It has been said before, but now it deserves to be said in the plainest of language:
Bernie Sanders is a liar.
I don't care about his intentions. I don't care about his goals. I don't even care about his stated "principles" (lol). The man is a liar. You cannot convince me that a 74 year old career politician is so blind to the process of government and the power of a politician's words. He has no chance at the nomination, hasn't for a long time, but he knows damn well that "Vote for me so that I can have influence over the Party Platform that nobody gives a shit about once the convention is over!" wouldn't open very many wallets and drive any rallies. The man continues to peddle versions of events and accusations that have been thoroughly debunked ("Money laundering!" "Quid pro quo!" "Corruption!" "My Nevada supporters were mistreated by The Establishment!"). He continues to argue that he's staying in this "race" to be a voice for the people who voted for him and fight for the nomination, while ignoring the fact that to do that would be to deny the voices of the millions more people who did not want him. Many of these voices belonging to minorities who already have to worry about disenfranchisement from forces outside of their own party.
And my biggest problem with Sanders, more than anything he's said about Hillary, is that he's the politician with the ear of young people this cycle, and he's completely abusing that privilege. He should be educating his supporters, teaching them about the process, how it works, how things get done, and what they should be doing to effect any sort of real change that they want to see. Instead, he's flat out lying to them to keep their interest, and instead of educating them he's ingraining cynicism and distrust of the process; training them to see boogiemen around every corner, turn their nose up at compromise, and view anything without the Bernie stamp as the corrupt establishment. When his campaign finally comes to its pitiful end and his legions of supporters are left feeling disilusioned, like the entire world is out to snuff them out, and completely check out of the political process because they were so sure that their way was the ONLY way, it'll be his own damn fault.
Bernie's influence is toxic, and I don't want to see it take hold in the party in any way, shape or form.