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PoliGAF 2017 |OT4| The leaks are coming from inside the white house

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It's funny to imagine Mittens stuck in this situation if he had been picked.

It's so fucking weird to look back on the transition period and remember how many z-tier political officials and has-beens were seemingly tripping over themselves to get a spot in Trump's administration (since they knew Trump was the only chance they'd ever have to get into the White House). Now nobody wants to touch the guy with a 100-foot pole.
It's so fucking weird to look back on the transition period and remember how many z-tier political officials and has-beens were seemingly tripping over themselves to get a spot in Trump's administration (since they knew Trump was the only chance they'd ever have to get into the White House). Now nobody wants to touch the guy with a 100-foot pole.
Well now they're thinking "This might hurt my z-tier career..."


Wasn't Rex an establishment pick, the kind of person you'd expect from a normal Republican president, anyway? With his background and actual achievements, I can see why he'd clash with a White House run by an incompetent robber baron.

A normal republican probably would have picked someone with diplomatic experience, although private sector secretaries of state have a history (see McNamara, Robert). Tillerson got in because nobody qualified wanted the job, while the people Trump *really* wanted were too out there even for this Senate to prop up.

Plus the Russia connections.

It's actually amazing that even Tillerson, whose one job is basically to get rid of Russia sanctions, is actually professional enough to want to do his job and be mad that Trump's stopping him in favor of a kid who's 4 years older than I am.

Edit: Romney's probably thrilled that he wasn't picked. Guy's probably going to pick up Orrin Hatch's Senate seat in 2020 and have an option on another presidential run in 2028 or something.


It's really disconcerting as hell. And I realize the mods and Evilore are kind of shellshocked over it. I sure as shit am.

I can see why it took so long to get a forum response, I can see why they want it forgotten. It's like finding out your deranged cousin did this.

In the back of your mind you think "Fuck... I knew he was twisted... but... that?"

Hell I think that's all I have to say about it.
Huh? It took less than an hour for it an answer to happen. Not that long when you have to think that the process is: Really bad threat about personal stuff that is unknown -> immediate delete -> research about the topic -> think about what to write (which is not so easy) -> write
That in the mean time people necro'ed a topic about that and then posted two topics accusing the moderation of being in the thing doesn't help you to write it. Plus it is quite likely that a meeting between mods ocurred after the original post to actually discuss WTF was happening and that evilore was not on/available at the moment.
Not having an immediate answer about THAT is not surprising.
But yeah, pinning the answer and maybe reinstating the original thread could help.

Man Tillerson must be pretty tired of being treated as nothing. He is unable to do anything about Rusia due to Trump stupidity, every other international decision he tries to make are negated by master negotiator Trump so now noone will trust him for a dime. Even ultra inexperienced Kushner and Trump Jr. have a better grasp of the international decisions that will be made as Tillerson is only informed after the media (or it seems so). He might as well just stay home and skype with everyone, not that much will be lost really.


It's really disconcerting as hell. And I realize the mods and Evilore are kind of shellshocked over it. I sure as shit am.

I can see why it took so long to get a forum response, I can see why they want it forgotten. It's like finding out your deranged cousin did this.

In the back of your mind you think "Fuck... I knew he was twisted... but... that?"

Hell I think that's all I have to say about it.

Yeah. If he was arrested, I always assumed it would be over some kind of protesting assault or something. Didn't think he was that twisted.


It's kinda of horrifying, he is the closest thing to a voice of reason in the white house.

To be a voice of a reason, you have to have a voice in the White House at all. Tillerson is a completely toothless secretary of state because everyone here and abroad knows that Kushner is the real SoS.

Edit: Romney's probably thrilled that he wasn't picked. Guy's probably going to pick up Orrin Hatch's Senate seat in 2020 and have an option on another presidential run in 2028 or something.

He'd be 82...

A safe Senate seat for a couple terms would certainly be a better way to wrap up his political career than losing the presidency and than being trotted out and humiliated by Trump.
Edit: Romney's probably thrilled that he wasn't picked. Guy's probably going to pick up Orrin Hatch's Senate seat in 2020 and have an option on another presidential run in 2028 or something.

Mitt'll be 81 in 2028. He may be healthy, but I doubt he'll try for president again. The Senate will be his final post if he wants it.

It'll be a fitting bookend for his political career since he started in 1994 by trying to dethrone Ted Kennedy. Running against a Kennedy. In Massachusetts. He Moderate Darlinged himself up for that race, but you can't beat Kennedys in Massachusetts.
The longest serving Republican Speaker of the House raped more than five children and the GOP wasn't affected it.

Tom DeLay said that Hastert's child rape was no big deal and DeLay almost surely covered up Hastert's child rape and he's still on good terms with everyone in the Republican party... And no one cares.

(Actually, the Hastert situation is insanely fucked up and could be a huge criminal conspiracy, but basically, people won't care about this).
DeLay even got invited onto Dancing With the Stars.

Like compare the downfall of Anthony Weiner - which, just to clarify, was absolutely 100% deserved. But he'll never be able to find a good place in society again whereas these co-conspirators in the GOP are welcomed back with open arms.

Like you said no one even cares about what Hastert did anymore. If Pelosi was caught picking her nose tomorrow you'd still read about it in history books fifty years from now.
Yeah. If he was arrested, I always assumed it would be over some kind of protesting assault or something. Didn't think he was that twisted.

Not the first time he's been arrested or been in the papers for an arrest.

In any case, I wouldn't be surprised if this story blows up into something bigger than a news story on the Pocono News online.
A normal republican probably would have picked someone with diplomatic experience, although private sector secretaries of state have a history (see McNamara, Robert).
McNamara was Defense, not State.

Tom DeLay said that Hastert's child rape was no big deal and DeLay almost surely covered up Hastert's child rape and he's still on good terms with everyone in the Republican party... And no one cares.

(Actually, the Hastert situation is insanely fucked up and could be a huge criminal conspiracy, but basically, people won't care about this).

Wait, what? Could you be my Hannibal Burress and elaborate on DeLay's role?


He'd be 82...
Mitt'll be 81 in 2028. He may be healthy
He's Mormon. They age differently. It's in their book.

Also, he's a robot so he doesn't age at all. He'll wipe that white off his sideburns when he needs to be 50 again.

It'll be a fitting bookend for his political career since he started in 1994 by trying to dethrone Ted Kennedy. Running against a Kennedy. In Massachusetts. He Moderate Darlinged himself up for that race, but you can't beat Kennedys in Massachusetts.
Look at him in action on the campaign trail in 1994, so life like, even back then, remarkable technology:
McNamara was Defense, not State.

Wait, what? Could you be my Hannibal Burress and elaborate on DeLay's role?

Look at this letter.

I mean, jesus christ.

DeLay details their relationship of nearly three decades, 12 years of which they spent working “side by side.”

“I have observed him in many different and difficult situations,” the letter starts. “He has never disappointed me in any way. He is a man of strong faith that guides him. He is a man of great integrity. He loves and respects his fellow man. I have never witnessed a time when he was unkind to anyone. He is always giving to others and helping anyone including me so many times."

The one-page note also outlines examples of activities intended to defend the former speaker’s character, such as starting a lunch-time Bible study for colleagues.

“We held each other accountable and we studied God's word and applied it to where we were at that moment," wrote DeLay, who is a longtime advocate for foster children and adoption. “Nothing could have been more intimate between us. So I know his heart and have seen it up close and personal.”

“We all have our flaws, but Dennis Hastert has very few. He is a good man that loves the lord. He gets his integrity and values from Him. He doesn't deserve what he is going through. I ask that you consider the man that is before you and give him leniency where you can,” it concludes.


How do you write this letter if you weren't in on it.

No one has ever investigated who else knew about Hastert, but DeLay's letter is just.......................


Don't even get me started on the cult that is Penn State

Plenty of those people around here. They're everywhere. Not to say they all take after Jerry Sandusky, but holy shit, some of them are so brainwashed.


Mitt'll be 81 in 2028. He may be healthy, but I doubt he'll try for president again. The Senate will be his final post if he wants it.

It'll be a fitting bookend for his political career since he started in 1994 by trying to dethrone Ted Kennedy. Running against a Kennedy. In Massachusetts. He Moderate Darlinged himself up for that race, but you can't beat Kennedys in Massachusetts.

Damn, didn't know he was that old. Figured he'd only be in his 70s by then.
Look at this letter.

I mean, jesus christ.


How do you write this letter if you weren't in on it.

No one has ever investigated who else knew about Hastert, but DeLay's letter is just.......................
I dunno, he's in denial that a person he respected and was close to for so long could really be a monster? Edit: like all those Penn State alums who are actively in denial about Paterno -- DeLay is motivated to not believe it?
If elected to Congress McMullin would basically John McCain, he'd say he's very concerned often and then support all of Trump's agenda.
Depends on if he ran as a Republican or an independent.

Caucuses put a lot of pressure on a person. Look at how Specter changed when he became a Democrat. He said himself it was liberating
Okay, but Penn State is actually defined by child rape and pedophilia at this point.

But I think that's because Penn State's students and alums show over and over again that they don't care about child rape.

Damn, didn't know he was that old. Figured he'd only be in his 70s by then.

Romney is ridiculously young looking and good looking.
If elected to Congress McMullin would basically John McCain, he'd say he's very concerned often and then support all of Trump's agenda.

I don't think so because the big difference is that McCain is really old and probably will retire out of politics after this term, so he no longer gives a shit about winning any more elections. That's why McCain will do stuff like admit that he is going to vote for shit that he explicitly admits is bad.

McMullin meanwhile is much younger and would still be running for reelection for a while and that would play a factor. He knows he would be winning elections with the help of moderates.
Depends on if he ran as a Republican or an independent.

Caucuses put a lot of pressure on a person. Look at how Specter changed when he became a Democrat. He said himself it was liberating
He's already said he basically supports the entire Trump agenda except doesn't like that he's an authoritarian.

So we could probably get him to help get Trump's tax returns out there or whatever but he'll definitely vote for austerity and to defund Planned Parenthood and bomb brown people abroad (though it's not like Trump really has needed any congressional approval to do that).

I don't think so because the big difference is that McCain is really old and probably will retire out of politics after this term, so he no longer gives a shit about winning any more elections. That's why McCain will do stuff like admit that he is going to vote for shit that he explicitly admits is bad.

McMullin meanwhile is much younger and would still be running for reelection for a while and that would play a factor. He knows he would be winning elections with the help of moderates.
McMullin wouldn't need to moderate at all as a Republican, he's already really popular in Utah and supports basically the entire Ryan agenda.


I don't think so because the big difference is that McCain is really old and probably will retire out of politics after this term, so he no longer gives a shit about winning any more elections. That's why McCain will do stuff like admit that he is going to vote for shit that he explicitly admits is bad.
Johm McCain has always always acted the same way.

Even when he was crashing planes and having his dad write it off for him. Even when he was coming in at the bottom of his class and being allowed to fly those planes in the first place despite not qualifying for it.


Any company in Russia is vulnerable to Russian government influence. Why would any company use a defense program made in a different country?


Don't even get me started on the cult that is Penn State

Plenty of those people around here. They're everywhere. Not to say they all take after Jerry Sandusky, but holy shit, some of them are so brainwashed.

My company does a lot of work on the Penn State campus (as we do a lot of work at a lot of campuses' and I can legit confirm this statement about the Paterno Defense force. I will also say that most of the hardcore Paterno/Sandusky defense force members I have had to deal with in the administration over buildings there are hardcore trump supporters not that I am saying there is a link or anything other than its a fucking rural area so of course there are a lot of sad sacks of shit there.
McMullin wouldn't need to moderate at all as a Republican, he's already really popular in Utah and supports basically the entire Ryan agenda.

I'm curious to see what you have seen about what he said he supports legislatively.

I'm not saying I would expect him to be an ACTUAL moderate like Sandoval or Baker, but I wouldn't expect him to be like John McCain where he is showing absolutely no care about reelection.


As expected they're four or five years late to this story. Kaspersky has been under suspicions of this since at least 2010 when they began hiring large numbers of people from Russian military and intelligence.

And that story and source says Defense, not Justice everywhere but the one sentence.

I'm curious to see what you have seen about what he said he supports legislatively.
Evan McMullin has basically every position Mitt Romney held in the 2012 campaign. Including doubling Guantanamo and "self-deportation" nonsense.

The one thing he differs on from most Republicans, like fellow Utah home base Presidential candidate and other "good one" Jon Huntsman is that he "believes in human caused climate chaos" and he'll prefer military increases to tax cuts but ideally we'll have both.
As expected they're four or five years late to this story. Kaspersky has been under suspicions of this since at least 2010 when they began hiring large numbers of people from Russian military and intelligence.

Evan McMullin has basically every position Mitt Romney held in the 2012 campaign. Including doubling Guantanamo and "self-deportation" nonsense.

The one thing he differs on from most Republicans, like fellow Utah home base Presidential candidate and other "good one" Jon Huntsman is that he "believes in human caused climate chaos" and he'll prefer military increases to tax cuts but ideally we'll have both.

He passes the Moderate Darling test - you know, making people see you as independent and bipartisan even when you agree with your party 99% of the time.


I expect the ban is going back to court very shortly



I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Was a pretty quiet day, for a healthcare bill that is due in two days.

No real movement or rumors of changes

That's actually interesting, and i'd lean on the idea that it means things are not going well in Turtle-Land.

I expect the ban is going back to court very shortly

Yeah, if it has to exist, then most of those excluded should be included.


I expect the ban is going back to court very shortly


Yeah that's not going to fly. A "close" relationship is not determined by the family structure. They are plenty of people that have nothing to do with their parents or children but are extremely close with other members of their family. There are people raised by their aunts and uncles or grand parents. Those are their "parents". Parents or children that are no longer living. Then there is the cousin you grew up with as your brother or sister. How is a fiancee not a "close" family relationship. Trump got a win with the SC allowing part of this but this narrow focus is just stupid and going to cause more issues.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Was a pretty quiet day, for a healthcare bill that is due in two days.

No real movement or rumors of changes

Waiting for a Politico report on a possible smile from McConnell tomorrow. Then we'll have a better idea.
Ok, I decided to do some actual digging and here's the notable stuff I found on McMullin:

- He definitely avoids islamophobia (another good example)

- He believes in taking in Syrian Refugees: https://www.isidewith.com/candidate-guide/evan-mcmullin/foreign-policy/syrian-refugees

- He FAVORS Net Neutrality: https://www.isidewith.com/candidate-guide/evan-mcmullin/domestic-policy/net-neutrality

- He favors requiring officers to wear body cameras: https://www.isidewith.com/candidate-guide/evan-mcmullin/criminal/police-body-cameras

Like I said I wouldn't expect him to be like an ACTUAL moderate, but I think at this point he has made a name for him self not among the GOP fanbase but rather among the moderate voters so he wouldn't be able to win reelection by voting like a HFC member.


No, hes trying to fuck himself because he didn't want to win the supreme court case. Now the ball is back in his court when the next terrorist attack happens. He doesn't have a fall court to blame. This isn't from him though, its probably Bannon who sucks at everything except at delegitimization of govt.


The SC isn't going to bother to touch that and invalidate the already existing extensive restrictions in the quota system because that's totally normal.

It's already not legal for any grandparents, aunts/uncles, in-laws or cousins to sponsor a relative for immigration into the United States.


Like I said I wouldn't expect him to be like an ACTUAL moderate, but I think at this point he has made a name for him self not among the GOP fanbase but rather among the moderate voters so he wouldn't be able to win reelection by voting like a HFC member.
Yes, all those moderate voters he'll need to win a statewide election in Utah. Might as well make him a honorary Hispanic Caucus member.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
DeLay even got invited onto Dancing With the Stars.

Like compare the downfall of Anthony Weiner - which, just to clarify, was absolutely 100% deserved. But he'll never be able to find a good place in society again whereas these co-conspirators in the GOP are welcomed back with open arms.

Like you said no one even cares about what Hastert did anymore. If Pelosi was caught picking her nose tomorrow you'd still read about it in history books fifty years from now.

Pickin Pelosi. Trump's magnum opus.
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