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PoliGAF 2017 |OT4| The leaks are coming from inside the white house

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I actually pity all the Trumps. All of them seem miserable except maaaybe Ivanka. Donald is a billionaire president married to a model, and I wouldn't want to switch places with that poor bastard. He is a pitiful monster, like Grendel, except I think Grendel's mother loved him.

There is one thing in the emails that bugs me a lot. At one part, it says "I can send to your father [Trump Sr] via Rhona, but it is ultra sensitive so wanted to to send it to you [Trump Jr] first"

Why is Trump Jr considered a better way to route ultra sensitive information though, instead of giving it directly to Trump Sr? This just doesn't sit right, it feels like there is something else here.

Stupid Watergate considers emailing Jr. instead good OpSec.
There is one thing in the emails that bugs me a lot. At one part, it says "I can send to your father [Trump Sr] via Rhona, but it is ultra sensitive so wanted to to send it to you [Trump Jr] first"

Why is Trump Jr considered a better way to route ultra sensitive information though, instead of giving it directly to Trump Sr? This just doesn't sit right, it feels like there is something else here.

Not to let Trump off the hook but my first thought is that he is an old man who hates reading, so they know he can't stay on top of his emails to sort out the important ones from the right wing spam for gold and brain enhancement pills.
One year ago I thought the Russian government was illegally laundering money to Donald Trump through property sales and offered DNC emails in exchange for a pro-Russian RNC platform. It's clear now the price of changing the platform was... just the emails. I'm a little surprised that's all it took. :p

In all honesty the collusion story just doesn't matter to me anymore. It does matter because I would like our government to have specific geopolitical alliances. Also it matters because I think our president is incompetent.

But collusion is not impeachable and lying is a dumb reason to impeach someone. The emoluments clause stuff that we already know about is far more damning with this and no one seems to care except pigeon. :(

On the bright side, everyone who was saying "nah, no collusion" has to own up to the fact that there was collusion and prior knowledge. ...But now they've just shifted the story to "so what? Hillary got info on Manafort from Ukraine!" Which is obnoxious and clearly not the same. ...but it is a little bit the same. We're all just playing team sports. The truth is out there now and it's up to the Republicans to decide if they want to impeach Donald Trump over this under the high crimes part of the Constitution. My guess is - probably not.

I personally like that this is a major blemish on Donald Trump and also convinces the Congress to keep him from completely dismantling 120 years of American empire. Beyond that, I doubt it matters.


Quoting this, not addressing it specifically, but this general train of though, just so we can temper things down and keep a level head about it.
This crime family knowingly colluded with a foreign country. Lock them up! It should be that simple in a just world where the rich could be held accountable.
This is just completely unrealistic with GOP in power.

It's not even about GOP support for Trump. Both the GOP clergy and laity hate the guy. They know he's a walking shitstain. But he's THEIR walking shitstain, and as far as the cons are concerned it's Party Uber Alles.

Bottom line: The average American doesn't understand and doesn't care about this stuff. The Trump administration has implemented a lot of conservative policies, and the 1% are happy. An impeachment scandal will really hurt the Republicans and jeopardize the mid-term and 2020 elections. And any Repub up for re-election is gonna get washed out the in primaries if they act against the Orange Menace. There just isn't the political will to move on this stuff - there's nothing in it for the GOP.

People have been shouting, "Watergate Watergate Watergate!" as if the GOP hasn't learned from that scandal. Y'all should be looking to Iran-Contra instead, where a designated scapegoat took the fall for everyone in exchange for a slap on the wrist and a lucrative media career. DTJ is the new Ollie North.

The only similarity with Watergate is that after Trump is out of office, the GOP will denounce him as a RINO. The Party cannot fail, only be failed.
But collusion is not impeachable and lying is a dumb reason to impeach someone. The emoluments clause stuff that we already know about is far more damning with this and no one seems to care except pigeon. :(


Literally anything. There is no standard short of what the House deems an impeachable offense and gets a conviction in the Senate.

People bring up 'high crimes and misdemeanors' but it doesn't mean what they think it means. It actually is the phrase that means 'whatever you want fam'




One year ago I thought the Russian government was illegally laundering money to Donald Trump through property sales and offered DNC emails in exchange for a pro-Russian RNC platform. It's clear now the price of changing the platform was... just the emails. I'm a little surprised that's all it took. :p

In all honesty the collusion story just doesn't matter to me anymore. It does matter because I would like our government to have specific geopolitical alliances. Also it matters because I think our president is incompetent.

But collusion is not impeachable and lying is a dumb reason to impeach someone. The emoluments clause stuff that we already know about is far more damning with this and no one seems to care except pigeon. :(

On the bright side, everyone who was saying "nah, no collusion" has to own up to the fact that there was collusion and prior knowledge. ...But now they've just shifted the story to "so what? Hillary got info on Manafort from Ukraine!" Which is obnoxious and clearly not the same. ...but it is a little bit the same. We're all just playing team sports. The truth is out there now and it's up to the Republicans to decide if they want to impeach Donald Trump over this under the high crimes part of the Constitution. My guess is - probably not.

I personally like that this is a major blemish on Donald Trump and also convinces the Congress to keep him from completely dismantling 120 years of American empire. Beyond that, I doubt it matters.

Um, sorry bud but this story breaking doesnt suddenly mean all the other shit isnt also true. I mean, there is nothing in these emails that act like this is some new revolutionary relationship with Russia. The fact its happening in the first place should be a red flag.


Manchin has been playing 2018 very smart. He won't switch parties, and he's been doing an all-out liberal media push to kill a primary challenge before it gains any momentum. He was impressive on PSA (admittedly, they threw him one non-softball Q and they obviously are going to prop up his re-election) and said all the right things for a D in Trump territory.

Also Cenk is a horrible interviewer. I get that it's a webcam interview, but how about asking a fucking follow-up Q instead of a smug "uh huh okay"

I thought Manchin came off really well on PSA too, but I was annoyed at his dodge on the Sessions question.


I actually pity all the Trumps. All of them seem miserable except maaaybe Ivanka. Donald is a billionaire president married to a model, and I wouldn't want to switch places with that poor bastard. He is a pitiful monster, like Grendel, except I think Grendel's mother loved him.
The only smart one here is Tiffany. She's not going down with this ship. Ivanka is tied to the front of the boat.


The Associated Press @AP

BREAKING: A Russian who met Donald Trump Jr. during the U.S. campaign says she "couldn't have had" information on Hillary Clinton.
3:50 PM · Jul 11, 2017


Russia is also getting testy.


(Reuters) - Russia will retaliate in a reciprocal manner if the United States does not heed its demands for a return of diplomatic assets, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Tuesday.

"We hope that the United States, as a country which promotes the rule of law, will respect its international obligations," Lavrov told reporters after a meeting in Brussels with EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini.

"If this does not happen, if we see that this step is not seen as essential in Washington, then of course we will take retaliatory measures. This is the law of diplomacy, the law of international affairs, that reciprocity is the basis of all relations."

He declined to answer when asked if that meant that Russia would expel U.S. diplomats and seize diplomatic property.

Trumpy making Sweet Daddy P angry.

Literally anything. There is no standard short of what the House deems an impeachable offense and gets a conviction in the Senate.

People bring up 'high crimes and misdemeanors' but it doesn't mean what they think it means. It actually is the phrase that means 'whatever you want fam'
I already said it's up to the republicans now if they think this is worth a conviction over. It probably isn't. Remember that Watergate was organized by Richard Nixon. This crime had already happened by the time Donald Trump had gotten any wind of it.

Um, sorry bud but this story breaking doesnt suddenly mean all the other shit isnt also true. I mean, there is nothing in these emails that act like this is some new revolutionary relationship with Russia. The fact its happening in the first place should be a red flag.
No, the red flag was when the RNC surreptitiously changed its most anti-Russian stances overnight in hotel rooms after Russian political saboteur Paul Manafort began managing Trump's campaign. And then when he said that he hoped Russia had the emails and that he was willing to work with the guy. And then when he said he might lift sanctions. These paint a picture of one specific transaction and an evolving diplomatic relationship, not a seedy crime ring with illegal money dealings and hookers.

...oh shit, I forgot about the piss tape.
Craig Harrington‏
CNN's @evanperez reports (11:25am) that the FBI did not have prior knowledge of this Trump Jr. meeting until recent scoops 6/

Craig Harrington‏ @Craigipedia 4h4 hours ago

The meeting itself could have been criminal (WaPo) and the fact that FBI didn't know (CNN) could also be obstruction... and it's Tuesday 7/7

Mueller is still going to be investigating when we vote in 2020.



Goldstone placed Donald Trump Jr. at the center of the Trump Tower deal, saying that his father assigned his eldest son the job of moving the project to fruition after the signing of a 'letter of intent' between the Trump Organization and Agalarov’s company, the Crocus Group. It is not clear if the future president personally signed the 'letter of intent,' but Michael Cohen, a longtime lawyer for Trump, told Yahoo News Tuesday that it would have been standard practice for Trump, as president of the Trump Organization, to do so.

Goldstone also said that Ivanka Trump flew to Moscow in 2014 and met with Emin Agalarov, the oligarch’s son, a pop singer and a vice president of the Crocus Group, to identify sites for the project.

Trump 'put Donald Jr. in charge and then Ivanka went to Moscow to look around for what the location would be,' Goldstone said. But the plans for a Trump Tower fell apart because 'the economy tanked in Russia' after the imposition of Western sanctions, he said.
Goldstone’s version of events implies a possible explanation for Trump’s interest in lifting sanctions on Russia — a policy move his administration quietly pursued in its first few weeks until it ran into strong opposition from members of Congress and officials within the State Department.


Honestly, if you're the NYTimes, maybe its better to not warn the Trump administration that you're about to release damaging news articles. I think it worked out this time, but if Trump Jr was a bit faster with his twitter fingers, he could have completely controlled the narrative - like he willingly gave the information up and the Times were just following his lead.
Honestly, if you're the NYTimes, maybe its better to not warn the Trump administration that you're about to release damaging news articles. I think it worked out this time, but if Trump Jr was a bit faster with his twitter fingers, he could have completely controlled the narrative - like he willingly gave the information up and the Times were just following his lead.

Why would that matter? Everyone is focusing on the content .


Professional Schmuck
How the hell the FBI didn't know? Bobby Three Sticks slacking.

This is both the most worrying and most promising thing. Worrying because holy shit how far behind are they? NYT was working this story for a year and the FBI didn't now about it at all? Yeah I don't believe you and promising because this is where obstruction and perjury will take down the entire club.
I'm worried that if Jr is able to control the narrative, we get things like these hot takes:

Anyways it looks like I was in fact wrong about the timing, but that was my worry.

But we already got those hot tacks.

Anybody peeked into r/T_D to see how they are handling things?

Remember when innocent Hillary dumped her entire trove of 33,000 emails because she had nothing to hide? Me neither.
Trump Jr is peaking right now and BASED as fuck.

Let's not forget Miss. Venezuela Alicia Machado was magically granted US Citizenship in May of 2016. She officially joined Hillary Clinton's campaign in June 2016. Hillary then released to the public the Donald Trump "dirt" that Alicia Machado provided to the campaign.

Lawyer here. That is a bold as FUCK move. I love it. Couldn't be any better. Much respect.

I don't see a legal problem here and think it's good Jr released them. In reading the language that Goldstone is using, "Russian Gov't lawyer" and "Russian Gov't desire to help Mr Trump " and "I could send this to your Father but.." etc., it's obvious to me that he is trying to compromise Jr and leave a trail behind in the process. It's also obvious that Goldstone is no true friend of Jr as Jr may have believed at the time.
So imho as one of the biggest Trump (Sr and Jr) supporters on planet Earth (check my post history), either Jr is the dumbest SOB alive to engage in a conversation like this via email OR he is making a major 32D chess move. Unfortunately I'm not sure which right now.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
How...how does Donald Junior release a statement saying "I didn't know she was government" right alongside emails saying "Russian government lawyer"?
This is where I get confused. Is Mueller running the FBI investigation or are they separate things?

There is no FBI investigation now. Mueller is running it as an extension of the FBI.

When CNN says FBI didn't have them I am not sure whether they mean the investigation before Mueller came on board or after Mueller.


I was worried that if Jr is able to control the narrative, we get things like these hot takes:

Anyways it looks like I was in fact wrong about the timing, but that was my worry.

They would defend Trump taking a shit on the constitution if they heard that Hillary held in a fart while around the document out of fear of being exposed for being gassy.

"At least Trump revealed to the world his bowel distress as opposed to trying to hide it!"


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
John Harwood‏Verified account @JohnJHarwood

GOP strategist Liam Donovan on reaction to DJT Jr emails: "don't hold your breath for strong statements. furrowed brows, confidence in FBI"


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
So Fox News covered the story and even showed the text of the emails on screen, yet deleted the part about Russia and giving it to Trump, and replaced that part with an ellipsis? Unreal.


Julian Assange @JulianAssange

Contacted Trump Jr this morning on why he should publish his emails (i.e with us). Two hours later, does it himself:
WikiLeaks @wikileaks
Full doc: Trump Jr email chain about meeting Russian lawyer promising info on Clinton-Russian dealings


I really need an explanation of what the fuck Assange
wanted cause he isn't as stupid as a Trump, he knows publishing thhat is basically affirming he committed a crime!! Or did he want to doctor the emails to make them look not so bad and Trump Jr was too stupid and just did it himself? I just cant


So Fox News covered the story and even showed the text of the emails on screen, yet deleted the part about Russia and giving it to Trump, and replaced that part with an ellipsis? Unreal.

It's absolutely disgusting, but at least the Fox News website is more honest with its reporting (at least so far).


Indivisible Guide‏Verified account

Despite August news a few hours ago, we are getting word McConnell is close to a deal. Vote on motion to proceed Tues/final vote soon after.
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