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PoliGAF 2017 |OT1| From Russia with Love

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Apparently tonight's Easy D speech is going to be 75+ minutes with no specifics on any policy issues. Yikes. I may have to just read it afterwards but have you ever tried to read a Trump Transcript? It ain't easy, GAF. It ain't easy.

Was already leaning towards nah, but this is a definite no. Can't stand watching him for 5 much less 75 minutes


No Scrubs
Overall the party has rejected public policy. If it's not tax cuts or reductive, reactionary bullshit (Obama said we should use energy efficient lightbulbs, how about we make less efficient ones cheaper!) they don't have the ideological coalition to pass it. I'll give Paul Ryan credit for having "ideas" I suppose, but he's surrounded by people who have none and thus make his job impossible.

Pretty much. The GOP is in shambles due to the strategy they took to get into power. The Tea Party continues to hold congressional Republicans hostage and it means they literally can't do anything.

Their strategy on the ACA repeal is proof enough that they can't get anything done and the party is in disarray. If the Dems could get organized fast enough there's a legitimate looking window for them to start retaking power.

haha, oh man, it's going to be another 2 hour slog of a garbage speech that scares everyone and causes people to take pause like a few weeks ago

I imagine it's going to be like his RNC speech and scare the ever-loving-shit out of everyone who hears it.
Overall the party has rejected public policy. If it's not tax cuts or reductive, reactionary bullshit (Obama said we should use energy efficient lightbulbs, how about we make less efficient ones cheaper!) they don't have the ideological coalition to pass it. I'll give Paul Ryan credit for having "ideas" I suppose, but he's surrounded by people who have none and thus make his job impossible.

You give credit to ideas that put millions of poor women, children and minorities down? Paul Ryan is surrounded by people with plenty of ideas but apparently you prefer his vision for America rather than the Trump admin,
You give credit to ideas that put millions of poor women, children and minorities down? Paul Ryan is surrounded by people with plenty of ideas but apparently you prefer his vision for America rather than the Trump admin,

No he's saying the others don't have an actual political ideology. They just dismantle everything for the sake of it. Ryan genuinely believes in Randian solutions to problems which are evil, yes, but coherent.


No Scrubs
You give credit to ideas that put millions of poor women, children and minorities down? Paul Ryan is surrounded by people with plenty of ideas but apparently you prefer his vision for America rather than the Trump admin,

He's saying they're the difference between Lawful Evil and Chaotic Evil. Ryan is Lawful Evil in that he actually believes in something, as wrongheaded and messed up as those beliefs might be, and that most of who surrounds him (essentially the Freedom Caucus and their ilk) are Chaotic Evil in that they believe in nothing but tearing everything down for the sake of it.
You give credit to ideas that put millions of poor women, children and minorities down? Paul Ryan is surrounded by people with plenty of ideas but apparently you prefer his vision for America rather than the Trump admin,

To quote Walter Sochak, "at least it's an ethos." He has specific ideas he'd like to get through congress. The average republican in the House has zero interest in "ideas" much less doing his or her job.
A new Drug Importation bill has been reintroduced, this time with Booker on board. Looks like some language was added to address the "drug safety" concerns

A drug importation amendment was advanced during the budget resolution vote in the Senate in January. It was rejected, with 13 Democrats voting against the measure. Four of those who voted against the amendment signed on as co-sponsors of the bill.
No he's saying the others don't have an actual political ideology. They just dismantle everything for the sake of it. Ryan genuinely believes in Randian solutions to problems which are evil, yes, but coherent.

Large swaths of his ideology is incoherent. For example, when Paul Ryan talks about reduced incentives to work underlying his obsession to gut programs like Medicaid. His strongest beliefs are based off alternative facts and fake news.

Ryan is a con man and a dummy. If people prefer his drivel to Trump that's fine, but the pertinent question is...why? Moreover, he should get 0 credit for his beliefs. The Trump admin has an ideology too just like everyone else. You just don't like what you're hearing. I prefer Trump to Ryan any day of the week.


No Scrubs
A new Drug Importation bill has been reintroduced, this time with Booker on board. Looks like some language was added to address the "drug safety" concerns

Well, it's a good thing to push for in four years if Dems can retake Congress and the Presidency.

Large swaths of his ideology is incoherent. For example, when Paul Ryan talks about reduced incentives to work underlying his obsession to gut programs like Medicaid. His strongest beliefs are based off alternative facts and fake news.

Ryan is a con man and a dummy. If people prefer his drivel to Trump that's fine, but the pertinent question is...why? Moreover, he should get 0 credit for his beliefs. The Trump admin has an ideology too just like everyone else. You just don't like what you're hearing. I prefer Trump to Ryan any day of the week.

At least it's an ethos. Trump's going to wind up doing more damage than Ryan could ever dream of doing, because he doesn't believe in anything.


No Scrubs

I wonder if we could get anything passed to give Medicare drug price negotiating power, Trump was for it on the campaign trail. I know McCain is for it, wonder if there's enough people on board for it.

Ryan would never let it come to a vote. Dems would need the House to even start thinking about moving on it.


Didn't see this posted in the thread but:

FBI once planned to pay former British spy who authored controversial Trump dossier

The agreement to compensate former MI6 agent Christopher Steele came as U.S. intelligence agencies reached a consensus that the Russians had interfered in the presidential election by orchestrating hacks of Democratic Party email accounts.

Ultimately, the FBI did not pay Steele. Communications between the bureau and the former spy were interrupted as Steele’s now-famous dossier became the subject of news stories, congressional inquiries and presidential denials, according to the people familiar with the arrangement, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the matter.

Steele’s information was provided by an intermediary to the FBI and U.S. intelligence officials after the Democratic National Convention in July, when hacked Democratic emails were first released by WikiLeaks, according to a source familiar with the events. After the convention, Steele contacted a friend in the FBI to personally explain what he had found.

As summer turned to fall, Steele became concerned that the U.S. government was not taking the information he had uncovered seriously enough, according to two people familiar with the situation.

In October, anticipating that funding supplied through the original client would dry up, Steele and the FBI reached a verbal understanding: He would continue his work looking at the Kremlin’s ties to Trump and receive compensation for his efforts.

Comey spent almost two hours this month briefing the Senate Intelligence Committee. Democrats in the House have informally reached out to Steele in recent weeks to ask about his willingness to testify or cooperate, according to people familiar with the requests. Steele has so far not responded, they said.

Its pretty big that the FBI actually was gonna enlist Steele to officially continue his work, yes?

I wonder if we could get anything passed to give Medicare drug price negotiating power, Trump was for it on the campaign trail. I know McCain is for it, wonder if there's enough people on board for it.

This (and cap & trade) is really annoying to me, because it lines up precisely with what Republicans claim their position to be- that the market should be allowed to find equitable outcomes. Well, guess what motherfucker, Medicare is in the market, but it's not allowed to seek an equitable outcome!

I chuckled heartily.


Ryan would never let it come to a vote. Dems would need the House to even start thinking about moving on it.

You just *know* it's a good rule for congress if it's named after a man who was convicted of paying hush-money to boys he raped while he was a coach.
It's funny how they want to give power back to the states, but to me it seems like they only do that when it serves big businesses or their own views on morality.

So regulation that costs a business money but provides a safer living environment? OH that belongs to the states to regulate!

Civil rights not currently protected under equal protection/due process - ie. LGBT rights? Oh, that belongs to the states!

Otherwise, they'll never give up power. They won't even let weed become a states right issue simply because they have the power to regulate it and it doesn't fit their views on morality.
Mr.Shrugglesツ;231216696 said:
Bernie gonna do a response to Trump tonight.
He should deliver it as if he was president right now.

"I'd like to thank Senator McConnell and Speaker Ryan for respecting the desires of the tens of millions of young voters who came out in YUGE numbers to march on Capitol Hill, when I sign the Free Universal College, Kindergarten, Weed and Healthcare Act of Twothousandseventeen. Also known as 'FUCK WHAT?'"


I really don't think so at all. Greitens is going to do the Kansas experiment with Missouri. Combined with national unpopularity of Trump, Kander would do well in 2020.

Greitens is also being secretive about donations too. I get the feeling he'll be pretty unpopular come 2020
Also basically the first thing Greitens was make cuts to education.
Ehh, Ryan's at least got an ethos. It's a fucked one, but he's not the guy who I'm afraid is going to end the world in nuclear hellfire when I drink too much.

It's huge.
I respect a transparently naked thirst for power over someone who spent time dedicated to establishing his politically philosophy and settled on "actually, it's the morally right thing to let children starve." At least Trump or McConnell are honest about their total lack of morality.

So is he going to be doing a response on behalf on independents?
They are the largest voting group aside from non-voters.


Picking fights with racists on facebook has got to be the single worst of my bad habits. Even when i feel like i came away with a win, it just works me up too much.
He's also an incredibly fake person and used to be a very progressive Democrat. No idea what happened - guess he saw the GOP as easier to achieve what he wanted

Wouldn't be shocked to flip flop a lot either
Is Right-To-Work passed yet? iirc that was the big point of contention between him and Koster, and why Koster was leading him in the polls for a while.
So last week I had to make fried chicken for Steven Miller and now Gorsuch is eating here.

I mean ones way less objectionable but we never got this many Obama people wtf.
Umm. Isn't there an official Democratic response... (by some rando Kentucky ex governor)

Is everyone just doing their own shit now.

Edit: Okay there is logic behind Beshear on further inspection. Making the focus Obamacare and how it's worked out even in a red state.
Is Right-To-Work passed yet? iirc that was the big point of contention between him and Koster, and why Koster was leading him in the polls for a while.

Pretty sure it was one of the first things he did

I imagine he'll get some backlash about it. Some "union family but voted Republican" people I know are pretty mad about it (but I think that they actually voted for Greitens :lol)

I think Koster lost because 2016 was an "outsider" election more than anything
I respect a transparently naked thirst for power over someone who spent time dedicated to establishing his politically philosophy and settled on "actually, it's the morally right thing to let children starve." At least Trump or McConnell are honest about their total lack of morality.

They are the largest voting group aside from non-voters.

I'm not sure Paul Ryan would agree with that assessment of his views, to put it lightly. Ryan views government "entitlements" as the creator of dependency. Remove it and spark the American work ethic again. Do I agree with him? No. And it's pretty ironic coming from a guy who has relied on government most of his life. Point being he's not rubbing his hands at the thought of children starving in the streets. He doesn't believe it'll happen.

Nor would I compare Trump to McConnell. McConnell operates within a status quo, has an ideology, and is the most effective leader in Washington right now IMO. Trump is driven more by personal slights and self interest than any ideological slant. He's a dog who caught a car.


Umm. Isn't there an official Democratic response... (by some rando Kentucky ex governor)

Is everyone just doing their own shit now.

Edit: Okay there is logic behind Beshear on further inspection. Making the focus Obamacare and how it's worked out even in a red state.

Always the case, unfortunately. I think there were like 4 GOP responses to Obama at one point. I think the DNC and RNC need to make it clear to both of their groups that there should be only one (though Bernie gets a pass there as an independent), and yeah, it should be someone who can speak from an informed position on the major issue of the day, like Beshear on the ACA. In an election year, it should be the current front-runner.
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