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PoliGAF 2017 |OT4| The leaks are coming from inside the white house

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Seems like something both parties would agree to as far as giving more power to Congress?

They never really agreed on it in the past after it's initial passage in 2001.

I think that the Republicans probably know that Trump is a threat to do something stupid militarily and this is a low-key way to try to stop that. Either that or the amendment just gets stripped out.
Uhh... Is this as big of a deal as it seems?

A room full of "wow"s after @HouseAppropsGOP adopted this AUMF repeal amendment by @RepBarbaraLee


Because it seems like a BFD.

Is this constitutional?


Congress has given the President a blank check to wage war since 9/11 (since before that really, but it was codified after 9/11). A bipartisan move to remove that power is something that I would support no matter who was President.

I don't think this will pass through Congress and I don't think they could override the inevitable Veto, but this amendment going anywhere is a huge shift. The GOP never even tried to do this to Obama.

While Obama's drones did hit civilians, Trump's strikes are acting more like darts at a map and not caring who gets hit.
Congress has given the President a blank check to wage war since 9/11 (since before that really, but it was codified after 9/11). A bipartisan move to remove that power is something that I would support no matter who was President.

I don't think this will pass through Congress and I don't think they could override the inevitable Veto, but this amendment going anywhere is a huge shift. The GOP never even tried to do this to Obama.
I'm surprised they didn't do this with Obama.
Kayla Tausche‏Verified account

Sen. @OrrinHatch not a fan of today's POTUS missives but ok w/ tweeting habit overall: "Every once in awhile you get a dipsy-doodle!"

Fuck Hatch and his Senate civility BS


I don't agree with the current mandate penalty. I think if you want compulsory insurance then it should be set up in a manner like Japan as an example. Many people should be allowed to take personal responsibility.

You've already stated that you oppose insurance products discriminating based on preexisting conditions. If you also oppose a mandate, you are creating an adverse selection problem. Do you understand what that is?

You're creating a circumstance where people will only move on the system when their bills are largest and generating an unstable equilibrium. In order for these proposals to work concurrently, it also has to be the case that medical providers refuse service to the uninsured. Is that what you're proposing? If not, what do you think happens when someone is uninsured because they believed in personal choice, got a cancer diagnosis, sought treatment, and declared bankruptcy. Who foots the bill?

To be as blunt as possible, you don't even seem to be making an effort to think this through or understand the issues at play here.
Congress has given the President a blank check to wage war since 9/11 (since before that really, but it was codified after 9/11). A bipartisan move to remove that power is something that I would support no matter who was President.

I don't think this will pass through Congress and I don't think they could override the inevitable Veto, but this amendment going anywhere is a huge shift. The GOP never even tried to do this to Obama.
Because Congress doesn't want that. The current status quo let's them approve or disapprove after the the fact without having to worry about getting hit for declaring war improperly or too late.

This is probably just gonna get stripped out.


I'm smelling blood in the water on that Senate majority...

The TV and radio commercials, produced by America First Policies — which is staffed by a number of Trump’s top campaign aides — accused Heller of refusing to keep his “promise” to dismantle Obamacare.

The offensive reflected Trump’s mounting frustration with Capitol Hill Republicans who refuse to advance his stymied legislative agenda and was designed to send a loud message that it’s time to get on board. Yet it infuriated Majority Leader Mitch McConnell himself, who privately fumed that it would make it harder to get Heller’s support for the legislation. Some McConnell allies reached out to the organization directly to express their displeasure and to plead with it to cease the attacks, reasoning that it could badly hurt Heller’s already challenging reelection bid.

McConnell has also been stewing about another race: the Alabama Senate primary, which has turned into a personal priority for the majority leader. For weeks, McConnell and top political aides had been asking the Republican National Committee to release coordinated funding to help newly appointed Sen. Luther Strange, who is trying to fend off a large field of GOP primary opponents in a late summer special election. The NRSC and another McConnell-allied group, Senate Leadership Fund, are already aggressively boosting the Alabama senator.

Yet after weeks of requests, no RNC expenditures have been granted, and Senate Republican strategists began to wonder whether the requests had simply been lost in a bureaucratic logjam — or worse, whether the anti-establishment president was reluctant to have the national party wade into a contested primary.

The lack of commitment caused so much consternation that McConnell and Strange brought the matter directly to the White House, asking for the administration to approve of the funding. Strange has talked directly to Trump about it, according to two sources briefed on the matter. McConnell personally lobbied chief of staff Reince Priebus, a former RNC chief of staff who remains plugged into the committee’s operations.

As of Tuesday morning, however, according to a RNC official, the national party still hadn’t given final approval.

In Arizona, where Republican Sen. Jeff Flake, a Trump critic, is facing a difficult reelection, Trump-fueled primary worries are intensifying. Prior to the 2016 election, Trump vented openly about Flake’s criticism of him — at one point, backstage before a campaign rally in Arizona, telling top aides animatedly that he wanted to find a Republican opponent to challenge the senator in 2018, according to two people familiar with the exchange. The administration’s anger at Flake has flared anew amid his criticism of the president’s decision to fire former FBI Director James Comey.

Flake has already drawn a Trump-friendly primary opponent in former state Sen. Kelli Ward, and two other allies of the president — Trump 2016 campaign COO Jeff DeWit and former state GOP chair Robert Graham — could also try to unseat him.

Appearing before a small group of donors and activists recently, NRSC Chairman Cory Gardner (R-Colo.) expressed concern about how the political environment is making it harder to get candidates into races and said the wooing of potential Senate candidates was going slower than expected, said one person who was present for the private gathering.

Potential contenders, he said, were deeply uncertain about whether to enter races given the challenging political conditions and worried that things could get worse.

Trump has already complicated the GOP’s 2018 candidate recruitment plans, dating back to just before the inauguration, when the president nominated Montana Republican Ryan Zinke to the Interior secretary post. McConnell had been pursuing Zinke for months, viewing the congressman as a prized recruit who could defeat Democratic Sen. Jon Tester in 2018, and had met with him to discuss a possible race. Top party strategists had reviewed polling data suggesting that Zinke would start out the contest in a virtual dead heat with the incumbent.

When he found out that Trump was about to tap Zinke for the Cabinet post, McConnell launched a late effort to get him to reconsider. He phoned several White House officials and explained to them that Zinke was a top prospect in the Montana race, one whom Senate Republicans had been after for months, said one person familiar with the calls. It didn’t work.

McConnell had been pushing the White House to appoint a pair of red-state Democratic incumbents up for reelection in 2018, West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin and North Dakota Sen. Heidi Heitkamp, to Cabinet positions — a gambit that would have improved the GOP’s odds of seizing their seats.

Yet Trump ignored the advice. While Manchin and Heitkamp were invited to Trump Tower — something they were happy to publicize to their conservative constituents — neither was tapped. In the months since, Manchin, who faces the hurdle of running for reelection in a state that Trump won by over 40 percentage points, has eagerly presented himself as something of a White House ally — a rare Democrat who is willing to work with the president.

The image of Manchin being close to the president — fed by a photo of Manchin seated next to Trump in the White House, and by the tales the senator tells of his phone conversations with the commander in chief — have created headaches for the NRSC, which has planned to target the West Virginia seat aggressively. At the committee’s Capitol Hill offices, said one senior Republican, discussion about how to contend with the perception that Manchin is working with the president has come up in meetings.

Why is it that for all the topics on GAF that lurkers with burner accounts could parachute into, it's the feminist ones that attract them the most? It's like catnip for GAF exiles or something.


AHCA is such an enormous gift to the D senators in Trump states. Manchin, in particular, has said all the right things to guarantee his political survival.
AHCA is such an enormous gift to the D senators in Trump states. Manchin, in particular, has said all the right things to guarantee his political survival.
I've never seen Heitkamp act more like a progressive than over these past few weeks. You wonder sometimes if this is her natural state that she just never gets to engage in.


Top party strategists had reviewed polling data suggesting that Zinke would start out the contest in a virtual dead heat with the incumbent.
Poor Wolf must be devastated to miss out on this.
They couldn't blame him for not taking action if they did
Yeah. They were happy enough to let Obama make basically rational decisions they could finger-wag about after the fact if they didn't go well. If this passes, it's because with Trump there's a much higher chance of stupid and shortsighted escalations that outweighs congress's ability to pass the buck.
Important context from the article- this was a 55/40 Clinton district. This is not a Manchin situation, it's a Gabbard one.

Also went 56/43 for Obama. That having been said, the seat has been represented by a Lipinski since 1983 (his father held it until 2005) so it won't be easy to oust him.
You know, if I had polls telling me I'd lost support among non-college educated white women - a group that helped me immensely and would be vital to my reelection - I probably wouldn't insult a white woman on Twitter.

(Well, I, a Moderate Darling, wouldn't insult anyone, but I tried to put myself in Donnie's size 42 pants.)
Also, this is why Lipinski sucks.


Lipinski, by contrast, is on the wrong side of almost everything:

He’s a co-chair of the House Pro-Life Caucus
He’s repeatedly voted to defund Planned Parenthood
He voted against the Affordable Care Act
He voted to make it all but impossible for Syrian refugees to enter this country
And he still supports a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage (this is incredible but true)

Earlier this year, right outside Lipinski's district in suburban Chicago, the city of Bolingbrook held an election for mayor. Unlike your typical mayoral race in a town of 73,000, this one caught national attention, because Bolingbrook's longtime chief, Roger Claar, is an extremely vocal Trump supporter, despite the fact that 66 percent of his city voted for Hillary Clinton last year.

In fact, Claar went so far as to hold a fundraiser for Trump, over and above the wishes of his constituents. Claar’s refusal to back down inspired progressives in Bolingbrook to launch a challenge to his 31-year reign, one in which he'd grown deeply entrenched thanks to the decades worth of favors he'd doled out. (The lavish taxpayer-funded golf course where Claar hosted Trump is known as the “Rog Mahal.”) That made him a daunting obstacle, but former union organizer Jackie Traynere put up a serious fight, even earning an endorsement from Sen. Dick Durbin and features in the Washington Post and New York Times.
I'm smelling blood in the water on that Senate majority...

Saw Gardner's name, man I hope he gets fucking fried in 2020. That 2014 campaign was such horseshit.

Udall: Gardner supported a personhood amendment!
Gardner: Teehee no I didn't :)
Udall: He did, we have proof -


The part about limiting the president's ability to declare war is probably going to steamroll through due to what is happening with NK. Can't let Trump fuck everything up.
Something is gonna pass.

Maybe, but honestly as someone who was really pessimistic, I'm surprised that it didn't go through. I don't think they have the votes now to be honest. Rand Paul isn't budging, that's for damn sure. Collins isn't either, to say nothing of the tons of Senators who came out against the bill when it was delayed.

If it passes, every GOP nominee in 2018 is going to have to deal with commercials of people dying and being booted off healthcare. It'll be a bloodbath.
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