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PoliGAF 2017 |OT3| 13 Treasons Why

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Do you guys think that there should be an investigation into the GOP leadership that is protecting Trump and actively interfering with a serious investigation?

They wont let us see his tax returns, they put a member of Trumps transition team in charge of the house investigation, then defended Nunez after his fuckery with the press conferences, at the senate hearings they're talking about leaks, emails, and anything else they can think of to distract from the russia investigation, they're sitting by while the president admits to firing the FBI director to stop the investigation, at what point does this become not okay? I know politicians are generally going to defend their party, but this doesnt seem normal.

This is a fairly moot point at this junction, but I can say with little doubt there will be no stomach in the Democratic base for any "moving on" the way Obama tried to do by not investigating anything concerning the Bush administration nor at least paying lip service to investigating and trying to hold accountable high level executives on Wall Street.

The next Democratic President will lose all credibility with the party base citizenry if they try to "play nice" and not go full-throated in investigations and prosecutions (depending, of course, on the makeup of Congress in moving that agenda along).


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Okay, I'll ask again cause I keep getting ignored for some reason.

When do the new redistricting maps get drawn?


Unconfirmed Member
Okay, I'll ask again cause I keep getting ignored for some reason.

When do the new redistricting maps get drawn?

after the 2020 election, before the 2022 election.

Though there is reason to worry about the census being ready by then, with the Census Director resigning a few days ago over not having enough resources to do the census.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
After the census, I believe. Drawn by the states, so we need to run the table on governor's mansions and state legislatures.

after the 2020 election, before the 2022 election.

Though there is reason to worry about the census being ready by then, with the Census Director resigning a few days ago over not having enough resources to do the census.

Okay, so assuming no shenanigans, we have to do good in 2018 and 2020.


Unconfirmed Member
thats literally the end of the constitution, its mandated

Yeah, that's why I wish the Census Director resigning was bigger news. I don't know how hard to sound the alarms yet, but it's certainly troubling.


Unconfirmed Member
Scott Brown's 2014 failure in the face of a conservative wave makes me think carpetbagging is maybe still a pretty important thing to avoid.


Scott Brown's 2014 failure in the face of a conservative wave makes me think carpetbagging is maybe still a pretty important thing to avoid.

I think people generally dislike parties pushing also-rans also. Nobody likes a loser.

Coupled with carpet-bagging it comes across as pretty self-interested and opportunistic.


Unconfirmed Member
I mean, she lives in the district over. If she's attacked over it and survives, then it didn't matter. If she's attacked over it and she doesn't survive, then it worked!

Oh, she just lives in the district over?

That's no problem. Many congresspeople are like that.
Turned on Fox News and they are talking about the future of the Hillary Clinton case what year is this...

For Trump and the GOP, it will ALWAYS be 2016.

Like, I don't think the GOP has realized that attacking Hillary doesn't do anything for them anymore.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
For Trump and the GOP, it will ALWAYS be 2016.

Like, I don't think the GOP has realized that attacking Hillary doesn't do anything for them anymore.

Reminder: these are the same assholes that love to bring up Chappaquiddick to this day.

Think a Lannister never forgets? Republicans got them beat 50 times over.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
For Trump and the GOP, it will ALWAYS be 2016.

Like, I don't think the GOP has realized that attacking Hillary doesn't do anything for them anymore.
Republicans have always wanted to turn back time. We should be thankful that they're sometimes only wanting to turn the clock back a few months instead of decades.
lol remember when Arizona reeaaaaaaaaally didn't want any Native Americans in AZ-01?



I'm watching "Lincoln" again for the first time since the seeing it in the theater, and every hard-left "progressive" that is willing to throw any steps of progress away over purity tests need to watch the scene where Thadeus Stevens speaks before the House on how he "believes in equality under the law, but not in all things" even if that's not what he believed and is then confronted by a fellow Radical Republican outside the chamber immediately after (I have no idea if this scene is historically accurate or not, but it's spot on).


I'm almost starting to think that even if the FBI finds no direct evidence of collusion between Russia on the Trump campaign, they may just end up digging up shady/illegal business dealings he's done over the years by proxy. Trump has basically given the IC the excuse it needs to dig up any and all dirt on him. I'm not getting my hopes up, but it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if we ended up with a scenario like when they finally managed to nail Capone because of tax evasion.

I'm watching "Lincoln" again for the first time since the seeing it in the theater, and every hard-left "progressive" that is willing to throw any steps of progress away over purity tests need to watch the scene where Thadeus Stevens speaks before the House on how he "believes in equality under the law, but not in all things" even if that's not what he believed and is then confronted by a fellow Radical Republican outside the chamber immediately after (I have no idea if this scene is historically accurate or not, but it's spot on).

This scene? Yeah, it's great. Man I really loved Lincoln.
Who would have the authority or resources to launch an investigation against them? Non-starter even if they were compromised.

I'm not sure what you're saying here. If the Dems took back the House and did investigations, there's no way that anyone in Congress would somehow be immune to investigation, especially as communication is a 2-way street. If some Rep or Senator (Nunes, for example) was corresponding with a corrupt White House, we don't necessarily have to rip up his office to find out.

Though we probably should! Someone posted a few days ago about how the Founders thought that checks and balances were enough but failed to account for collusion between the two sides of the scale, as it were. I think this covers sketchy behavior from Congress in general now; there's no reason a President should be able to fire an FBI director investigating him without Congressional approval, and there's no way investigative committees should be run secretly by party hacks (on either side).

It does not apply to citizens, but "if you've got nothing to hide, then it shouldn't be a problem" should 100% be thrown at Congresspeople and executive offices. I realize the idea is to just vote them out later, but I think that plan clearly falls to the tyranny of the majority.
And they're not even the majority!
The Courts are supposed to kick in to stop that too, but it's not their business to run investigations and determine criminal culpability, they just rule on Constitutionality.




The USDA’s research section studies everything from climate change to nutrition. Under the 2008 Farm Bill, its leader is supposed to serve as the agency’s “chief scientist” and be chosen “from among distinguished scientists with specialized or significant experience in agricultural research, education, and economics.”

But Sam Clovis – who, according to sources with knowledge of the appointment and members of the agriculture trade press, is President Trump’s pick to oversee the section -- appears to have no such credentials.

Clovis has never taken a graduate course in science and is openly skeptical of climate change. While he has a doctorate in public administration and was a tenured professor of business and public policy at Morningside College for 10 years, he has published almost no academic work.

Clovis is better known for hosting a conservative talk radio show in his native Iowa and, after mounting an unsuccessful run for Senate in 2014, becoming a fiery pro-Trump advocate on television.

Clovis advised Trump on agricultural issues during his presidential campaign and is currently the senior White House advisor within the USDA, a position described by the Washington Post as “Trump’s eyes and ears” at the agency.

Clovis was also responsible for recruiting Carter Page, whose ties to Russia have become the subject of intense speculation and scrutiny, as a Trump foreign policy advisor


This scene? Yeah, it's great. Man I really loved Lincoln.

Yes, but the germane part of the scene is lost from that bit of it, because the point of what he got up and did was moderate his viewpoints, because had he gotten up there and espoused his belief in "equality in all things" (and seizure of land in the south after the Civil War and giving it to freed slaves), then he would have torpedoed the entire thing.
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