powers, but that's neither here nor there. Maybe I'll get one tonight on my way home.
I just didn't recommend it to Adam because I didn't think he'd be into it somehow. Just a gut feeling.
Wow, this is interesting. I guess it's because of the natural bumps candidates get as the process winds down, which messes up polls.
Dude should go back to his comic book store![]()
I think it's a combo of the bumps when one party gets a presumptive nominee and then when the other party is still duking it out and the losing side is all emotional and refusing to give in.
I also don't think many people get into GE mode until mid-summer. A lot of people just don't care, yet.
I've heard of that. It's not super beery is it?
I love chocolate milk and peanut butter vodka. It's like a liquid Reese's Cup. Delicious.
Also I just got another call from Bernie asking me to vote in NJ. WHY ARE THEY DOING THIS!?
Nah. Hard liquor or beer (anything but IPAs). Im a Pilsener guy. If I want a beer that's a meal I'd have a mealTry left hand stout if you haven't. Like delicious alcoholic chocolate milk.
Slate's political podcast's title this week was "I Threw A Chair In Reno Just To Watch It Fly".
I feel like we missed an opportunity.
Politifact rating: mostly false.
Suddenly I don't seem so crazy...
It's silky smooth and creamy. Just make sure you drink it cold, better that way.
I also think we're going to see a collective "awakening" sometime in October when the 1st debate happens. When actual policy questions come up, and Hillary just schools Trump, I think the idea of a Trump presidency will become real to a lot of people. For a lto of us, it's real because we're diablosing over Bernie still being in here. The General public just doesn't care yet. When they ask Hillary and Trump to answer a questiona bout nuclear arms, and Hillary, you know, doesn't say nuke Europe....people are going to be a bit more aware, I think.
Yes, I think there's going to be a "wait a minute, what the fuck are we doing here? Trump? uh...lolz."
It's going to happen sometime in Sept or October as you said. I mean, the voting public is stupid but not that fucking stupid. I think.
These are my thoughts as well:
TL;DR: Stop diablosing about Bernie.
New NYT Poll has Hillary +6 on Trump. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/20/us/politics/donald-trump-hillary-clinton-poll.html?smid=tw-share
I can't quote the NYT anymore for some reason. Annoying.
Again, Mid-May polls suck. So it doesn't matter.