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PoliGAF 2017 |OT1| From Russia with Love

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Bills like this are why I keep mentioning that we should be filibustering everything! Mitch can't nuke it because when the insanity of the House gets to the Senate, he needs Dems to be rational actors and block this stuff (which we should if we have the filibuster). Filibuster everything. If he nukes it, then he himself has to send some GOP senators to die by voting no on this stuff, and then they get primaried.

They should really filibuster everything possible. Filibuster the supreme Court pick too. Hope Republicans nuke it and then fuck them with it next time Dems get power again. They have nothing to gain by supporting Gorsuch.


Unconfirmed Member
Bills like this are why I keep mentioning that we should be filibustering everything! Mitch can't nuke it because when the insanity of the House gets to the Senate, he needs Dems to be rational actors and block this stuff (which we should if we have the filibuster). Filibuster everything. If he nukes it, then he himself has to send some GOP senators to die by voting no on this stuff, and then they get primaried.
They could just get rid of the fillinuster for appointments and not legislation I believe

His tweets always come around 5 am. He tweets out so he can dominate the morning news cycle.
Dominate'n the news cycle!
Get Your War On needs to come back :(

believe it
The legal challenges are a little confusing to me. Is this mostly being done out of a sense of extreme confusion and lack of specifics in the EO? Like, okay, the administration is arguing that it's constitutional to block persons for certain countries, but in what form? Passports from? Citizens of? Visitors to? Include or excluding those legally in the US? With dual citizenship from any of those countries? etc. That's left extremely vague and I'm assuming that's the core of a lot of challenges.

That bullshit about prioritizing Christian refugees is straight-up unconstitutional per that whole pesky "shall be no religious test" thing, though. Even people suffering from IANAL syndrome are welcomed to quote the constitution directly. If the EO gets dumped--and this seems like it's being expedited like crazy--There's surely going to be room to reenact some of the legal stuff in a new EO. Regardless, this getting dragged out is perpetual embarrassment for the US. Sad!
The legal challenges are a little confusing to me. Is this mostly being done out of a sense of extreme confusion and lack of specifics in the EO? Like, okay, the administration is arguing that it's constitutional to block persons for certain countries, but in what form? Passports from? Citizens of? Visitors to? Include or excluding those legally in the US? With dual citizenship from any of those countries? etc. That's left extremely vague and I'm assuming that's the core of a lot of challenges.

That bullshit about prioritizing Christian refugees is straight-up unconstitutional per that whole pesky "shall be no religious test" thing, though. Even people suffering from IANAL syndrome are welcomed to quote the constitution directly. If the EO gets dumped--and this seems like it's being expedited like crazy--There's surely going to be room to reenact some of the legal stuff in a new EO. Regardless, this getting dragged out is perpetual embarrassment for the US. Sad!

Nothing is ever just "straight up unconstitutional". There is, to my knowledge, always a test to see if something breaks the constitution. Not all laws that concern or impact religions is considered unconstitutional.

I think the current test for this sort of law, at least when I was in law school, is the lemon test. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lemon_v._Kurtzman

Additionally there is something known as the rational basis test, which may be used if the impact on religion is incidental as part of a general purpose law. I don't think this is the case nor do I think the feds are arguing this either. But the rational basis test is very easy to meet.
It's really interesting to see how the resistance is taking shape, especially from a media perspective. A few weeks ago I ran into an off-beat site trump45impeachmentwatch.com. It reminded me of the George W. Bush era when we had sites like crooksandliars.com and talkingpointsmemo.com popup mostly in defiance of the Iraq War. Blog sites like that back then really helped to give a voice to the Iraq War opposition and some of the more prominent sites managed to still stay around today. On the conservative side, sites like RedState were pretty important for the Tea Party movement as well.

But now I'm wondering if blog sites have become less important and instead the opposition will build more through Twitter hashtags and Facebook groups. I think the opposition has to be more than Tea Party 2.0 though. So I'm curious to see the forms of media that will be used to inform and organize. I think things like Twitter and Facebook are great for organizing, but I have my doubts how well they are at properly informing people. I hope the opposition ends up taking an "All the Above" approach.
TV networks hiking ad rates for shows Trump watches

MSNBC and Fox News are capitalizing on President Donald Trump's TV watching habits, dramatically increasing issue advocacy advertising rates in recent weeks as companies and outside groups try to influence Trump and his top lieutenants.

The ad rates for ”Morning Joe" have more than doubled post-election, according to one veteran media buyer. Trump, who reportedly watches the show most mornings, has a close relationship with ”Morning Joe" host Joe Scarborough, and they talk regularly.

Fox News' ”The O'Reilly Factor" and other primetime programs on Fox News have boosted their rates about 50 percent. Trump also is a frequent viewer of the network's primetime shows.

”The president's media habits are so predictable, advertisers migrate to those areas," said one media buyer.

One prominent D.C. consultant said some of his clients, including a big bank and major pharmaceutical company, were negotiating this week to buy ads on ”O'Reilly" and ”Morning Joe" because they knew they had a good chance of reaching the president. Trump has also been known to respond directly to what he's watching on television and tweet statistics and topics he sees on-air. Those tweets often drive news coverage during the day.

”Instead of lobbying through the usual channels, it's like speaking directly into the president's ear," he said. The consultant also said some companies are proactively placing ads in order to avoid a Trump tweet, or in at least one instance trying to prompt Trump to tweet against their competitors.
As expected.


The Democratic Party has a race problem (New Republic)

”One of the things I find is a progressive blind spot is race," said pollster Cornell Belcher, who previously worked for President Barack Obama's presidential campaigns and the Democratic National Committee. ”Republicans get race. They get it, and they understand how to organize around it."

Representative Yvette Clarke, of Brooklyn, said her party doesn't. ”I will tell you one of the things that I found most disheartening in the last election cycle was this implied distrust of communities of color," she said, summarizing the attitude: ”We cannot vest any resources with you, but when we need you, you should be ready to be deployed." She added, ”We had the strategy on the ground already. We were just waiting for manna from heaven. It never showed up. And when it did, it was an insult. It was an insult. I don't want to go through another election cycle like that."

A short article, but tallies with what some have already said? I'm wary of C&P'ing more, but there's an interesting quote in it about minority Super PACs not having the same funding as Priorities USA.

Indivisible Guide

HOUSE Action Alert: Is your Rep cosponsor of HR804 to prevent political appointees (Bannon) from serving on NSC? https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/804/all-info#cosponsors ...


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
The idea that Trump is sitting there watching ads is laughable to me. Nobody watches commercials anymore. He probably changes the channel.


The idea that Trump is sitting there watching ads is laughable to me. Nobody watches commercials anymore. He probably changes the channel.
This guy's idea of how to make America great is based in the 50s, what makes you think he won't actually watch the commercials?


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
This guy's idea of how to make America great is based in the 50s, what makes you think he won't actually watch the commercials?

Because his speaking pattern doesn't seem to hold any flow or set topic. He wanders when he gets bored of a topic. I imagine that's how he runs the TV remote.
Pretty disgusting behavior by media networks, advertisers and firms who howl about norms but are looking for ways to make money and adapt their influence. Virtually no regard for the ramifications of what Trump does and the effect it has on people or what they do.

You should blame Trump for watching too much tv and getting information from them. He talks to Joe Scarborough for advice.

The idea that Trump is sitting there watching ads is laughable to me. Nobody watches commercials anymore. He probably changes the channel.

Haha, no



Unconfirmed Member
Liberal groups should be constantly buying time for anti-Trump ads during Morning Joe.

He would go insane.

Donald Trump
Small hands. Small crowds. Small man.

*paid for by the "Winners of America Think Donald J Trump is a Whiny Baby. Sad!" PAC*
George Bennett ‏@gbennettpost 2h2 hours ago

.@realDonaldTrump -- silent on Twitter so far today despite Alec Baldwin SNL appearance -- is golfing again at his West Palm Beach course.


Unconfirmed Member
"it couldn't get any worse" aka "a lot of Iranians and American soldiers are going to die."

If there's any important historical lessons to follow one of the most prominent is that any anti-Trump military personnel should *not* leave.
Some one asked me if we should move to Canada. Fuck that. Stay home and fight fascisms rise.
If there's any important historical lessons to follow one of the most prominent is that any anti-Trump military personnel should *not* leave.

If you're a decision maker, sure.

But if you're a boots on the ground grunt who is going to go die in Iran to fight a pointless war with no objective... I'm not sure I can recommend that.
Former Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal said he wholeheartedly agreed with President Donald Trump's freeze on travel for citizens from seven majority-Muslim countries, including refugees, tourists and possibly some green card holders who live in the United States. The travel suspension spurred confusion at airports around the country over the weekend, mass protests and outrage from some of the country's most prominent business leaders.

Speaking to a panel on "Fox & Friends" on Sunday morning (Jan. 29), Jindal said "it is about time" such travel was suspended. "Look, the president's first and most important responsibility is to keep us safe," said Jindal, who was briefly a candidate for president before dropping out of the race in 2015. "This should be no surprise to anybody. He campaigned on this promise," Jindal said of Trump.

Bobby's wrong on this. It's extremely thinly veiled religious discrimination
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