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PoliGAF 2017 |OT1| From Russia with Love

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I wonder what the Russian people think. Is the pursuit of these global ambitions actually going to help the Russian economy? Honestly, I feel like Putin may be making the same mistakes as the Bush Jr administration.

Russian people get fed Putin's line from media to the "opposition." The conditions there against free press and free speech have it so they either do not know any better or cannot express they do.
I wonder what the Russian people think. Is the pursuit of these global ambitions actually going to help the Russian economy? Honestly, I feel like Putin may be making the same mistakes as the Bush Jr administration.

Russian State Media are trying very hard to hide their boner:



Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Speaking of West Wing, I just realized that it's on Netflix. I stopped at the beginning of season 4 a couple of years ago. Not cause I lost interest in the series or anything, but just sort of got side tracked with other stuff and never came back. Been meaning to finish it. Shame it seems to get incredibly stupid at the end (btw, thanks for the spoilers, buttheads!)

Also, too. Coincidentally, Inside Job just got uploaded today. I was watching parts of it on youtube over the weekend, but it was a shitty bootleg version so I bailed (get it?).

I posted this in the trump healthcare for all thread but wanted to see what people thought here.

I just watched a painful video on CNN about "doctors" that don't like Obamacare. I keep hearing this stupid fucking argument of putting healthcare back with the patient and doctor. What the fuck does that even mean. Republicans and their supporters don't even bother to support or explain it. How is repealing Obamacare going to put the decisions back with doctors and patients. Do they mean that since nobody has insurance they will be able to do whatever they want? That 500 dollars you put in your HSA will get you a choice of whatever emergentcare clinic you want? I wish "reporters" would actually fucking push people on this. Because prior to the ACA the decisions were definitely not between the doctor and the patient

Seriously what the hell does put the decisions back to the doctor and patient mean for the average consumer

I'm guessing they mean we should go back to the days where patients could negotiate with doctors by using poultry.
Do people who talk about single payer even know what a single payer system actually is? A lot of people hear Trump say he wants everyone covered by health insurance (which implies a mandate) and so many react as if Trump just proposed a single payer system?

No, they do not. It was very clear during the primary that for many people "single payer" and "universal healthcare" are synonymous.


Speaking of West Wing, I just realized that it's on Netflix. I stopped at the beginning of season 4 a couple of years ago. Not cause I lost interest in the series or anything, but just sort of got side tracked with other stuff and never came back. Been meaning to finish it. Shame it seems to get incredibly stupid at the end (btw, thanks for the spoilers, buttheads!)

Been watching it (again) in leiu of the election. Season 5 is quite piss poor of a season. It is when the creator of the show left but season 6 and 7 are amazing tv.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I'm watching AM Joy, and holy shit, has Jennifer Rubin lost her mind? If you wouldn't have told me before the segment started who she was, I'd expect some random leftist from a Democratic think tank. Yet, here is solidly Republican Jennifer Rubin shredding every bit of right-wing health care policy in the last 20 years.

Been watching it (again) in leiu of the election. Season 5 is quite piss poor of a season. It is when the creator of the show left but season 6 and 7 are amazing tv.

Oh well that's good then.
Giuliani, Lieberman and others encourage Trump to work with the MEK, Iran's "opposition."


The MEK is a Communist terror organization that hasn't had any influence in Iran since they committed treason against Iran by helping Saddam in the Iran-Iraq war. They have maybe five supporters in Iran right now.

The delusion that the MEK could actually form a government in Iran is one of the most deluded delusions in Washington.


Giuliani, Lieberman and others encourage Trump to work with the MEK, Iran's "opposition."


The MEK is a Communist terror organization that hasn't had any influence in Iran since they committed treason against Iran by helping Saddam in the Iran-Iraq war. They have maybe five supporters in Iran right now.

The delusion that the MEK could actually form a government in Iran is one of the most deluded delusions in Washington.
But the U.S. can still funnel weapons their way, right? That always works out peachy.


Because the far left thinks that it's possible to have no global superpower.

They also believe in lollipops in rainbows.
You know, it's possible to maintain hope for a distant, ideal future lacking imperialism without cheering on the fall of American hegemony in favor of Russian dominance.

Far left doesn't necessarily mean unrealistic and dumb.


Russian State Media are trying very hard to hide their boner:


Why is Emily Blunt hosting Russian news?


A member of the board of commissioners in Gwinnett County, Georgia–the second most populous county in the state–called civil rights hero Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) a ”racist pig" in a Facebook post Saturday after Lewis said he didn't consider President-elect Donald Trump to be a "legitimate" president.

In posts unearthed by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Tommy Hunter, a Republican county commissioner, also referred to Lewis' party as ”Demonrats" and ”a bunch of idiots."

”John Lewis is a racist pig," one post begins. ”There ain't political pundit that didn't say on November 9 that this would be Demonrats' EXACT response to Trump winning."

This post-racial America we live in is so amazing!
Can't remember who said this but to the person who suggested we chill out on the Russian stuff: no.

1) Our sovereignty has been maligned and we have been engaged in two proxy wars with Russia this last presidency (eastern Ukraine and Syria). They threaten our global interests and we threaten theirs. No one here is allowed to chill.
2) Our ability to pursue our own strategic interests is compromised by the president's possible Kremlin alignment and conflicts of interest. Our captain has promised to sail us to safety but his intentions are unknown.
3) Even if the president is not a compromised Russian intelligence asset, he has demonstrated a complete reversal on US foreign policy toward Russia and we have to pressure him to be vigorously opposed to Russian interference in our sovereign, democratic elections. Any less is implicit approval of what they did and what they aim to do.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Anyone else think Trump's "Everyone will have health insurance" will be his "No new taxes" moment?

Too bad it's not on film. The ads would make themselves.
I could see something like that. I think it's important that journalists get him on video saying what he would and would not accept from Congress. Be specific, get direct answers. That should be the policy on everything. Stop asking vague open-ended questions and letting him rant.


The right being giddy about Russian interference and thr far left saying we deserve the interference due to God Saint Bernard being cheated shows just how far we have fallen as a country in terms of intelligence and critical thinking skills.
The right being giddy about Russian interference and thr far left saying we deserve the interference due to God Saint Bernard being cheated shows just how far we have fallen as a country in terms of intelligence and critical thinking skills.

We've never really had good critical thinking skills. Humans, as a whole, don't.


No Scrubs

Well in slightly humourous news this week. Trump can't even land a cover band.

In my head cannon Bruce, or someone in the band, called them and said they couldn't perform any of his songs if they did the show.


So fucking relevant.

And at the core of it all is racism. I can't help but wonder what the world would look like if Lincoln had not been killed and reconstruction had gone differently. Maybe we'd be 100 years further along, or maybe we'd be exactly where we are today.
🙄 when you have no arguments go for the strawman

It's not a straw man. It's literally what i have seen from many far left posters on this board.

I literally had an argument last week with a guy who thought NATO were aggressors just because Russia's neighbors decided they wanted protection from going the way of Chechnya.

You know, it's possible to maintain hope for a distant, ideal future lacking imperialism without cheering on the fall of American hegemony in favor of Russian dominance.

Far left doesn't necessarily mean unrealistic and dumb.

I'm fine with genuine critique of US foreign policy.

What I take issue with is when the far left (and When i say far left I mean people like Greenwald and Jill stein) suggests that the US should just be completely isolationist.

They don't seem to get that if our allies don't think the US has their back, they'll stop being our allies.


<head explodes>

It's not even clear if she is just a self hater or it was some really elaborate money making scheme.

I mean it's pretty moot regardless. The net effect is the same when you send out blatantly hateful messages to the world that undermine your own race/nationality/gender/religion/etc. Shit's gross, both of them get their just rewards.


Anyone else think Trump's "Everyone will have health insurance" will be his "No new taxes" moment?

Too bad it's not on film. The ads would make themselves.

Trump has a bunch of things to worry about that may damage him in the next four to eight years. Health care is definitely one of those things.
It's not a straw man. It's literally what i have seen from many far left posters on this board.

I literally had an argument last week with a guy who thought NATO were aggressors just because Russia's neighbors decided they wanted protection from going the way of Chechnya.

I'm fine with genuine critique of US foreign policy.

What I take issue with is when the far left (and When i say far left I mean people like Greenwald and Jill stein) suggests that the US should just be completely isolationist.

They don't seem to get that if our allies don't think the US has their back, they'll stop being our allies.

A lot of people think war is like the tango (it takes two). It's not though. You can't just ignore it when another power acts against you, and it's clear that diplomacy with Putin's Russia won't work.

If their economy tanks harder and he gets assassinated, then we can open talks. Until then, it's Cold War 2:Electric Bugaloo whether we like it or not.


It's not a straw man. It's literally what i have seen from many far left posters on this board.

I literally had an argument last week with a guy who thought NATO were aggressors just because Russia's neighbors decided they wanted protection from going the way of Chechnya.

I'm fine with genuine critique of US foreign policy.

What I take issue with is when the far left (and When i say far left I mean people like Greenwald and Jill stein) suggests that the US should just be completely isolationist.

They don't seem to get that if our allies don't think the US has their back, they'll stop being our allies.
Hey, I agree with you, and I also consider myself far left. The problem is that people in general, regardless of ideology, are completely ignorant of world news and have a piss-poor understanding of how geopolitics works and historical context.

Every high school student should be required to play Europa Universalis IV

I've encountered a couple anti-West Stein fan types like you describe in real life and successfully reasoned some sense into them. I've also encountered one or two who are too far down the conspiracy theory rabbit hole with chem trails and 9/11 truther shit to be reached.
President Obama will leave the White House with a 58 percent favorability rating, a new poll finds.

A Gallup poll conducted two weeks before Obama leaves office found that more than half of Americans view the president favorably.

Obama reached his peak favorability rating of 78 percent before his own inauguration in January 2009, according to Gallup. He averaged 53 percent favorability over his two terms in the White House.

Obama's final marks before he leaves office exceed that of his predecessor, George W. Bush, who departed with a 40 percent favorability. Bill Clinton had a 57 percent rating before he left office, just one point less than Obama's. George H.W. Bush left the White House in January 1993 with a 62 percent rating.
First lady Michelle Obama has her husband beat. She leaves the White House with a 68 percent favorability, the same mark she entered the White House with, according to Gallup.

Vice President Joe Biden also leaves the White House with a higher rating than the president &#8212; 61 percent of Americans have a positive view of Biden.
No shade at Hillary but If Biden were the nominee, he probably would have won

also, 58% is an incredible number for a democrat to retire on in a post fox news world
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