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PoliGAF 2017 |OT1| From Russia with Love

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No Scrubs
Tillerson won't make it through without Dem defections now.

Corker's announcement says that they don't have Rubio, and without Rubio, they need only McCain or Graham to ice it.

If it comes down to Masto v Harris, this is a win/win scenario.

We might actually be able to count on both McCain and Graham for once, oh dear lord please let them still have souls.


An engineer was visiting my wife's cube at work and they were talking about the march in Boston tomorrow. A colleague who is a Trump supporter came over and yelled at them, telling the engineer he wasn't supposed to be in their area. She then reported him to HR for making her feel uncomfortable. Special snowflakes, eh?
Harris is really putting herself out there. Maybe she wants to be the Dem nominee in 2020.

Doubtful given Bernie Sanders is still on the national stage with his rhetoric about the system being rigged. Once her dirty laundry with shills like Steve Mnuchin and Willie Brown gets more attention, she'll be toast.


No Scrubs
Pretty much who you'd expect:

Blumenthal (D-CT)
Booker (D-NJ)
Cortez-Masto (D-NV)
Gillibrand (D-NY)
Harris (D-CA)
Heinrich (D-NM)
Merkeley (D-OR)
Udall (D-NM)
Van Hollen (D-MD)
Warren (D-MA)
Wyden (D-OR)

NV: Sessions (R-AL)

That's my girl.
Didn't McCain say that the chance of him confirming Tillerson was the same as the chance of pigs flying?

He said that a couple of weeks ago yep (though it was walked back by his spokeswoman as a joke). Of course, as of four days ago he was leaning the other way now:
Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) told Fox News's Martha MacCallum that he's leaning toward voting to confirm Rex Tillerson, President-elect Donald Trump's nominee to head the State Department.

"Some of my concerns have been satisfied. I haven't made up my mind completely," McCain said.

Then there's this from a day ago:
Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) says he is still uncertain on where he stands on President-elect Donald Trump's pick for secretary of State.

Asked Wednesday by ”CBS Evening News" whether he will vote for Rex Tillerson, McCain responded: "No. I have concerns."

My guess is he's genuinely conflicted/at least somewhat opposed but McCain can't really be counted on.


Unconfirmed Member
here are a bunch of big ass pics of george w bush at the inauguration today




always shocks me how old he looks nowadays
Looks like the cowboy assasin is trying to asphyxiate him in the first one.

Edit: I can't bring myself to hate W even though he presided over an awful administration. He never fails to fully humanize himself with his affable goofiness.
Just watched highlights of the inaugural address. He says we'll get rid of politicians who are all talk and no action. So far, Trump fits that definition best. He hasn't even finished filling out positions in his administration. He hasn't even revealed his tax returns lol. He hasn't done shit.


Unconfirmed Member
BTW, I was extremely disgusted to hear Trump, line for line, use the words from the tweet he used to shit on John Lewis as an applause line in his inaugural address. gross.

edit: he could stop winking at fascists and white supremacists now that he got their votes but that doesn't seem like it's happening.
Looks like the cowboy assasin is trying to asphyxiate him in the first one.

Edit: I can't bring myself to hate W even though he presided over an awful administration. He never fails to fully humanize himself with his affable goofiness.

I feel something similar towards him, despite his deeds, as well. (Or maybe its just longing for anyone else besides Donald fucking Trump) Btw, I do believe the guy behind him in the cowboy hat is Dick Cheney!


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
What dirty laundry?
Basically, a section in the California DOJ recommended that Harris, as AG, pursue OneWest (Mnuchin's bank) for foreclosure fraud. She ultimately declined. She doesn't have the smoothest answer about it, just saying her office reviewed the evidence and opted not to go further. There's no real explanation of the reasoning behind the decision.


Basically, a section in the California DOJ recommended that Harris, as AG, pursue OneWest (Mnuchin's bank) for foreclosure fraud. She ultimately declined. She doesn't have the smoothest answer about it, just saying her office reviewed the evidence and opted not to go further. There's no real explanation of the reasoning behind the decision.
What's the timing on this?

Because if it's under Holder, there's your answer. She just can't say it.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
What's the timing on this?

Because if it's under Holder, there's your answer. She just can't say it.
The memo with the recommendation was sent in 2013. It was leaked a couple weeks ago. But yeah, this was concerning California law. If the implication is that there was political pressure, maybe, but she didn't need Holder's permission for anything.


She was AG of California, not a USA. She didn't work for Holder.

Unless I'm misunderstanding you.
She's close with the admin. They were deliberately avoiding major prosecutions in Obama's first admin under Holder. There's pretty much zero chance that if it were in the '08-'11 timeframe she wouldn't have pressure.

Second term, that wouldn't be the case.


She's close with the admin. They were deliberately avoiding major prosecutions in Obama's first admin under Holder. There's pretty much zero chance that if it were in the '08-'11 timeframe she wouldn't have pressure.

Second term, that wouldn't be the case.


Well, she got elected to state office at the same time as Brown in 2010, so she would've still been San Francisco DA during that period.


Haven't paid more attention the inauguration than to see a few minutes of the parade over a slice of pizza, but it infuriated me to see the stool pigeons at CNN giddy and fawning like children for the crowds and cameras and the Dear Leader.

The Republic has failed.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
The least someone can do to make these next four years more bearable is teach Trump how to wear a fucking tie at the proper length. C'mon.
Pretty much who you'd expect:

Blumenthal (D-CT)
Booker (D-NJ)
Cortez-Masto (D-NV)
Gillibrand (D-NY)
Harris (D-CA)
Heinrich (D-NM)
Merkley (D-OR)
Udall (D-NM)
Van Hollen (D-MD)
Warren (D-MA)
Wyden (D-OR)

NV: Sessions (R-AL)

CCM, Booker, Gillibrand, Warren. lol I mean.


Unconfirmed Member
I feel something similar towards him, despite his deeds, as well. (Or maybe its just longing for anyone else besides Donald fucking Trump) Btw, I do believe the guy behind him in the cowboy hat is Dick Cheney!
I always knew Cheney would do him in one day :(
She will likely position herself as the Dem VP. I don't see a woman at the top of the ticket winning for another 8-12 years at least.

I don't think I can agree to this. Hillary being a woman was probably just as problematic for many people as Obama being black. Difference is Obama wasn't a target of the right for the last twenty years. And had the letter never came out a week before election, there's a good chance she could have been the president right now.

If "people" have a problem with a female president, I doubt they were going to vote Democrat in the first place.


ACA EO cuts deep. It effectively repeals the mandate, no? Makes it easier to repeal without replacing...

Someone needs to sue. I bet this goes to the SCOTUS if they don't pass a replacement soon

Seriously is the individual market going to collapse overnight?
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