Sam Bee on the NV Dem convention fuckery
Yeah she isn't having any of it. The comments are a graveyard.
Sam Bee should have gotten The Daily Show
Sam Bee on the NV Dem convention fuckery
Yeah she isn't having any of it. The comments are a graveyard.
Sam Bee on the NV Dem convention fuckery
Yeah she isn't having any of it. The comments are a graveyard.
Sam Bee on the NV Dem convention fuckery
Yeah she isn't having any of it. The comments are a graveyard.
Sam Bee on the NV Dem convention fuckery
Yeah she isn't having any of it. The comments are a graveyard.
Live action Dilbert and a human protein shake.Sam Bee on the NV Dem convention fuckery
Yeah she isn't having any of it. The comments are a graveyard.
Yeah.Sam Bee should have gotten The Daily Show
Do have a list of who you voted for by any chance? These random elections here always kill me.
That was absolutely brutal and well deserved. Do glad someone had the nerve to actually say it in TV.Sam Bee on the NV Dem convention fuckery
Yeah she isn't having any of it. The comments are a graveyard.
Live action Dilbert and a human protein shake.
The whole video was great.
A report on Ohios 2016 primary election from the secretary of states office last week showing more than a quarter of the GOP ballots in Mahoning County came from previously registered Democrats didnt quite tell the full story.
It turns out that 18 of those crossover votes came from members of the county Democratic Partys 232-member central committee. That prompted Chairman David Betras to kick them out.
CC really whiffed with Daily Show.
They gave Oliver the stage when Jon went on his thing and everyone saw he had major potential, only to have him leave and then Jon announce he's retiring like a year and a half later.
Then they had a really good opportunity to hand it over to Bee , no idea why they didn't approach her. Noah isn't funny and he really isn't even charismatic or anything.
Now Daily Show is nothing and Full Frontal and Last Week Tonight are the studs.
Reminds me of a team completely botching a draft and missing obvious talent because "well this dude is athletic and things"
Stop pretending that crossover voting isn't real.
I'm sure there is plenty of crossing over going the other way. Especially now that the Republican party has a virtually guaranteed nominee.
Primaries should be closed. There's way too much potential for sabotage. Sorry, bros.
BernieBros on Twitter saying that Gore would have invaded Iraq and let climate change happen, omfg.
BernieBros on Twitter saying that Gore would have invaded Iraq and let climate change happen, omfg.
"Bernie Sanders predicted Monday that the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia could be "messy" as he pushed the party to adopt his progressive agenda, but added, "Democracy is not always nice and quiet and gentle."
It's just a collection of recent Sanders/Clinton news particles but my god if that title didn't make me laugh
Sanders draws blood in war with Democratic leaders
He gains his first concessions from the DNC as he escalates his fight with the party establishment.
Maybe. But then, just as with John Oliver's show, it's not like she and her team could magically deliver the same quality program four times a week.Sam Bee should have gotten The Daily Show
He's got some kind of a short-form HBO deal going on... who knows when it'll start, but he'll be back... hopefully after taking another look at what's actually behind the campaigns this year. I didn't listen to that entire giant discussion, but the comment about Democrats causing Trump's rise was patently absurd.I'm honestly glad Jon "I don't think Clinton even knows what she stands for" Stewart actually isn't around.
Maybe. But then, just as with John Oliver's show, it's not like she and her team could magically deliver the same quality program four times a week.
He's got some kind of a short-form HBO deal going on... who knows when it'll start, but he'll be back... hopefully after taking another look at what's actually behind the campaigns this year. I didn't listen to that entire giant discussion, but the comment about Democrats causing Trump's rise was patently absurd.
Good segment, however. It's pretty... fascinating... to watch the difference in how Bee approaches Bernie's campaign compared to virtually every other late night host.
Semi-Closed primaries are the best solution.
Prevent cross-over manipulation and independents can vote for what ever party they want with same day registration.
Massachusetts has a very easy election system, semi-closed and I had no issue as I am an independent (will be switching to democrat after this election cycle).
I'm looking for the monty python black knight spoof with hillary and bernie which was somewhere in these threads.
Does anyone have it on hand?
What reason would voters have to register for anything other than independent?
They can continue to feel superior to everyone else
That's true, as with the Rally to Restore Sanity and other things, but blaming Democrats for Trump isn't even some kind of moderate stance or piece of false equivalence. That's a whole other kind of rewriting of reality.Stewart has always teetered a bit on that whole both parties are the same horseshit.
Bee's been pointedly hitting Bernie on a lot of things for months. The Daily Show has come to its senses, but them and Colbert spent months bending over backwards to paper over his campaign's bullshit. Whether it was genuine or some attempt to pander to the audience, it was a disappointing refusal to commit to skewering the people and situations in the news.Oliver took Sanders to task too but a bit nicer, oah has too but he's got no teeth (bu he was one of the first to actually go after Sanders so I give him credit). With Bee I guarantee it was what happened to Roberta Lange in Nevada that set her off the most, Bee has no time for men making excuses for women getting harassed.
Maybe. But then, just as with John Oliver's show, it's not like she and her team could magically deliver the same quality program four times a week.
Independents. The vegans of voting.
Why don't we have a federal wage subsidy for teachers?
Why don't we have a federal wage subsidy for teachers?
What a sore and ungrateful loser.Alright, fuck Sanders. When pressed by NBC about whether he'd support the DNC when he loses, he completely avoided answering the question.
He better be able to deliver his supporters after this whole meta game for leverage is all said and done.Alright, fuck Sanders. When pressed by NBC about whether he'd support the DNC when he loses, he completely avoided answering the question.
Poor Queen Bee...I am sure she is prepared for the mysoginist onslaught.
OMG, I'm actually reading the comments for the first time on that sub and christ they are delusional.
Poor Queen Bee...I am sure she is prepared for the mysoginist onslaught.
Take a close look at Washington state, which Bernie won with 72.7% of the votes. RealClearPolitics gives him zero votes, with its 7.2 million population.
... winning a state with over seven million people? (actually, over 250,000 participated in the caucuses. Still those numbers don't reflect the size of the state's population.)
If you do the math on all the caucus states, Bernie's wins could easily represent populations that exceed Hillary's 2.5 million votes, not even including the primary state votes he won. It is insulting to the people of Washington to suggest that they be counted based on the 26,000 who voted in the caucuses.
When a journalist on a news network allows Hillary Clinton, her campaign manager or any of her many surrogates, employed by the networks or independent, to matter-of-factly state that Hillary has a popular vote lead, without challenging that claim, they are engaging in unethical, journalistic malpractice, or, framed another way, they are promoting the Hillary Clinton campaign.
If you observe the MSM engaging in this practice, call them on it. Tweet or share on Facebook the name of the journalist who gave the pass. Include the networks twitter address and the journalists twitter @address. Make a stink about this.
This is a lie that should not be accepted, tolerated or allowed to persist.
Alright, fuck Sanders. When pressed by NBC about whether he'd support the DNC when he loses, he completely avoided answering the question.
I don't understand why you felt the compulsion to make this post. Black Mamba has pointed out why Sanders had every incentive to do this, pigeon has pointed out why Sanders have every incentive to do this, I've pointed out why Sanders has every incentive to do this. This isn't some massive surprise, if he just says "I will support the DNC no matter what" he loses all leverage. This is literally politics 101, you may as well complain about water being wet.
Many of us are tired of a guy who has convincingly lost playing bullshit leverage games insteas of helping start the process to fight a white fucking nationalist.
And for me especially when he uses some of that leverage to put Cornel West on the platform committee
Clinton has 3 and a half months between the convention and the presidential. If she can't beat Trump in that time with 2 former presidents and Sanders campaigning for her, God help us all. There's literally no urgent need for Sanders to drop out now to start campaigning against Trump, other than the fact he rubs y'all up the wrong way.
If he even does it in any meaningful way.
Clinton was a political machine for Obama is 08 whereas Sansers can't even denounce death threats without accusing the victim of fraud and election theft.
Yeah he rubs me the wrong way. He's lost. It's over. Democracy has spoken and yet he's threaning to turn Philly into a circus.
I've seen what a messy convention looks like. It's called Nevada and the end result there was death threats and harassment of a woman while Sanders pondered if what she was wearing was the cause.
Clinton and Obama are ideologically identical and Clinton's future career was predicated on Obama's success; it's not comparable.
If he even does it in any meaningful way.
Clinton was a political machine for Obama is 08 whereas Sanders can't even denounce death threats without accusing the victim of fraud and election theft.
Yeah he rubs me the wrong way. He's lost. It's over. Democracy has spoken and yet he's threaning to turn Philly into a circus.
I've seen what a messy convention looks like. It's called Nevada and the end result there was death threats and harassment of a woman while Sanders pondered if what she was wearing was the cause.
I know why Sanders doesn't really give a shit.
Doesn't mean I respect it.
I'm not convinced Mr The DNC and Clinton are frauds stealing the election from me is going to convincingly pivot to help Clinton. Especially if he turns Philly into Nevada part 2 like he's semi threatening.