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PoliGAF 2017 |OT1| From Russia with Love

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There are two ways to interpret this post.

1. This a racial slur to Obama and are calling him 'boy.'
2. You have the idea that Trump acts like an adult and not like a person who spends 12 years in a feud with Rosie O'Donnell while he calls her fat over and over again.

...... I think the racial slur interpretation (while less likely) is actually kinder to you. Because straight up racism might be less damaging for one's character than thinking that someone who spent the last five days of a presidential campaign complaining about Jay Z not doing a concert for him is "adult" is....

I just interpreted it as heavy sarcasm

where is everyone

The best crowds.
Kevitity and Trump demonstrate that American masculinity is in the worst crisis it's ever been and deserves to fail.

If being manly just means being belligerent and stupid, then masculinity has no point.

The adults are back in charge.



May contain jokes =>
At least you can say these events have fully flushed the absolute fucking morons on this site out of the woodwork.

edit: and let me be clear who I mean by this, it is anyone who could listen to Trump speak or look at what he chooses to publish on his Twitter and feel he deserves the label of 'adult', especially when in the comparison they're suggesting Obama, one of the most level-headed and classy presidents in a long time, is something less. Fuck yourself.


It's nice to have the adults back in charge once again. Also, best inauguration speech since Reagan.

This is a great day for America. I haven't been this proud for our country in a long time.

Ah yes... Adults who whine about someone saying something mean about them to all of their social media friends.


I love all the Trumpsters that post these drive-by statements. They all follow a very similar template.

Lazy fucks, can't even be bothered to be original.


I believe I should post this here; a summary of German newspapers. It could get lost in OT.

Just in case you're interested in a few reactions to the inauguration speech from german outlets:

This is a threat
Donald Trump's inauguration speech was frightening - for every american who doesn't want to be part of his movement. And for the whole world.

Why his inauguration speech was a reckoning
Let's start with what Donald Trump didn't say, even though it would have seemed obvious for the rest of the world: Something like "I understand that the first and most important task of my presidency is to reunite this torn country."

A declaration of war beyond example ("Kampfansage" meaning not literally)
Donald Trump's inauguration speech was a declaration of war like one has never heard before. Europe and Germany should consider it a wake-up-call.

Zeit Online
The new deal
Donald Trump is president. His mission: "Together we will determine the course of amerca and the world for many, many years." This is a threat.

Trump on steroids
Donald Trump is now the most powerful man in the world. His inauguration speech was unusual, even radical.

RP Online
America as a global power will be gone for the next 4 years
The harrowing message of Trump's inauguration speech is that this president doesn't have a plan. After swearing the oath of office, he repeats his campaign slogans for 15 minutes and settles the score with Washington's political establishment. Nothing else to see here.

I could go on.
I spent today at an interview.

I don't think I'll get the job tho.

Also James Mattis is in huh? Not too surprising. He seems reasonable.


Bowe Bergdahl demands case dismissal, citing Trump rhetoric

As President Donald Trump was being inaugurated, lawyers asked a military judge to dismiss desertion charges against Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl because of a slew of comments Trump made during the presidential campaign blasting Bergdahl as a traitor who deserved to be executed.

Trump is now the commander in chief, giving him direct authority over the judge assigned to Bergdahl's cases as well as the servicemembers selected to serve on his court martial.

Bergdahl's attorneys say Trump's rhetoric and his new military role inevitably create "unlawful command influence" that has eliminated any possibility that their client can get a fair shake in the military justice system.

"President Trump has made it impossible for SGT Bergdahl to obtain a fair trial," Bergdahl's lawyers wrote in the motion filed Friday. "President Trump transformed his rallies into a televised traveling lynch mob. Justice cannot be done and public confidence in military justice cannot be maintained under these circumstances."

Trump pilloried Bergdahl on more than 40 occasions during the presidential campaign, often referring to him publicly as a "dirty, rotten traitor."
Bush is 70 right?

I don't know, I think he looks okay considering that.

yeah, but, in comparison with my memories of him as a "youth" during the years of his presidency, tho

yo the way he said "yeah sure" in response to that lady asking him whether he liked black ppl in that richard spencer clip omg lol

oh shit he got assaulted just as he started to explain his pepe badge

Several weeks after this story published in October, Spencer gave a triumphant speech at a conference in Washington describing America as a "white country" and proclaiming, "Hail Trump, hail our people, hail victory!" He was met with cheers and Nazi salutes. Read more in our investigation of how the white nationalist movement capitalized on the Trump campaign.

just in case anyone was about to feel sorry for him. incite hatred and then complain when it comes back around to you brehs
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