Just in case you're interested in a few reactions to the inauguration speech from german outlets:
This is a threat
Donald Trump's inauguration speech was frightening - for every american who doesn't want to be part of his movement. And for the whole world.
Why his inauguration speech was a reckoning
Let's start with what Donald Trump didn't say, even though it would have seemed obvious for the rest of the world: Something like "I understand that the first and most important task of my presidency is to reunite this torn country."
A declaration of war beyond example ("Kampfansage" meaning not literally)
Donald Trump's inauguration speech was a declaration of war like one has never heard before. Europe and Germany should consider it a wake-up-call.
Zeit Online
The new deal
Donald Trump is president. His mission: "Together we will determine the course of amerca and the world for many, many years." This is a threat.
Trump on steroids
Donald Trump is now the most powerful man in the world. His inauguration speech was unusual, even radical.
RP Online
America as a global power will be gone for the next 4 years
The harrowing message of Trump's inauguration speech is that this president doesn't have a plan. After swearing the oath of office, he repeats his campaign slogans for 15 minutes and settles the score with Washington's political establishment. Nothing else to see here.
I could go on.