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PoliGAF 2017 |OT4| The leaks are coming from inside the white house

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The fact that President Putin and I discussed a Cyber Security unit doesn't mean I think it can happen. It can't-but a ceasefire can,& did!


Uhh.....going completely logical, that's saying the cyber security unit CAN'T happen (which as president he can assure), but he did accomplish a ceasefire.

Is he upset that all the press coverage is about the cyber security unit, and not him getting a ceasefire?


The fact that President Putin and I discussed a Cyber Security unit doesn't mean I think it can happen. It can't-but a ceasefire can,& did!




Trump probably just finished watching the Sunday shows on DVR. Saw that everyone thought his cybersecurity idea was total shit. Now he's walking it back like he wasn't proud of it 12 hours ago. But of course he's got to claim a victory and mention the ceasefire.

Vlad probably won't let him go back home and watch TV next time.


"I told Putin we would make this cyber thing, ok? So we would keep the hacking and other bad things safe, like in a box somewhere, a safe box, where it can't get out and do anything. So with that agreed on we could move on to do good things together to stop other hackers and other things, since we are on good terms now. Can't do that if we're not on good terms, just can't folks. Of course I didn't mean it, we're not going to do that, it was to get him to agree to a cease-fire you big dummies! He totally fell for it! You guys in the fake news media should say I'm a genius! Obama never got that! Win!"


Now all his cultists who were praising this before will start screaming fake news at media stations for ever reporting he planned to make the unit with Russia.


So I just realized something.

With the previous cease-fires, Obama and Putin would not hesitate to take action if they felt it was necessary for their own interest; neither side would let the other profit from the cease-fire at the other's disadvantage.

Here, Trump is celebrating this cease-fire as if it was proof of his great negotiation skills, so he has an interest to have it maintained even if Russia took actions that would violate the cease-fire, or actions that would be disadvantageous to the US interests, in order to not look like he was played by Russia/Putin.

On the other hand, Russia could see the cease-fire as a good reason to play ball so as to give Trump credit for improving relations between both countries, so that he could push for this with more popular support over time. I assume right now this is what they are favoring, but they're not dumb; Trump has given more independence to the military in the chain of command, so this could fall apart any time.

But whether Russia decided to violate the cease-fire themselves or if the US did so instead, either way they will say it was the US military's fault. Either Trump will believe his military or pretend to, and say "bad Russia" and play the thought guy or whatever, or he will believe this was done by the US military because they're not following his plan and create a wedge between him and the military brass.

Whatever the case, he can pretty much only lose unless neither Russia nor the US break the cease-fire and peace is achieved.

Again I think Russia would benefit from making this a success, since Trump could proceed along as he would get a proof that his methods work. But it's a thin rope to walk, any side-step from either side is likely to lead to a loss for Trump.


So I just realized something.

With the previous cease-fires, Obama and Putin would not hesitate to take action if they felt it was necessary for their own interest; neither side would let the other profit from the cease-fire at the other's disadvantage.

Here, Trump is celebrating this cease-fire as if it was proof of his great negotiation skills, so he has an interest to have it maintained even if Russia took actions that would violate the cease-fire, or actions that would be disadvantageous to the US interests, in order to not look like he was played by Russia/Putin.

On the other hand, Russia could see the cease-fire as a good reason to play ball so as to give Trump credit for improving relations between both countries, so that he could push for this with more popular support over time. I assume right now this is what they are favoring, but they're not dumb; Trump has given more independence to the military in the chain of command, so this could fall apart any time.

But whether Russia decided to violate the cease-fire themselves or if the US did so instead, either way they will say it was the US military's fault. Either Trump will believe his military or pretend to, and say "bad Russia" and play the thought guy or whatever, or he will believe this was done by the US military because they're not following his plan and create a wedge between him and the military brass.

Whatever the case, he can pretty much only lose unless neither Russia nor the US break the cease-fire and peace is achieved.

Again I think Russia would benefit from making this a success, since Trump could proceed along as he would get a proof that his methods work. But it's a thin rope to walk, any side-step from either side is likely to lead to a loss for Trump.

I come to a different conclusion. Russia knows Trump is negotiating with an extremely weak hand, and thus they have a lot of latitude to violate the spirit of the ceasefire and pacify him with fake news PR. They'll test him. No cookie for guessing he isn't equal to that.
Wouldn't surprise me if he tries. I don't think it'd end well for him if he does it though.
As badass as Schiff's boast was ("don't waste our time"), I kind of doubt the GOP would reappoint Mueller.

Not to say I disagree though. The Comey firing took a hit on Trump's approval rating that still hasn't really recovered. Another high-profile, clearly guilty firing would at best (for Trump) solidify that and at worst drop it even further.


What's the point of firing Mueller? He's not saying anything and likely won't for a long time, so until then he can deny and people can get sick of the story. If he fires him it will only bring a bigger spotlight on all this.

More likely that Jared would step down from the administration. Mannafort is already out, and Jr. isn't in the admin.

Random Human

They were trying to grab your prize. They work for the mercenary. The masked man.
What's the point of firing Mueller? He's not saying anything and likely won't for a long time, so until then he can deny and people can get sick of the story. If he fires him it will only bring a bigger spotlight on all this.

What was the point of firing Comey?

Trump is just dumb.
What's the point of firing Mueller? He's not saying anything and likely won't for a long time, so until then he can deny and people can get sick of the story. If he fires him it will only bring a bigger spotlight on all this.

More likely that Jared would step down from the administration. Mannafort is already out, and Jr. isn't in the admin.
Trump is an idiot who doesn't know when to stop.
Jared's not going to step down, he's doing all the work Trump doesn't want to do and is one of the only people Trump trusts.

Trump's going to let the right-wing media spin this for him so his base stays ravenous and keep needling the GOP about healthcare.
What's the point of firing Mueller?


As badass as Schiff's boast was ("don't waste our time"), I kind of doubt the GOP would reappoint Mueller.

Not to say I disagree though. The Comey firing took a hit on Trump's approval rating that still hasn't really recovered. Another high-profile, clearly guilty firing would at best (for Trump) solidify that and at worst drop it even further.

I still think that if Mueller gets fired, the IC will force the GOP's hands to reinstate him like Schiff claimed. They'll probably want to avoid reappointing Mueller, especially at first, but I can see them potentially being forced to cave.

But yeah, if Trump fires Mueller like he did Comey, it's not going to help his approval ratings at all.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
NYMag: Attack, Attack, Attack
Why does Trump double-down every time it seems like he should retreat? Because Steve Bannon is back in his boss’s good graces.
By the time he left for Saudi Arabia on May 19, Trump had awakened to the danger the Russia investigation poses to his presidency. So he brought Bannon out of the doghouse and gave him a familiar mission: to organize a defense, go after his enemies, and head off the latest threat to Trump’s political career. Bannon’s first task was to create an outside war room to “put a prophylactic around the Oval Office,” as a White House official put it, one that would shield Trump from the encroaching crisis.

That agenda took on even greater urgency when a Washington Post report on intelligence intercepts of Kislyak’s conversations revealed that Kushner had discussed setting up a secret communications channel with Moscow inside Russian diplomatic facilities. Soon after, the Post reported that Mueller was investigating Kushner’s financial dealings and scrutinizing the meetings he omitted from his security-clearance application.
(Kushner hasn’t been charged with any wrongdoing and his lawyers say he is eager to cooperate with investigators.) According to advisers inside and outside the White House, Trump grew frustrated with his son-in-law, not just over the Russia stories but over reports that members of Kushner’s family, in an effort to entice Chinese investors seeking EB-5 visas to back a New Jersey real-estate project, hinted at their Trump connection. Both issues hastened Bannon’s resurrection.

His former position largely restored, Bannon is now back in his natural element, at the center of the chaos. He modeled Trump’s war room after the one set up by Bill Clinton to handle Ken Starr’s Whitewater probe. Bannon was convinced that Trump needed his own Lanny Davis — Clinton’s pit-bull lawyer and TV surrogate — to go against Mueller, according to a source familiar with his thinking. (Bannon even called Davis to consult him.) Trump’s new rapid-response team is thus heavier on lawyers than flacks, including Trump’s personal attorney, Marc Kasowitz, with whom Bannon worked closely during the campaign to investigate the women who came forward to accuse Trump of inappropriate sexual advances. But following the Clinton model could be hard for the Trump White House because it would require less obfuscation from the podium and a halt to the unhinged attacks on the press. “Bannon is right that Trump needs a team like Clinton had,” says Davis. “But his boss might kill him if he followed my advice: The way you deal with the media is answer all their goddamn questions and get it over with. The model only works if the person who’s being shoveled all the nasty questions has something to say.”

Recruiting talent has also been a challenge. Several top Washington law firms passed, and Bannon’s first choice for the Lanny Davis role, conservative attorney and radio host Laura Ingraham, ultimately rebuffed him after several in-person meetings. “Defending against Russia is the worst duty you can pull in the Trump White House, an impossible job where you can’t make the boss happy,” says GOP strategist Liam Donovan.
Bannon became a vital figure in Trump’s orbit during the early days of his political rise. The two met late in 2010, when David Bossie, the veteran conservative activist, brought Bannon along on a trip to Trump Tower to offer advice about how Trump might prepare for a presidential run. Like Trump, Bannon was a businessman and born deal-maker. With experience on Wall Street and in Hollywood, he was nothing if not high energy, a mile-a-minute talker with a volcanic temper who rarely slept and possessed a media metabolism to rival Trump’s own. And Bannon, too, had a healthy self-regard. On his office wall hung an oil painting of Bannon dressed as Napoleon in his study at the Tuileries, done in the style of Jacques-Louis David’s famous neoclassical painting — a gift from Nigel Farage.
Although Trump didn’t dwell on policy details, Bannon pitched in there, too. When Trump came under fire because his campaign hadn’t produced a single policy paper, Bannon arranged for Nunberg and Ann Coulter, the conservative pundit, to quickly write a white paper on Trump’s immigration policies. When the campaign released it, Coulter, without disclosing her role, tweeted that it was “the greatest political document since the Magna Carta.”


Sidhe / PikPok
NYMag: Attack, Attack, Attack
Why does Trump double-down every time it seems like he should retreat? Because Steve Bannon is back in his boss’s good graces.

When Trump came under fire because his campaign hadn’t produced a single policy paper, Bannon arranged for Nunberg and Ann Coulter, the conservative pundit, to quickly write a white paper on Trump’s immigration policies. When the campaign released it, Coulter, without disclosing her role, tweeted that it was “the greatest political document since the Magna Carta.”

Ann Coulter thinks the Magna Carta is a more important political document than the US Constitution? Scandalous.


lacks enthusiasm.
It's sad that he said all that garbage about Hillary Clinton handling information and embarrassed himself here in spectacular fashion. Moreover, it would be a true shame if it turns out he's simply in violation of standards and won't face criminal charges.
Or, ya know, maybe he didn't actually do anything wrong? The Hill article is speculating. We know that Comey's testimony revealing the memos was run by Mueller before it happened. You think Mueller was gonna let Comey go out there and jeopardize some of the most crucial evidence (and a star witness in Comey) to the investigation? Sure, Jan.


Or, ya know, maybe he didn't actually do anything wrong? The Hill article is speculating. We know that Comey's testimony revealing the memos was run by Mueller before it happened. You think Mueller was gonna let Comey go out there and jeopardize some of the most crucial evidence (and a star witness in Comey) to the investigation? Sure, Jan.

The crucial insight that people seem to be missing.

Testimony and reveal were greenlit by Mueller. Comey's fine.


The fact that President Putin and I discussed a Cyber Security unit doesn't mean I think it can happen. It can't-but a ceasefire can,& did!


Fuck it. I was trying to figure out what he was saying but then I had a stroke.


Corporate Apologist
Some late night thoughts.

How much is the US constitution in need of repair? This summary of a study (https://journalistsresource.org/stu.../decline-influence-united-states-constitution) says that these days most countries prefer to model their constitutions on Canada's instead.

Do you think if this whole Trump matter blows up that there will be real changes to the constitution? Or do you think the country's already too polarized for that?

I think the President's ability to Pardon is too general, and should be restricted. The first change I would make is the inability to pardon any Executive of the Federal Government.

I think the Executive Branch needs to be strong, but too much power lies in the President himself.

I think the process of proposing amendments needs to occur automatically every year. Have representatives of all 50 states gather with the explicit goal of discussing ideas for amendments. There is no open discussion on how to improve our constitution right now.


Junior Member
Hi PoliGAF, what do we think the status of Obamacare repeal is?

I think that they are hopelessly divided and will never agree on anything.

Still, though I am calling my Senators all the time. Well Jeff Flake mostly. McCain just got reelected and might retire after his term is done. So he will probably vote for whatever if a vote happens. There is some slight possibility that Jeff Flake can be persuaded. Arizona is a Medicaid expansion state and Flake is up for reelection next year.


Corporate Apologist
I think the Obamacare repeal is effectively dead at this point.

What I think they will likely start doing is replacing and updating single pieces, and play many of them up as monumental achievements. I expect that change to Medicaid to have a Block Grant option will actually get through. I expect them to make a solid effort to try to remove the individual/employer mandate, but be unsuccessful. They will also make solid efforts to remove the 3.8% Capital gains tax, which I think they will manage to weasel though by tacking it to another bill (Like the Federal Budget)


I have a feeling that Trump is going to fire Rosenstein/Mueller very soon, like this week.


"B-b-but he can't" crowd is going to have another wake up call. He can and he will go full Nixon and beyond that before this is all over.

It's sad that he said all that garbage about Hillary Clinton handling information and embarrassed himself here in spectacular fashion. Moreover, it would be a true shame if it turns out he's simply in violation of standards and won't face criminal charges.

Living up to your username and avatar as always. Must be tiring being wrong all the time about everything you post.


Corporate Apologist
He in theory can't directly fire Mueller. I give it a 50/50 chance that he does just flat out fire Mueller, even if he doesn't have the authority.

The other 50% chance is he just goes the Nixon Route, replaces Rosenstein, and has Rosenstein's replacement fire Mueller.


I'd like to think most people are aware Trump's going to fire Mueller at some point. It's just a matter of him (aka his admin) trying to figure out the right time and way to do it.
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