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PoliGAF 2017 |OT4| The leaks are coming from inside the white house

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I have no patience for people who use constantly shifting standards of 'respectability' and 'dignifying the office/government/whatever' etc. as a shield for actually discussing what they believe in.

Either talk about your politics or don't.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
One party is pro-white supremacy, suppressing democracy and collaboration with foreign powers. The other party isn't. So it's always fun to see people say "well both parties have problems and good points and I vote on key issues." Good to know what things you don't consider key issues!

Who did they vote for in 2016?

What are you talking about? Also, I don't ask people how they vote.

As far as I can tell, the entire purpose of you claiming you're a moderate is so that you can attempt this "your mean behavior is going to make moderates like me vote for the Nazis instead" schtick.

Unfortunately for you, part of the point of being a neoliberal shill is being able to pay people to be kindergarten teachers rather than having to act like one myself, so I'm unsympathetic to your game here.

I have not and would not vote for a Nazi.

I'm trying to point out that your messaging on the phrase moderate darling is poor. That's it.

Edit: Also, telling me I am pro Nazi because I voted for a Republican mayor of a town <50k people is a poor way to convey your message.
Double-edit: Pro-white supremacy, not Nazi.
Triple-edit: You did say Nazi, I am not crazy.


Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

My son, Donald, will be interviewed by @seanhannity tonight at 10:00 P.M. He is a great person who loves our country!
8:24 PM · Jul 11, 2017

oh boy.

Hannity's writers earning their pay today.
in uh slightly more positive news, Oregon passed the Cover All Kids Act in both the House and Senate and Brown will sign it. It's a pretty big expansion that will put all kids (including undocumented immigrants) on OHP, the Oregon Medicaid system. The one caveat is that a couple of Republican state representatives are planning on running a referendum to repeal the tax increases used to pay for this (and other things), though it's worth pointing out that this bill had some Republican support in the legislature (as did the tax increases)

stop making me want to live in oregon god damn it


in uh slightly more positive news, Oregon passed the Cover All Kids Act in both the House and Senate and Brown will sign it. It's a pretty big expansion that will put all kids (including undocumented immigrants) on OHP, the Oregon Medicaid system. The one caveat is that a couple of Republican state representatives are planning on running a referendum to repeal the tax increases used to pay for this (and other things), though it's worth pointing out that this bill had some Republican support in the legislature (as did the tax increases)

Sounds awesome at the very least.


I have no patience for people who use constantly shifting standards of 'respectability' and 'dignifying the office/government/whatever' etc. as a shield for actually discussing what they believe in.

Either talk about your politics or don't.

I'm going to use these exact words with some people I know personally in the near future. Thanks.
I'm trying to point out that your messaging on the phrase moderate darling is poor. That's it.

I didn't realize our messaging had to be on-point and totally comprehensible to outsiders even though we're a smallish forum community just sharing a few in-jokes. If we have that much power, Nancy and Chuck should give us a call.

Who knows when some of those poor little moderate babes might wander into this thread, desperately in search of companionship and guidance, only to be repelled by those big mean liberals?

If someone's capricious enough to have their political views - you know, the ideas that should be their convictions and reflect their worldview - swayed by some ribbing on a forum, we probably couldn't have made progress with them, anyway.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
I didn't realize our messaging had to be on-point and totally comprehensible to outsiders even though we're a smallish forum community just sharing a few in-jokes. If we have that much power, Nancy and Chuck should give us a call.

Who knows when some of those poor little moderate babes might wander into this thread, desperately in search of companionship and guidance, only to be repelled by those big mean liberals?

If someone's capricious enough to have their political views - you know, the ideas that should be their convictions and reflect their worldview - swayed by some ribbing on a forum, we probably couldn't have made progress with them, anyway.

You have enough power to make me glad I am no longer a Democrat.

FWIW - Democrats, not just on GAF, are terrible at messaging. Obama was an exception.


You're right but people do associate your behavior with that of other dems.

If I'm an actual moderate and I get so angry at Autodidact's post that (ignoring the context behind it) I assume that all Democrats hate moderates, there would be literally no reason for the Democratic Party to pursue me as a possible voter. It would be worse than walking on eggshells. The sheer amount of energy that would be wasted trying to convince me to vote Democratic would be incredible. If one Democrat on an internet forum is enough to make a guy vote Republican - you know, the party that wants to gut healthcare and social security, pollute our water, slash Meals on Wheels, ban an entire group of people from entering the country, build a useless border wall and isolate us internationally - then that person is not worth appealing to.

Like, if Tom Perez and Keith Ellison say it? Fine, get mad at the Democratic Party. They're actually involved in messaging. A random person on an internet message board isn't.

You guys have pet names for Republicans. That's weird too!

There's a reason Bryan Singer made national news a while back while Autodidact's post will be ignored. Those are two completely different things.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
If I'm an actual moderate and I get so angry at Autodidact's post that (ignoring the context behind it) I assume that all Democrats hate moderates, there would be literally no reason for the Democratic Party to pursue me as a possible voter. It would be worse than walking on eggshells. The sheer amount of energy that would be wasted trying to convince me to vote Democratic would be incredible. If one Democrat on an internet forum is enough to make a guy vote Republican - you know, the party that wants to gut healthcare and social security, pollute our water, slash Meals on Wheels, ban an entire group of people from entering the country, build a useless border wall and isolate us internationally - then that person is not worth appealing to.

Like, if Tom Perez and Keith Ellison say it? Fine, get mad. They're actually involved in messaging. A random person on an internet message board isn't.

There's a reason Bryan Singer made national news a while back while Autodidact's post will be ignored. Those are two completely different things.

The poor messaging doesn't end and begin on GAF.
This is the weirdest thread of discussion I've ever walked into on PoliGAF.

Moderates are dumb


The White House has been thrust into chaos after days of ever-worsening revelations about a meeting between Donald Trump Jr. and a lawyer characterized as representing the Russian government, as the president fumes against his enemies and senior aides circle each other with suspicion, according to top White House officials and outside advisers.

President Trump — who has been hidden from public view since returning last weekend from a divisive international summit — is enraged that the Russia cloud still hangs over his presidency and is exasperated that his oldest son and namesake has become engulfed by it, said people who have spoken with him this week.

The disclosure that Trump Jr. met with a Russian attorney believing he would receive incriminating information about Hillary Clinton as part of the Kremlin’s effort to boost his father’s candidacy has set back the administration’s faltering agenda and rattled the senior leadership team.

Even supporters of Trump Jr. who believe he faces no legal repercussions privately acknowledged Tuesday that the story is a public relations disaster — for him as well as for the White House. One outside ally called it a “Category 5 hurricane,” while an outside adviser said a CNN graphic charting connections between the Trump team and Russians resembled the plot of the fictional Netflix series “House of Cards.”

Inside a White House in which infighting often seems like a core cultural value, three straight days of revelations in The New York Times about Trump Jr. have inspired a new round of accusations and recriminations, with advisers privately speculating about who inside the Trump orbit may be leaking damaging information about the president’s son.

This portrait of the Trump White House under siege is based on interviews Tuesday with more than a dozen West Wing officials, outside advisers and friends and associates of the president and his family, many of whom spoke on the condition of anonymity to be candid.

The makeup of Trump’s inner circle is the subject of internal debate, as ever. Ivanka Trump, the president’s daughter and senior adviser; Jared Kushner, her husband and another senior adviser; and first lady Melania Trump have been privately pressing the president to shake up his team — most specifically by replacing Reince Priebus as the White House chief of staff, according to two senior White House officials and one ally close to the White House.

The three family members are especially concerned about the steady stream of unauthorized leaks to journalists that have plagued the administration over the nearly six months that President Trump has been in office, from sensitive national security information to embarrassing details about the inner-workings of the White House, the officials said.

Trump Jr.’s mindset over the past few days has evolved from distress to anger to defiance, according to people close to him. He hired a criminal defense attorney, but maintains that he is innocent of any wrongdoing. After his tweets commenting on the matter drew scrutiny, he agreed to his first media interview — with his friend, Fox News Channel host Sean Hannity, on his Tuesday night show.

One friend of Trump Jr.’s said the presidential son saw the Hannity appearance as an opportunity to give his version of Richard Nixon’s “Checkers” speech, a 1952 address in which the then-vice presidential candidate defended himself against accusations of financial improprieties.

Trump continues to view the Russia controversy as an excuse used by Democrats for losing an election they thought they would win — and an attempt to undermine the legitimacy of his victory, aides said. They said the president’s frustration is based on the media coverage of his son’s actions, as opposed to the actions themselves.

“He just looks at this as the continuum of taking a group of unrelated facts and putting them together in concentric circles and saying, ‘A ha — look what happened!’” said Thomas J. Barrack Jr., a longtime friend of the president’s and chairman of his inauguration. “With Don Jr., whatever set of facts there are may not lead to the conclusion that the establishment media is making.”

Trump and his advisers are deeply frustrated that the Trump Jr. disclosure has overshadowed the positive coverage they expected to receive from the president’s trip abroad, as well as other issues they hoped to spotlight this week, such as the Senate health care bill and trade.

A handful of Republican operatives close to the White House are scrambling to Trump Jr.’s defense and have begun what could be an extensive campaign to try to discredit some of the journalists who have been reporting on the matter.

Their plan, as one member of the team described it, is to research the reporters’ previous work, in some cases going back years, and to exploit any mistakes or perceived biases. They intend to demand corrections, trumpet errors on social media and feed them to conservative outlets, such as Fox News.

But one outside adviser said a campaign against the press when it comes to Trump Jr.’s meeting could be futile: “The meeting happened. It’s tough to go to war with the facts.”

In the West Wing, meanwhile, fear of the Mueller probe effectively paralyzed senior staff as they struggled to respond.

On Capitol Hill — where Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) announced Tuesday that he is delaying his chamber’s August recess by two weeks — Republican senators were becoming increasingly frustrated with the White House, which they blame for Congress’s inability to pass any major legislation.

A growing number of senators believe that the widening Russia probe, as well as the Trump-fueled tumult that seems to dominate nearly every news cycle, have stalled their legislative agenda, leaving them nothing to offer their constituents by way of achievements when they head home over the break.


I never fail to laugh when I see people say random members of an Internet forum with zero power or relevance are turning them against a political party.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member

Yes, I'm so fragile by standing up for my opinions. How delicate of me.

Please, give us some examples where you think the messaging is poor and where Dems actively put you off?

Clinton botched the 2016 election. I didn't like her but I still voted for her.

This is the weirdest thread of discussion I've ever walked into on PoliGAF.

Moderates are dumb


Good point. I'll rereg as a Dem tomorrow. You've changed my heart.

Someone named Maiden Voyage really ought to understand this intuitively.

That does not look like someone who is underage to me. If you have proof then provide it.


A Republican Mayor with an R next to their name still represents the Republican party, and is presumably voting for Republicans at the Federal level. The ability to forgive this under the guise of being "moderate" in a political climate where it's impossible to be truly moderate is mind-blowing.


A growing number of senators believe that the widening Russia probe, as well as the Trump-fueled tumult that seems to dominate nearly every news cycle, have stalled their legislative agenda, leaving them nothing to offer their constituents by way of achievements when they head home over the break.

And this is why this news isn't "nothing" even if it doesn't lead to impeachment.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
You're not going to be missed, buddy.

When my ban is over I will come back as a Bernie hating Dem.

You're not standing up for your opinions. In fact, you're refusing to declare any of your actual policy positions, instead retreating to a cloud of "Moderate", which means nothing.

I'm pro gay marriage, pro gun, pro abortion. Does that help?

Just like Jesus after the three days.

I've been called a lot of things before, but being compared to Jesus is a first.
And this is why this news isn't "nothing" even if it doesn't lead to impeachment.
No, that's a crock of shit. News doesn't prevent the senators from doing their job at all. Even when there's no news in the headlines all Trump does is sit in his white house and bark vagueries and gloat about his mythical greatness. The Russia stuff has zero to do with the fact that Republican senators have completely blown their Obamacare repeal 100% because they suck at their fucking jobs, period.

That and their stated goals for healthcare reform are literally impossible. So that sentence makes me angry because it is such a weak ass excuse.

I have a dad with diabetes so I am sitting here in fucking limbo while these cocksuckers consider whether or not they're going to fuck him over royally.


I'm pro gay marriage, pro gun, pro abortion. Does that help?
Not really, as pro-gun Dem isn't weird?

Moderates generally aren't actually moderate if they're outside the party structures. It usually means they have a conflicting set of extreme views spread between the two parties.



(CNN) Donald Trump Jr. said on Tuesday evening that looking back, he probably would have done things differently when presented with the prospect of getting information from Russia.

Trump Jr. made his first televised comments since publishing emails from last year about setting up a meeting with a Russian lawyer in an interview with Fox News' Sean Hannity, an ardent supporter of President Donald Trump.

"In retrospect, I probably would have done things a little differently," Trump Jr. said.

In the interview, he defended his actions by saying he wanted to hear what they had to say.

"Maybe this is something," Trump Jr. said of his thinking leading up to the meeting. "I should hear them out. ... This was again just basic information that was going to be possibly there. ... I wanted to hear them out and play it out."

He argued that the exchange happened prior to Russian involvement becoming a major story during the campaign season so his alarm "sirens" didn't sound when he was told of a Russian effort to help his father's candidacy.

"My takeaway when all of this was going on is that someone has information on our opponent," Trump Jr. said. "This was 13 months ago, before I think the rest of the world was talking about that, trying to build up that narrative on Russia, so I don't even think my sirens went up, or the antennas went up, at this time because it wasn't, because it wasn't the issue that it's been made up to be over the last nine months, 10 months. "
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