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PoliGAF 2017 |OT4| The leaks are coming from inside the white house

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Dems should have a slogan that is about moving forward.



(Okay not a slogan. But didn't seem effective).
Hasn't that always been the case?
There is too much fondness in the word normalcy. It's like home vs. prison. I care not for Elizabethan order. Remake the world in a deluge of fire.

Not that anybody can agree on what that looks like after it's all said and done. I want a high tax market economy where winners and losers aren't chosen by special interests. And spaghnum wants a socialist takeover of half the economy with strong labor laws and compulsory Latin classes. It's like night and day.
Christie has nothing to lose. His political career is over in a few months and he's already burned his own approval ratings to the ground with the state GOP's fortunes alongside it. This is him giving the finger to his opponents and the state union on the way out. There's no actual consequence to this budget issue as it won't go into effect before Murphy takes office and changes it.

Ok, yea, cool, whatever

But next week I take a trip to Jersey and going to a beach is one of the things on my todo list, so it'd be nice if someone fixed this


There is too much fondness in the word normalcy. It's like home vs. prison. I care not for Elizabethan order. Remake the world in a deluge of fire.

Not that anybody can agree on what that looks like after it's all said and done. I want a high tax market economy where winners and losers aren't chosen by special interests. And spaghnum wants a socialist takeover of half the economy with strong labor laws and compulsory Latin classes. It's like night and day.

Fist of all, only half the economy?

Second, Latin AND Greek!


Is the GOP in enough trouble in New Jersey to kick out the GOP members of the House next year? I'd love to see MacArthur to lose his seat (and I assume he isn't the only GOP member of the House).
Is the GOP in enough trouble in New Jersey to kick out the GOP members of the House next year? I'd love to see MacArthur to lose his seat (and I assume he isn't the only GOP member of the House).
There are currently five GOP Congressmen from New Jersey, and LoBiondo (R+2), MacArthur (R+1), Lance (R+3) and Frelinghuysen (R+3) could all go down in a wave. The other one, Chris Smith is pretty insulated (R+8), but who knows.
Fwiw Sabato has MacArthur, Lance and Frelinghuysen rated as Likely R, and the other two as Safe R. LoBiondo is beatable in theory but I believe he has a lot of personal appeal allowing him to run ahead of his district.


Corporate Apologist
Is the GOP in enough trouble in New Jersey to kick out the GOP members of the House next year? I'd love to see MacArthur to lose his seat (and I assume he isn't the only GOP member of the House).

Christie is at 15% approval, which definitely won't help the rest of the party.
Christie is at 15% approval, which definitely won't help the rest of the party.
He won't be governor during the 2018 midterms, although he's certainly done plenty of damage to the GOP brand in New Jersey.

I hope Murphy wins by like 30 points and expands the Democrats' majorities in the legislature. I still wouldn't expect him to be super progressive however.
Christie seems like exactly the type to fuck over the party on his way out.

Also, Moderate Chase Smith weeps at Trump's plan to defund the low-income heating assistance program. Where Sue Collins and Lisa M. at? Their states might suffer the most under such an austere measure.
Lobiondo had 59.4% of the vote in 2016 compared to the Democrat candidate at 34.1% of the vote. I'd love to see him go since I live in the district, but I don't see it happening even with him pissing off some of his Republican constituents.
Christie is at 15% approval, which definitely won't help the rest of the party.

He has already done a lot of damage, the Democrats took a supermajority in the state assembly two years ago thanks to him.

There are currently five GOP Congressmen from New Jersey, and LoBiondo (R+2), MacArthur (R+1), Lance (R+3) and Frelinghuysen (R+3) could all go down in a wave. The other one, Chris Smith is pretty insulated (R+8), but who knows.

We finally took out Garrett despite everything else that went wrong last year, taking more seats in better conditions is certainly on the table.
There was a CNN article yesterday about how he was staying. The media just wants a narrative about the court now that they've got a hot case again.

Also I remember a while ago someone said that it wasn't unusual for justices to have delays in hiring clerks within certain periods, but I can't remember the reasoning. Or maybe this is just wishful thinking and I'm confused somewhere.


If the dems can retake the senate in 18 (and yes the map looks bad but it is what it is), then the supreme court is probably salvageable. If they can't...then it's gonna be a right-wing court for another 30 years.

That's always been the case. I don't believe for a second Kennedy will stay until 2021, our odds on keeping RBG and Breyer both 'til then seems far-fetched, etc. I could even see Thomas getting out when he can knowing he'd be replaced with an ultra conservative 45 year old.
Honestly, I have a hunch Roberts would move to the left if Kennedy got replaced by a Gorsuch type. He's not a perfect judge, by any stretch, but he has shown himself to have some historical consciousness on some issues. I don't think he'd wanna be the Chief Justice presiding over the court that regressed things.

Of course, if RBG and Breyer go, well, things are fucked, unless Trump decides to screw with everybody and nominate a centrist and/or liberal.
There's a thread in OT but in case anyone didn't see:


Donald Trump was running for the US presidency when he personally raised with senior Indonesian politicians the need to have a toll road completed in Indonesia to benefit a massive new resort development in which he later invested.

This is why I think the Russia collusion stops somewhere below Trump. I think Trump's entire plan for his campaign (and later the Presidency when he actually won) was to enrich himself and his business.

On the trail his campaign rented space exclusively from properties he owned where available, and used hotel chains he owns chunks of when they weren't. They used his private jet, the ate at his restaurants, etc. etc.

Then once he won he's running the same scheme with Mar A Lago and the Chinese trademark stuff and the Secret Service renting space at Trump Tower.

I'm not saying that there wasn't any collusion by any means I just don't think it was at the direct orders or with the direct knowledge of Donny himself.
Only death will remove RBG from the bench as long as Trump remains president. She always gives the coy "I take it year by year" bullshit, but we all know what she means. Hatred can keep someone alive more effectively than medication. Plus, she exercises like a beast, and women live longer anyway.

Breyer seems pretty fit and has had no serious health problems. He'll "only" be 82 in 2020, so I can see him lasting the duration fairly easily (knock wood).

If Clarence gets WOKE, he can stay; otherwise, he can go to some judicial Shady Pines.

Sotomayor and Kagan should have people taste their food for polonium.

Like Snowman, I also hold some hope that Roberts will moderate himself if Trump nominates more arch-conservatives. At 62 this year, he'll probably be there for at least another 15 years, for good or for ill.

EDIT: As for the "he may not have known about the collusion defense," I disagree. He has no real loyalty to anyone besides family, and sometimes not even to them. If Manafort/Flynn/Page/Sessions excluded him from the plotting, why not just blame them all? He would improve his public standing, silence the investigation, and rid us of treasonous fucks. He'd have nothing to lose and everything to gain. His defensiveness, his efforts to distract, his defending obviously guilty people - all those factors indicate his personal involvement, his desire not to have them implicate him.

And even if he had no part in the collusion, he fucked himself by obstructing an investigation - a charge for which he now finds himself under investigation.


President Trump may “drop in” and visit Britain at some point in the next fortnight, Whitehall sources have said.

Mr Trump has a gap in his diary between the G20 summit in Hamburg at the end of the week and the Bastille Day celebrations he is due to attend in France on July 14. The governments in London and Edinburgh are on alert, amid expectations that the president will use the window to visit one of his golf courses in Scotland.

Someone is afraid of protests.
Rewatched All The President's Men and wow, forgot how many times Nixon administration blamed WaPo for their unnamed sources, shoddy journalism, and bias against Nixon. Only adjective missing was fake news.


Sidhe / PikPok
There's a thread in OT but in case anyone didn't see:


This is why I think the Russia collusion stops somewhere below Trump. I think Trump's entire plan for his campaign (and later the Presidency when he actually won) was to enrich himself and his business.

On the trail his campaign rented space exclusively from properties he owned where available, and used hotel chains he owns chunks of when they weren't. They used his private jet, the ate at his restaurants, etc. etc.

Then once he won he's running the same scheme with Mar A Lago and the Chinese trademark stuff and the Secret Service renting space at Trump Tower.

I'm not saying that there wasn't any collusion by any means I just don't think it was at the direct orders or with the direct knowledge of Donny himself.

What is it about Trump wanting to profit off his candidacy and presidency that means that he is unlikely to have knowingly colluded with Russia to help him win? They don't seem mutually exclusive at all.
What is it about Trump wanting to profit off his candidacy and presidency that means that he is unlikely to have knowingly colluded with Russia to help him win? They don't seem mutually exclusive at all.

I don't think that there's much point to jeopardizing any potential income you'd gain from this setup if you also set yourself up to go to jail afterwards.

I suppose it's entirely possible he really is that stupid, though. I could just be giving him too much benefit of the doubt.

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
But Russia is the way that he has enriched himself for a long time. He has lots of ties to Russian money because they were the only people who would 'invest' in him.
But Russia is the way that he has enriched himself for a long time. He has lots of ties to Russian money because they were the only people who would 'invest' in him.

The dossier says that Trump has few properties in Russia - not for lack of trying - but quite a few shady Chinese holdings. The Chinese stuff might be part of the blackmail they have on him.

I wouldn't be surprised if he got himself in hot water during the real estate crash. American banks have been wary of him for decades, so he had to get help from somewhere. Of course, Mueller knows as much and has staffed his team with experts on financial crime. RICO charges also wouldn't be shocking.

I'll quote directly from the dossier re: the China business:

...[T]he Republican candidate and his team were relatively relaxed about [media reporting on Russian interference in the election] because it deflected media and the Democrats' attention away from TRUMP's business dealings in China and other emerging markets. Unlike in Russia, these were substantial and involved the payments of large bribes and kickbacks which, were they to become public, would be potentially very damaging to their campaign.

The above passage might be even more relevant if something comes of this Indonesia business.


As far as I'm aware there's no actual receipts for this other than "it's why he won't release his tax returns."
No. https://qz.com/982606/all-the-times...he-trump-organizations-russian-business-ties/
Trump’s sons have also been vocal about the family’s business ties to Russia. His eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., told attendees at a September 2008 real estate conference in New York that he’d been to Russia six times in the previous 18 months, with great success. He said:

In terms of high-end product influx into the US, Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets; say in Dubai, and certainly with our project in SoHo and anywhere in New York. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.

Eric Trump, the president’s middle son, told a Russian journalist (link in Russian) in an undated interview (likely between 2005 and 2010) that “most of our buyers are foreign, among which there are very many Russians,” referring to the Trump Soho condos.

The Miss Universe pageant funding mentioned by Morgan, Lewis, & Bockius came from Aras Agalarov, a Russian real estate billionaire connected with the upper echelons of the Kremlin (link in Russian), who paid $14 million for the contest to be held in Moscow in 2013. While Trump was in Moscow, Agalarov also arranged a meeting for him with Herman Gref, formerly Putin’s economy minister, who is now CEO of state-controlled Sberbank, the country’s biggest bank.
This stuff has all been out there for eons and there are a ridiculous number of connections. (I even think that at one of the Trump-hosted WMs, there was a Russian business guy there)
No. https://qz.com/982606/all-the-times...he-trump-organizations-russian-business-ties/

This stuff has all been out there for eons and there are a ridiculous number of connections. (I even think that at one of the Trump-hosted WMs, there was a Russian business guy there)

I see. I kind of misread the post I was responding to and thought it referenced direct property holdings (hotels, etc.) in Russia, not just Russian money.

So, yeah, fair enough, those are receipts.
Interesting question: we generally agree that New Jersey politicians, regardless of party, have some dirt on them. Which state has the "cleanest" politics and elected officials? I've seen the Index of Corruption used to evaluate countries but never individual US states.
Interesting question: we generally agree that New Jersey politicians, regardless of party, have some dirt on them. Which state has the "cleanest" politics and elected officials? I've seen the Index of Corruption used to evaluate countries but never individual US states.

I'd nominate my home state of South Carolina because they don't need to be corrupt since 70% of them are dumb and illiterate enough to vote for the worst candidate anyway.

I mean we had Thomas "I don't like cocaine I just like the way it smells" Ravenel but we didn't elect him twice!

Honestly I struggle between being impressed by the pure cheek of that answer and being infuriated he still makes money.


Interesting question: we generally agree that New Jersey politicians, regardless of party, have some dirt on them. Which state has the "cleanest" politics and elected officials? I've seen the Index of Corruption used to evaluate countries but never individual US states.

Vermont maybe? They're the most Scandanavian of states.


Win the Senate in 2018. Don't allow a new Justice be appointed until 2021.

Seems fair to me.

The Republicans broke all precedent in 2016, so if the Dems win in 2018, fuck it, keep the seat open. Make up some "one justice per term!" rule.


Sidhe / PikPok
I don't think that there's much point to jeopardizing any potential income you'd gain from this setup if you also set yourself up to go to jail afterwards.

I suppose it's entirely possible he really is that stupid, though. I could just be giving him too much benefit of the doubt.

He has never been held accountable for anything in his life, including where he has broken the law, so I have no problem believing he would think collusion with the Russians would never be an issue. In fact, given some of the business connections it is possible he happily colluded with Russians on shady commercial deals in the past which would provide him with even more bravado.
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