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PoliGAF 2017 |OT1| From Russia with Love

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Ummm....not being more transparent with the American people about what was going on, Russia's meddling in our election, and their numerous ties to Trump AND his campaign?

Obama doesn't get let off the hook for this because we like him. A lot of what we're learning now was known by the Obama administration for months before the election, but he let Mitch McConnell bully him into not making it public.

Obama is like Kurt Russell in Soldier, throwing the snake back at our feet because we have to learn to catch it without him :'(

The wisest President.
Fuuuucckkkking whaaaaattt tttthheeee hhhhheeelllll iiiisssss happpennninnnggggg

This is insane. My retroactive feelings about how Obama handled this has reached critical mass and become a black hole of anger! Why are we talking about this in the context of political theater when it's actually about our country's national security first and foremost?

If direct collusion with a foreign power to destroy your political opponent doesn't qualify as treasonous enough behavior to merit an official presidential response than what does?


Did they actually release the transcripts of the calls Flynn had? Someone is acting like they did and there was nothing improper about them.


I know there's a lot of pants-shitting going on in the Trump administration as all this comes out, but let's take a second to really appreciate an especially heinous, disgusting cartoon coming in the middle of Black History Month.

Context, if you don't recognize it.



Man, that's a shitty reworking of a an epic piece.

I also did not know Rockwell did something so politically progressive - I always imagine him as "white picket fences" kinda guy.


Unconfirmed Member
How the fuck did intelligence community not act on any of this last year? I just can't understand. Who saw this stuff and was content with quiet warnings and inaction?

Meanwhile, emails!!! Red alert! We haven't even looked at or obtained possible evidence yet but we need to tell the public!

So much fucking abdication of duty.

Obama and other democrats were loyal to institutional norms that republicans destroyed.

Comey was a partisan ass.

The media couldn't believe the leaks from the non-partisans because it just seemed too crazy.
The part on Maddow about how the DNC is doing nothing to try and win the seat in a district in Georgia where Trump only won by 1.5% is depressing.


Unconfirmed Member
Fuck, I can't believe I didnt make the connection when I saw this earlier. Jesus Christ

I didn't either. I'm very aware of the historic picture, but the allusion to it was such a stretch it didn't come to mind.


I can't even enjoy this shit if it means we're gonna get president pence until 2021 anyway....

How many people need to be arrested for treason before we rightfully get President Hill :S


Well, again, we're back to something speculated on months ago...

Putin/Russia didn't get Trump specifically elected, he got the administration elected.

Pence is as tainted as Trump, in that sense.
I can't even enjoy this shit if it means we're gonna get president pence until 2021 anyway....

How many people need to be arrested for treason before we rightfully get President Hill :S

I mean, we win the House, nominate Hillary as Speaker, start Impeachment hearings...

...but more seriously, part of the reason why Ford was able to recover and almost win in '76 was because he was an 'Accidental President.' He wasn't part of Nixon's crew, didn't glom on to him as a last ditch effort to stay relevant like Pence did, etc. If Trump gets impeached and the DNC takes over Congress in '18, Pence can basically be shutdown for everything except signing whatever budget Pelosi & Schumer send him.
I can't even enjoy this shit if it means we're gonna get president pence until 2021 anyway....

How many people need to be arrested for treason before we rightfully get President Hill :S

It's more likely if something goes down and Trump gets the axe, Pence will be implicated. That leaves us with... President Ryan. Definitely not an ideal outcome, but while Paul Ryan is a policy wonk, he seems slightly less socially conservative than Pence while having at least some semblance of political prowess. Plus if a Republican administration gets gutted amidst Treason allegations, there's no way Republicans don't get completely slaughtered in 2018.
It's more likely if something goes down and Trump gets the axe, Pence will be implicated. That leaves us with... President Ryan. Definitely not an ideal outcome, but while Paul Ryan is a policy wonk, he seems slightly less socially conservative than Pence while having at least some semblance of political prowess. Plus if a Republican administration gets gutted amidst Treason allegations, there's no way Republicans don't get completely slaughtered in 2018.

I dunno, seems to me that the GOP/Pence have been positioning him as out of the loop, Flynn lied to him, etc

Republicans would get crushed in 2018 either way. Doubt they could recover from literal treason in only a few months (give it six years when it's the first midterm after a Democratic president)
The part on Maddow about how the DNC is doing nothing to try and win the seat in a district in Georgia where Trump only won by 1.5% is depressing.

I... this is pretty not true? They're ramping up a huge campaign and fundraising effort and putting a ton of man power in Ossoff.


Unconfirmed Member
It's more likely if something goes down and Trump gets the axe, Pence will be implicated. That leaves us with... President Ryan. Definitely not an ideal outcome, but while Paul Ryan is a policy wonk, he seems slightly less socially conservative than Pence while having at least some semblance of political prowess. Plus if a Republican administration gets gutted amidst Treason allegations, there's no way Republicans don't get completely slaughtered in 2018.


Religious conservative vs an Ayn Rand conservative in the executive is a really hard decision.
I dunno, seems to me that the GOP/Pence have been positioning him as out of the loop, Flynn lied to him, etc

Republicans would get crushed in 2018 either way. Doubt they could recover from literal treason in only a few months (give it six years when it's the first midterm after a Democratic president)

Trying, but I'm not sure they will be successful. Even if they are, they will get slaughtered in 2018 and Pence will have literally no power. Basically, if Trump falls there's no way the Republican's recover before 2022.


Religious conservative vs an Ayn Rand conservative in the executive is a really hard decision.

Ryan has his moments. I would rather he was in the Oval Office than the Evangelical.


you can't put a price on sparks
people have been saying Trump has been an outsider the whole time, you really think that the republican party wont easily just shrug this off? "he was never a real conservative, we already knew this"

"now we've seen how much government hurts the country, time to make it smaller"

this is exactly the story-line republicans have been pushing for the last 40 years.
people have been saying Trump has been an outsider the whole time, you really think that the republican party wont easily just shrug this off? "he was never a real conservative, we already knew this"

Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell have given interviews saying over and over again "Trump is the perfect Republican and we approve of everything he's doing and Steve Bannon is great."

The longer this goes, the harder it will be to shrug off.


people have been saying Trump has been an outsider the whole time, you really think that the republican party wont easily just shrug this off? "he was never a real conservative, we already knew this"

"now we've seen how much government hurts the country, time to make it smaller"

They lost that opportunity when they bent the knee to him. It's the old saying "lie down with dogs, you get fleas". They can certainly argue he was never a "true" conservative, but there was an opportunity for the GOP - once Trump was elected - to interact with him as though he were a "third party candidate". Come out against his interactions with Putin, his sexual assault, his warmongering attitude to Iran, and push him as a "third way".

But once they dropped their opposition to him, they claimed him as their own. Ryan, Preibus, McConnell... Trump is as establishment as they come.


people have been saying Trump has been an outsider the whole time, you really think that the republican party wont easily just shrug this off? "he was never a real conservative, we already knew this"

"now we've seen how much government hurts the country, time to make it smaller"

this is exactly the story-line republicans have been pushing for the last 40 years.
Republicans have continued to defend Bush, and they've been too dumb to really push themselves away from Trump's more idiotic policies (though most are idiotic, but still). I really don't see them playing this kind of game
Trump didn't become Establishment, the Establishment became Trump. And it will be the death of them if he gets impeached. Even though it would require them to turn their backs on him, if public unrest gets real after revelations of the Trump Dossier being legitimate, they will have no other option.
I mean, the GOP recovered almost immediately from Watergate and they'll probably recover after Trump. Hopefully his elections cost them enough seats to get legislation passed though.
I mean, the GOP recovered almost immediately from Watergate and they'll probably recover after Trump. Hopefully his elections cost them enough seats to get legislation passed though.
Not to be an advocate for accelerationism but the possibility of winning big Democratic Congressional majorities for the next president was always the silver lining of President Trump.

And if we have Dem majorities in both chambers post-2020, there's a decent chance they'll actually stay that way after 2022. The House elections will be held under hopefully fairer maps, and the GOP won't have many Senate targets (like New Hampshire and that's it).

But more importantly whoever comes out of 2020 will need to push a bold, easily understandable agenda. The economy rallied under Obama, but the stimulus act was received with a resounding "meh" even from liberal circles. Same with PPACA, to be charitable. But pass free college and double the minimum wage? Everyone gets that.
I mean, the GOP recovered almost immediately from Watergate and they'll probably recover after Trump. Hopefully his elections cost them enough seats to get legislation passed though.

In 1972 Richard Nixon won in one of the largest electoral landslides in Election history. The Senate races also leaned a bit towards Republicans, with the GOP getting ~19.8m votes to Democrats getting ~17.2m. In 1974 following Watergate Democrats won the vote count ~22.5m to ~16.1m.
Relevant to the "President Pence" talk:

Pence remains above the fray, but is he outside the inner circle?

I read this as people purposefully keeping Pence out-of-the-loop, so if Trump gets impeached, Pence can come out looking clean. Dumb, but clean.

I don't think it's going to wash, though. Assuming this situation gets worse, only the most naive would think Pence was entirely clueless about all of this (even if he really is clueless).

Pence has been going on air defending all of these people as they implicate themselves. Hard to imagine a scenario in which that isn't shoved right back in his face.
Is someone finally going to start caring about Russia funding the Taliban now that the news is back onto Russia?

"Trump ignores Russian funding of enemy that is killing American soldiers" is pretty bad politically for the GOP...


I mean, the GOP recovered almost immediately from Watergate and they'll probably recover after Trump. Hopefully his elections cost them enough seats to get legislation passed though.

Watergate still hurt them in 1974 and 1976.The GOP probaby won't be that competitive in terms of the presidency for 8 years once they lose it. I'm not sure about the house and senate right now.
In 1972 Richard Nixon won in one of the largest electoral landslides in Election history. The Senate races also leaned a bit towards Republicans, with the GOP getting ~19.8m votes to Democrats getting ~17.2m. In 1974 following Watergate Democrats won the vote count ~22.5m to ~16.1m.

No to mention that the Democrats picked up 49 house seats for a total of 291. Supermajorities in both houses of Congress and then the Presidency 2 years later is not nothing.
No to mention that the Democrats picked up 49 house seats for a total of 291. Supermajorities in both houses of Congress and then the Presidency 2 years later is not nothing.
Too bad Carter was too ineffective to actually accomplish anything with those numbers, although the scattershot ideology of the party at the time probably didn't help. You still had to be a Democrat to win in much of the South, while also being a racist piece of shit.

Carter himself was too good for this sinful Earth, which unfortunately makes for terrible politics.

This can be re-introduced. If they've already lost 15, they can lose more when self-preservation kicks in.
The 15 are Democrats. It was a straight party line vote.


Not to be an advocate for accelerationism but the possibility of winning big Democratic Congressional majorities for the next president was always the silver lining of President Trump.

And if we have Dem majorities in both chambers post-2020, there's a decent chance they'll actually stay that way after 2022. The House elections will be held under hopefully fairer maps, and the GOP won't have many Senate targets (like New Hampshire and that's it).

But more importantly whoever comes out of 2020 will need to push a bold, easily understandable agenda. The economy rallied under Obama, but the stimulus act was received with a resounding "meh" even from liberal circles. Same with PPACA, to be charitable. But pass free college and double the minimum wage? Everyone gets that.

"Let's spend $100 billion on green energy and make solar cheaper than coal" is actually a pretty good policy, anybody who said "meh" to that is straight up dumb

Obama had messaging problems, he didn't have agenda problems
"Let's spend $100 billion on green energy and make solar cheaper than coal" is actually a pretty good policy, anybody who said "meh" to that is straight up dumb

Obama had messaging problems, he didn't have agenda problems
I agree it was good policy. It's just from a purely political/populist standpoint his major reforms didn't seem to resonate with many people. Instead of an extra 5-10 bucks on their weekly paycheck they needed a big check with Obama's face on it to really grasp what he did. People thought he raised taxes in his first year. Yes, those people are dumb. They still vote. (Or don't, as it may be)
No to mention that the Democrats picked up 49 house seats for a total of 291. Supermajorities in both houses of Congress and then the Presidency 2 years later is not nothing.

Yea I meant to edit it and add in that party. Republican's definitely suffered from Watergate--unfortunately than Saint Reagan cursed us with his presence and a lot of those gains were wiped away.


Can we not do this. Leave the "emasculate Obama" shit to white conservatives. And Bill Maher.

I don't like, at all, what this line implies.

I don't have to walk in lockstep with Obama because he's black.

If his duty as President was to ensure a fair election then congrats, we didn't get one.

If his duty as President was to do his part to protect our Democracy then congrats, he didn't do that either.

Obama is still my President. But he is not blameless.


I don't like, at all, what this line implies.

I don't have to walk in lockstep with Obama because he's black.

If his duty as President was to ensure a fair election then congrats, we didn't get one.

If his duty as President was to do his part to protect our Democracy then congrats, he didn't do that either.

Obama is still my President. But he is not blameless.
I said it many times, I blame the whole Comey fiasco on Loretta Lynch. Her tarmac meeting was a really bad judgment, but I don't think it was *that* egregious.
The problem is how she handled it. She should've either said "this will not impact my duties as Attorney General" or put the Deputy Attorney General (or anyone else from her office) in charge of this.
But dropping the ball to the FBI? this is not their job in you're abandoning the duty of your office.
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