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PoliGAF 2017 |OT4| The leaks are coming from inside the white house

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Come on. His campaign manager was operating under no orders from Trump himself? Give me a break.

Trump it seems has a history of playing dumb when it comes to his operations. In the bits of deposition I've seen where he was forced to testify, he typically acted unfamiliar with a lot of details. I say "acted" because it's not clear whether he was hiding information or just generally wasn't aware. I think it's both...he's not that bright, so he doesn't try to understand anything (as we're seeing with healthcare). When things go wrong, he can essentially deny being involved. It's a good defense actually, and it's obviously gotten him off the hook for a LOT of lawsuits.


Trump it seems has a history of playing dumb when it comes to his operations. In the bits of deposition I've seen where he was forced to testify, he typically acted unfamiliar with a lot of details. I say "acted" because it's not clear whether he was hiding information or just generally wasn't aware. I think it's both...he's not that bright, so he doesn't try to understand anything (as we're seeing with healthcare). When things go wrong, he can essentially deny being involved. It's a good defense actually, and it's obviously gotten him off the hook for a LOT of lawsuits.
This has been Pence's strategy w/ scandals as well. He did it w/ one in Indiana and again pretending to have been out of the loop re: Flynn's vetting.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Pretty much agree with this, although we can parse what "inner circle" means. Effectively, I don't think this is going to touch Trump.

To my mind, what could fuck over Trump is his obstruction, which is weird because we kind of know everything thereto.

It's clear as day that Trump is guilty of obstruction. The fact that Flynn was likely in contact with Smith over this is huge, especially if they get Flynn to flip on Trump.


Trump it seems has a history of playing dumb when it comes to his operations. In the bits of deposition I've seen where he was forced to testify, he typically acted unfamiliar with a lot of details. I say "acted" because it's not clear whether he was hiding information or just generally wasn't aware. I think it's both...he's not that bright, so he doesn't try to understand anything (as we're seeing with healthcare). When things go wrong, he can essentially deny being involved. It's a good defense actually, and it's obviously gotten him off the hook for a LOT of lawsuits.
His twitter and interviews have fucked him on this one then.
This Peter Smith guy seemed like a real straight shooter...

If I recall, Claude Taylor might have been right once or twice: the first time when he predicted the raid on the GOP firm in Annapolis, and the second time when he mentioned subpoenas coming from the Eastern District of Virginia court.

HOWEVER, I qualify that statement by saying that I've forgotten the timeline on the Annapolis story, and he might very well have latched onto the report by the local Baltimore journalist who broke the story. In the case of EDVA, I wager that multiple people would have access to that information.

He may not be overtly crazy like Mensch, but I still reject anything he says on principle and wait for the legitimate press to report it.
"Trump playing dumb" is why the pattern is showing up here. Flynn, Kushner, Sessions, Manafort, Stone, Page etc all doing shady shit with FSB operatives. Trump's inner circle is very small and these are people who were there day 1. This kind of unified direction isn't chance and establishes directions being given. Not to mention of all the people Trump insults and fightss with, Putin/Russia are thing he cannot speak negatively about. If he wasn't in the know, why would he go to such lengths.


If I recall, Claude Taylor might have been right once or twice: the first time when he predicted the raid on the GOP firm in Annapolis, and the second time when he mentioned subpoenas coming from the Eastern District of Virginia court.

HOWEVER, I qualify that statement by saying that I've forgotten the timeline on the Annapolis story, and he might very well have latched onto the report by the local Baltimore journalist who broke the story. In the case of EDVA, I wager that multiple people would have access to that information.

He may not be overtly crazy like Mensch, but I still reject anything he says on principle and wait for the legitimate press to report it.

People here treat guys like Claude like they are nuts and completely fake and i dont buy that at all. Been reading long enough, basically just getting a vibe for what might be out there and not taking anything as fact until it hits the big news, but his main problem is basically he is really early raw intelligence. Basically meaning one day he says some really big bust is going down and warrents are being issued etc etc and then 3 weeks later WaPo posts a story about how a few subpoenas were issued, which makes it sound different but i think its just twitter folk arent delivering info in the clearest way possible, and also they are way early so when the news doesnt confirm people think its fake.

"Trump playing dumb" is why the pattern is showing up here. Flynn, Kushner, Sessions, Manafort, Stone, Page etc all doing shady shit with FSB operatives. Trump's inner circle is very small and these are people who were there day 1. This kind of unified direction isn't chance and establishes directions being given. Not to mention of all the people Trump insults and fightss with, Putin/Russia are thing he cannot speak negatively about. If he wasn't in the know, why would he go to such lengths.

This is always the most obvious tell, the thing you go back to in your gut and just think to yourself how little sense this makes. Everything as a human should tell you the obvious here, but people still find a way to forget this and act like nothing is there. This is probably the thing that got guys like Mueller saying 'this shit is rotten and we need to find it'
People here treat guys like Claude like they are nuts and completely fake and i dont buy that at all. Been reading long enough, basically just getting a vibe for what might be out there and not taking anything as fact until it hits the big news, but his main problem is basically he is really early raw intelligence. Basically meaning one day he says some really big bust is going down and warrents are being issued etc etc and then 3 weeks later WaPo posts a story about how a few subpoenas were issued, which makes it sound different but i think its just twitter folk arent delivering info in the clearest way possible, and also they are way early so when the news doesnt confirm people think its fake.

This is always the most obvious tell, the thing you go back to in your gut and just think to yourself how little sense this makes. Everything as a human should tell you the obvious here, but people still find a way to forget this and act like nothing is there. This is probably the thing that got guys like Mueller saying 'this shit is rotten and we need to find it'

I'm sure Claude has access to some rumors and tips and I'm sure he means well, but he doesn't have the training or the capacity to properly vet and source info. He is just a megaphone for anyone who has a good sounding rumor to pitch.

"Trump playing dumb" is why the pattern is showing up here. Flynn, Kushner, Sessions, Manafort, Stone, Page etc all doing shady shit with FSB operatives. Trump's inner circle is very small and these are people who were there day 1. This kind of unified direction isn't chance and establishes directions being given. Not to mention of all the people Trump insults and fightss with, Putin/Russia are thing he cannot speak negatively about. If he wasn't in the know, why would he go to such lengths.

Trump is a notorious micromanager. If there was collusion, he was in on it.


Trump it seems has a history of playing dumb when it comes to his operations. In the bits of deposition I've seen where he was forced to testify, he typically acted unfamiliar with a lot of details. I say "acted" because it's not clear whether he was hiding information or just generally wasn't aware. I think it's both...he's not that bright, so he doesn't try to understand anything (as we're seeing with healthcare). When things go wrong, he can essentially deny being involved. It's a good defense actually, and it's obviously gotten him off the hook for a LOT of lawsuits.

He wasn't playing dumb. I don't believe for a fucking second that Manafort AND Flynn colluded with Russia about hacking the DNC emails with absolutely no instruction or approval from Trump. It's impossible. Maybe if it was just Manafort and no one else I'd believe you, but Flynn? He's military. He followed orders.

Like, did he just accidentally hire all of these people with ties to Putin who regularly communicate with the Kremlin and then lie about it? It's not all a coincidence.
He wasn't playing dumb. I don't believe for a fucking second that Manafort AND Flynn colluded with Russia about hacking the DNC emails with absolutely no instruction or approval from Trump. It's impossible. Maybe if it was just Manafort and no one else I'd believe you, but Flynn? He's military. He followed orders.

Also makes sense because there's a reason Trump, even months into this, was still trying to find a way to bring Flynn back. That's not a coincidence.


I guess when I say "inner circle", I am talking more about Bannon, Miller, Kushner, and all of his current laywers. And Pence, too.
Trump is lazy as fuck, why do people think he's going to get caught doing any "heavy lifting" in terms of this collusion stuff?

It seems obvious that Trump directed Flynn to do most of the dirt. That's why Trump is so obsessed with getting in contact with Flynn again -not out of loyalty, but rather to keep Flynn from telling the Feds that Trump was fully aware of the plan from the jump.


May contain jokes =>
Taylor and Schindler are not nearly as unreliable as people claim. They've both predicted multiple stories in advance.

They're both slightly kooky, and should not be taken as gospel, but their reputation as complete nutjobs is not entirely fair.
Taylor and Schindler are not nearly as unreliable as people claim. They've both predicted multiple stories in advance.

They're both slightly kooky, and should not be taken as gospel, but their reputation as complete nutjobs is not entirely fair.

If his claim about the WaPo having a bombshell about Trump directly colluding bears fruit, perhaps I'll put more stock in his credibility.
Taylor and Schindler are not nearly as unreliable as people claim. They've both predicted multiple stories in advance.

They're both slightly kooky, and should not be taken as gospel, but their reputation as complete nutjobs is not entirely fair.

I will give Taylor credit that he clearly had the scoop on Chaffetz planning to retire, but I am wondering if he tends to sensationize his stuff with sprinkles of bullshit because nothing ever came out about the supposed Russia connections to chaffetz.

Apparently Sean Hannity didn't get that memo since he was of course defending it on his radio show earlier today.

Sean Hannity is by far the worst debater there is. Every other high profile conservative knows when to not defend something that is truly indefensible, but Sean Hannity is just so balls deep on sucking that GOP dick that he will defend literally ANYTHING regardless of whether or not it contradicts a previous statement he made attacking a democrat.


I am very pleased at Senate Dems continuing to keep up the pressure on this bill. I feel like after Ryan hit his first roadblock in uniting the House GOP conference around their bill, everyone -- activist, politician, and regular joe alike -- celebrated too early and got complacent. Granted, McConnell has only delayed the vote and hasn't given a presser declaring that Obamacare will continue to be the law of the land, but it's good to see we're being much more cautious about getting caught off guard this time around.


I am very pleased at Senate Dems continuing to keep up the pressure on this bill. I feel like after Ryan hit his first roadblock in uniting the House GOP conference around their bill, everyone -- activist, politician, and regular joe alike -- celebrated too early and got complacent. Granted, McConnell has only delayed the vote and hasn't given a presser declaring that Obamacare will continue to be the law of the land, but it's good to see we're being much more cautious about getting caught off guard this time around.
It's because McConnell has no margins on this bill and a caucus w/ numerous members who'd see their states destroyed under this, not because of anything the Dems are directly doing.
Democrats celebrating now would likely just push some on the fence votes to become Yes for no other reason than because the Democrats would be happy if they voted No.

Unfortunately for McConnell, there aren't really enough petty morons in the senate for that to actually help, but it'd get the likes of Cruz to the table

The trifecta of Collins + Heller + Paul is going to be a tough nut to crack for McConnell. It doesn't appear that he's even started on them, beyond a token "okay, here's a few dollars for drug addiction" even if that wasn't the primary concern of Heller or Collins and isn't going to change the deep Medicaid cuts or the 20 million being kicked off their insurance. At this point he's still trying to win over the light moderates and Cruz's buddies, who still aren't even going to bring him to the votes he needs.

But the Democrats shouldn't really celebrate, since it's not exactly technically over yet.
I'm sure Claude has access to some rumors and tips and I'm sure he means well, but he doesn't have the training or the capacity to properly vet and source info. He is just a megaphone for anyone who has a good sounding rumor to pitch.

This seems like a fair assessment. I'm still not sure why there's quite so much vitriol directed at Claude and friends. Personally, I enjoy reading the Twitter conspiracies and speculation, if only to "play along" and make my own guesses about what will actually end up being true. For instance, I'm glad I heard about the kompromat rumors from Rick Wilson months before CNN broke the story, even though I didn't put much stock in them back then.

In the worst case, I doubt any of the Twitter crazies are intentionally malicious actors, with the exception of maybe Louise Mensch (was it Stinkles who joked about how she could be part of a Russian disinformation operation to trick us into trusting that our institutions are doing the right thing?). Claude Taylor and John Schindler both have government connections and post using their real identities. I doubt either of them would sacrifice their reputations just to engage in some nefarious plot to trick liberals into falling for "fake news."
the fact that trump can get away with this and the democratic party can't pull a fucking W on anything is all that matters.
By the way this was based on special election results in four deeply red districts.

But yeah us dumbocrats hurfadurfa

If you have a way to push the clock forward one year, four months, and one week, please share.
We actually lose House seats, sorry everyone
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