The report was that Trump would be signing an executive order at least once a day for his first month. I know Thursday is supreme Court day, but what campaign promises are left to target?
A lot of things left. Note that it's not the EO that matter, it's just that he has to say "yes, I did this like I promised", regardless of what the actual outcome is.
1- A lot of drain the swamp stuff
2- Appointing someone to investigate Hillary (even if he praised her after more than once, I still think he is likely to do it if he feels he needs to regain some lost popularity).
3- Getting rid of common core.
4- Getting rid of the EPA, although that will be death by a thousand paper cuts, so it has started already.
5- Allow states to legalize or criminalize marijuana, but available to all patients.
6- Some NASA reshuffling. Probably ending anything global-warming related, and maybe some plan to mine something (complete guess on my end there, but would go with his "we have to get something for our money" spin).
7- Some military buildup thing.
8- Internet restrictions in some ways, cause IS propaganda.
9- Iran deal knife-juggling.
10- Parachute Bowe Bergdahl into Afghanistan, without a parachute.
11- Reshuffling of the Veterans Affairs department.
12- Force Nabisco to once again make Oreos in the United States.
13- Get rid of the Dodd-Frank
14- Reduce the number of tax brackets from seven to four and other tax code "simplifications".
15- Temporarily allow corporations to bring cash back to the US with a 10% tax instead of the full rate.
16- "Corporate tax loopholes!"
17- Remove all gun-free zones, ban bazookas or something similar. Conceal carry in all states.
18- Death penalty for police killers. More police funding, etc.
19- Start deporting people already in the US.
20- No more birthright citizenship.
All his promises here:
Israeli and American interests are not aligned on many issues (Russia most of all right now) so Bibi and Trump are eventually going to have a conflict and Trump will get pissy and cut off relations with Israel over it.
Bibi screwed himself and screwed his country by siding with the GOP and this has been clear since Trump's nomination. But now that the Trump administration is a bunch of Holocaust revisionists, Bibi should get ahead of this obvious outcome by cutting off relations right away.
Have some fucking pride, don't deal with Holocaust revisionists when they will clearly stab you in the back in a few months.
Wishful thinking, Netanyahu praised Trump's wall last week. You don't know him if you think he won't support him.