LeBron coming back from 3-1 down was like how the Dems will win the Senate in 2018.
MAGA and the alt-reich won. good night.
This football game feels like a repeat of the election
Reposted from the Superbowl Thread.
Actually, I'll be honest. I have no knowledge whatsoever about this particular type of sportsball, but why did we want New England to lose again? Cause their owner is a Trump guy? And what's this talk of Boston being racist?
Patriots are kinda like the Yankees, but way douchier.
Actually, I'll be honest. I have no knowledge whatsoever about this particular type of sportsball, but why did we want New England to lose again? Cause their owner is a Trump guy? And what's this talk of Boston being racist?
Actually, I'll be honest. I have no knowledge whatsoever about this particular type of sportsball, but why did we want New England to lose again? Cause their owner is a Trump guy? And what's this talk of Boston being racist?
Actually, I'll be honest. I have no knowledge whatsoever about this particular type of sportsball, but why did we want New England to lose again? Cause their owner is a Trump guy? And what's this talk of Boston being racist?
That REALLY sounds like Obama.Trump Calls Obama To Discuss His Refugee Ban
I still think they really got Obama to do his own voice.
Trump Calls Obama To Discuss His Refugee Ban
I still think they really got Obama to do his own voice.
Spygate, Inflationgate, Tom Brady and Belichick feel like unlikable creeps, running up the score, Boston fans in general being the most obnoxious ever, and they never lose.
Just the worst.
That REALLY sounds like Obama.
that Obama voice is too real
That REALLY sounds like Obama.
That REALLY sounds like Obama.
that Obama voice is too real
It's even more suspect when the trump voice is so bad in comparison. Like as an impression, I'm sure they could've gotten a better trump impersonator, which makes Obamas voice stick out as a huge sore thumb.
They lost for like seven straight years in humiliating fashion every time.
That REALLY sounds like Obama.
WASHINGTON President Trump loves to set the days narrative at dawn, but the deeper story of his White House is best told at night.
Aides confer in the dark because they cannot figure out how to operate the light switches in the cabinet room. Visitors conclude their meetings and then wander around, testing doorknobs until finding one that leads to an exit. In a darkened, mostly empty West Wing, Mr. Trumps provocative chief strategist, Stephen K. Bannon, finishes another 16-hour day planning new lines of attack.
Trump's staff does not know how to turn the lights on in the White House.
Trump's staff does not know how to turn the lights on in the White House.
MAGA and the alt-reich won. good night.
"I don't see how they sustain their anger and their lack of participation in the governing process very long and still come back in 2018. I just don't think it's an agenda for success," said Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn (R-Texas). ”So my hope is that once they sort of get over the fact that Donald Trump won ... they'll try to be more productive."
That The Onion, right? That's The Onion redesigned and redirecting to the NYT, surely?
Because Jesus H Christ, how are these people still alive if that's legit?
You could call every and any leisure activity humans indulge in the same thing dawg. It's not a good look for you to make a national event almost everyone watches into a class warfare thingA bunch of billionaires are laughing their asses off about regular folks getting invested in professional sports. Opiate of the masses.
The closest person of comparasion to Trump in presidential politics is Nixon or Andrew Jackson.Rewatching Futurama, and this clip from 2012 is a damn fine parody of Trump
this quote.... I can't even
did I imagine the last 8 years?
The GOP managed to sustain 7 years of pure rage based on Obamacare, which is a policy that half of their base kind of likes.
We'll manage.
Trump's team are the dads who never ask for directions and end up wasting three hours going in circles (this analogy is set in the 1990s) while yelling at people that ask them if they're lost.
Trump Calls Obama To Discuss His Refugee Ban
I still think they really got Obama to do his own voice.
Fitting that last year's Super Bowl advertised a drug for opiate-induced constipation.Given the current health crisis, opium is the opium of the masses?
please don't project real political struggles onto sports teams
This is really just an argument for socialized sports, I can endorse this.Fitting that last year's Super Bowl advertised a drug for opiate-induced constipation.
Watching a game and enjoying it is fine, much like enjoying a movie. To me, however, getting invested in a team is a lot like caring deeply about Warner Bros' bottom line at the end of the year despite not being a TimeWarner shareholder. You're just cheering for a company that gives zero shits about you (and will leave its fans the second its city doesn't pay for a new stadium).
Psshha #NotAllAlmostEveryonesYou could call every and any leisure activity humans indulge in the same thing dawg. It's not a good look for you to make a national event almost everyone watches into a class warfare thing
Is it really projecting when the Patriots and Trump have a clear connection?
The foreign ministry of the Middle Eastern country "categorically denies these claims and affirms that these reported nationalities ... have big communities in Kuwait and enjoy full rights," according to a Sunday morning report in Reuters.
As of Sunday morning, Breitbart, Infowars and the President of the United States have not issued corrections or amendments to their posts about the story.
Atlanta loss confirms we are in in the darkest timeline. The question now is not if, but when, the nukes start flying.
At least they're not hiding the fact that they are all in bed with one another.
Trump posted a fake news story (on facebook) about Kuwait placing a ban on 5 muslim majority countries. Breitbart and infowars wrote their own stories.
Though I'd jokingly referred to the super bowl as an election rematch for me emotionally, it played out in such a similar manner that I'm blank about it. No one specific thing Atlanta did in and of itself was catastrophic for the game, just as there's no sole answer for Democrats. But what's notable is that every single little piece of the Falcons (as with the Democrats), top to bottom, managed to fuck up in tiny individualized and unique ways that, only when combined, could do them in entirely. In other words, you could never orchestrate a collapse that badly even if you tried. It takes special circumstances for something truly memorable like that to happen.
You guys should have watched Alabama vs. Clemson if you wanted the bad guys to lose.