Does it result in less people out of insurance? That's Heller's red line.Don't know if this makes it easier or harder to pass.
Good luck with that in the House.
What a moronThen again that is also the same Corker who if I recall correctly didn't even seem to know the tax cuts were in the bill to begin with.
"don't watch anymore"
I thought the House made it clear they would pass anything the Senate threw their way. Or would this actually cause them to get upset? Saying they got to "repeal Obamacare" seems too tempting for them I feel.
I'm still at the point where I don't see the House not passing what gets sent back to them when they're so close to repealing Obamacare.
Don't know if this makes it easier or harder to pass.
Don't know if this makes it easier or harder to pass.
I'm still at the point where I don't see the House not passing what gets sent back to them when they're so close to repealing Obamacare.
What exactly does "repeal obamacare" mean?
Because this bill doesn't really repeal anything, it just cripples the existing system. The only actual repeal is the tax cut, and if you drop that what even are you doing?
What did Morning Joe do to make him react like this?
What did Morning Joe do to make him react like this?
Changing the mandate so that its a more convoluted mandate.
What exactly does "repeal obamacare" mean?
Because this bill doesn't really repeal anything, it just cripples the existing system. The only actual repeal is the tax cut, and if you drop that what even are you doing?
What exactly does "repeal obamacare" mean?
Because this bill doesn't really repeal anything, it just cripples the existing system. The only actual repeal is the tax cut, and if you drop that what even are you doing?
It feels like Kefka from FF6 became our President.
What a piece of irredeemable human filth. These episodes where he demeans and degrades people affect me more than almost anything else. How can I teach my students to be good people when they can just say, "If the President does it, why can't I?" How can we as a society claim to value respect and tolerance when we elect a leader who scoffs at those values? Every day, he exacerbates this atmosphere of hate, stupidity, and incivility; he acts in a way that should be unacceptable in any polite setting.
I've gotten fucking sick of it.
You tell the students that assholes might be successful, but everyone will hate them. Is there evidence that Trump's ever been, like, happy with himself and his life?
Nah, Kekfa was intelligent despite all his crazyness, Trump reminds me of an even more impulsive Algus.
LolPeople agree with you
If you agree that pre-existing condition discrimination is bad, you agree that the mandate is necessary, full stop. If this isn't obvious, I would encourage more background reading on adverse selection.
If people "take personal responsibility," as you frame it, the market then collapses due to healthy people opting out of insurance. Not to be condescending, but people have been explaining this for almost a decade now.I don't agree with the current mandate penalty. I think if you want compulsory insurance then it should be set up in a manner like Japan as an example. Many people should be allowed to take personal responsibility.
So people expected the tweets to be deleted? LOL
So people expected the tweets to be deleted? LOL
If people "take personal responsibility," as you frame it, the market then collapses due to healthy people opting out of insurance. Not to be condescending, but people have been explaining this for almost a decade now.
Uhh... Is this as big of a deal as it seems?
A room full of "wow"s after @HouseAppropsGOP adopted this AUMF repeal amendment by @RepBarbaraLee
Because it seems like a BFD.
Uhh... Is this as big of a deal as it seems?
Because it seems like a BFD.
There are a number of universal systems that haven't collapsed as a result of not imposing penalties on individuals. You should read other material or travel around the world to see how the US can be better.
Holy shitUhh... Is this as big of a deal as it seems?
A room full of "wow"s after @HouseAppropsGOP adopted this AUMF repeal amendment by @RepBarbaraLee
Because it seems like a BFD.
Uhh... Is this as big of a deal as it seems?
A room full of "wow"s after @HouseAppropsGOP adopted this AUMF repeal amendment by @RepBarbaraLee
Because it seems like a BFD.
There are a number of universal systems that haven't collapsed as a result of not imposing penalties on individuals. You should read other material or travel around the world to see how the US can be better.
Unless I'm misunderstanding it, it's essentially taking power away from Trump to just declare war willy nilly.
Big if passed.Uhh... Is this as big of a deal as it seems?
A room full of "wow"s after @HouseAppropsGOP adopted this AUMF repeal amendment by @RepBarbaraLee
Because it seems like a BFD.
Seems like something both parties would agree to as far as giving more power to Congress?
Uhh... Is this as big of a deal as it seems?
A room full of "wow"s after @HouseAppropsGOP adopted this AUMF repeal amendment by @RepBarbaraLee
Because it seems like a BFD.